
What does Holla Forums think of England and it's history throughout the years. Would you say the country is one of the best or one of the worst and what would you say it's downsides are.

t. anglo saxon

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are you referring to the United Caliphate?

They have been pretty great at times but I regard many of the modern anglos to be massive cunts. I also believe the last century for them has been a history of betrayal and trying to push cuckoldry on everyone else. Most working class brits I have met have been great guys, but anyone with any amount of money thinks they have a right to be a massive cunt.

The people are ok, but the government and media from there is complete shit.

anglos died with the punk movement
they had shakespeare, tolkien, orwell, etc.
now what do they have? doctor who and sherlock, what a fucking joke

Delete this mate we don't need the attention.

Since you most likely like other anglo saxons are monoglot, the question is irrelevant since you have no choice.

I think England would be a lot better without any Pakis, Dotheads or Mudslimes.

You should listen to hooligans, not geprge soros founded organisations ;)

In short:
Of course the elite party on

brit/pol/ is why i hate england and want it to die

Greatest country on earth and in history.

Check out the shit we invented. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_inventions_and_discoveries

Critical lack of banter handling skills.

This thread won't be full of D&C no sir.

Is this going to be another thread where Yanks fail to grasp the subtle complexities of brit/pol/ humour?

Being a fag on the Internet isn't as cool as you think it is

I almost included "inb4 shit/pol/ shitposts about bantz" in that post but figured since you guys so rarely stray from your neetposting containment threads I wouldn't have to.

Guess I was wrong.

k i l l y o u r s e l f

It's like you've never heard of in-jokes and shitposting

With that out of the way, this will seem like a D&C post, but from my point of view it's truth: They are the best goys for the kike. They saved Rotschilds from Napoleon, they saved them from Hitler. Their colonies were the cancer of this world. Every time in history when France or Germany were trying to improve their importance, there was the eternal anglo in the shadows ruining their plans. They were rewarded for their services with "Big Brother" style control and mass immigration of shitskins of increadible levels. Just remind yourselves of the Rotherham incident, which still continues btw. Churchill was the biggest piece of shit in WW2.

The death of 52 million cuckolds and muslims is a small price to pay to make that eyesore disappear.

Unprovoked terror attack on the civilian population of Copenhagen in 1807 under the false pretext that they were going to join Napoleon.

That's what I think of England.

you think England is one event in 1807? There is a little more to the UK than that kiddo.


They rose out of nothing as a great empire much like the Romans they claimed to descend from but the Empire fell a long time ago. I am honestly more curious what the next empire is going to be and who is going to take Europa back from the Mudslimes.


English citizen is second class. Where are your hooligans m8. Where is the working class m8?when I come to the the English countryside as a tourist and observe the picturesque villages I want to see Englishmen, not some pakis and niggers

English citizen is second class. Where are your hooligans m8. Where is the working class m8?when I come to the the English countryside as a tourist and observe the picturesque villages I want to see Englishmen, not some pakis and niggers

Also this
