"Anyone who cannot name our enemy, is not fit to lead this country." –Donald J. Trump, "Understanding The Threat: Radical Islam and the Age of Terror", 8-15-2016
Thank fuck, I'm deaf and you have no clue how awful is to have to rely on fucking youtube automatic transcriptions to get up to speed on Trump speeches
Are you really?
Even though undesirables with disabilities will be purged, we thank you for your vote deaf user.
Meanwhile trump just posted this:
fixed the shit capture
nice 4/pol/-tier grasp of National Socialism
this is skinhead tier
Top quality speech, cited and hyperlinked for the normies. Lets see this pulled apart tomorrow on MSM.
expect the board to ignore this. there's a trump girls thread and probably some videogame shit taking all the replies
On the bright side, you do not have to listen to Hillary Clinton's shrill voice.
Thanks OP.
How the fuck are you even able to use this site?
Someone please twitter bomb this hajji
I need to fucking make a new twitter all mine have been shoahed
Windows 10 has an option to translate everything into braille
That's pretty neat.
Do you dream in color?
It doesn't matter if the NSA spys on him or not. All his important files are written like a;sldfagahfdjsh8e8vyaevnj
He's deaf not blind.
What am I reading?
Pretty sure America is larger than Iran.
Twitter seems fucked up, at least I'm having problems accessing it.
Same here.
How can they use anything he said against him when THEY SAID IT THEMSELVES!!!??
Are you retarded?
God damn that is impressive.
Link to video of the speech? I missed it but after reading only a few paragraphs of this I know I have to hear it.
Oh look, Trump is just another republican who will use US forces to blow up sand people for Israel's benefit. Looks like Ropeculture was right after all.
The only way to change shit is to kill Israeli lobbyists and their Shabbos goy enablers. Voting doesn't work.
Unfortunately I don't think that platform will assist him in getting elected this November Moshe but oh
Sorry, you got me there bro, thanks for setting me straight. Now I'm #WaitingForHitler
It is brilliant and suddenly gives his supporters talking points (with sources) to throw right back in (((their))) faces. Who on the left could ever doubt such paradigms of greatthink as:
I almost want to start trolling with this glorious saltmine. almost
I hope they make it into a Musical.
no one said he was the next hitler except liberal media, sorry you have brain damage.
No one's stopping you and no one has been stopping you.
Your real solution is to sit around concern trolling and being a 15-year-old faggot. Kill yourself or at least leave the site.
lol have you tried suicide, niggerfaggot?
Trump spoke out against honor killings, which is one of the only things im in support of for the sand monkeys, we need that shit here in the US starting with the kikes and progressive shills.
Every time I see him, I just can't get over how the guy playing the accordion looks like the perfect Imperial Guardsman. He even looks like he was made of finecast.
Honor killings are when you kill your female relatives after they get raped. What we need are RWDS.
Memes mimic reality mimicking memes.
Imperial Guardsmen look like this fellow and later on edits of this fellow were made to make him an Imperial Guardsman.
This universe is beautiful.
Literally a shill
t. actual nazi
so good
jews are the problem. national socialism is the answer.
this board is going to shit
This. Their "honor" is nothing like ours. Like you said, it's an excuse to murder women. If your little girl get molested at school, the response shouldn't be to execute her with a rusty sword.
I don't know user
Why not? Have you heard of chimerism? If one black dick gets inside your daughter, her childbearing is ruined permanently. And a woman who can not make strong white babies has no use, she is worthless.
Shill detected
You do realize chimerism(in humans) is usually the result of 1)a fetus absorbing its twin during the embryonic stage of development or 2)fetal cells leftover in the mother from pregnancy, right? Hell, the latter isn't even true chimerism, it's considered micro-chimerism since it doesn't affect the genetic code of the mother's body or that of her eggs.
tl;dr lern2science & eat shit
Once a black cock has gone inside a white woman, no self respecting white man will ever want her.
drumb said sorry :DDD:D
Dubbs of truth
Literally kill yourself. :D
Top bants
Why doesn't he put all of his speeches on Youtube? Trump's Youtube channel only averages one video per week. And most of the videos are less than a minute long.
Where are the speeches? Where are the rallies? At least put up Trump's speech from the convention.
>>>Holla Forums
here's a bump to counter the shitty threads
Maybe this should be stickied?
Are you going to burst out of your coffee?
You're a fucking idiot.
Quit shilling your shitty blog, faggot
I missed those lines
been too long since the last time. And it even caught a lot of newfags
Hitler was voted into power you ignorant fuck
is this what twitter does after a week? filters the most disinfo they can?