I used to like this guy, years ago (Michael Medved) until I realized he was just manipulating millions of ignorant goyim. His show is just 24/7 "FUCK TRUMP" and has been for the past year. He singlehandedly converted me to antisemitism. Now, someone please watch this video and tell me what he (Medved) gets wrong and what his caller gets right or wrong, thanks.
Posting the video next.
Luis Smith
What did Medved and/or his caller get wrong/right?
Michael Medved is a mindfuck, listen to him sometime and you won't believe how sneaky and nasty he is, but he acts (mostly on the surface) like a nice person. You can figure out his game though, which is just shitting on traditional White people and shilling for Israel.
His fans are all idiots who call up and brag to Medved about how smart they are, just like him (they think). Medved is obsessed with correcting wrongthink on history, the civil war, WW2, whatever. Also he's obsessed AF with stopping conspiracy theories, obviously because he sees thinking about possible conspiracies as a potential danger to Jews.
Noah Scott
O yea he spent his early years fighting to get more Blacks into the police force in Seattle, I believe. Real bastard. Now he LARPs as a conservative to fool gullible Republican goyim into thinking how he wants them to think. Despicable, no?
He wrote a book called "Right Turns" as a kind of conversion to conservatism memoir.
Tyler Anderson
Owen Nelson
You're implying I run the Youtube channel with the video? You know this… how?
This vid getting views doesn't help Medved, it's not his vid. I want to know how Medved is lying/if he's lying.
So shoot me.
Bentley Bell
There are generally two types of youtube posters, the lazy redditfags who can't into webms and the person trying to pump up their views.
Noah Wright
Always do the opposite of what the Jews want.
Carson Bell
Sometimes Youtube is just convenient, man.
Ian Johnson
The caller is a newfag who obviously hasn't research the Holocaust. I doubt he's read or watched anything other than the (((David Cole))) Asuchwitz video.
You never lead with the Auschwitz plaque…
Gabriel Morales
redpill me more, I'm pretty ignorant on the details of the holo
Ryan Cook
Start by watching this.
Any point from the video would have made a better argument than what he called with.
Daniel Johnson
Connor Mitchell
Medved and Levin both
Bentley Collins
Okay, so I'm cool with the shit you'll all give me about this because, being a merchant, I deserve it.
But, on the topic of this ass; I used to enjoy listening to him; too. It wasn't until recently that me and my father both completely dropped him and I can tell you the exact show too.
He was talking about the holocaust and gun control. Now, there are many pro gun statistics out there that discuss how if the Jews had firearms they could have limited if not possibly prevented what happened. Now this asshole got into a pissing contest with a caller when the caller brought this up. He starts going off on how the Jews never had firearms in Nazi controlled Germany so non of that would have helped. He also defended the notion that there was no Nazi gun grab during Nazi controlled Germany, which is theoretically true. My beef with him came when he completely ignored the fact that the Wiemar Republic government were the ones that did the gun grab as a negotiating tactic to appease the Nazi party that had grown in power in Parliament. So, historically speaking the Jews did have guns that maybe could have helped them.
He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Okay I've said my peace, go ahead give me what you got goyim, I probably deserve.
Nathaniel Ward
Honestly, if jews had guns the Holocaust would have probably happened.
Robert Hall
I love this guy. His show is just Jew Tactics 101, broadcast in the frankest way possible to the widest audience. I used to listen to his show every day because he pulls them off all in such a clear manner, straight from the Merchant's mouth, not watered down with goy actors or animated characters or news anchors like most merchant rhetoric is.
Cooper Wright
Guy looks like a JUST shoop of Lyin Ted.
Joseph Williams
Jews don't "contribute" to a country's culture, they choke it to death and turn their cultural institutions into Jewish propaganda vehicles. I wonder what American culture would be like today without the dictatorial influence of Der Jude behind the curtain.
Camden Morris
underrated post
Luis Gray
Still waiting for part 2.
Dylan Gonzalez
Anyone else want to break down why Medved was wrong and what his caller got wrong or right?