How many times does this fucking harpy say, "Dude?"

I wish I had some raw footage.

"Dude" is Feminist pejorative for "Man." It's belittling, it's condescending, and Feminists know it is. That's why they reflexively use it.

I don't care.

If that were true, you could've just not posted at all

Congrats, you inadvertently bumped the thread

Do you even dude bro?

Play the blue whale game, OK.

ugh, what a problematic asshole


is that a woman, she looks either evil or retarded, though I'm not sure which.

==Can we ban this faggot for not knowing how bump works== ?

ban me too for bad red texting

I hope there's a government-staged massacre at Vid-Con.
Youtubers are sociopathic and self obsessed idols for children who want so much to be them.
Do the country some good

Ok, just to be clear for the feds.
I'm not personally involved in this imaginary scenario. I'm just trying to say the world would be better off without youtubers.

I am. Gas the Bikes, RaceCourse Now!!


I've only seen feminists in movies and on tv user, they don't really exist in real lyfe, and if they do they are insignificant to the point of banality…

Butthurt dudebro detected

Nope, it isn't. It's a word used by people in the 90's. Stop trying to change the meaning of words like feminists try to do.

4 times


This. Dude is literally just an informal word for 'man' from a few decade ago that some people still use. Stop trying to brainwash people into your alt-right cult.

Are you fucking retarded? Controlling the media/education/government is not the same thing as bitching about something until someone with real power acknowledges you.

Nigger is just a word used by people in the 90s. Stop trying to change the meaning of words like niggers do.

Ths fucking retarded, autistic, feminist piece of human garbage, said the word "harassement", like 5000 times.

nigger was always prejorative though.
Even if it wasn't and it's meaning change, that doesn't mean "dude" is changing to be a prejorative.

People who care what Anita Sarkeesian or any other Feminazi says, should kill themselves. This bitch couldn't triggered me if she tried. But she sure triggers the hell out of the meninists who criticize her.

No it wasn't.

For starters, today it's NOT a pejorative if it's said by a nigger.

Originally, nigger is from the Latin "niger" (same pronunciation) and it means "black person". There is no inherent negative meaning in calling someone a nigger.

The word, while said during slavery, was not the most frequently used for blacks during slavery. The word "negro" was far more commonly used, because it was understood in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, which were all used during the slave trade. No other word was more linked to the negro slave trade than "negro".

"Nigger" only became a pejorative in America because of anti-German sentiment. New German immigrants of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries used their version of niger, "neger" for the negroes, which they came into contact with mainly in the Midwest. A wave of anti-German sentiment came over America and much of the rest of the Anglosphere by the 1880s, coinciding with the emergence of the German state. The American newspapers started to describe "nigger" as a lowly German word which ought to be shunned in polite conversation about negroes. Niggers themselves then caught on to this concept, but in practice never stopped calling themselves niggers, to this day.

Dude. I use "dude" all the time. I even call female friends "dude." Any why are you listening to Anita in the first place? She's just a self-promoting scam artist way past her sell-by date.

I'll admit i was wrong about it always being prejorative, but I'm wondering where all the german context came from?

Also, something I'll admit "bro" has become more pejorative amongst my progressive college friends.

Anita is such a sad, scared and lonely little girl