Jesus christ this is cringe

Jesus christ this is cringe.

kekistan is a leddit meme btw.

0:38 to see Autists being completly un-selfaware

who could have guessed

I remember when a kekistani faggot came to Holla Forums and asked for help because he and his cringy friend were harassing trump supporters on a rally and he got peppersprayed like a bitch he was.

It didn't used to be. But HWNDU was really the breaking point. After that it was just cringe.

pretty bad m8

like sexually molest them? why would he dod that?

seriously man this is fucking awful, i had no idea

this ironically enough is a leddit term now. like the word normie.

it ALWAYS WAS. people only said it because it was just a fucking meme and a play on >muh meme magic bullshit. then the turbo reddit autist took it too far and decided to make a "movement" out of it.

He was some 16 year old faggot with a friend dressed in an all meme outfit with a big kekistani flag and he was yelling "reee normies ree" and annoying, cringy bullshit like that and the lady who peppersprayed him probably thought he was one of these counter-protesting rainbow haired commies. He, or someone from his gay group, was also trying to tell random trump supporters about how they're "simple meme farmers" and so on. He wanted Holla Forums to dox the lady, but instead some user gave us pics and a video of him being cringy with his kekistani group and got doxed instead. I don't have the pics, but this is the video.

get out faggot

i had to periodically pause to the video to reduce the amount of awkward "cringe" that was coming from these faggy leddit autist. this is about as bad as watching a comedian tell shitty jokes.

i remember that

just look at the ugly fucking faggots posting pictures in their kekistan gear. I know plenty of you faggots are ugly too but you don't go posting your pictures around everywhere. Seeing these fat fucking neckbeards post their ugly mugs in stolen memes just makes me so angry.

that's what I mean

the Original HWNDU series was funny, but today the same memes wouldn't hold ground

I just saw it on Holla Forums while on toilet break.

He was kinda cute tbh.

At this point it's basically the fedora/Guy Fawkes mask 2.0 comeback.
Really feels like 2008 again.

It's just that these Autists lack any self-awareness and coupled with the Euphoria they feel when finally being part of a social group for once, it results in … this.

I though Holla Forumsyps loved this shit

stay classy Holla Forums

no embed no click.

No, why would you think that?

That is fucking pathetic, cringy and actually destructive for the movement. I am not even really a Holla Forumsack anymore, but still.

it's a Holla Forums fag being butthurt (note the word used exclusively on his shitty board), just filter him

Why do people do this and why do they think this is cool? It's stupid and unproductive and sets a terrible president, appealing only to edgy disenfranchised teens / virgins.

Jesus Christ, when will this stupid bullshit die out?



why is a negro the president of kekistan

because he is the best representation of the Autism behind Kekistan

He literally makes his money from Autists who are too embarrassed to say things themselves, so they pay him to say things.

cuz hes based