Why do you hate Reddit, Holla Forums?

Why do you hate Reddit, Holla Forums?

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I was gonna post a reply in favor of Reddit, should I?

I don't. I go there all the time my favorite subreddit is r/atheism

The community actually strives for good content. I see myself actively trying to improve myself everytime those smart folks downvote my comments(which is a lot, they don't really like negative/sarcastic things even though I'm not that negative/sarcastic) anyway, AMA. I might give you guys my Reddit Account :D reddit.com/user/spez

Why is this question important to you?
Why does the opinion of others matter so much to you that you feel the need to question it?
The answer is that people hate reddshit so much because it is full of people who can not function normally unless everyone they come into contact with agrees with them on everything. That makes for a pretty arrogant and elitist site culture, not to mention reinforces some very dubious psycho-social mindsets. Especially when most of the people who frequent reddshit are teenagers spouting off shit they glean from other websites and who don't actually know jack shit about what they are talking about.
So in case you missed it, OP, the reason we hate reddshit is the very reason which drove you to post your question here. In short, YOU are the reason we hate reddshit.

because they started out as a place for free speech and morphed into a propaganda zone and echo chamber

calm down user, just tell the redshitter to go back to his nigger zone before he realizes that there are no upboats here.

Subforums of any little prominence are canvased with advertising bots and paid shills.

THIS. And the mods encourage this hugbox by banning all "unpopular opinions". Not to mention the site itself automatically hides posts that receive too many downvotes.

Reddit is like sitting down in the shower with a group of friends, taking a shit, and proclaiming you all smell wonderful, while you all shake hands and agree how wonderful you smell.

every critisism made of reddit itt applies to 8ch/b ten fold.
the heavyhanded moderation, the hugbox mentality, the lack of free speech: all far worse here.
what i dislike on reddit is the account, the votes and the uid.
everything else is vastly superior to this site.
more, better, fresher content.
large and well informed userbase
no jim, no Holla Forums
ahhh. all it needs is anonymity

What part of that did you not understand?

Of course, the cat's out the bag now.

Why can't both Reddit AND Holla Forums exist together in harmony, as an Image Board Community?

I'm not one of the posters that has some gay rivalry with reddit, but I've always liked the layout and culture of image boards more and the first time I started using reddit I got shadowbanned for having the wrong political opinions

RIP Factual Falcon

Holla Forums is superfluous
everything you can say here you can say on reddit. you just need to choose your board, or sub as they are known on reddit

you weren't replying to me, maggot
i did, however, understand that your post was written by a mind so narrow and dull that it is best ignored. this place is perfect for you: no users, no debate and no fun. no brain, no tits and a heap of cocks with you on top. enjoy.


They banned a few hundred Holla Forumsiticians for "raiding" because they didn't like their political opinions, even though they were keeping themselves contained to their own subreddit.

because the vast majority of subs are full of idiots like this who can't even understand the very basics of how the world works

pedes are the clowns of reddit who sometimes need a little slap to stop them annoying the adults. it's exactly what they deserve and exactly what the community wishes on them, so hey, they get it now and then. the funniest part is to watch them squeal and writhe like stuck pigs because everybody is laughing so hard at their insignificant and peurile little sub.

I hate reddit.

No, not the-d. Although they have also been treated unfairly from what I've heard.



I could fully agree with that image but I'd still have no interest in discussing politics on a website that censors Trump supporters

it would be at negative 300 if the userbase weren't drooling idiots

it should be at 0 because you're the only one who read it

you make no sense

Reddit made the "make your own board" meme work. A post on one subreddit will get the opposite reaction on another.

But that post was ignored because there are so many of them.


you are posting on a website that bans trump detractors on a regular basis and is owned by a man who exploits the userbase to further his fake news enterprise. that doesn't seem to bother you.

This, further they do kike shit like shadowbanning now.


citation? of what?
the Holla Forums and other ideologically motivated bans are common knowledge

as for the second part, ask yourself what thegoldwater is, exactly.
now ask yourself how fake news makes money
now ask yourself if Holla Forums hasn't trolled, liked, shared, clicked and generally generated sheckles for jim on every existing social media platform over the past year

Dys bans pedos, not trumpfags. Jim'can put what ads he wants, I block them anyway.

memories are short round here, but a year and some ago, trump ads appearead on 8ch and maga was mercilessly shilled cross site right up until the turn of 2017. somebody payed for that.
Holla Forums was inflated into a credible force during the election campaign. it shilled all day every day for months on all the mainstream sites, while
thepissxwater produced videos and rewrites of other fake news.
theshitewater continues to produce bullshit (jim now has a tumblr stream for pukewater), Holla Forums has been pared down to its most rabid acolytes, Holla Forums is apparently surplus to requirements.
(((somebody paid for this))

the sarcasm, pretentiousness, entitlement, normalfaggottry, overused puns and shitty jokes. a bad example of what the internet should be

lack of anonimty creates an attentionwhore culture where people are constantly vying for validaton and ego and ideas are judged based on who said them rather than standing on their own merit. This is all exacerbated by that rating system they have, where some people's ideas literally become worth more than others.

I don't use 8/pol/ either, for the same reason. They are as bad as reddit.

But there's a difference between a censored board/subreddit and a censored chan/site.

You can get banned on reddit for making your own subreddit and expressing political opinions the site admins don't like. I've seen it happen. RIP Factual Falcon

You won't get sitebanned for anything like that here. And if a board (like 8/pol/) is moderated specifically to be a hugbox circlejerk then you can make your own board.

I support reddit's right to exist, but I'm not a user there because they restrict free speech more than they are legally required to.

People says they hate reddit and never use the site. That's just edgy teens been edgy. Of course they use reddit.