you can count to 1023 with your hands
Fun fact:
Maybe if you are missing a finger
Oh yeah, that's right.
You forgot 0 is a number, dumbass.
I'm only seeing 511
Where are you getting 511 from?
Here's a hint on how to get 1023:
gender is a…
no, it's not a social construct you faggot.
Did you lose a finger, user?
he said count to 1023, not count 1023 numbers
Guys, I've smoked too much meth for this.
2^10 is the number of possible combinations of 0 and 1 with a set of 10. one of these possible combinations is 0000000000 or just 0. the number that results from 1111111111 is 1023. this just happens to be the 1024th possible combination.
get rekt.
yes that's 1024 numbers, but you only counted to 1023
Which is precisely my point. I win.
You can count to whatever number you want with your hands by changing placeholder values and allowing a single finger to represent two or more numbers via the knuckles as your numbers get bigger and bigger.
no I win. You only counted to 1023
most people arent that flexible, and even with knuckles there still is a limit
keep in mind who started the argument:
wasn't me
well you can't win if you aren't playing the game.
While a limit exists, it is arbitrarily high because OP said "hands" and not "fingers", making joints, creases, hairs, and scars valid placeholders even without getting into the assumption that we are allowed to begin counting with individual skin cells.
show me how you can move individual joints, creases, hairs, and scars visibly to count
You can count way more when you realize there's more to your hands than the fingers.
could someone explain this part to my retarded ass?
Like, i could try multiplying 11 by 5 but using this method would give me 60 rather than 55. what am I doing wrong?
I wanted to calculate it with knuckles, but then i realized there's no realistic way to do so. you can't keep track of binary numbers on knuckles.
more like 59048, a not extended finger is zero, a halfway extended finger is a one and a fully extended one is two, effectively being base-3 instead of base 2. one finger can also be used a finger to signify the numbers sign, extended being negative and not extended being positive but you can only then count up to +/- 19682.
Why do you need to move them to count them?
I don't think you can go above 10
Let me check that, with the Official Holla Forums Calculectoinican!
it's funny because that calculator is Turing complete
learn something new every day
but I'm still just going to use my method of counting to 99 on my fingers
it's more intuitive and I've never needed to count higher than that
I DO believe it, because it is on the internet. It's not as though people would deliberately lie on the internet, would they?
You can add 1, store, clear, and recall. That's all you need.
surely turing completeness requires multiplication?
multiplication is repeated addition. Wait a minute, am I being trolled?
No you can't
im not flood kikewheels
What about subtraction? I know that it can be interpreted as "negative addition", but there's no function to make things negative.