Wanting to fuck a trap is not gay. Even sucking a trap's cock isn't gay

Wanting to fuck a trap is not gay. Even sucking a trap's cock isn't gay.

If you think it is then you are wrong

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tbh trap on girl is the hottest porn there is

trap on trap is full gay though

daily reminder that gay is wrong

A trap a day keeps the gay away.


shoo niggers

Wew, dubs thread?

Where's your thesis on this?
I want a thorough explanation on your flimsy hypothesis.

nice trips Daddy

Stop making me so damn horny already, I'm on no fap.

How does a spammer saying 'traps arnt gay lol' make you horny? It seems you need to bring your sensitivity down a bit nibba.

I'm your daddy you imbecile
Take off your pants, here comes a spank

but they are gay

please punish me Daddy

I can't help it. I've been on it for a week and a half and it's suffering. also just seeing these:

Makes my cock hard as diamonds. Also please stop that.

You're doing something wrong matey. I was on nofap for almost 10 days but relapsed yesterday due to some futa posted here. It's a trap man.

Oh I'll punish you alright homo boy
I'll punish you good
First you take off that homo faggot cat shit you're wearing
Just get naked so you can see your tiny little pecker and feel like the inadequate homo boy you are
You get on all fours and get ready for some serious spanking
Bitching about your hair getting pulled hard is not allowed and will get your little pecker some serious punishment
When your scrawny twinky ass is ready then
Put on some normal clothes and go help your mom do the grocery shopping. Good luck helping out that crazy old bitch

Yes I know that's what's making me so damn horny. And that's another problem I have: I can't fap to anything else other than traps lately. I can't get it up to a woman and I can't get it up to a man (actually looking like a man) either. So I'm kind of lucky that I've gotten away with no fap for this long. Also, is there something wrong with me for being attracted exclusively traps? I've been addicted to them for years and can't fap to anything else.

If you found a petite little trap with a great little body and cute feet and you +DID NOT+ fuck his asshole or suck his cock off, then you are a faggot. Plain and simple.

I want nothing to do with dick. I have a dick, that's plenty of dick for me.


What button do I press to go back? It's the trigger, isn't it?

Why not have a little tug then user. What harm could it do?

I'm gay or into that trap shit but Blair >>> that human being


No, it's more like I am looking for a warm, wet gash, not a floppy, awkward schlong.


Riley, while a retarded leftist, is exponentially many more hotter than Blaire

Get a hard, confident cock then

I forgot to mention I'm not much a fan of 3dpd…


freudian slip

You poor, poor soul.


You're cute. You'd make a good fucktoy

still better than a festering bleeding snatch attached to a bitchy airheaded female.


Well, yeah, it'd be a better alternative if she's festering, bleeding, bitchy and air-headed but who would want a woman like that? If you get her early enough, you don't have to deal with that stuff, ya dip.

If you wouldn't fuck this, you should just cut your cock off bcuz you are superfaggot


R u for real gonna say you wouldn't cum deep inside his ass while licking his soles?

That guy really should have just been happy with being a man.


The dirty secret of traps!

Traps are gay penis the gay comminity

Nobody cared who she was until she put on the mark.

You should be shot tbh


If you like dicks and you're a male, then you are a GAY, sorry but it's true.

They have feminine penis, and see

t. trap
If it's not straight then it's gay



Kek. That faggot tries so hard to be a woman and fails so fucking miserably.

That's probably it man. Just surround yourself with good, straight people though. That's what I've done. If a buddy of mine doesn't find homosexuals degenerate, he's not my friend any more.




Daily reminder: a trap a day keeps the gay away!




Gay = take dick.


I envy you guys who can find and convert these kinds of videos. And I like to imagine that these traps are actually you guys promoting your own material. But then that defeats the image I have of this crowd and it makes me sick to think I'm surrounded by such plebs. No offense. Keep posting the traps pls. I'm about to get off.

It's fundamentally impossible for traps to be gay, by the very definition.

a : homosexual, gay men
b: of, relating to, or used by homosexuals

Traps don't look like men. Gay men would therefore not be attracted to a trap. Ergo, it is not gay to jerk off to a trap.

But traps have male reproductive systems and one X and Y chromosome with a penis to boot
We just say it's not gay because "modern masculinity"is, and isn't even comparable when considering a guy resembling a female more so, even in femininity, than most modern females, and it comes with a dick. You take the good with the bad. Kind of how we put up with psychotic, manipulative, thieving, deceitful cunts for their vaginas and our families
Without a doubt it's (at best) bisexuality. And not being attracted to both sexes to either or some greater, lesser, or equal extent is to live a lie.

And honestly, the penis is nothing but a great boost as something utterly abstract and different in such an era becoming more and more understanding and sympathetic to these kinds of things; well, tolerating, not really accepting (and unless you aren't the average over-40 or have spent the better half of your life in the lower class districts of society with failing educational, family, and living standards).
And admit it, any guy saying he wouldn't suck his own cock if he could is a fucking liar. There's not much of a difference if it's another cock on someone you're attracted to, especially if the thing looks like a female, especially if it has tits.

As someone who masturbates to traps and actually fucks a trap on a regular basis Let me tell you that it is not so easy to say it is gay or not gay, but I'm still willing to say it's gay.

The one thing you fucks forget is that sex is more than just the physical action and it is more than just the mental connection. It is both at the same time.

Mentally, the trap is a girl so that's why you're inclined to think it's not gay. This I agree with since when I fuck that trap friend of mine and don't do anything with her dick it doesn't feel very gay.

However physically the trap is a man so even if you don't do anything with her dick it's still gay. Nothing can ever change this.

This means that fucking a trap is inherently gay and straight at the same time. Which means that "traps =/= gay" is fucking wrong, but saying it lacks appeal for a straight man isn't entirely accurate either.

If we go by the Kinsey Scale, which has pure hetero at 0, bisexual at 3, and pure gay at 6 I'd say trap lovers are either a 1 or a 2. Not fully bisexual since they would never be receptive of a manly man, but not fully hetero either since they desire males that lack masculinity.

No, sucking someone else's cock feels weird. I still do it when asked because it makes her feel good, but it feels really fucking gay.

I bet the feminists and numales are upset that they couldn't normalize enjoying the same genitals without suing companies, slandering businesses, teleseminars, advertising, social networking, and crybullying while ruining their imags by crossbreeding with supporters in furry suits, mMarxist revivals, and dreadlocks on hairy cunts -
while we've lived for so long in the looming shadows of our conviction that together we have used logic and reason to come to peaceful, sticky terms with normalizing the respect we have for our penises and the discontent we hold towards everything surrounding the vagina and will never have to worry about making the rest of the world like what we like, otherwise we wouldn't exist.

the world would be a much better place if people didn't make such a fuss over who loves who, and why and how they like what they like and for what reasons.

Do you find yourself throughout the day wondering what lies underneath a woman's clothing more so than what lies underneath a man's clothing if you were to see the two in normal clothes, or vice versa? And what about the same situation if they're wearing nothing but a traditional swimsuit at the beach or pool or whatever? You know, a two piece on the girl and some trunks on the guy.
Do you find the common features of masculinity more sexually attractive than you do common feminine features? All dicks aside. Do you find men to be, generally, more attractive than women but still prefer the romantic and sexual company of females?
What is it that attracts you the most to either sex? Is it the voice, face, clothes, hair, size, walk, shape? It can be all those things and more, but surely you can decide in time what matters the most in determining, if not how attractive the person is, just how unattractive they are.
Do you enjoy the company of both sexes equally in a romantic setting but prefer one genital over the other? Is it the anal pleasure that you enjoy? Is it the sucking and the cum with the balls?
Is it the personality that attracts you to the person, or is it some kind of power complex you, or the other, wield on the other? There's a thousand different ways to break the boundaries of our own language as a means to explain precisely what is that we like about certain people and why we like them for those reasons and any other reason, from any perspective. And the same could be said about why we do the things we do and like to do. You see where this is not going? Gay or not gay. It's not gay for a woman to suck a cock because, you know, natural selection and evolution and shit. But what if they suck a cock but enjoy fucking other women, like some pornstars?

Honestly, it's a complicated science in it's adolescence. Gay is just a surface term for being attracted to men. If you're attracted to women but enjoy, or accept, a cock in any manner, it doesn't mean you're gay. And being straight but not being attracted to the most attractive and convincing trap doesn't make them gay. Everyone has their own type. We have standards and so on and so forth. A gay man might enjoy the thought of fucking a trap, like we guys might enjoy our cute short haired tomboys. All the semantic debate over a single word in regards to the polished turd concept though means of whose interpretations and personal experiences prove one's claims more factual than the others' is a pretty fucking gay thing in my honest opinion.


Sorry, gotta piss and I was trying to get this post polished before people abandoned the board to go jack off and sleep. But I see I've made some errors :(
I do mean same sex attraction, either male or female to male and female respectively


I missed your memes :)

In the end all you'll find yourself doing is arguing over who likes someone simply because of what they have underneath and who likes the right thing or not. It's like arguing over Pepsi or Coke tbh.


It's not gay to suck her dick. :DDDDDD


post that 3d character with the automated voice thing "god will put you to death soon" guy


The best laid Trap

That's insane. I don't understand how that male could have a more feminine and pretty face than most females.


According to modern chemistry and surgical science, you are wrong. They're literally taking hormone pills and turning their cocks and vaginas inside out. Lol, I know that's extreme.
But come on… the body of a man? Some women have the bodies of men. Are you really going to sit their and try to ell me you've NEVER seen a guy or girl from a distance and mistake them for the opposite gender?



This doesnt matter at all. What matters is, xx, or xy. Call me when theres a process to change this.

You can look like a girl, you can smell like a girl, you can even have a vagina. But if I take your cells under a microscope and I see an x and a y, you're still male..



Fag. I'm going to track you down and torture you to death for being gay. Expect the pain kid.



most jewish thing I've ever seen

what is this


They tried to take our lolis. This is revenge! :DDDDDDD


as prophecy foretold, the man of wrestling and the daddy of ours, daddy AJ Styles, made a post in a thread that questions what is gay and what is not gay

Where's the men?
What a gay future.


Fuck the ranger, Boo-Boo. We got the pickanik basket!




What are u waiting for, user? :DDDDDDDD




Why is there no porn of traps getting railed by men





u can't make teh cute go away :DDDDDD



fags will be thrown from rooftops


is there anyway traps can permanently have hair? if they go balding around the 30-40 years old mark then what can they do

DERP! *pig noises*


Reminder that liking traps is caused by low testosterone.

do you think Vince McMahon will ever turn AJ Style into a kayfabe homosexual for a WWE storyline? it'd be funny

What if you want to Fuck anything that moves?

Why are you a trap or lookn? & nothing. Nothing can be done about hair loss.

Fucking anything other that a man is okay in my book. If you want to rape a gator go for it.

Not sure if trap. I want to believe!



I've been interested in trapping for a while, but i was just curious about the hair thing






Here is lesbian trap! :DDDDDD







D-did you not hear me when I said that I'm currently fucking a trap on a regular basis? She is specifically a transwoman who is on HRT and is considering reassignment surgery.
HRT changes their hormonal distribution. Not their physical gender.
Sexual reassignment is as you described, but it is not really a vagina. My girl and her friend who is also trans are content to keep their dicks since the surgery is merely a facade and a very risky one at that.

You are also confusing my statement about bodies of men. I am not saying they physically look like men. We are in a thread with tons of proof against that. If they looked like men then the term trap wouldn't exist.

Let me be specifically clear: Even a transwoman that has transitioned in every sense of the word will still have the body of a man because it is as says. Except I'll add that it is impossible for them to have a natural-like vagina. Which is kind of what this whole discussion is about.


I don't wanna talk about vaginas

Then shut your filthy hole before I turn it into one.

This is true, being "gay" is a social construct. For example, when I was seven, I had many sexual playmates, some were girls, most were boys. When just us boys played together, we didn't call it "gay" it was just fun. The concept of "gay" wasn't totally understood, so we didn't assume those labels. All we knew were that "fairies" or effeminate gay men were degenerate deviants but we thought our "masculine" persona meant that we were still straight. I guess, I'm trying to say that you can be "gay" without being a faggot, thus keeping your dignity. For what it's worth, I feared butt sex out of hygiene concerns.

Gay boy.



Some nice stuff here I haven't seen before.

looks kind of like that brony danny phantom fan that shot up the supermarket



