I'm back on the internet. lol

Video is me during my first bid at "Gladiator Camp" It's already set to my scene


Anyways, it's good to be back on the internet Holla Forums. I've just been released from prison after my 2nd bid. I used to browse 4chan a lot before I was sent to prison for the first time. I found this place via a 2ch thread. After I got out I became even more of a recluse and ended back in prison for a slightly more serious charge. Anyway, here's a video of me. How many of you guys are like how I was back then? It can happen to you too. I had no social life, friends or pussy!! I just snapped.

Other urls found in this thread:


R 24
face and timestamp

proof or fuck off

O.k here. Sorry for low pic resolution. I'm not allowed to own cameras or recording equipment. Had to use my Memas early 2000's camera phone.

Corner image is me back when I was arrested after my first prison release.


Congratulations. Your ==SAGE== has been cancelled.

I wonder if i can just report you for using one

As long as my parole officer screens any images I take. I'll be fine. I used the my memas cam phone not mine.

Well fuck me sideways

truly white trash