What did society mean by this Holla Forums??.
The problem with tragedy aftermaths
fuck niggers
Capped. Best thread ever.
I agree
How do you explain why the Jews created the Haulocaust?
When I think about why people do stuff like that, I always come back to how I and a lot of other people feel.
same here user.
At least I know there are people out there who relate, thank user.
No problem.
When any event happens, people will try to fit it into their worldview. This is a perfectly logical thing to do. The problems arise when that worldview is skewed. It leads to faulty interpretations of events and calls to action which will be wholly ineffective at fixing any problems causing these events, let alone the problems resulting from them.
On a higher note: Here is the story of the most hilarious "mass shooter ever.
at around 17 mins in you can see him doing target practice.
It was a shotgun btw.
27* mins
I agree randy is or was a shit_tier killer although what you normalfags fail to realize is that Stair was yet another victim of our sick society failing the truly vulnerable. Sure, he had problems, but if you actually bothered to listen to him, you'd realize how desperate he was for help, which never came as none of his viewers or anybody in his life said anything also his parents were shit so shit talking him doesn't do you normalfags any good.
He was an attention whore who couldn't even kill for a front page story.
I'll make fun of him all I want. lol
Everytime I watch this moron shoot I laugh.
That's what really reveals the autism to me.
Also, what says is right. All of his videos cry out for "Look at me! I'm so unique and kooky like the Googlplex of other youtubers! Worship me!"
The whole deal about life is this. You look out for yourself, because no one else will.
if you're going to commit suicide anyway, and don't feel emotions because of psych meds, why not go on a spreekill? it looks fun tbh
Why do you Chads still think it's appropriate to bully the socially awakarkd? I thought we were done with this after columbine but apparently not look don't you dumb ducks realize by doing so your creating more shooters so yes it's society's fault.
Get off of my board normies.
wew lad.
Listen here friendo, no one makes their way to this site that doesn't have at least a few screws loose or missing. Hell, it's 3 am on the east coast and I'm here shitposting. If that doesn't tell you something, then I don't know what will.
There's two things that bullying does, it either forces conformity, or creates monsters. However, loving each other so huggy muggy much just is beyond humans at this time, because it weakens the tribe mentality that we as primates have.
Therefore, wherever you are, it's either conform, or prepare to defend yourself/be ostracized.
Anyway, the viedo I posted is basically spot on staring around 39:00.
Nobody wants to be remembered as a pathetic joke. Mock this faggot and people won't follow in his footsteps. We should be doing this more. I would figure a good majority of the people on this board were bullied quite horrendously. None of us went on a mass shooting.
Have you thought about it though user??.
Quite a bit.
Funnily enough, a lot of kids in school made jokes about how I was gonna go on a shooting spree. That's a lot of what kept me from doing it: I wanted to prove them wrong.
You're right. We should encourage people to be better than this faggot. For starters, they should get a camera. Oh and stop making cringy, pathetic manifestos on par with 40 minute anime music videos. Take Elliot Rodger for one. He was cringy, but he had a likable vlog and had his own interesting atmosphere cultivated on his channel. The brony fag is just cringe and disappointment to all before and after death.
Do you think this will apply to the death of Holla Forums? Because I don't think it will. Meaning your theory is shit.
this is the best part though. Nobody cares about your gay ass life or your gay ass problems; it is very funny for me to know that they wrote a long ass book of fluff that no one will ever read, even though probably thought it was the most important thing they'd ever done
you fix this(or lessen the amount of these happenings) by fixing the society.
the end.
I don't see where OP suggested that it is a problem which needs to be fixed.
Not all problems do, you know.
Some problems it is just best to let them run their course rather than try to fix.
Obviously OP was alluding to that, retard.
That's like saying you fix the Middle East for the most part by stopping terrorism. No fucking shit.
I actually took the time and read Elliots book.
If you're being bullied, there's a reason for it.
People don't just get together and think "hey, that kid's minding his own business and not bothering anyone. Let's fuck with him!"
As he said: you reap what you sow. If you're being an annoying faggot, you're gonna get bullied.
Dumbass that happens all the time i was bullied for having autism and just being myself in school stop trying to justify why hurting people physically and mentally is okay not everyone who gets bullied is an annoying faggot i just wanted to get through my day and i was treated like shit because i was different you reap what you sow meaning you fuck with someone they could potentially kill you you're normalfag argument is shit now back to reddit normalfag.
stop doing that.
Autists are annoying as fuck when they "be themselves"
Oh but they do. School shooters or mass shooters are generally not one-offs unless they are shitskins. They are just a symptom. Are you denying legitimacy of soon to be 20 year old fanbase of Eric and Dylan for example? They are seen as heroes among the less popular kids in HS.
You're the ones moralfagging.
I was bullied quite horribly all through grade school. It was because I was a faggot.
I stopped being a faggot, I stopped being bullied. Simple as that.
It doesn't always work like that it may for you but not for everybody.
If it didn't work for you, you did it wrong.
You're normalfag advice fucking sucks just stop now back to Reddit.>>7149485
Tell me: what do they say to you when you're getting bullied?
That never happened.
You are wrong.
Not bothering anyone is perfect reason for getting bullied. I am pretty silent person, who like to talk only to few true friends and this not happen too often, but i forced to do chit chat on the job, because when i was silent for the first week i realised, that i looked like some weirdo and i get laughs about my weirdness even after six months, but it comes easy since i toss few words twice a day and try to make this words as normie as possible.
His plans clearly describe that he wanted not to just shoot his intended victims but also to wreck everything in the store. Most of those 50 shots were all just to fuck up the store, shooting bags of chips and such.
Nah man, the real fault when I myself decide to carry out a mass shooting, will be genetics and upbringing. Shit genes (I have poor health and issues all the time) and shit upbringing. Eugenics is the solution.
Schools are designed to take a normal, functioning human child and turn them into retard. When one of them figures it out (even if just subconsciously, without fully understanding the logic) they can sometimes snap.
I got some shit in the first or second year of HS cause i wanted to hang out with a dude who was ok, some other twat in my class thought i was gay. I never got bullied, just underhand remarks and at some point, i punched the cunt in the back. All he could do was stop me when i was going home and tried to slap me, but after that, there wasn't anything very bad honestly, i was a bit of an outcast and towards the final year, i eased back into being a little more sociable. But now i wouldn't really want to get together with my old classmates, fuck 'em.
That aside, if i reached the bottom of the barrel now, and get super fucked up mentally and i had the required guns(because i'm not in the us), i would try to kill at least some people i hate.
I'm not saying this to sound edgy, in my mind, if i have to go out, i'll go out with a bang.
How can you change schooling as it is today to still educate the population but not turn people into retarded masses? (btw I hate the way this guy talks)
Because normalfags never stay up late amirite
It's a difficult question