Every niggers need to be paid to get sterlization so they may never breed again because they are a global threat to the nature.
Free sterlization for the niggers
Tyler Hughes
Nathan Thomas
what if they do not wish to be sterile?
Jaxson Howard
Then they should act like humans instead of animals.
Christopher Harris
Deny them to the welfare and if they chimp out then the martial law will be used against them to punish their bad behaviours.
Aaron Reyes
Michael Jones
Caleb Hughes
The racemixing should be illegal by deporting the traitors to the africa.
Aaron Williams
always kill a traitor before an enemy jim jam.
Eli Young
is it true that niggers are all poor like obama and they can't do taxes?
Isaac Edwards
They are too stupid to pay a tax as most of them are unable to read even at basic level.