Wonder Woman trailer


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A refreshing lack of SJW pandering I think, just superhero action.


Well I nitpicked it and most of the shit I nitpicked was military stuff.

I think they are going to end up portraying WW1 as WW2 on accident because, honestly, not a lot of American's can even tell you the difference, despite the differences being fuck huge.

And of all things to fuck up on.

Oh boy, ANOTHER movie hating on the Germans. Just what we fucking need. As an Amazonian, it'd sure be nice to, I dunno, maybe have her in a situation fighting the fucking Communist invasion into Eastern Europe or the Middle East? Oh wait, that's not allowed, no, we need to fill the yearly quote of OMG DAH NAZIS.

It's awkward at how they are trying to paint the Germans as the bad guys of WW1. It's like they are taking hollywood nazi's and inserting them into WW1.

Yes, I was gonna say.
Apparently they've learned from the errors of Sony and others: pandering to SJW just doesn't pay. Things are changing positively.
And of course it will include a message of "stron women can do anyfin" but by itself that's a harmless message, and it's not even wrong. It's in the spirit of Wonder Woman, too.
Of course people will catch the pendulum swinging too hard to the other side and will say "Wonder Woman 2017 is FEMINIST PROPAHANDA!!" but that's retarded.

The fuck? I though Wonder Woman was fighting AGAINST the Central Powers in this movie?

Don't be a dick! Be a dude!
Post 2 and 4 spoilered!

I read a couple of people defending it because "muh Rape of Belgium" completely ignoring that the Entente did some pretty fucked up shit to the German colonies.

Believe me dawg, they could of gone a LOT further with the SJW pandering then what they did in the trailer

And I agree with >>714785

I think they're doing it on purpose because they want it to be their version of Captain America, but figure if they do WW1 they can argue it's not a clone.

I loved second and fourth pictures! No, you know what? You should post more of wonder loli.

He's Egyptian dude

The Germans would be the villain in the movie. Everyone's going to be played by the Duke of Deception while the Dr. Poison chick produce chemical weapons. Everything to forment war and suffering in the name of Ares.

When you're right you're right.

Will you stop turning every thread into a porn dump? We can all go to rule34 or hentaifoundry. It'd be nice to have some threads here that are actually discussion and not just picspam.

Is not what I'm doing.
Nigga, did you read my first post in the thread? I am adding to the conversation.
We can have both conversation and lewds.

gross. Fuck off you queers

Honestly this is a movie I'd want to be good, but it don't look it.

I don't like the colors. I'm already annoyed by the slow motion. Looks cheap. Diana seems like an emotionless supermodel trying to act.

That's the actress in a nutshell. I want- no… WE NEED to have a Wonder Woman with actual muscle already. Enough with the twigs. These people want a strong female hero? Make her physically strong for once! It even still has the sex appeal element. There's so many men today who would want an athletic muscular woman in their life.

Found the faggot.

Seriously, enough with the "she's not muscular enough" complaints. You've ever seen women at the gym? In martial arts schools? They are all fucking twigs. The hot ones tend to have a bit more fat in the right places, like attractive women generally do, but other that that, bodybuilders are a rarity unless they are chomping steroids like candy. Hell, you'd complain even more if Wonder Woman looked like a bodybuilder.

Why not complain about something more logical, like the fact that Gadot can't act for shit which is why she has less lines than fucking Etta Candy in the trailer, and most of her appearances in it is just action scenes?

I don't think you know how acting works.


She's an emotionless JEW trying to act.

She is a bad actress. I just didn't have anything else to add about her acting ability. Just that we need an actress who isn't a twig.

Don't listen to those fags. Wonder Woman is a 6ft 3in beast. An AMAZON. She needs to be at least 200 lbs and finding someone who looks like that and can act is not a tall order.

They fucked up with (((Gadot))) plain and simple. Trying to make a jewess embody beauty and strength was doomed from the start.


Thank you, user. A brother of good taste and sensibility is always welcomed.

I realize now 200lbs on a woman is pretty difficult to achieve, so I'll settle for 170. 170lbs on a 6ft female frame would satisfy us.


I'd say just find a good actress and beef her up a bit like they do with the other actors doing super hero roles.

You'll need someone who'd be willing to do that kinda thing or is already in that life style. Otherwise the actress will be limiting herself in roles and it will probably end up giving ammo to crazy SJWs. Saying crap like she's being forced to fit a masculine stereotype or some shit.

I gotta admit, I kinda like Chris Pine as Steve Trevor.

He works pretty well as a sidekick/comic relief/love interest combo. Certainly far better than the bland shit DC's been doing with him in the comics.

Agreed, I've known plenty of women who were above 6 ft and could easily gain the muscle. I'm /fit/ myself, so I know that Amazonians aren't supposed to look like they were just retrieved from Ravensbruck.

Agreed. I'm also liking Etta Candy's actor as a good foil to WW.

Are you retarded?

Get the fuck outta my face until you understand what I actually wrote.

nigga if im in your face you're too close to the screen

0:36 Those fucking special effects, Jesus H. Shitting Christ.


If you want I can quote you.

Women who are actually badass, aren't twigs.

Something's weird.

You mean is.

Eh, s'longs she's fit, it fine. Not like more muscle makes super strength more realistic.

I suppose superman should look like pic related, because that's what actually strong men look like.

Yeah, why not?
The Incredible Hulk was awesome. Better than any Superman movie made this millenium.

Remember the "I swear I'm a fit asian" Psylocke from Age of Apocalypse?
I had an easier time believing Apocalypse built the pyramids n shieet in a matter of hours than seeing her do backflips.

That was Olivia Munn playing the character. Funny about that is despite getting the costume right they still mess up the characters backstory. Its weird with this movie, the costumes look more accurate but all the backstories are still messed up. At least I got to see Wolverine in his head gear from the Weapon X program.

No but a warrior princess from a culture of warriors should, y'know, be built like a fucking warrior.

I miss Attack of the Show

I know it's part of her backstory in the comics, but this feels like having Iron Man fighting commies in the movie.

Unlike Captain America, it's not like Wonder Woman origin couldn't be adapted to modern times.

I think if they modernized WW origins they could have her fight ISIS.

But user, that would be intolerant.

Why not?

Not everything needs to be modernised for the sake of being relatable.

Perez's Wonder Woman had nothing to do with either World War

Me too, but only because it kept that cock sucking hack out of film

I get the feeling they wanted to show she's basically immortal

Go ahead, I'll help you out:

Your response:

Yeah, fuck off with that bullshit. Even actual women in the army aren't usually built like that. My final point is to consider aesthetics. You might have interesting tastes, but those of us who are not fags prefer our women not to look like trannies.

He's talking about her Golden and Silver Age origins where she fought Nazis.

Funny thing is, she's never been immortal in the comics. Only the Lynda Carter show hinted at it.

Well no shit, that's because women in the military are fucking coddled.

Bitch I posted was better looking, and had a closer body to WW's in the comic.

No you just like children

I think the DCEU would've been better if they animated it. That way you could get away with so much weird stuff and sexy women. Also, have good writing and animation would be taken seriously in the West.

Well then it would be the DCAU and not DCEU.

The issue is, that the DCEU shouldn't have been movies, but instead TV shows that crossed over alot, much like Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl.

At this point, I just want a Batman or Superman TV show that takes itself seriously and is the Year One equivalent. If done in the same style as the Flash, it would boost DC's sales (even though they are wrecking Marvel as is) to the point Marvel couldn't hope to catch up.

I think it's possible you're bait considering you said that someone likes children if they don't like women with six-packs, but I'm going to reply anyway because your bait was decent enough. The first half, anyway.
Bodybuilders are not strong. Typically they're very dehydrated and unhealthy to get to the levels they're at. This goes for women especially since women don't naturally get like that when they work out. This is why working people and people who do stuff like Olympic weightlifting(in the higher weight classes; lower ones have women that look like twigs) look fat rather than just muscular.

Stay salty Franz

Maybe you should have done something productive instead of opening the doors for millions of saracens

I didn't know you could check your own dubs?

Read a book, faggot.


Ebin video, faggot.


fuck off jewpig

I think it was meant as a joke user.

Agreed, that's why I didn't say female bodybuilders, but instead fitness models, which are absolutely fucking strong for women.

Women don't get body builder or power lifter big, you're absolutely right, but they do get cut and develop muscle just the same as any human does. We may be different sexes, but ultimately, the same laws that determine how a man gets strong still determine how a woman gets big. A strong woman has a strong child. A strong child, raised by strong parents of sound mind and body, is the future of the state.

I can throw literally a dozen power lifters (of them, including Mariusz Pudzianowski, and Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson) who look strong as well as are strong. Guys who are the basis for the bodies of characters like Superman. Shit, even Olympic Wrestlers in the Heavyweight category still get built, take Alexander Karelin for example.

user, you can't use male power-lifters as an example of what women look like when they're physically strong. Your examples are all men with a good layer of fat on them rather than looking like the "fitness model" you posted, anyway.

I can use your logic and say we should be casting men who look like your examples as superhero men, but they're not, because they don't look attractive. This is why WW's actress was picked over anyone else they could have hired.

Also, to give examples of my own, have some female Olympic runners, power-lifters, and weightlifters. Women do not build muscle in the same way men do, user. They need and hold more fat than men and so it's way harder for them to have a six-pack. They tend to be thin and not have a lot of definition. Women who have six-packs are likely the opposite of strong just because how dangerously low their BF% has to be.

Just out of curiosity if we were to do a Wonder Woman movie how would we make her body type like? Would she be roided out like She-Hulk? Would she be a bit more lean like in 1st pic?

Better than the teaser trailer



You can stop shilling now.

And could you please provide an image of the musculature of a real-life female warrior?

Why there is no more people talking about it.

Yeah, it really helps the action.

What went bad Holla Forums?


And those were just more feminine muscular fit women. We can go deeper with some seriously muscular women if you're still not satisfied.

Go back to Holla Forums, retard.

Found the jew.

Looks okay, especially in comparison to all the other shit That came out before it, might be okay. It's a shame Gadot is so fucking terrible for the role.

beautiful user.

You mean with Gail Simone? I guess old age? I tend to notice good writers get worse with age like Mark Waid.

It's a fucking DTV animated movie that was released years ago. What more is there to talk about?

Well, I supposed that how it would be better to re-release that in live action than whatever they're making now.

Simone probably scribbled some basic outlines on a napkin, and they put her name on the box because she's well regarded. The actual parts that people care about, the characterization, dialogue, and pacing, come from the screenplay.

What was ever good?

As I recall, 'story by' usually means the person credited wrote at least a draft of the screenplay. You're probably right that the final screenplay's quality had nothing to do with Simone, however

No no, the first part at least is dead on. Wonder Woman should be the myth apart from losing so badly.


I specifically wasn't talking about fit women. Or muscular women. I was talking about fucking warriors. That's why I wrote
You know, a soldier. Mercenary, revolutionary, a career-criminal problem-shooter. And don't give me any fucking progressive hires like some US female "marine" who passed on lowered standards. Give me a photo of Lyudmila Pavlichenko's abs.
Failing that, I guess we'll have to make do with some female MMA fighters.
But keep the fuck in mind that Wonder Woman is not supposed to fight in a ring, surrounded by spectators, according to rules. Or with a scoped rifle. There are no credible sources about competent female warriors who made do with sharp steel and the strength of their own arms.

Now you're just dancing around everything to feel like you're still not getting results. For fucks sake user.

Muscle makes super strength more believable.

Any argument against that?

isn't it about time they back off of that a little?

Never ever.

Thank you.

Get the fuck out pedo faggot

Just saying, I don't think Legionaries looked like body builders. Just off the top of my head, they cultivated a gut, put on a good bit of fat to march on. And the other half of the time they probably looked somewhat starved.

Only mundane strength. Not the strength to lift a car single-handedly.

You can't even quote like a man, you lousy faggot.
Oh me oh my, goodness gracious. It's almost like I don't have to do what you say…

Fuck off you queer

you need to go back.

Ha ha, you're fuck.