The Good News: Trump is going to win

The Good News: Trump is going to win.
The Bad News: Jews are going to trigger a financial collapse when he does and blame it on nationalism.

How do we stop the Jews exploiting Trump's ascendancy?

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Key word is they will try to do this.

It will meet the same result as with brexit.. Hungary… 1933 Germany… Nationalism is inherently good for an economy.

Worked well for the EU when it included Greece, right? Lets get some of those African countries. It's not like Zimbabwe would mass print more money to spend more.

Interesting thread, bumping.

I suspect that we will watch the world collapse, whereas we in Ameica will thrive much like Germany did in the 30s. Pull out of a glibalist economy, and the fix is sudden and rapid. It might actually serve to catalyze nationalist movements around the world.

I thought they would do something like this too. The thing is that if they take out the US economy they're going to drag Europe into it too.

What do shitlibs say when there's a economic shoah? "Oh noes! people will blame the migrants! People will take it out on the migrants!" I heard Mark citadel predict that another Rotheram/Cologne won't inspire Europeans to fight back, but an economic nuke has a much better chance of doing the trick.


come and have a go then, if we lose to the kikes when we have a decent shot the world is doomed anyway. Let's see if they'll risk everything to find out the truth because we will.

this, it'll play right into Trump's hands

he'll be given more domestic power than a president usually has (example: FDR) and he'll use it to:

He may even take pages out of Hitlers book and use our massive resources as a bartering chip and currency to avoid going into more debt slavery to keep the country afloat

People will want to work, and with a sense of purpose they'll love it

If the kikes try to crash the economy, then putin and assange will dump the final redpill on everyone and it will then trigger pic related

I already suspected something like it. Either more terrorists, nigs or allahu, or something happens to hurt the economy.

Wouldn't be the least bit suprised.

If that doesn't work, maybe a false flag here and there for a little more war?

exactly what i was thinking.

on one side the prospective scares me a little bit.
on the other if it's true, i can't wait.

who cares. trump will be the great uniter to get us through the depression we so badly need to reset our economy.

This tbh, they will burn the whole fucking world, and people will look to the American example when we thrive.

The idea is that things get so bad, people will call for Brexit to be reversed/halted and Trump to step down.

Not a coincidence I don't think that Brexit won't actually happen until at least 2018.

It's rather obvious with the current economy state.
The Federal reserve is printing money just to keep the masquerade running until the two outcome:
- Hillary president -> Going at war to hide the bubble
- Trump president -> Just let the economy crash

One mean to deflatten the bubble (as I can understand it) is to send this money to productive sector, building project. And it so happens that one of the project is the wall, other places are funding local manufacture, and maybe some other part of Trump's economical plan.

So when Trump's get elected, be ready to go to work and help.

How much can they possibly terrorize us in four months without everyone else finding out about it?
Same with nogs and kebab. We're at like 2-3% Muslim now. They'd need to import at least another 10 million Muslims before things reached Europe levels on their own. I don't see them pulling that off in such a short amount of time.

I hope (((they))) do collapse the economy

If Trump is half the businessman I think he is he understands the (((global banking scheme))) and he'll just issue greenbacks backed by american labor and do away with the (((goldstein standard)))

Most of Trump's loans are from Deutsche Bank…

Pretty sure the plan is for USA and Russia to ally and economically blockade the Chinese. Russia will get to remake it's empire in Central Asia and the USA will be allowed to break up Turkey and take out Iran and leave the Middle East under Israeli Hegemony. Syria will stay Russian though and Assad will be a key ally in the war against ISIS. A Kurdish state will be empowered enough to fill the void left by a weakened Turkey and Iran. Also NATO under Trump will allow Russia to reunite with Ukraine with some elaborate partition plan and our forward operating missile defense bases will be removed. Chinese economy will collapse… after that who knows what the Chinese Leadership will do but perhaps a Taiwanese/Vietnamese/Japanese Invasion will occur. Kim Jung Un will betray China and first launch against them securing North Korea's place on the UN security council as a permanent member and South Korea will be reunited with North Korea under a peace plan. Then North Korea/Russia/USA/Japan/France/Israel will make fleets of Nuclear spacecraft and expand to the stars and the Middle East, Africa, and China will be massive nature preserves after all the humans in those locations are wiped out.

the kikes are going to lose their "policeman of the world" and not be able to do anything about it

I hate jews so much. Leave us alone you insolent rats!



The Jews will use the hidden hand of central banks, to dump S&P 500 futures on the open market. Big banks will hear of this, and do the same. No muppet will even learn of this. We will sell for 2 months, and lose several thousand DOW // 500-700 S&P.

The market will bottom out, no telling when until the time comes.

Then the market will rip hard as fuck, and central banks will stop dumping their contracts, and begin buying again.

Within 25 years, We will be at 6+ multiples of current S&P 500 levels. Maybe even 24 multiples…
The stock market responds to INFLATION, not the fucking economy. Money printing means there will be inflation. One day, it will come. Guaranteed.

THIS WILL HAPPEN. I know everything.

that is all

You don't know shit.

Go for it.

By all means, weaken the systems capacity to defend itself.


Do it, kikes.

In shall pray tonight that what you say is true, for such conditions will lead to war, and war will lead to our victory.

It is inevitable now.

This is not an election anymore, it is a countdown.

Let the games begin, and the fires rise higher.

Praise Kek

Vote for Trump in this poll you niggers.


Here you go now put it on a T-shirt

Jews always overextend themselves with their grand ideas. This is why they constantly fail and get rooted out. We always become over ideological and extend our civilizations bringing said jews back in and turning our empires into multi-cultural shitholes that break apart, each time losing more and more territory with mongrelized people filling in that previous territory lost.

It's hard to not be nihilistic in the sense that we seem forever doomed to repeat this scenario as we have for thousands of years. At this point fuck it. All or nothing. Anything less than complete and utter annihilation this time around will have been for nothing.


here lies the problem. we have the internet now, the jews at worse had to wait for 80 plus years for people to have their opinions of kikes be scrubbed from memory. now they cant, if shit gets bad and it will then people will arm themselves with knowledge or at least start listening to ostracized family members and then catalog the jews fuckups, if the internet dies because of their faggotry humanity will remember it enough to scribble down all the faggotry that lead to the jews samson options.

life is too good right now, people are at that phase where if someone does pull something retarded they will remember it.

Sooo? who is gonna fight for them now?

Last time Germany oposed them and they had Merica and Russia as they sword arms
This time Merica nad Russia are tired of Kike shit and are not willing to take anymore of it
So who's left? Yurop? Yeah right, they're all most likelly to fight amongst themselves than to serve the kikes and if the Jews cause a lot of chaos they will make it easyer for Trump and Putin to discretly get rid of them
Not to mention China, Japan, and even the sand nigger will be more than happy to aid in the Kike remobal

even if they crash the world economy they will just bring more hatred upon themselves and this time they will not have the means to hire a mercenary army to die fighting their wars

trips and dubs of truth
Merica is the reason kikes control the world and they are loosing it

Economic depression will only help nationalists.

When comfortably middle-class people ($120K+ household income) start experience what the working-class has been dealing with since the 90s (competing with Mexcrement just to survive, shit wages, etc.), the middle-class will shift hard right.

I can't fucking wait. I made so much money off brexit in currency trading I just know the american election is going to have such a massive swing in USD value that I'll be rolling in it yet again.

Get fucked, kikes. You want to sell everything and make everything cheap as shit? Then I'm going to buy it all from under your fat noses.

looks like OP was listening to glenn beck this morning.
Go climb a wall of dicks

they may try to get the dinks and squatniggers to attack us then try to latch onto one of them when they are crippled and infect a new host. the rusfags are already fairly aware of kike takeovers so the dinks seem most prone

That isn't bad news. If anything a real collapse will make a Trump 4 years start having real growth. We are in constant slog because they keep kicking the can down the road.

But it's a financial collapse that could be solved in one day by hanging all the kike bankers and financial speculators, declaring their phony paper/virtual economy null and void and rebooting the global economic system with value-back national currencies and a new non-usurious, non-fractional reserve banking system.

You guys need to realize that nationalism for the US which is a massive multiethnic empire would mean immediate collapse into civil war and eventual balkanization. I want this but you guys should be delusional about Trump hes not going to save you and things are going to get way way worse in the next few years.

The pre-1965 white population sees themselves as one white race, the Historic American Nation, only the multi-racial shithole inner-cities would explode and it won't look much different than it looks now when they're "pacified".

is it a good idea to buy a bullet press so ammunition is easy to get in this depression?


I got you bro.


Americanism is Anglo-Saxonism. That celts, teutons, and even some other whites are allowed to join and assimilate into Anglo-Saxon culture does not change the fact that America really has one race, the Anglo-Saxon race, and is hardly multiethnic. Remember that the nonwhites, and whites who reject Anglo-Saxon culture, have no legitimate place in America (with exception of course to some non-toltec native groups).

The final happening scares everyone user. But it will be the dawn of a new era.

hopefully DotR


Get your meme game on mother fuckers, freedoms will be had soon!

It shouldn't scare you one bit. You should be putting sunglasses on because the future is going to be fucking bright.

Better than that. Gibs will dry up and the minorities will go apeshit and start bixing and going full race war mode.

Trump has already made statements about how we are in a bubble and how he got out of the stock market because of this. They won't be able to spin this. As for the so called one world currency, rumor is that China and the Bank of International Settlements are negotiating a deal as we speak about all contracts being settled in gold valued at $5000/oz. Precious metals have always been the global currency throughout history.

is this one world currency good or bad?
it's sounds bad.

Up your meds

Are you retarded?

Don't forget biological weapons. No reason you cannot custom target a weapon to such an inbred savage race. Most other races are very difficult to narrow down as to what 'they' are due to so many variations within their own genetic groupings, nearly impossible to get all of any other race.

But Jew is one of the few with actual easily targeted segments which can be brought to bear. So if they piss off the wrong people….. gone forever they are.

We can easily recover after they try and nuke a few cities in threat. They will not.

i think the takeaway from all that we have seen so far is that our enemies will be relentless until they are dead. and so we must be ruthless as well, making sure that they see that end. a disaster has hidden within it limitless opportunities. also the fact that the natural resources of the US make it sustainably infinitely wealthy until the Sun goes supernova. the only impediment is a few fucktards who think they own everything and the armies of fucktards who work for them and think a paycheck means they're not slaves. selfless devotion to the volk, our greatest treasure. this will lead to victory, but with lessons learned from the 3rd. we know their fatal mistake and have to think a few steps ahead to strafe the inevitable.

dinks are going to starve when we go down. While they will weather the storm over all I am sure, after all losing a hundred million or three isn't all that big a deal over all to their nation, it will render any potential 'alliance' a joke on all fronts.

Would never work because there would be no foreign currency reserves, so it have to go back to the gold standard which will never happen, without anything backing the currency the only way the money would have any value would be through price setting which would destroy industrial and agricultural output,and destroy consumer confidence which is what the US currency is based on which would lead to a clusterfuck of issues like a north korean economy overnight,
It is possible but would most likely destroy any developed and developing nation, nations simply could not properly deal with their unique finicial problems like what happened in greece could have been adverted if they printed more money creating inflation but they were on the euro had did not have that power.
A global currency could only work WELL and be benefecial to economically similar nations, ie: Belgium, Germany,

Either way the Chinks, most of the third world, Europe, Israel and US would pretty much be fucked.

But the USA would become nationalistic and powerful again, we'd be able to survive the storm and kick off manufacturing here again. America will become great again.

Its people like you that make me feel like I'm a dick because I have to talk slow to everyone.

Such is the kikes problem, he can't see past his mountain of shekels and his nose.

We need to meme economic collapse before November

Anything that doesn't involve the deportation of non-whites is ultimately futile and worthles

You can't even get Holla Forums to agree to that thanks to their retarded anti-anglo autism, good luck convincing your country of 300+ million to give a shit about the constitution or racial heritage

Even if they didn't this economy would still go to shit.

We've reached the tipping point where capitalism can only run so far (on our current model), yet we still need it.

Some say force the people with capital to spread it charitably.
But possibly we may be able to accelerate the debt using modern technology (we never had instant currencies like bitcoin in the past.. just maybe it might be the solution to our problems)

Also even with singularity we have production issues (of ideas and maintenance of the system). AI is just not up to speed.

Really bad recessions take more than 4 years to turn around. If the kikes are really playing a long game then a 4 year term is a blip in the plan.

What will most likely happen with Trump is that he will stay his four years and then the public will be duped into voting Democrat. This kind of scar in the economy will ensure a Democrat in office for at least 2 terms.

Obviously. This was the most likely scenario since day one. There's a reason they have two blondes running for president. Jews are getting ready for a financial collapse and are going to pin it on the White goyim. Filthy fucking bastards.

There is no point to do anything leading to the crash of the world economy, if it did happen the only thing of value would be precious metal and there is no sign of hoarding going on because gold has actually fallen recently by 700$ , yes Jews own most mines but in the case of a collapsed world economy it would take years for jews to amass enough precious metals to have any sizable buying power and in that time controlled economies like china would be recovering at a exceedingly fast rate and simply beat the jews to the punch,

not only that but Israel is an info/tech economy if the world crashes israel simply dies they have no means of production, and are too small to change that, no arab nation would sell them oil and after a year or so of no foriegn support which their military depends on the nation would be overrun with pissed off arabs.

Even if Israel avoided the initial issues, israel is still part of the global economy and completely dependent on it, they have no means of production they work in information without a producer and consumer nations israel cannot exist

There is no possible way a world currency could possibly work in the slightest without destroying human civilization

Unless Trump uses it as a casus beli to holocaust the bankers once and for all.

I honestly think that that's what they want.

I've never been so hopefull.

Not if Trump seizes the means of production.

China has been hoarding gold and more recently silver. They know the dollar is a scam and while the west has been smashing the price down they have been using it as a buying opportunity. As far as Israel goes I'm pretty sure they signed on with the AIIB and other organizations. Millions will die in the coming collapse but its merely a transition period. Human population is an a bubble too because of the cheap money all over the place.


America was founded by Anglos, yes, but the whites in America are overwhelmingly a mix of many different ethnicities at this point. "Anglo-saxon" isn't a race, I might add. It's a sub-ethnic group of the European race.

America's cultural foundations lie with Anglo Saxon culture, and I believe it is vital we hold true to this, however our racial identity as a nation has expanded into a greater white identity rather than being beholden to any specific ethnicity.

If you want to look at how bad unified currency is… Look at the Euro and Greece. The Greece economy can not keep up with the EU, so they sink.


Hillary plans to de facto dissolve the US border, making a permanent uniparty voting block of Mexicans who only want gibs and don't give a flying fuck about 3rd world-tier corruption or tyranny since they come from countries in which it is the norm, you can bet your ass a North American Union of Mexico, Canada, and USA will be established, Obama already met with the Mexican president and Trudeau and laid out the framework to start talks. It is all or nothing in this election, either we win, or globalists will make huge gains to the point where it will be difficult to reverse them, and impossible to do so at least for decades. It is all or nothing, and we need to start acting like it, vote and support Trump, but don't put all your eggs in that basket, the best he can do is make modest improvements and shift the overton window far enough right for real nationalists to start a long term trend of improvement. Guns, ammunition, silver, medical supplies, food, the works, you should have prepared for full happening yesterday but if you were preoccupied or poorfag like me the current situation should be enough to mobilize you.

oh fuck off you anglo saxon nigger the brits are fucking faggots and have nothing to do with america. I have as much shared history with them as I do the French fuck the Queen you nigger loving kike enabling anglocunts

You could argue that Nazism failed

Dum dum dum

The internet is what breaks the cycle, the entire history of Jewry is now cataloged online and accessible FOREVER. Any new Jewry will also be recorded and impossible to remove.

There is no longer any danger of the crimes of the jews being forgotten and them slowly crawling back into a society that has expelled them. Once we kick them out, they're gone forever and no amount of kvetching will erase our archives of them.

Last time we saved a few countries from jews, but this time, the world.

I figured the the presidency was his when you consider how much money is in building a wall for (((contractors)))

user, why wouldn't you want your monetary policy to be created and enforced by unelected officials on the other side of the planet who speak a different language from you and share no common ancestry with you and also place almost no value on your life? What could pawssibly go wrong?


I thought that I was the only person who had this thought. A disease tailored to a specific DNA group would be a godsend.

They'll try it…but we will persevere

I would like to agree with you but good luck getting the rest of the goyim to listen. I barely get any traction and even then the conclusions normies come to are still cucked.

Wasn't there talk how the IT sector is already bursting? The game crash, Twitter and co tanking, android apps stopping being profitable and all that?

Could that be part of the next crash?

Don't care haha


Source on the rumors? sounds like a get rich quick opportunity for lazy anons.

You don't give Trump enough credit, fam. I'm certain that this man is more red pilled than anybody here. Hes just not an idiot about it and doesn't show his power level in public.

He has managed to nimbly navigate around everything thrown in his path so far, as if he could see 1 year into the future.

Whats going to happen is they will try to fuck the economy and then Trump will say "see folks, these political hacks can't even negotiate a proper trade agreement! We need a better system!"

And then implement his own system that actually benefits the citizens.

Jimmy Griffin
Lives in Yukon, Oklahoma
Works at Trane
Wears tight jeans, problem glasses, ironic beard, faggoty ISC work shirts

the more debt = less consumer confidence and devalueing of the US dollar cuz no gold standard
we'll see the entire market crash when the Debt is more than the nations GDP, you can see this in china where gdp to debt is like 80% the current us debt can be paid off rather quickly iff propper measures were taken so it doesnt really effect the market but past the 60% thresshold shit starts to happen jews dont need to do a thing

would it be bad if we went back to a gold standard for our currency?


dont have any

in what way?

let the chips fall where they may, i'm ready

There is going to have to be a massive economic correction no matter what. It is inevitable at this point; the whole system is completely imbalanced.

The problem is the endless emission of unbacked credit, not what or what doesn't back a currency.

theres not enough gold in circulation that the US government could get a hold of its like this

Lets say there is a 100$ in circulation, but there is only 20$ worth of gold out there, and we base that 100$ value on 20$ worth of gold a dollar is equal to .50 cents thats the overall issue

Your understanding of English is quite poor. Perhaps your hatred of Anglos is based on some linguistic misunderstanding, hmm?😉

The proud anglo tradition of handing your government to kikes.

nationalism transcends currency collapse

Things are looking good for me, and by extension, Holla Forums
We're winning, and we're winning by a large margin.

If you're late to the party, you need to get a rifle, preferably an AR-15 or AK, and a bare minimum of 400 rounds.
Get some time in at a range, and make sure you're doing lots of cardio, because we're going to war.
Make friends when you're at the range, they'll be of use in the future.
It's going to be great.
I love you guys.

Last Update 7/10/16 - 23:38 pst >>6662092
2, April, 2016: China about to obliterate the Dollar Standard

More Muslims (I don't need to link this)
More gun control (I don't need to link this)
Prop up NATO and continue NATO exercises
By the end of this year, we’ll have a single-trusted traveler program for all three of our countries…
Obama starting shit in Syria
50 diplomats in state department wanting to start shit with Syria
French military bases in Syria, France was linked to Clinton and Bengahzi
Putin: If it's Hillary Clinton, It's War
China, Russia eye closer friendship amid tensions with West
This can still happen if Syria goes hot or IS spreads (Defcon 3 >>6394109 was initially thought a hoax, but has been verified)
Putin says the world is being pulled to nuclear war

Trump wants to make countries pay for NATO
Trump gets along with Putin
Destroy ISIS with the help of Russia
Setup green zone for rapefugees (Confirmed by rally user)
Stop taking rapefugees
Condemn EU member state countries
Donald Trump backs Brexit and reveals he will fly into Britain BEFORE voters go the polls
Fed is manipulating markets, and crash is yet to happen, so this is still possible.
Trump's GOP wants to break up big banks
2016 Will End With Economic Instability And A Trump Presidency
Brexit, along with a few other exits might be enough to instigate a war.
EU parlament jeers Nigel Farage after successful Brexit


soros just hedged HARD against the S&P. Like yesterday.

While I would agree, I have my doubts. They had been teasing and prodding at totally pulling out after Brexit, but even then not all jews pulled out of financing them. It was completely artificial in perspective to make it look like there was a total collapse going on. Not every jew is going to pull out because they look only out for themselves.

Even though many jews are going to be pulling out, there will be many more swarming like cockroaches to fill that void. Plus, I'm sure the jews have at least learned a little to not make the same mistake after pulling out of Germany after Hitler ascended to his throne. He brought the country back to a stable point, and this greatly threatened (((them))).

Could you imagine the message sent out to the rest of the west if all Jew support pulled out of the US and suddenly everything got better and Trump got shit stable again? "Oy vey! It's just like hitler!"

Yup. as evil as they are, jews are smart. they'll see the way that the tide is turning and just ride our revolution.

might get a little bumpy but in the end everything will get back on track and it'll take the jews another empire-cycle (during which, prosperity for whites) before they re-manipulate the post-internet era's media to get to this point again

What would be the best recommended practice for an individual to weather what's coming?
Buy Gold? Silver? Guns and Ammo?

Best of both worlds really, Italian hair genetics and nordic muscle.

Only downside is the sweating.

The thing is, with the internet, there's something that drastically changes the cycle though.

For one thing, Jews can't completely erase a moment of history with internet and users on there documenting and archiving several hundreds of gigs-worth of shit. Back in those times, they could fake and make mock-accounts of points in history. Along with that, they could straight up bury and destroy evidence, whether it be cultural history or whatever was needing to be destroyed to prolong their existence.

They can't do that as well anymore here. There are way too many autists needlessly pouring throughout the internet combing through shit. And they can't just simply disable the internet either. It'd create too much aggrivation against them, as well as get way too many heads curious and turning to look into what would've caused the entire internet to be disabled, which would lead to many more getting redpilled.

So this cycle is much more different. This time, the jews know they are truly in danger, and they will be fighting amongst themselves, betraying eachother, and selling eachother out in order to survive. Why do you think now of all time, the facebook group "they can't" was "cracking down" on redpilling youtube vids?

I agree. I really hate precious metal shills but this time around we are seeing a rise in prices, more bailouts on the horizon for Europe, and Chinese making power plays with the Shanghai Gold Exchange. I haven't looked at Martin Armstrong in a while but if I remember correctly events are approaching his timeline too.

Italians have have shit hair genetics what the fuck are you talking about?

Rumor is that there is a massive amount of gold underground at some of the national parks.

This is just like Albert Pikes description if WWIII, where we are foeced into such a state economic collapse that we accept the worldwide currency as we accept Lucifer (Moloch) as our god. Only Trump can save us now.

Jim willie pulls numbers out of his ass all the time for the past five years, and you'll notice that he offered no citable sources either. Read some of the comments here to get perspective from people used to willie's bullshit


I have some good hair I think. Wavy, dark brown, I can pull off an undercut really well.

Honestly I think that the right is to strong these days to accept that shit without a fight.


well put brother.

the internet is our singularity challenge and finally breaking free from the jew will mankind ascend

we need to clone trump into an army

Are we going to live to see Israel glassed?

Trump was a big guy as a kid

for u

Indeed, which is why there is such a great strive for them to try and control it, weed out anonymity, personalize everything through social media in order to hold people accountable, all without trying to overplay their hand.

Without needing to say, they already censor and hide things from users depending on what country or region you reign from.

Regular radio talk shows (like sean hannity) are now finally understanding and seeing the insanity of the left, with their mental gymnastics and other shit. (today there was a call where they finally understand the libs all care about manipulating context).

But, media news stations, no matter how many of them lurk here, pointing fingers and cursing to themselves, can't do anything other than have their shills come. Rick Wilson and etc. are excellent shows of what happens when they start admitting that an ancient rice pudding imageboard site in the dark corners of the internet poses the greatest threat to their political power than anything else in the world. They end up looking insane and in hysterics.

The second thing though, with shills that come by, along with anyone else that lurks, they slowly end up getting the seed of redpilling planted into them, and soon they can no longer look back at the dazed dream of their blue pilled lives.

off topic, but I'm looking somewhere in my house there's an ammo box with authentic WW2 swastika armbands collected when one of my grandma's was a nurse in the army.

Soon user. Soon…


Surreal, one day we'll wake up and the jews will be gone.

Year of Fried Chicken is going to be another magical year.

Buy the most precious metal in the world while your money is still good: Guns and ammunition.

I've been thinking about this for months actually; when hitler bitchslapped the banks, they roped england/france/russia/america into fighting germany

what will they do this time? china? multiple smaller countries? germany got swamped on every front and just couldnt keep up with the sheer mass of enemies and money being thrown at them, despite being better pound-for-pound (like us)

but we're a lot bigger than germany, and in a better location

Well the financial collapse is inevitable, it's going to happen no matter who wins.

Trump wins: Trump triggered a market crash goys.

Hillary wins: Republican obstructionism triggered a market crash goys, we need globalism to fix it

They're going to blame everyone else anyway, but if Trump wins their globalism push is dead in the water.

Go read
I have inferred from my prediction that the Jews will use South America, Mexico, Canada, the remaining EU countries, and possibly African nations to wage war on the banking separatists.
I suspect that the Jews will also try to use Britain since they have a centuries old stronghold in England.
If one of the princes leads a coup, Britain's roll might change.

I see a definite Russia+USA alliance, and possibly India and China. That being said, China might attempt to play the role of Soviet Russia during WW2.
I see India fighting alongside the US and Russia because of India's educational link to the US and their mutual hatred of Pakistan.
Poland, and other nations set to leave the EU will serve as beachheads for the European invasions.
From the Russian side, the sandbox will serve as a massive conduit for troops. The abandoned military bases will be reclaimed, and the shitskins will be repelled as the Ruskies push through.
Japan looks like it will side with any pro-nationalist movement, and the Aussies will probably side with the US.
Nukes will be used as either the trigger of the war, or as tools to completely destroy the nexuses of cultures deemed impossible to control. Israel has enough of them, they have suitcase bombs, and they've infiltrated every white country.

I can see Australia and BC Canada becoming new American Territories if China ends up working with the Jews due to their strategic values.

This is all assuming Trump wins and I'm somehow attuned to the vibrations of the universe.
If anyone else is allowed in office, the US will balkanize and fought over by foreign powers. The PNW will obtain large amounts of support from Russia, and the horde of Holla Forums will have tons of fun.

Don't worry anons, the future is bright!
I hope to see all of you achieve greatness for yourself and your communities!

you are a tom clancy tier moron

Honestly there is a fair chance a huge Happening is just going to make Trump stronger and better able to reform America

Well Kojima had that thought too

This is pretty much exactly what Baba Vanga predicted.

What about a currency that was somehow based on the Joules or Watts expended to produce a product or service? So a low energy burning service such as hotel receptionist would be a lower paying job but mining, farming and production would all be fairly well paying. And increases in efficiency or decreases in waste produced would increase profit margins. I see difficulty in establishing standards that everyone would agree to though, especially when dealing with services that require a lot of mental exertion and little physical exertion such as engineers, managers, or doctors.

I've got several problems with this:
-There has been speculation for years that they (the people(or nonhumans) running the people that run shit) would use a messiah type persona to lull people under it, to bring about a new one world religion. Set up false worship on Earth to easier control and change humanity into more submissive and spiritually disconnected/dead creatures.
-Predicting reality is inherently hard. In comes the personal biases of the individual, the "path" the person sees in the future is the one he is connected to himself, and there are multiple ways the world can go, with each part vying and influencing this reality where "most of us" are so they could get to this result. What this means is that her future might have been real, but it also might not be ours. I sure as fuck hope we've landed on a good one, but fuck who knows. Just gotta do what's right and what you have to.

Henry Ford proposed something akin to this, though not in terms of pay.

He proposed an energy-based currency. The money supply would be based on the existing energy generating capacity of the country (including food energy in kilocalories specially weighted since it's more relevant to the human economy) while the currency is BACKED by energy reserves and arable land held by the US Government.

So consider the energy in the US' existing viable/recoverable reserves of
and throw in
and that's the backing for the currency.

as the basis for the monetary supply.

The money supply only grows when the "real" economy grows- namely agriculture or industry. The tertiary economy (services, banking) can only grow in lock-step with the "real" economy- thus preventing speculative bubbles, helicopter money, the need for a Central Bank, etc.

The Department of Energy and the Treasury would be all that's needed for managing the money supply.

Couple that currency concept with some kind of valuation (in Kilocalories based on that year's average market price) on held reserves, production, and recoverable deposits of certain essential industrial metals (iridium, tantalium, platinum, gold, silver, palladium, copper, cobalt, gallium, etc.) and we can inject even greater stability into the currency.

To incentivize money creation, if necessary, all you need it a tax-tweak.

If you remove taxes on creating or purchasing physical capital for a business, then you're encouraging automation in that same environment.

Expect to see the value of this currency rise like crazy, expect it to become a new global reserve currency, and expect to see the economy take off like a rocket.

we could only be so lucky

who australia sides with depends on who china sides with

there's nothing better to trigger a race war than an economic crisis. this is where tribalism is strongest. who's ready for the next shoah?

That's pretty retarded.

Either a free market solution where people use what they like as a currency, which will likely be coopted by jews so not that option.

Or a government issued fiat currency, with a set rate of money production. Like 1000 new-bucks every day. The economy will have to calculate based on this extremely steady money supply. The value will come from people being forced to use it to pay taxes, the same way we enforce value with the current fiat currencies.
For either system we have to get rid of jews to prevent them from destroying whites through economic means.

How was his speech received yesterday?
I missed it, and the lyingpress reaction to it.

Vid related.

It's an interesting idea that I toyed with ~15 years ago, but I could never seem to reconcile a few major issues. In my approach, I tried to imagine an economy based on non-food energy production.

The problem I see with your/Ford's idea is that a Kcal linked economy could encourage increased phosphate usage, and the production of energy dense foods with little nutritive value.
Both things exasperate two major societal problems, shit food poisoning our people, and phosphate runoff poisoning our lands.

I still believe linking a currency to man-hours spent on societal projects (infrastructure, education, science, and procreation) is the best form of currency.
It advances lock-step with the people who use it.

Still, the idea of an energy based currency has always fascinated me for many of the reasons you've listed.
Maybe instead of including farmlands, provide bonuses for emerging energy sources (nuclear in the 40's, thorium now, fusion now) similar to:

The solution would be detailed balancing by the Department of Agriculture, Health and Human Services, and DoE to not penalize production of low-density foods and ensure farmers aren't unduly rewarded for artificially high yields or crop planting that benefits their needs over that of the US' nutritional needs.

So things like produce would receive some energy credit inflation versus those producing metric fucktons of soybeans.

We aren't exactly telling people what to farm, but people just pumping their soil for all it's worth to produce soybeans or some other high density crop will encounter RAPIDLY diminishing returns.

Ultimately, this kind of scheme is far less complex than the economic fiddling the Federal Reserve does now and orders of magnitude less complex than current farm subsidy regimes.

I like it.
Now the interesting thing is that it's similar to Babylonian currency, and look at what happened with that.
In a way, you've argued for the creation of a man-hour backed currency. The generation of energy requires the consumption of man-hours, whether it be at the plow, or at the desk dreaming a new generator.

It seems that no currency can survive direct contact with kikes.

You don't try to proof your currency against manipulation, per-se. You build a currency and economic environment wherein currency manipulators and bankers just can't compete with traditional industry.

You build a world wherein starting a small business and growing it is just more lucrative than investment banking. And I think that's exactly what would happen under the kind of system described.

You make business creation relatively low-risk with things like 0 tax on physical capital purchases, taxes solely on profits (you can still be audited for hiding profits), low or 0 fees for licensure, etc.

Meanwhile, with no Fed and no incentive for bailouts, you get a situation in which investment banking/hedge fundery/ etc. is very risky and ultimately less appealing than more traditional economic activity. Since you can't create money and there's no bailout or low/zero/negative interest rates encouraging your financial chicanery, clever young men and even Jews are incentivized to get back to basics.

The other beauty in all of this is that increases in efficiency like more efficient vehicles (if enough proliferate into the US automobile fleet), low energy appliances, more efficient industrial processes, etc. only lead to the currency accruing value. Granted, this assumes the economy still grows but I'd imagine growth would be a given in this situation.

It'd reverse financialization of the economy, encourage domestic industry, encourage savings and the growth of middle class wealth through strong currency, and encourage business creation and thus job creation.

It might even help in the event of a European or Russian-style "demographic crunch", seeing as automation still requires energy. The smaller number of workers will be working with a sound currency that generally accrues value, the money supply would still expand steadily, and the elderly retirees would be living off of savings and Social Security funds that exist on a currency that's only grown in value as we squeeze more productivity out of every Kilocalorie.

"Dollaries" would also encourage foreign money to come to the US. Imagine Europoors or the Japanese with their currencies. Imagine the amount of capital fight! Imagine Europeans and others dumping their fortunes into US banks after converting it to Dollaries. If we had an appropriate system wherein foreigners can deposit to US banks at 0 or low taxes, we could take advantage of our status as a reserve currency.

It's how offshore banks work now but with the added bonus of it going towards a functional economy that's hungry for, but not too reliant upon, credit.

like how every bit of bad economic news these days has 'because of brexit' behind it

i see at least one example of this every fucking day

Then, ya got THIS


I'm with you, I hope she is wrong about our future because her predictions get much worse before they get better. I think we can steer the future anyway we wish because it doesn't yet exist. Only right now does.

I like this.

what a retarded comic


First of all, I never said that, and second of all, I'm not wrong. Anything that doesn't focus on our demographic decline will be ultimately futile. In fact, it would be best for things to get a lot worse so that racial nationalism could become more mainstream than for us to impose a half-measure band-aid solution and not address our racial replacement

Sure, kikes can blame such a thing, but I really doubt the white Americans care if you have Polish, German or English ancestry…

They call everyone fascists so definitions aren't their strong suit. Anyone who isn't a globalist is a nationalist to them.

If any of those armbands have a black stripe on the top/bottom that's an SS armband, don't sell it.
t. collectorfag

First thing that will happen when Trump gets in is uppity nogs and busy police forces in the cities.

This i'm sure what will happen.

he'll be assassinated before the end of the year. no way they'll let him take office


The moment he gained traction was the moment that they couldn't touch him anymore, any moves on him would spark a revolution. All of this happened because they didn't take him seriously, they are not laughing anymore

Trump threatens the idea of a (((North American Union))), similar to the EU.

That's why you get a lot of beaners.

An attempt on his life wouldn't be a surprise.

Why are you being dishonest?

He'd be a martyr for an army of reactionaries, it would spark the happening we've all been waiting for

Wouldn't a global currency be absolute shit though. Most African countries have no real economies.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't gold kind of a universal currency? I know Roman coins were the standard for a while, before Rome massively devalued their currency.

Just fucking up the stock markets isn't going to be a collapse. This just means that firms will be "worth less" for investors - not that they will actually produce less or sell less or have lower quality. Nothing changes unless you BELIEVE it changes.

With that in mind, Trump can just return the currency to the gold standard by saying "we need to fix the economy - badly".

The gold standard is complete shit. Stop spreading this meme

Also, Trump is a master persuader - he could single-handedly convince the nation that the crisis is a result of Obama's lingering policies.

A fiat currency is the main reason kikes control the economy.

No. A private, kike-ran central bank is why kikes control the economy. Kikes also happen to control much of the gold too. A gold standard would simply keep power in the hands of kikes, along with severely limiting the scale of our economy and unnecessarily linking us to a worthless lump of metal

The SDR is only for settling international trade. Local trade would still be conducted in local currencies. Gold used to be used for this but after WW2 America had all the Gold so the Dollar has been used to settle international trade ever since (Dollar was convertible into Gold up until 1973, now the Dollar is pure fiat).

In recent history everytime the American stock market crashes the rest of the world's stock markets crash too and the world enters recession. In recessions the Fed lowers interest rates and prints cash. Only problem is interest rates can't go any lower and the Fed's balance sheet is maxed out because it bailed out the whole world and several foreign central banks in 2008.

Globalization brings bigger rewards and bigger risks, this is inevitable.

the chaos looks like it would be good cover for an escape

how many of you have hdds in fadaray cages??

How is this bad again?

i just had a sick idea remember that deck of cards that came out with all the terroreests on it?

pol should make a deck

Got a pirabox, solar cellphone charger, and usb sticks with all the Holla Forums infographs I've ever saved in faraday.

A Gold standard isn't a bad or good thing, it depends on the exact implementation.

The Dollar being a Gold standard isn't possible without a major upset of the world's monetary system. Right now the US can print Dollars and pay for things because it's the dominant reserve currency. The US government can then issue a ton of debt because there are so many Dollars outside the US looking for a place to be spent. A Gold standard means giving all that up. If it happens it will probably be in a move to the SDR which the US Dollar would still have a 40% weighting in so would maintain a lot of it's foreign demand.

Aliens? I'm done. I am so fucking done with everything. To be beyond fair I will give things five more years to change and then I'm throwing in the towel and finding me a Jewish girl.

B-b-but race is a social construct, goy! :^)

Good man. Make sure you have backups of everything, just in case.

My god! Syphon Filter? Its…


Why? Those fuckers over at Holla Forums hate the establishment as much as we do. They also see it for the corrupt, bloated abomination its become. The enemy of my enemy, y'know.

/faggotpol/ has proven many times that they don't want to set aside differences. If they want to sit in their bubble and fellate Stalin, they're welcome to it.

Seriously, Brexit and later Trump are gonna be the new "Thanks Obama" except they'll be serious.

He's already had many attempts on his life from the globalists and their pawns so far.
He's Kek's God Emperor though, so good luck to them on that one, the fucking retards.

Pretty much this. They can't collapse the American economy with Trump in. All he has to do is turn our coal power plants back on, bring healthcare/ education back to that state level, lower corporate taxes, renegotiate a few trade deals, veto a few regulations and we have 10 Trillion dollars right there. Nothing anybody can do about the trillions were going to bank when lord emp gets in.

There's a problem?

Mate. He filled his entire economic team with wall street Jews. What fantasy land are you living in?

your one is shite
have a better one

made some edits, what do you fags think?

Should I add a part about National Socialism or leave it at that?

Mate. He filled his entire economic team with wall street Jews. What fantasy land are you living in?

jesus christ 8/pol/ is turning to shit again.

What's so bad about that?

You're close.

EU (Not England), Middle East, China


America, Russia, Brazil (Which will enter a civil war with the majority on the US side)

Neutrals that enter either side: Australia, Canada, Argentina, Venezuela, Egypt

True Merchants: Israel

Whoops, England and Iran are Neutral

piss off


That is the best possible outcome for us on the far right. The good jew capitalcuck economy keeps people complacent. Watch hunger and rampant crime and the ensuing race war redpill 100% of whites. And I don't mean trump's kind of lite version, I mean blatant white national populism.

Wouldn't Iran support the Anti-Saudi (Russia-America-Brazil) side?

the economy is going to crash any day now

doesn't matter when it happens, the jews will blame Trump

Jew-loving, shitskin-loving civcuck becomes dictator
No thanks. I actually want the survival of my race.

Fuck off first baby - Fuck off hard

They'd stay neutral but lean Russian in fear of India/China doing something military.

I assume it'd be safe to say India would go Russia to oppose China? And Pakistan would join China as a result?

Learn English you autistic retard.


I had some retard tell me once that he wasn't voting for Trump 'Because if he fixes the economy and we're out of debt, the other countries won't need us any more and they'll declare war on us!'

Completely serious.

I made a sort of rough draft of a map that may outline the kind of conflict you guys are discussing. All hypothetical of course, but let me know what you think. The main problem I can see is that the US and Russia control almost all of the world's nukes. China, France, and Pakistan can't really do shit against that. I suppose they could try to use what few they have on Moscow, New York, Washington D.C., St. Petersburg, etc, but the reaction would be a complete nuclear annihilation of those countries by the US and Russia in retaliation. China would be a glass desert with 1.4 Billion dead if they tried anything like that, so would the war be pretty much conventional with an agreement not to use nukes? Or would it be more of a Cold War type scenario or a cyberwar?

Quick Notes, I know Greece and Hungary are still in the EU as of now, but if a situation like this ever occurred, I'd imagine they would leave the EU and defect pretty quickly. The people of Greece would fucking revolt if they were forced to fight against Russia and Serbia alongside Turkey. I imagine Australia and New Zealand would most likely stay neutral along with the UK, and Canada would abolish the monarchy in their country, as it is Republican Sentiment in Canada is at an all time high, and is the highest of any Commonwealth Nation, and Trudeau is no friend to the Queen.

Quick Notes, I know Greece and Hungary are still in the EU as of now, but if a situation like this ever occurred, I'd imagine they would leave the EU and defect pretty quickly. The people of Greece would fucking revolt if they were forced to fight against Russia and Serbia alongside Turkey. I imagine Australia and New Zealand would most likely stay neutral along with the UK, and Canada would abolish the monarchy in their country, as Republican Sentiment in Canada is at an all time high, and is the highest of any Commonwealth Nation, and Trudeau is no friend to the Queen.


China would just join any alliance with russia+USA as guantors and pact members



Stop larping china and russia barley speak since border issues and sphere of influence overlap

China would have 0 impetus to try to get on bad terms with a usa/russo alliance, learn to realpolitik

Fun fact: The man who famously said "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" was an Arab who died to treachery. That would seem to imply that he was wrong.

Before the election stock market is going to drop like 1,000 points if Trump or HIllary win its going to drop again by a couple hundred points
After a few days it'll recover by 500 points but continue on a downward trend for a couple months untill full recovery the following quarter
The economy cannot collapse because the world economy is completely fraudulent, nations that lend money lend money they dont havethey get that money from people investing in those loans with the money they borrowed from the bank which the bank cant even back up since banks at least in america only need to keep around 14% of their actual cash in house, those loans then have intrest charged on them, those banks get loans from the government to fensure that they meet the 14% requirement, the government gets that money from bonds and loans, bonds are money that the government promises to pay back at a specified date with intrest that intrest cannot be paid back since that money does not fucking exist, the only possible way to pay off these debts would be for the government to flood the market with currency creating massive inflation, but all money printed costs money (money printed usually worth more than the cost) but incur immediate interest which is not paid off.
Country A needs money so it Borrows from COuntry B at a high intrest rate which makes the loan appealing, Country B does not have that money so gets multiple small loans from Country C and Country A, Country A wprommises to lend the money once it gets it loan and COuntry C sells bonds to finance the loan, everyone is in debt to everyone , the debt grows with intrest, intrest can only be paid as long as inflation meets or exceed intrest, if it doesnt or a nation cannot pay its debt it defaults, if country A (greece) were to default not much happens lender nations get pissed off but if Country B or C (Germany or China) default everyone up the chain defaults
Nonexistant money with 0 intrest can be created in our fraudulent economy so no important nation will crash


I think it's spelled acoustic

Exactly, but Iran would actually side with India and Russia if it ever came down to that honestly. Which would eventually lead to their undoing and become a boarder state between the Chinese and Russia influences fighting for resources in the region.

The bigger picture would be the stalemate war that would be America vs EU - Neither side would actually involved themselves in massive ground warfare for several years. Maybe key strike bombings/missles, air skirmishes, and naval battles, but the winner would quickly be decided on who can cause the most industrial and population damage = ei, who has more drones and bombs/missiles. India and China would start pumping out drones in massive numbers that would make it impossible to keep up with for the Americans and Europeans, which is where the the real ground warfare would take place. The Indian/Chinese front, or Asian Front, where America and Russia would be sending troops to Iran/India, and China would have European assistance against India's position.

This would cause a massive DE-population of the two largest populated countries in the world. War would end via both sides agreeing to a truce after their labor/major cities would useless towards ending the war. Mostly China, Eastern Russia, and India. Europe and Western Russia will take some heavy damage, but nothing like the enormous genocidal scales that will take place in Asia and parts of Africa.

This kind of war would see the population of the earth fall back down to 1900 levels (around 1.4 Billion). Combat of any kind and ground warfare will be replaced by machines in the richer countries via Fighter Drones, Anti-Infantry Combat Drones with a simple AI in various forms of air and land, as well as Land to Sea Combat Vehicles. Hackers, a new level of counter measure warfare (EMP, Biological) would help end WWIII by the time the major rich countries of the world took the full brunt of any damage and the Asian nations started to lose their steam.

We would pretty much become a world looking a bit like 1984 after peace is established. Russia would slide back in place with Zionist controlled Middle East/Europe, most of Asia and Africa would flip towards the massive drone armies of China and flow under it's umbrella or become a colony. China would COMPLETELY change post WW3 to become something resembling Blade Runner. Expect Clones and Synthetic Humans a decade or two after the war springing out of China with the suede of "population expansion". Japan and Korea too. America and Europe will as well, but at a fraction of what the Asian Nations are capable of. Shadow Wars will be fought during this time over border states like we saw throughout the 1950s and 60s. This has the potential to lead up to a greater conflict, but more than likely will stagnate the world economy due to the massive expansions by the Americas, Europe, and Asia.

North America and South America would unify during the end of the war and stick that way for generations afterward unless another war sparks up with some unknown technology, or all out nuclear war. Oceania and England would join as an Alliance with the Americas against the massive EU Zionist influence.

A large group that I'm affiliated with has pretty much predicted something like this or similar will happen in order to several reduce the world's overpopulated areas. What makes me nervous is the amount of young men being shipped in from the Middle East towards Europe. This goes to further prove that most of Europe may actually become a casualty along with India and several Asian and African nations.


The world will becomes totalitarian governments ruling over two sets of classes, the Elite, and the Worker. Everything else will be automated. Propaganda, lottery's, government sponsored food/water and waste disposal, constant monitoring down to the health of a individual citizen's thoughts, sicknesses, and desires, not the mention a system of legal and illegal drugs that will be used to keep the population pacified and "free thinking". People will connect in a vast Virtual Matrix awake, or during sleep for a majority of their social interaction and depend on various drugs and medicines to live or perform their regular duties. People purchase 'Symbots' to use when leaving the house (Like the movie Surrogates, but flashier and with a taste of 'Gamer'). We mostly return to a cattle state for the state's profit and usage. The real free ones are again the ones at the very top, the elite. Once we master the planet, we will finally take to the stars. Honestly, I doubt we will ever see a real human colony farther than the moon/mars/venus prior to 2200.

Who knows what will happen next… History is usually bound to repeat itself. Maybe another cleansing. Maybe not. Maybe we finally achieve World Peace and take to the stars, only fighting in corporate wars over additional resources found around the planet.

tfw you realize that whites will be Earth's 2nd smallest minority population above Native Americans.

Not bad! Glad to see people getting in on this discussion. Mexico would be largely neutral and would turn into a boarder state that is afflicted with civil war to do anything of real use. America may bomb them with drones if they get a little unruly, but will stay as their puppet.

Canada on the other-hand… will definitely be neutral as long as England is. They are Britcucks 100%. However, it's possible Qubec/Newfoundland could cause some stir in Canada if the liberals of America get a little out of hand and Martial Law in American is implemented. We could see Canada shift towards America with Quebec siding off with Europe and Newfoundland rioting for independence or at least puppet state status of America/England if Canada stays libcucked.

Japan will be neutral as well since it's predicted that North Korea will make moves against the South during this time and will get BTFO before any large scale conflict takes place. Nationalism will be on the rise in Japan though… they are such a huge swing country as of right now. They could go China, but more than likely will side with America/Russia if China gets out of hand.

Brazil will be too stagnant from civil war to do anything of use except for assisting the American's from time to time with their neighbors.

Finally, most of Central Africa will join in under China's Umbrella against Egypt and India. They will make good fodder.

In addition to Japan,

Post WW3, they will rapidly turn towards a Neo-Asian Union based upon their technological achievements (clones, cyborgs, synths, etc) Religious and National States will do this as well, but like I said previously… it's going to be a fraction of what the Asians are capable of, at least for a decade. When they finally do embrace Cloning, Cyborg (Think Ghost in the Shell, when people die, their brains can be uploaded into a new artificial brain), and Synths (GMHumans) it will be on par with the Asians as they have already resolved many of the early stage problems with these technologies. I'm also talking 2055-2060 here… maybe even a tad later.

The main thing to focus on is that the biggest swing nations towards a National or Socialist center are America, England, most of the nations in the EU, Australia, Brazil, and yes… even Russia. This is the stuff that is really going to set the game table for theorists.

Nice user!

Nukes are going to be useless due to the next-gen anti-missle capabilities that we are currently seeing the beginnings implemented. Which Russia has the lead on. It's going to come down to an Asian Front with Combat Drones of massive variety.

Argentina would be neutral, with non- major civil infighting puppet state leaning towards whoever wins in Brazil (more than likely becoming a mini-America unless some kind of biological warfare takes place taking it out of the game completely or into a passive survival state)

Also, Vietnam would split towards whoever was the biggest investor. China has potential to convert them towards their side if things were looking bad for them. The people would overthrow their government potentially and China would assist them into governance as a puppet state.


Now, no offense, but where are you getting this Sci-Fi 1984 Totalitarian Cyborg Cloning stuff from? I suppose the technological stuff is plausible, sure, but the Totalitarian 1984 Brave New World Superstates? If anything, if the Red Side wins, the world would become even less centralized then it is today, with a lot of new small, independent countries and the breaking up of larger countries, and the dissolution of most intergovernmental organizations, including the EU and the UN. If Blue wins, we'd see things progress fairly status quo with the only differences being the dissolution of Russia and the United States, an enhanced EU, a superpowered China, and complete Israeli dominance over the Middle East.

Pretty sure slavia would be on our side

Nice Update,

The thing is user, that neither side would win, nor lose. It would end with a majority of each sides resources and economies starting to tank and the richer areas (the state's security, not labor force) looking for peace in order to keep profitability maintainable. Most of the world's population would be dead, with three sides roughly housing 400-600 Million citizens each by the end of it. Mass migrations from Africa/India into Russia and postwar-Europe. Indians would come to resent their old allies and happily join the Russians/Europeans against the Chinese who would bring every one of them down to below poointheloo levels or starvation and genocide.

The only thing that would make India viable is when the year starts to heat up and they will start to pump out mass produced Combat Drones for their allies with their massive labor force.

It's the way that the world is headed today user. Men and Women are already looking towards synthetic love. We already genetically modify out babies (or at least can), and have made headway birthing sheep/goats in artificial tubs without a uterus at all. Cybernetic implants are getting more and more advanced every year. 10 years ago it was mind blowing that a blind person could see or a deaf person could hear with technology, even people getting cybernetic limbs replaces, now it's the norm for them, and even more so… people are mapping the conscious mind and looking to create artificial brains. And that's today, in 2016… just think about now the world will implement these advances in the coming 20-30 years?! By the time we have great grand kids (or live to see it), it may be quite possible to have a brain transplant with a new brain that doesn't suffer from memory loss or any kind of malfunction the human brain may have. When your biological body perishes, you can just take that brain, and pop it into a new artificial body that looks, feels, and works just like your old one. Just grown in a lab with or without cybernetic implants and modifications.

The Japanese theorized this happening by the end of the 21st century. I think they're right.

People happily fuck machines. The chance to be one, with the promise of synthetic immortality is something humans have been striving for since the creation of the first computer program.

I cannot stress enough that things will never ever ever come to massive ground warfare for Europe or America. The only important front will be in Asia. Surrounding Afghanistan, Pakistan looking to center with China pushing in using Combat Drones (air, land, sea) and bombing the ever loving hell out of them. Missiles, sky-rockets, bombs, satellite launching for land to air - land to land assistance based missile warfare will result in a majority of the deaths on either side.

Countries will rely on their citizens to produce and capitalize on the situations that unfold. Skirmishes will happen, don't get me wrong. But nothing ever ever like the scale of WW2, or prior wars. Unless it comes down to all out guerrilla resistance. Which is extremely unlikely when there are so many other higher probability variables in play.

Probably, but it depends on what their citizens do.

Confirmed, they will rise at Nationalists.

So in other words, we're headed for multicultural, multiracial dystopia and there will never be a white-majority nation ever again?

Not really, America will become the closest thing to a white majority nation. Next to Australia and England which will purge along with Burgers during the war. There is hope yet still

I hope…

Slavs are pretty nationalistic, and they're not letting any refugees in to water them down.

If it also had the strip from egypt to the congo, and all of it was pure white anglo saxon, my dick could not be contained.

All of our dicks couldn't be contained.


I agree.

Every single self-described left-winger is the biggest piece of shit amongst their peers, not including other left-wingers. Every single one of them to a fault is a traitor, a collaborator who would betray their people and nation to foreign powers and foreign peoples in a heartbeat. Every single one of them is a religious nut who has replaced their family's religion with an ideology. Every single one of them comes from genetically inferior stock which causes major retardation that result in lack of cognitive abilities.

I'm going to metaphorically describe to you the worst fucking people in the world and they exist everywhere regardless of tribe or religion or other demographic modifier. Imagine a poor rural family. Out of that family comes an individual who gets a chance to study and perhaps even someday work in a major city. When said individual does just that, he or she turns their back on their family and other families in similar situation. In public they declare their own family to be stupid and primitive and beneath them. They do this to maintain status amongst their vindictive and simpleton friends, most of whom also come from poor families. They do this and think this because they don't realise that they themselves are the worst by-product of their family. They don't realise that just because they put on a suit or learn a fancy phrase, it doesn't make you any less of the dumb hick you're trying not to be.

Now imagine that it's a nation or people instead of a family. That's what a left-winger is and that's why they should all be killed. I mean what sort of creature would turn their back on their ancestors? And then you have the masochists so prevalent in western Europe and the colonies who desire to be punished for perceived historical slights. My god, just thinking about them makes me want to take out the chainsaw and car battery. And then you have the Jews pretending to be Europeans. Those are simply examples of Hitler's genocidal endeavours not being complete evil.

Perhaps it's because an eternal war has loomed over my head since my birth but in my eyes the world is split into patriots and traitors. When the time comes if you're not willing to fight and die for your country, your people and your family then you're not a person to me. I don't care about your age, your gender, your inferior political understandings, your ideology, your principles or whatever else. Although I'm against anti-natalist individuals as well, I'll pretend for the time being they don't realise how traitor0us and destructive their opinions are. Going by purely what left-wingers have done and said since my birth, I can safety declare that every single left-winger I've ever known and ever will is not only a traitor but raises their disgusting backstabbing mentality as a virtue to be followed.

So as far as I'm concerned paedophilia (or any other sexual degeneracy) isn't a stretch for these vermin. They're not people.

Alright, I've updated with SLAV REVOLT, plus Romania, and excluding Czechia, because to my knowledge they're almost as cucked as Germans. Baltic States seem pretty radically Pro-EU, I don't really see any major Eurosceptic parties in those countries.


>Literally the same exact goddamn website that had legitimate pedo boards on it accuse trump of donating to NAMBLA as a last-ditch smear

You have one good reason to convince me why we shouldn't gas redditors and make them into lebensraum.

How is this not wishful thinking?

But please, by the loving chaos of KEK, let it be so

Oh my fucking god this is so true. Can't ever stop the goddamn sweating.

It would be so cool if the jews crash the market and as a result the Federal Reserve and their other shit institutions are abolished, and their assets seized.
They may have gold and assets, but the military can take that away from them anytime. All it takes is a strong leader…

It will be so glorious when it finally happens.

That's the most retarded prediction I have ever heard.

You switched up the Koreas. SoKor would fight for the kikes while NoKor would fight on the side of Putin and Trump. Kim Jong-Un is a fan of Trump. Can you also explain why Malaysia and Indonesia would fight for the kikes since they should be on the Philippines' side since they're going to fight over the islands against China (The Jewish war is going to be a second priority for these people. I'm a Filipino so I should know that Flips would want to kill a Chink first before killing a kike.)? Also, why is Egypt on our side?

North korea best korea

You're probably right about the Koreas, I put North Korea on blue because of their relationship with China only. Malaysia is neutral. Indonesia I put on Blue because they're Sunni Muslim, and the Sunnis would be pro-EU because more immigration, that said, I can see your point. Philippines is on Red, so they're anti-China. Egypt is leaning towards a pro-Russia stance, and more importantly, is a secular government, which means anti-Jihadist, anti-Wahhabi, so they would oppose the efforts of the Gulf Arab States supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Nusra. I may change some of that though, namely the Korea situation. I have a hard time seeing Indonesia supporting the Red Alliance against fellow Sunnis, but I may make them neutral.

Apparently you haven't been paying attention to the fact that Trump may normalize relations with Russia and end Cold War II. Russia may have more problems with China then with the US soon given their rivalry over hegemony in Asia and territorial disputes.

I might make a new separate thread for WW3 discussion in general as to not derail this thread any further. It would also allow for others to post their own theories, maps, predictions, etc. and debate on the validity of different theories.

You are failing to take into account the creation and refinement of hypersonic delivery vehicles. America is already making headway into this, and so is Russia.

Nukes are not going to be useless, they will be faster, and nigh impossible to stop.

You can't really be that stupid right? Did that work for Zimbabwe? ZIRP and NIRP only serve to inflate the debt bubble as long as possible before collapse to catastrophic proportions, there is only so far we can kick the can down the road before hyperinflation sets in and as soon as USD hyperinflates all the rest of the currencies will fall like dominos because USD is world reserve currency. Having simultaneous hyperinflation in all halfway developed countries on Earth is going to be a fucking bloodbath, nothing like it has happened before. You can bet your ass the elites will use it as an opportunity to seize power and introduce world currency or world government, and both far right nationalists and communists, as well as the Jihadi's, kikes, etc. basically any faction that wants power and already has some kind of traction will be fighting over the right to the future.

better version

What kind of fucking retard are you? Pic related is the most likely WWIII scenario

9/11 is right around the corner. Are you ready for the largest redpilling opportunity of the year?

Fixed your infographic


That feel when someone posts your OC :)

Agreed… but I think the convo was about IF Trump is elected and goes into an alliance with Russia. That is the What If - along with what if he isn't part of the status que, or perpetuating it.

That map is from 2 months of research and digesting through the community. It needs an update at this point but I've been busy with other projects.

Glad others agree though.

I believe pic was the final version out 2.3


(same guy)
Thanks. It's great OC, and one of the best geopolitical alliance maps I've seen.

Even if Trump were to be elected, there would be no Russia/US alliance. The interests of both these nations are simply too far removed to coincide. Would there be a warming of relations and a deescalation from the current level of conflict? Probably. But to place the US and Russia on the same team (along with Iran, I might add) - against a China united with Europe is retarded and ignorant.

Keep up the good work though, mate.

With advances in genetic engineering, they will eventually synthesize a believable alien. They can then use that alien to convince the world to unite. The problem is growing an alien under their control.

Question for the Holla Forums hivemind:
How can I (and Holla Forumsacks in similar situations) best leverage the current situation?

Holla Forumsacks gaining wealth/power benefits the White race.

This is an idea.

is traditionally a good hedge against instability, with bonus that you can physically hold it, don't have to rely on obtuse contracts with kikes.

Anybody care to weigh in?

Short Eurozone banks, especially Deutsche, buy silver, bullets, food, etc.

Bumping because I want ALL of you to see this.

I'm ok with this.

Fucking kike. If you were one of us you'd link an archived link. All websites are KIKED and you're feeding them traffic because you're a KIKE SHILL.



Hitler bump