Gained 2 pounds this month

How the fuck am I supposed to lose weight? There's no fucking point anymore

eat less



do what i did and fast for a month, after that eat only potatoes for two week, the potatoes cannot have any toppings/anything other than potato, can be prepared any way you want, this is important since you will disassociate food from happiness, and instead with being bland, thus making you want to eat less, don't be a pussy, no snacks and no cheat days, this is important as well.

That's just fucking stupid. Lose weight the right way. Lift and cut 500-1000 calories per day per week. I cut even more and was able to lose 3 pounds per week. Starving yourself isn't the way to safely lose weight.

lifting is retarded if youre just trying to lose weight
just do cardio
lifting will just convert into muscle

deep-fried it is

t. fatty

temporary diets are pointless

find the optimal means of nutrition and eat nothing else (cheap + adequate nutritional contents + easy to make)

guaranteed it will be both cheaper and healthier than ramen

that means rice beans lentils potatoes eggs and ocassional kale you fucking fatty


wrong. it doesn't matter what you eat as long as you take in less energy than you spend.

This is not a sentence. As such, using a period was incorrect. -10

This should be capitalized. -10

Contractions should be avoided in formal writing. -10

This is factually inaccurate, and furthermore, it reveals that you lack an understanding of basic physics. This incomplete mental model of the world is characteristic of the mentally retarded. [1] -20

Overall: 50/100 (F—) Please report to your local eugenics and genetic counselling centre for mandatory sterilization.

You could lose that in 3 hours by spitting. Pussy





Excersize friend. Do cardio and push ups n shiet then you will gain good weight ( muscles weigh more then fat.)

I used to be 340lbs back in 2014, but after two years of going running at 2:00am every night, and a dieting plan that could best be described as 'controlled starvation' – I've manage to bering myself down to 185lbs. If I were a normalfag, I would say that I'm telling you this as an offer of inspiration, but really, I just want to brag and make you feel even shittier about yourself, bringing you ever closer to killing yourself.

get some apples

if you feel hungry, but aren't hungry enough to eat an apple, you aren't really hungry

this is more normie of a remark than the former

Christ, it's gonna' be a long summer.


halfchan needs to leave


fruits are loaded with sugar, i.e. not good for weight loss

there are good sugars and fats that are essential to being healthy
transfats and high fructose cornniggersyrup are not the only thingis that exist you amerilard

not in terms of energy content, which is the only thing that matters for weight loss/gain

Two things:
The daily calorie intake should not exceed the threshold of 2500 kcal.
A daily exercise routine, however small it is.

Eat less, exercise more. That's it.

even that is pretty high for a sedentary person like the average chan user. I recommend trying to stay at 1000 kcal.

Cool. It's just an easy calculation from my end.


lifting is easier than cardio though



Passive bitching aside: just having muscles = more fat burning.


Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. And stop drinking soda you lardass.

you have to burn my calories than you consume. You can still eat lots of food, but i suggest looking at the calories first then going for a jug. At Least thats what my (American) Football coaches said, and he lost 90 pounds