My daughter took our cat to school today for show and tell, should I be concerned?
My daughter took our cat to school today for show and tell, should I be concerned?
do it, user.
oh and this
resize your shit you lazy nigger
get better internet you poorfag
Not sure maybe there is something hidden file inside that pic
Did you see the fucking schnozzola on that (((teacher)))? You're god damn right you should be concerned, goy.
another cultural marxist kike indoctrinating little kids
what a slut
Dubs "o" truth, checked. I'll tell you what, these (((teachers unions))) backed Hillary 100%, they are working overtime ensuring these little angels are full of hatred and multicultural cuckedness years before setting fort on (((campus))) - we need to mandate conservative educational programs in our districts and vote for local representatives and school board members who champion those ideals. Jews need not apply.
Not fort, foot. God damn (((auto-correct)))
subliminal messages
God damn dirty apes
Why haven't the mods deleted this obvious CP thread?
Did the cat shit?
my daughter at show and tell
Can I do show and tell?
This cute little Loli obviously has some issues with creatively expressing her repressed anger.
Why is she so angry? She needs loveā¦
You should be more concerned over that hooked nosed teacher.
why is the teacher wearing a wifebeater and no bra
bras are sexist
kill yourself