/jojo/ - (Not an) Adventure Time General

-Abortion Time returns this month for it's season finale, we can only guess it's going to be a giant fucking trainwreck
-Enigma Boy, Cheap Trick and Superfly were put in the same arc for some goddamn reason
-Jojolion has entered hiatus
-Phantom Blood is on Toonami now, may God have mercy on our souls

tinyurl .com /7thstand
>7th Stand User Wiki: 7thjojo.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
>Pad for Fate is Unbreakable (spiritual sequel to 7th Stand User RPG): pad.riseup.net/p/JoJoJoJoJoJo
>Pad for Red Sun (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fan comic): pad.riseup.net/g/JoJoRedSun
>Play Heritage for the Future on fightcade pastebin: pastebin.com/1w50cEMS
>Emulator: mega.co.nz/#F!GoIixTpC!Xn4qARWY4OD2kk6BZxJ7iQ
>CoolSoft's VirtualMIDISynth: coolsoft.altervista.org/en/virtualmidisynth

1) Keep laughing at AT's imminent demise
2) Keep spam at minimum
3) Bully the Toonamifags
4) Electric Towers > Tree-houses

Other urls found in this thread:



Because you posted a thumbnail, that's why.

I haven't heard from them in a long while. Did they kill themselves?

That we should be so lucky…

I checked, and they're still there, but they might as well not be; they've become so dull and irrelevant that everyone else forgot about them, and every two to three posts in their thread is a bump from page 10.

I wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly threw a hissy fit that no one is noticing their autism and started doing something stupid like reverse-raiding Holla Forums as "revenge" AKA trying to attention whore themselves back into the spotlight.

FUCK. And right when we got to the hook for a new fight.

This is literally 12 year old sanicfag tier.

They already tried that here, and on /cow/.
The fact you didn't notice is a pretty good indicator of how low energy they are.

Araki takes every November off

What the fuck he does in every november?
Announce a month long hunger game for his hookers? Tibet? Egypt? Killing spree in a godforsaken japanese town? What the fuck take him so long?

He must make a pilgrimage to where he keeps the fountain of youth, go through a two and a half week ritual of purification, spend 3 days submerged in its waters, and then make it back to Japan ready to continue his eternal work.

Still, he's not working on a weekly release anymore, his schedule is more humane compared to back then

I empathize completely, the manga artists are worked like dogs over there to keep pumping shit out, it's amazing how he's been able to keep a consistent quality. He deserves a break

Honestly, if SBR had been the end of the series I would have been completely content.

So it went with a whimper instead of a bang, how fitting, but I guess that goes for most of half/co/'s projects

Man, today's episode pacing was weird

They just jammed three different fights into one episode, and managed to get the same impression they had in the manga without a significant loss in quality just yet. But that's not too hard, when it involves the __two worst fights in DiU.

So long as Bites the Dust isn't rushed and we get new/remixed opening, it's kinda worth it.

Oddly enough that's how I felt with most of the fights in SC
Sun, Wheel of Fortune, Dark Moon Blue, Empress, etc.

Well, fuck you too buddy

Wait…why the hell they have to rename Enigma as Misterioso? I mean, they kept Super Fly unchanged, it ain't called Terrific Wing or Super Cool or something.

I hear that new name and the only thing that I can think of is Rey Mysterio

Now that's something I wanted to see..a Stand that looks like a luchador.

Hell, I'd have an eternal orgasm if Araki somehow made a new JoJo part where the premise is an international professional wrestling/MMA tournament but with stands.

Yeah but folks would complain.Something about tournament arcs in anime/manga that make people complain.

Stardust Crusaders and Vento Aureo were 2 big boss rushes anyway

Yeah but SC bosses are unique (except maybe Fake Tenille)

Dark Moon Blue was boring as fuck

That's why I say "except for Fake Tenille". I think he's the only dud of SC.

Toss in Wheel of Fortune

Wrong board.


Empress was pretty shit too.

I never understand why people bother making these kinds of sageposts.

shit that looks like sweet bro and hella jeff

One more season and it's finally over. Why has it taken them half a year to finish this season anyway?

Corporate padding

And hipster betas being incompetent and lazy

Its all about the money

Or lack of thereof
They haven't make any good sheleks out of AT in years now

The day keeps getting better and better. Those faggots don't deserve any job other than scrubbing toilets anymore.

Ratings are down and the fandom is both delusional and on the brink of death

So.. how's the Jojonium release of part 3 ?

Eh? That was fun, if not very creative.

And that was our "Joseph can still kick ass, guys" episode of the season.

He's back

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed.

Don't worry user, I have something much, much better…




i should spam porn that barely relates to the thread*


Gonna take forever if they're keeping their release one volume every three months like the others.

2 more
They announced season 9 not that long ago

That user was probably fucking around.
PGA has a pretty noticeable sperg attack whenever he shows up.

And the season finale airs early this week for Poland and Netherlands for some reason

True, he has a specific way to threw tantrums, acting with his head up his own ass and claiming victory over nothing

I have the Jojonium releases of Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency
Might upload them later


It's just the first three parts which I've already read anyway, so it's hardly a big deal. My issue is that during the initial run in Japan a new volume came out every month which lead to the whole release lasting a year, while the english language version is taking much longer comparatively.

I only really care about Araki's interview at the end of the books anyway

There, done

Part 1: Phantom Blood

Part 2: Battle Tendency

Still, it was nice to check them out how the mango looked when it was being released weekly


what the fuck? they should just end it instead of waiting so long to air a couple episodes. CN still sucks with scheduling. This is insane.

Preview for Enigma Boy/Cheap Trick is up

You know the retarded Part of this ?
It already aired fucking everywhere, it even aired on Poland yesterday
I don't know why CN execs are so idiotic with schedules


Aww…not John Dimaggio. I always thought he was a cool guy.

My favorite pro wrestler was Mick Foley and you can go see him bawling about Trump gonna kill everyone.

I've realized I just need to stop liking people.

Meanwhile, Nash and Hogan supported Trump
If there's something I've learned is that politics CAN'"' and WILL''' ruin everything, especially friendships, you can end up fighting long-time close friends just because he went to vote red/Blue
The fact that DiMaggio and Foley voted Shillary isn't the main goddamn problem for me, the problem is that they sperged out in kinda the same manner I would expect your average lolcow to chimp out, and Foley's case hurts even more since he seems he's drinking that kool-aid more and more as time goes by, just check out the last 3 episodes of RAW

I've always had the idea that you can like someone by his works if you can ignore the fact that he's a jackass/political animal/zealot/etc.
Nowadays I feel like I cannot go for that idea anymore since everyone seems to mix politics into goddamn everything

Also, why I have the feeling that they'll ventilate their frustrations on Finn again after this shitstrom ?

Not Mick too…I have no reason to like people anymore. When can I volunteer to be a souless autamaton now?

Question..usually when something is ruining something, we got rid of it..why aren't we doing that to politics?

Because people are willing to discard family and friends over politics, for some goddamn reason

Fucking helll

Now user, let's be careful with what we meme here

That there is a fine quality tweakout.

This is top tier salt

Don't fucking remind me DELT THIS

In Foley's defense, his brain was seriously damaged a few time back then. Doing and saying stupid shit is not pretending from him, he is actually retarded since his brain in pieces…

Image how much he regeret leaving the WWE. He could be the leader and the hero of the current era with Brian.
Knowing his history i think he didn't deserve the shit arround him…

Now, THAT, gentlemen, is top quality.

What did he meant by this?


Any drawfags feel like drawing Joseph, DIO and Rohan bickering over their respective favourite soft drinks?

Why's everybody gotta be so fucking sensitive? What the hell is Trump gonna even do? Nothing as bad as all these temper tantrums all over social media are implying.

I have this

According to the people around me, Trump is going to deport ALL the Mexicans, throw all the other minorities into internment camps, outlaw all the gay marriage, ban all the gays from everything ever, outlaw all the abortions, destroy all the healthcare, legalize rape, halve all women's wages, fire all the women from their jobs, cause all the wars, sell us to Russia, and nuke everything.

Stop it, things will never get that good.



Even if these chapters were filler in the manga, we're kinda running out of material before [BITE THE DUST]and we still have 6 episodes left
What else do we have aside from Hayato finding out about his dad new fetish ?

Is that a confirmed number?

Duwang is Unbreakable was confirmed to run for 39 episodes months ago

Maybe four of the final episodes will just be Bites The Dust timeloops then.

I loved John DiMaggio.
I'm concerned about the Atlantic City comment though. But fuck him for supporting that war criminal over third party.

And I though that Foley was someone I could look up to, along side Bret Hart and Steve Austin

Well, as one user said, we can assume that he's suffering some brain damage. All those unprotected chair shots ain't exactly doing much service to one's brain.

Well, it took 1 horribly botched kick for Goldberg to end with the Hitman's career, and Lex Luger became a cripple after so many concussions

Quality improvement from our friends at Holla Forums

My only regret is DiMaggio probably won't ever see it.

what thread is that?

Probably the Salt Threads which have been going on since the election.


I think I finally thought of a good name for a fusion of Stone Free and the Green Baby

Stone Baby? Green Free?

Interstellar Overdrive

Props to those crazy Holla Forumsacks

I wonder what kind of Stand Trump would have.

「The Wall」 vs. 「Sweet Little Lies」

A frog of course


Did Xayaphone, Muto and Jesse lost their shit too ?
I hope those jackasses are suffering right now

>The special Hamon-based skill is S.H.I.T

Red Garland

Why do they have to be so fucking shit ?

I hope those fags are drowning in their own salt, especially that autistic fuck Xayaphone

Considering Red Garland was supposed to be stronger than Star Platinum…and its penultimate move is Red Garland REQUIEM, it's sad to see Red Garland being crap. Oh well, I'll stick to my mainstays (Ocean Blue, Sonic Youth and Specials)

Crap doesn't begin to describe it
At least Star Platinum has skills with wider range, but being limited to S-range attacks is one big disadvantage, and the M-range skill that you get from beating Rubber Soul alongside Jotaro is not exactly something to write home about
Now, S-range only can´t be that much of a problem, after all, most of Silver Chariot and Star Planitum's skills are S-range, but they have ways to compensate it, SC has tons of speed, so you'll be attacking first most of the time, and SP is tough as nails, so Jotaro can withstand most of whatever he's thrown at
But Red Garland ? Not only his speed is shit, he's goddamn weak, he's so fragile that he can be taken out fairly quick, and it's lacking accuracy means that you'll have a hard time hitting most targets, you won't notice this on early-game with basic enemies, but oh boy it will become your bane later on, and since most enemies will start at M-range, good luck hitting anyone at full strength
Oh, and almost all of Red Garland's skills are one-target only, so forget of taking out multiple enemies at once, good luck with that farming

The game still gets updates, so maybe she'll buff them in a future one.

That is the funny part. Red garland is describes as being faster, more durable, and stronger than star platinum at the cost of being less precise. It also has the power of influencing emotions and willpower of others. Nothing gets developed for that though. Another shitty stand to mention is adam ants.

Oh god..Adam Ants. It's like it wants to be Harvest (on that note, notice how some of the Stands in 7SU would've been great in Part 4? Mr BIG against Ratt, Napalm Death against Killer Queen and Heaven's Door, Carpenters vs Superfly, Caravan vs Echoes) but it's shit. No Ripple special, no boss special (Pharaoh Sanders has God of Thunder, Red Garland at least have Double Lariat) and all L range attacks.

Mr.BIG and Quicksilver also have L-range only attacks, but they can be compensated, with Mr.Big being the less shit one due to better accuracy

I don't even give a shit about burger politics and this makes me smug as fuck.

What's wrong with (L) range attacks? The wiki's incredibly vague about what the different ranges mean, but doesn't (L) mean that you can attack them from any range?

It means that every other enemy that ranged S or M takes less damage, I believe.

Motherfucker, Sonic Youth vs Akira in a rock-on duel
The battle switches from regular boss fight to a Guitar Hero boss level, and vid related is the chosen song

Quicksilver isn't bad at all. It just starts out weak. It's incredibly useful on lategame bosses with its many debuffs and high damage. By that point SP is no longer a problem.

But my personal favorite is still Caravan. It's supposed to be weak at first, but if you get the right items early on it can 1 hit kill early bosses. And even during the Yellow Temperance fight where you can't do damage, you can still set him on fire and then act as a healer. And during the lategame you have Act 3 and FUCKING NUKES.

Oh sure, it has high damage and status changing attacks, but the accuracy is ASS
Even with its more powerful skills, like the one that inflicts poison and darkness or the one that is scenically a nuke, good luck trying to hit an enemy when you most need it, half of the time my attacks didn't even hit

Who's ready to cringe with the season finale of Cuckventure Time ? Because I'm sure I'm not

I don't know. I never had that many problems hitting something with it. And I used a completely new save file for my Quicksilver run. I used avoid tactics and had the charm of karachi equipped. Are you playing on hard mode? Because I played on normal, so there's that. Or you just had really shitty luck.

As for Insterstellar Overdrive's ability it would be able to control the rotation of the earth, so that instead of having to move, it can make the world around it move to bring a target closer or get to the target more quickly, even being able to stop the Earth's rotation for a max of 3 seconds in order to cause the target to be blown to them by thousand mile per hour winds.

New episode preview

Fuck I just realized how close we are to the end, we only have the Hayato bite the dust arc and the JosukexKira final arc

Where do I go if I want to read really bad JoJo fanfiction?

Tumblr, Fanfiction.net, or sad panda if you want to read badly written Jotaro/Kakyoin doujins.

May I ask whats wrong with you, user?

It's the same concept as entering an autism thread.
He desires cringe, and might also be looking for something retarded enough to share.

I drew that fusion of Stone Free and the green baby I was talking about earlier, right now I'm calling it I Mother Earth because of its ability. I'm sure someone else would be able to do it better than I did


If he's PGA, he might be looking for evidence of jojo's OBVIOUS shittyness.


please no

And trump said "damedamedamedamedame."



I won't judge you…

And they used a homocidal psychopath as an example for for their "accept everyone's kink/sexual orientation". Are tumblrites really that stupid or are they pretending to be retarded?

Or I could be reading it wrong…oh well.

No, you're not reading it wrong
They really are that stupid

(double checked)
Good God…I rather be wrong about reading Tumblr post than be right. Because being right makes me feel bad about the world.

Yeah, git
that was worse than iggy lewds

I am positively certain that I was born with the fetish for Japanese lolis fucking in a school toilet. It might have taken me two years to learn what a toilet is, 7 years to learn what school is and 14 years to learn what Japan is, but no, I was definitely born this way.

user, I don't know how this is even a question after nearly a decade of SJW faggotry.

Imagine the justification for something like a guro or drowning fetish.

Do you think that Kira's way of living could work in real life? Because I would read a "Yoshikage Kira's Guide to living a quiet life. He probably would never write a book like that, because it would give him unwanted attention if it were successful.


But there's always stories about Kira…just that he's called Jack the Ripper.

user… you want to follow the advise of a retard who failed miserably?

Episode 35 preview when?

After you suck my cock you slut

I wonder what's worse ?
The dying KKK who said they liked trump

Or that Hillary is endorsed by the United Arab Emirates (and more fuckers) that still kills people with stoning and prevent women from being people (and more).

Why do people can't even go on wikileaks and just fucking READ

Next Thursday
Jesus, one more month of Duwang left, and then, we're back on waiting for Jojolion and Vento Aureo
Oh, and Autism Time next week by the way

Kind of funny that people still treat the KKK as a major organization when in reality they're a complete joke and have been since the fifties.

It's exaggeration
like always

This pretty piss me of because instead of trying to reasons via an accumulation of information then trying to have a deduction from the said data most people just look at the surface of things saying "this is evil, this is good".

Even worse than that is the people who try to get deductions but only takes into account the data that matches their view.

Normally life teaches you how to deduct via experiences but I am seriously thinking that we will need a special section in schools so that people can reason normally again.

this sounds like brainwashing

Check Holla Forumsco's Bizarre Adventure in cuckchan's Holla Forums.

New autism time is out
It's the biggest Fucking crock of shit they've done yet

It's out already ?
How bad they fucked up this time ?

They killed rattleballs as a gag
and maybe jake to
also Susan strong turned into a computer hulk, finn lost his arm again, and the grass and finn swords fused to make grass finn

…what now ?

Yeah Finns all like "comeback" and the it just ends

So.. Business as usual then

Bullshit cliff hanger
And they kill off a bunch of characters like in frisky dingo but that show was funny

Maybe grass Finn and regular Finn will have a swordfight, with regular Finn having the lower hand because he lost his arm AGAIN and is probably using a nearby stick as a sword. But Susan has seemed to snap out of it, so she will probably rescue regular Finn.

Yeah, at is on hiatus again, but tom herpich said that at is coming back early next year.


I have before, honestly the worst part of it is the stands are all really stupid, it would be tolerable if the stands were cool but they all have shitty abilities. It's not Jojo fanfiction without at lease one ora

Link you faggots

Someone please give us a recap, I need to know what the fuck happened to what was once Muh Boi

First, Tiffany out to be alive with a robot arm, and he took Finn, Jake and Susan Strong to go meet some doctor. This doctor was human, but she survived by replacing her entire body with robotic parts, and she wanted to do the same with Finn. Also, she mentioned something about having done the same thing to other humans. Susan turned out to have been one of her cyborgs, but her robot chip broke so she wasn't an active robot, and then she broke Finn and Jake out and the doctor's transport thingy exploded with her and Tiffany inside. Also, she had some genetic hybrid animal experiments, and those broke free.

In the second episode, Susan's robot chip activated after a struggle with one of those hybrids, and she immediately tried to capture Finn and take him to some undisclosed location, possibly under the ocean. After that, happened.

Motherfucker that's dumb as hell
But honestly, it's far from being S6 finale/Evangelion rip-off levels of retarded

Link when ?

it's on watchcartoononline.com

these are on par with some of the worst episodes of the season. Once again, the dialogue is filled with forced random nonsense phrases that don't fit anywhere. Characters constantly repeat "wubdubudubuh" or something when they get hurt or killed for no reason. It's like some guy just sits staring at a storyboard and thinks of the most retarded thing he could write down, pauses, and then comes up with something even worse.

There is something that feels very wrong about recent Adventure Time. Go back to the first and second seasons, and everything feels vibrant and alive. The dialogue, the jokes, the characters: there's a certain charm about things. With the new episodes, everything feels dead and sterile. This is a car that hasn't broken down and has been running on nothing but fumes for the past 20 miles.

I stuck with this show for so long. I really wanted it to get better, but it's clearly over. Their only chance is to dump all the incompetent team members and hire much better ones, but that's unlikely at this point.

What a disgrace.

Nice AT posting there faggots, but it's time to bite the dust!

Did David Production ran out of budget or something?

I was going to pick up adventure time again because I was already in too deep. But I remembered how season 6 ended / season 6 in general and that pointless marceline special.

But after thats all the warning I need.

More like they're saving it for Vento Aureo

It'll just get worse

And it'll get cancelled the year after that.

They're kinda cheap. They re-use a lot of animation and hardly animate anything happening in the background. They mess up proportions a lot. They can't even get Killer Queen's ears(?) right.

Goddammit, they better not fuck up part 7 if they get to it.

Hopefully a better animation studio does that part.

Is it just me or does it look like they're trying too hard to imitate the manga's style? I mean it looks more accurate but at he same time somehow looks even worse than before

Vento Aureo is one of the most popular chapters next to Stardust Crusaders

If we were dreaming then Studio AAAP would do Steel Ball Run, that is if they're even still around

I'm not familiar with that studio. Have they done any renowned works in the past?

Phantom Blood, Vento Aureo and Stardust Crusaders are the most popular in japland
Still makes me wonder because Phantom Blood's animation was inferior to Battle Tendency

They did the old Stardust Crusaders OVAs and the Fist of the North Star OVAs (Raoh Gaiden, Kenshiro-den, etc.)

Oh! Animation wise they're pretty good.

hey there, PGA.


So my only barely veiled Jojo fans, any of you know where the latest Patreon build of "What if "Adventure Time" was a 3D Anime Game" would be? I need it for reasons.

…Fuck yes.

It's popular, but it still sucks. At least with Stardust Crusders, Jotaro got some moments to be funny or anything other than his normal stoic self. Giorno is nothing aside from the statement he makes about wanting to be a gangstar and his backstory.

Phantom Blood? Really? I mean, I like it, but I'd never think it was one of the more popular ones in Japan.


some serious duwang right here

Sorry user, but they're cancelled at the end of Season 9

So you can be that they're going to ram the story into the ground as hard as possible to be deep, and dont expect it to end on a high note like Mortal Folly\Recoil, the producers have a vendetta on everything in this setting and with only a short span now to destroy it they're gonna go all out

I made a thing


Hats off user! Hats off!
(pic is unrelated)

nips love Hokuto No Ken and strange superpowers being used to defeat monsters and shit, so of course the part that is literally Hokuto No Ken meets Castlevania is going to be popular as fuck.

Very well done, user

That's not how it works new season means a clean sate re:budget, and if anything not using all they have on part 4 would likely mean getting less money for producing part 5.

Have people already forgotten that this same shit happened with part 3? Part 4 is the longest part so they have to stretch the budget thinner compared to Parts 1 and 2 which wrapped up in 9 and 26 episodes respectively.

I was speaking in terms of getting the episodes back to the quality of the earlier seasons. To do that, I think they would have to revamp the entire team.

I'm just glad it's finally ending. It's been painful watching the show get dragged through the dirt. There's so many easy fixes to make the show much better than it's current state. The level of incompetence of these people is almost unbelievable.

You know an arc is good when you want both the protagonists and antagonists to win, it's hard to dislike Kira when he has such a modest goal and the Jojo gang is great too.I wish and don't wish that Kira was more proactive and went and hunted down the others.

Araki's new art is atrocious everyone has dumb big plastic surgery lips and faggy eyelashes.

This shit never stops to amaze me…

Man all I hope is that they make Finn a competent, reliable fighter that doesn't get his shit kicked in to prop up pretty much every other character anymore. and get with pb


It's not like the other ones are any better, but come on

Finn will get cucked and blueballed to death while every princess lezzes out with one another.

I started playing 7th Stand User and man this game really kicks my ass constantly. I got Miracles but I feel like I'm using it completely wrong considering how hard I can get wrecked. Maybe I'm just drastically underleveled? And its strongest abilities feel like they never, ever actually hit.

Miracles is a cute design though, it's almost a Pokemon.

Never used Miracles, but from what I can tell it relies on status effects a lot. And status effects are insanely useful. However, the general rule seems to be the more overworld events a stand has, the less useful it is in direct combat. And Miracles has the most events of all the stands.
You're probably going to have to focus on supporting your party members and de-buffing enemies during most of the game.

The game in general is rather hard too. And like the old school JRPG's it takes inspiration from, it assumes you spend some time grinding in each area. Make sure to level up all party members a few times before moving on with the story. It's a good idea to find the economic food in each area and buy that in place of staying at the hotel. Or if you're a cheapskate you can find Emporio's hidden room and get get infinite water bottles(you can only carry 99 at a time, though) for free.
Some fights are also very luck based(the 4 Anubis fights in particular) or requires a lot of patience(Yellow Temperence). You could always use the brainstorm command if you feel you're out of options, but that locks you out of the rewards. And you need high FP with at least one character and at least one badge of honor to access NG+.

But I only have one buff move so far. And aside from the elemental attacks which do "meh" damage and rarely inflict status effects, and Weaken Presence, all my other debuffs don't seem to do shit to anything.

Well, damn. I guess that's one of my problems.

Miracles gets fucking great later on once you get "…", since it can inflict Distract/LookBack/NoSenses, even on bosses. I usually spammed that and Eliminate Presence and I never had much trouble except with Dio himself and the final boss.

Have you tried changing the tactics setting? It could make things easier. Since it's a long range type stand without much defensive power, I'd suggest setting it to flee. It worked during my Quicksilver playthrough, at least. Looking up its abilities it seems to have access to most of the elements, so try exploiting elemental weaknesses. And just keep spamming status effect moves until they work, because those can cripple some enemies and bosses. And remember to use items during battles. This is a game that forces you to learn and use all of its mechanics to stand a chance.

Eliminate Presence never works for me. It just doesn't hit.

"….." does actually hit when I use it, but it uses a lot of SP. Then again I probably should use it more often and forget the mindset of "it's too good so I shouldn't use it."

I have tried tactics, but didn't see much difference. I'm always using items and running out of items. I guess I will just keep spamming status effects, they have to hit eventually, right?

Jojolion is shit. It completely lacks direction, which was occasionally a problem for Part 4 but they at least had characters interesting enough to make it worth it.

Yes. Even normal enemies require you to use skills to win. Even if you have a stand with high attack power you will use the normal attack command less and less often towards the end.

Yep. Effects like on fire and bleeding work on most bosses and can drain away a lot of life in just a few turns, so it's definitively worth wasting a few turns to get to work and renewing once it wears off. I beat Yellow Temperance on my first playthrough with Caravan(who has no way of damaging him directly at that point) by setting him on fire over and over.

And remember to savescum with multiple savefiles. Some bosses like the Anubis fights do require a lot of luck, so be prepared to reload a lot. Have one savefile for saving after every battle, one before continuing with the story and one for special save prompts.


Yeah I've been reloading a lot. That Joey fight where there's five of him kept kicking my ass and I just looked up which one he was and had Kakyoin Splash him as hard as possible as quickly as possible. I felt like I was cheating a bit, but fuck that noise. And fuck Joey.

I never played classic JRPGs so I suppose I'll need to approach things with a different mindset.

Anyone got some good images of Hayato?

Oh..yeah, that Joey fight. I did remember that he spammed Bazooka's like a cheap bastard.

It's the slow release schedule that's killing it.

The mystery of it all is giving it a slower pace, though, and the full results of the parallel universe shit haven't quite been unraveled yet.

Compared to Part 7, however, Jojolion is a far more narrow and controlled story. Part 7 was all over the place.

This does seem to be the case. It's the first part I've read while it released but if what you said here
is true than I don't think I'll have a problem since I'm planning on maybe re-reading all of Jojolion once it's finished.


Only 4?! Damn.

Jojolion is a little weird because it technically starts in the middle of the plot. A bunch of shit happened before the story starts and then it kicks off with a mystery protagonist and a bunch of characters with stands and some other crazy shit happening seemingly just because.. and we're still uncovering some of that earlier stuff while figuring out what's next.

I honestly am looking forward to Part V anime. Will probably have better budget because it's more straightforward action, it's more popular, and gets even weirder. Plus I'm hoping that the subs will give us a full, decent translation job since the new project still isn't finished.

And also because Bruno's Gang are the best supporting cast and Bruno himself is one of my favorite characters.

No source code under gplv3, not using it.

There has been already to much damage done by non-free/libre software.

Speaking of, anyone have a good link to somewhere I can read Part 5 and so on? Preferably don't wanna download anything.

Well said, and this is why i think the whole part 8 will work better as an anime!
I still worry about part 7, it technically a mess. A good kind of mess, but still a mess.

I'm looking forward for Kraftwerk, Grateful Deadand and 6 full pages of MUDAMUDA

That MUDA better be at least 30 seconds long. Preferably 45 to a minute. I feel like that scene's important because it helps show off Giorno's (intended) character of "Dio but good." Which to me, means that Giorno can go absolutely apeshit on someone who offends his sense of justice.

Seriously, Giorno is a 15-year-old who tricks a guy into blowing his own brains out. If he didn't want to be a Gang-Star, he'd probably be an uber-fabulous Punisher.

Considering Jotaro's 3 page ORAORA on Steely Dan was about 20 seconds, I'd guess at least 40 seconds of MUDAMUDA.

Sounds fine. I really hope they get a good voice though. The guy from ASB/EoH was oky, but his MUDAs were on the weak side. Though the PS2 game made him sound like Koichi and I don't think I want that either.

what is duwang fam, I don't visit this thread often and I watch the some stuff subs

That's cause the PS2 Giorno and Koichi have the same voice actor, they're both voiced by Romi Park. If they want a voice actor who could do better MUDAs, they should pick someone who knows how to make a battle cry, like Takayuki Tsubaki, aka Kamen Rider Blade

It'll be interesting to see what direction they take him in. ASB/EoH Josuke had the typical Japanese delinquent voice(especially the way he pronounces R) while Anime Josuke had a more laid back tone. ASB/EoH Kira had a monotone calculating voice, while Anime Kira was more soft spoken. All of them are valid interpretations of the characters, even though they're quite different.

Nobody fucking spoonfeed this guy.

You're lucky I don't have my JoJo reaction image folder or you'd be in for quite a reaction.

I googled it and found the answer on know your meme
I hope you fags are happy now

To be fair, I think the one they had was getting better at the MUDAs by EoH. Maybe with more practice, he would be worth bringing back. The only other requirement needed is to nail that passionate-but-reserved tone of speaking that (I think) Giorno has when he's giving his crazy speeches to his friends or being a stubborn ass about what he thinks is the best thing to do.

There you go, user. Now go read it.

that's not how you media user

Remember to rest and drink plenty of water after such hard work.


mothafucka I'm telling you to read Duwang

after diamond finishes airing

Read it while waiting for the new episode.

maybegot enough on my plate honestly

Who was the better father?

Dio because at least GioGio became a badass (if OP) JoJo.

Nigga, Jonathan's dick did all the job, Dio just stole it

So Jonathan is the true best dad then?

Since he saved his wife, his son and an orphan, i guess the answer is yes!

More like Erina was a shit mother because she didn't let Jorge train into a hamon user. Which would prevent him ended as a meal for a zombie…

Alright Round 2 for best mom this time.

Thank you, Carl the Cuck, for teaching us that anyone who earnestly uses this phrase is a delusional crybaby with shit opinions.

Nigga fuck all this, Giorno is a Dio kid (relatively) gone right as opposed to a Joestar gone (relatively) bad

…don't ask

Are you retarded

Oh hi, Kakyoin

I wonder who could be behind this post….

jojo moms are pretty great
I would say suzie

I'm a bit annoyed we never got to meet Jotaro's traveling jazz musician dad. I can only imagine him a the chillest beatnik in the world.

Probably one of those things Araki didn't care enough to expand upon. Like a lot of the stuff in Part 4.

Shit-tier mom
literally shit-tier mom
I still love you Lisa Lisa
It's not her fault
11/10 Duwang-mom wins

It's a crime she wasn't featured more.

So are you saying all the fuckup children from Stone Ocean are official Joestars as well?
No, they're all more DIO than Joestar, also it makes Giorno more interesting as a character if he wasn't really a Joestar as opposed to just being a full on JoJo

Holly's great. but don't ask much from a (relatively) single mom
Blame Sadao for being a neglectful parent

What's up with the dad's in this series? Jonathan and Joseph's fathers died. Jotaro's dad is never around. Joseph conceived Josuke out of infidelity and wasn't around to raise him. Gio's real dad was a crazed psychotic vampire while his step dad beat him. Jotaro was too busy doing other stuff to raise Jolyne properly. Does Araki have daddy issues?

It's japan. Everyone has Daddy issues.

That's depressing.

Notice how Jonathan and Josuke are the ones that are the least messed up out of all the main characters. And after them would probably be Joseph. All of them had one thing the others didn't, a good father figure. Jonathan had his actual father, Josuke had his grandfather and Joseph had Speedwagon.

Hence why Jonathan, Joseph and Josuke are my top 3 best JoJo

Thanks to the Anime invasion I have no desire to draw anymore since I could never draw Anime if I am barely able. To draw cartoon pics after struggling several days each drawing, I give up drawing completely.

Good job guys.

what prompted this?

what a fag

No fuck you leatherman

Same reason Jotaro didn't stop being an edgelord until the events of Part 3.
He didn't have a father figure, only seeing his dad, a jazz famous guy who wasn't that much of a good impression, a shitload of Clint Eastwood flicks, which lead to his attitude, and grandpa Joseph, who if you didn't get to know him acted like a fucking retard.
It wasn't until he saw his gramp's true face and spent time with a father figure that he grew as a person and that probably contributed to his Stand eventually developing to fight Dio properly.
Jotaro at the start of his trip would have been murdered by Dio.
Jotaro during Wheel Of Fortune was closer to having a shot at Dio.
Jotaro during High Priestess might have done some damage even without Time Stop.
Jotaro beating the D'arby's was him showing he was more than a punchghost using guy. Also it showed he actually trusted Joseph as more than just a personal ATM.

Don't blame others for being so weak willed you fag


Fathers confirmed for being the key to a successful life.

Don't forget Okuyasu and Keicho's dad, Dio's own father, Trish's obvious daddy issues, Narancia, Johnny…

Then again, the Part 8 Higashikata family has a pretty decent father figure, but those kids are just fucking _weird._

He didn't start being an edgelord until maybe a year before Part 3 though

The simplest and most likely explanation is that his hamon hormones went into overdrive

THEN he got really into Clint Eastwood movies.

They have a dad, but their mom killed someone and went to jail, so maybe that explains part of their weirdness.

tfw he never gave his old man a son with the only woman who would ever love him, and was also naive enough to never catch on to him being a serial killer.

And it makes sense with what I said.
He didn't start feeling he had to be a man until he turned 15-16 ish.
So when he decided it was time to be a man… He didn't have very many people to turn to. So he turned to Clint Eastwood and delinquents, who seemed to be the manliest people around. That's also why he lost respect for Joseph.
Spending time actually risking his life and getting to know other men made him stop being the edgelord he had become.

It just makes him more bland, really.

You wouldn1t believe how much truth are in that! Oh wait, i can prove it! Fatherless black people* Sad but true…

Btw old Kira would deserve a better son, not that autist. Opinion

You could add Hayato's father too! It kinda hinted, how his mother would leave that looser if the kid wouldn't be arround.

And you are right about the part 8 family. They are pretty comfy group! I hope they weren't be massacred by Araki as he usually did goes with the support characters…

Maybe if he hadn't spoiled Yoshikage and turned a blind eye to his obvious mental issues, he would have turned out better. But since he had a bow and arrow, he was probably in league with Dio and therefore not the nicest person himself.

He didn't kill that many characters in Part 4, and we're technically in Morioh, so I think it's safe to hope.

Kira could teach the boy to hide his obvious autism the way he hides his needs to kill.
It's a weird family but it works.

I was talked about Yoshihiro Kira . By Kira's son i didn't meant Hayato…


Rohan's a better character than we've had before.


Guy playing 7SU here. I finally got pissed off by the default constantly off-key MIDI music and downloaded the NTONYX soundfont that is linked in the Readme and this sounds SO FUCKING BETTER. But I'm wondering if there were any other soundfonts that anons here preferred to use for the game. I don't know anything about MIDIs and general audio software like this stuff.

/jojo/ is now /disney/


Go to Emulation, and follow the picture shown there

It fits way too perfectly.


He probably let it slide since bringing it to Dio's attention at the time would have drafted his son into service like Pucci, the Manhattan Transfer guy, and Boingo were.
He kept his son safe, which fucked over other people in the long run.

If Kira had been a bit more patient he might have become a friend to Hayato.
Make up some story about how he's actually a superhero or something. Justifiy his actions, and also say that that was why he was more distant from the mom. But that now he was back to his old self, and he would work to make the family happier.
It's a longshot, but it'd have worked out I suppose.

What about the footage Hayato had of Kira practicing writing the dead dad's name? Or the fact Kira said he would've had to kill Hayato if he found Stray Cat in the attic? I don't think it would've worked.

A long shot.
Probably say something like he thought his hand got fucked in a fight.
Say Stray Cat is a kind of mind control shit that attacked Hayato's mom. Then do the whole "put it in his belly" shit to make it look like he got rid of it or something.
It'd probably fail, but then again, maybe it wouldn't

This is the first time i hear about this and i already like this theory! Well done user! Good thinking!

I just wonder why he doesn't come up with a "i try to become a better person, so i try out new things" type of lie.

For the writing: It help relax and change me abetter person
For Stray Cat: There are strange powers, i have one too. These power the reason why i try to be a better person from now

And for bonus: You want us as a happy family, isn't it son? Why you doesn't help me become the nice and loving person whose your mother want me be?

tl,dr.: he should just bullshitting his way out…

Come to think of it, Kakyoin and Polnareff got offers to join Dio even after they made attempts on his life. Dio offered Kakyoin a job right before he killed him.
That plus the Glory Gods being relatively young guys and being held in reserve, while he sent people like Tower of Gray, Strength, Hol Horse, and Sun to take down the Crusaders. It makes me think, maybe he was trying to have as many young people in his employ as possible?
I mean, Dio is immortal, and had big plans. So he was probably playing the long game.
This line of thinking is probably the reason Pucci eventually was successful I suppose.
If he had trusted Tower of Grey to be his "friend" the guy would have died of old age by part 6.

Huh. Y'know this would actually make for a nice alternative story route. Maybe in a way it could humanize Kira more. Getting caught up in his lie that he's a superhero just trying to stop really bad people. Pretending to be a nicer more relaxed family man eventually bringing a bit of peace he never felt before. I like it.

Say user, are you japanese?

Nah, eastern-european

Dio knew that Kakyoin and Polnareff have very powerful stands. Often not even using their full potential. So luring them back in to his side would put him at an extreme advantage against the Joestars and give him new followers. Dio was incredibly calculative. But also kinda stupid since he didn't try killing them all in seconds the moment they got to his tower.

Since the fucker claimed himself above humans, i guess he thought that stand users are above the regular plebs (since most people with weak will and spirit couldn't be standusers) tier humans.
And for ruling the whole word you will need an army, a governing force and an inner circle.

Why would you satisfied with the rest when you could roll with the best?

They need time to figure out how they are going
to drop this plotline and move on to another.

Reformed Serial Kira is the fanfiction that will never exist. I've looked. Don't look at JoJo fanfiction, ever.

Fixed that for you.

this sounds a tad contradictory.


No, no , you misunderstand. I meant to say there's a lot of people making fanfiction on Holla Forums, not that what is made here is super good.
HOWEVER, if I was pressed to do it , I'd tell you to check the Ghoul School thread.

There used to be these really cool threads where anons would write the answers certain characters from cartoons would gve to certain questions, as if they were just actors.

Would 7th Stand User count as fanfiction? If not, try these.

It's a fangame, it has more merit than a shitty fanfic

do doujins count


About as much as games count, which is none at all. A doujin can have a shit story if the art is good and people will like it.

The chance of finding a good JoJo fanfic is low unless you want to dig through over 14 pages of it on fanfiction.net. The best bet is read the light novels, or look into Pixiv to find fanfics or doujins, but you need to know moon. Or just read the fancomic from .

Did you read the better translation, user? Also, isn't Buccellati the main protag of that part? Haven't gotten all the way through.

Is there trailer for episode 36 out yet?
