Fuck knows why he looks so cool, he´s looking into your soul and he´s telling you ¨i like what I see, btw Im smug¨, this cat is too experienced at being a man- he knows what he knows and he´s content with what he knows. This cat just finished a hard day at work and see his two sons and feels some deep pride that they´re turning out alright. I´d buy this cat a beer and sit with him to hear his life story. This guy has accomplished things in life you can only dream about. This guy is the second coming and he forgives you for your sins. This cat instantly likes you and accepts you for who you are. This cat is respected by industry leaders around the world.
<This guy
Just look at him. He´s relaxed and smiling. What madness is this. He likes you bro, he likes me, he likes everyone. He looks human.
This cat is the second coming of christ
this is not a normal cat
He is greater than you and I. This guy looks more friendly than any human i´ve ever met. He greats you with a hello and sits down to hear about your life.
This is ricky whittle and he looks like a potato, but friendly.
This is sexy jew, friendly until you lose all you money
This cat doesn´t care what you have, he doesn´t care what fucked up shit you´ve done, he´s here for you, he sees you as his family
The jews are confirmed satans minions.
This cat is the solution, he has all the answers. He is the embodiment of kek
what have you done
Rate me guy is needs approval. This cat does not.
And here we have the climax of yet another life-affirming exotic thread on Holla Forums.
He looks like he's got a lot of life experience
He just needs a bit more Pam Pam in his life, is all.
999 backwards is still 999
oh wow, holy shit! i never thought of that! It must be the Jews, then! This is THE proof!
Thanks for such a scintilating interpolation into this thread, user.
I just landed a turd that smelt so revoltingly horrific, that even Satan himself would be disgusted. My wife called an ambulance. Being constipated for 4 days didn't help… it had all that time to brew, ferment and ripen. Lord Saron would not have claimed that shit for himself… Orcs would have cringed in abject terror, I'm telling you! Even my dog fled, and is hiding under the house, refusing to come out.
nigger, stop niggerposting
What is this shitposting of which you speak? How will I recognize it when I see it?
this OP is a fag
I fear this image may, in fact, be somehow digitally manipulated.