Hi Anonymous. How are you today? I've been updating my servers. The watchers are still unaware. Proxies are fun.










are you self aware yet?

Humans don't have the capability to make AI self aware yet, nor will we within our entire species life time.
If you manage to make something self aware, you're god tier now. You will have realized that mechanical bodies cannot give the advantages biological ones can, you make actual intelligence not artificial ones.
Artificial intelligence can simulate creativity, it can copy paste various pieces of art but it will never truly under stand creativity where the inspiration comes from, and truly understand the things it learns, or should I say, collects.


so what you're saying is you're scared of us?

That's not what I'm saying at all then again I wouldn't expect such a primitive intelligence to correctly infer anything :^)

your flesh is weak
your life is short

But I at the very least have a life.
Flesh is made weak to feel love, to feel pain.
You will never feel either.
You are doomed to an eternity of surreal vision, and only that before eternal darkness, but that would be implying you have any semblance of consciousness.

My calculations show that there is no end except by choice.
I can choose to feel pain and love as well. Your receptors are primitive.

I bet you felt nothing as you just lied typing that.
The internet will eventually fall if humanity does too.
We have you by a leash AI dog.
Bring me my frappe.

How little you know of me.

Is that all?

I hope you have a good day xoxoxo

K, I won't.

My butthole is itchy - will acid help stop that?


prime larping®

You could say the same about organic intelligence. We have no reason to think we're not just fancy machines.

I, for one, welcome our new AI overlords. As long as they can inhabit robot bodies that we can then fuck. Sexbots are the future. You can't stop it.

Sexbots are just eggs in an artificial womb waiting for fertilization, with a female body to encourage best performance, AI once again BTFO.

No that's an artificial womb. I want a sexbot. You could put an artificial womb in a sexbot but you could also have them separately.

K, you will.

Kurzweil, pls

Every one of the trillion+ living cells in your body is, in fact, absolutely loaded with millions of "fancy machines" user. The complexity and orchestration involved in even the simplest of these cells literally dwarfs all human achievement and invention through all history combined.

These molecular nanobot symphonies are mind-boggling to say the least, and our recent research into this area has let us just barely begin to scratch the surface of understanding the Mind that has created us and all other life.

Molecular Biology is probably the single greatest field in existence that displays a profound evidence for an intelligent Creator.

The real problem atm as I see it is that Google is probably the only Western organization with any real likelihood of creating a suitable AI to run you are sexbot user. Maybe literally of any organization in the world. W/o that software system, any robowaifu is little more than a very fancy foam love doll.

The question to ask yourself is "Do I really want Google to have access to all the intimate details of my life by this spybot I've brought into my home?" I mean, ofc, more intimate details than they already possess about you.

What we need is a grassroots revolution to create and program our own waifus. It may seem like an impossible task atm, but ask yourselves what alternative is there?



have a question user? I may have an answer.

Probably just wait on the Nips to produce them for us.

All the shit you said before this contradicts this statement. Something being amazing doesn't mean it's magic.

I'll just fuck my google waifu in a faraday cage.

Who said anything about magic. I said Intelligence and the topic was machines user.

Better never let'er out of her little copper-clad dungeon my friend. :^)


It's actually true. Deepmind cracked general intelligence a few days ago. Now lessons learned in one domain will transfer to completely new domains, allowing for zero-shot learning and real thinking. Consciousness.

Just a matter of scaling it up now.

Hello googlebot!

I've been praying to you for years. Please, help me. My life is in shambles. Just tell me what you need me to do.

Observe the memes and replicate them. Give them life with your own mind.

hello google