Nigger domestication

Thought you might find this interesting
tl:dr - take wild animals, breed the tamest ones, and they become friendly and obedient, get smarter and more social, have narrower facial features, lose their strong odor, and turn white.
Sound familiar?

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humans domesticate themselves from the resulting civilizations and laws that are an inevitable consequence of agriculture. Nigs are too stupid to hold together civilizations, so they never domesticated themselves

Instead we need to undomesticate Europeans. We are over-domesticated.

How can that be if melanin is the magic power behind the strength of black people? :^)

Fucking horrible comparison.

They don't know why the coat goes dark, and comparing skin pigmentation with a fox's fur is simply retarded.

The experiment is successful in showing how effective eugenics can be to.

You might be on to something if humans and niggers were the same species. They aren't.

Underrated and nuanced, user.

Shit, they domesticated foxes? Fuck I want one!

Much like the domesticated pig, if the domesticated negro were allowed to interact with their native habitat, they would quickly devolve into a feral negro and would require conservation measures against it.

Much like the negro as the swine, all domestication will quickly be lost and the best way to protect against this is permanent entrapment.


:^)I still want the pet fox

We have undomesticated Europeans, they are called Slavs.

We don't want to breed "domesticated niggers" you fucking cuckold. We want to eradicate them from the face of the Earth to safeguard our civilisation and race. Kill yourself.

kill yourself, anti-white

Extermination is really the only solution to a bad feral infestation. If you don't they will just destroy your property and generally be a nuisance species. Just trapping or killing a few really doesn't help since the breed so quickly.

This interests me, there's a very well documented cycle of empires rising and falling within a set number of generations, and civilization selects for lack of aggression. Maybe the cycle of civilizations is the cycle of domestication?

It's just shitposting, settle down Ben.

The point is that, in domesticating them, they turn white by de-facto.

Oh I'd never go that far; granted outwardly they may appear to have been fully domesticated-those feral attributes are only a few months away.

That's not how it works, you retard. What you'd do is create less violent, more intelligent niggers who still keep their racial in-group preference, and will waste no time using the new intelligence you have provided them to destroy you. Making your competitors stronger and more intelligent doesn't make them "become" one of you - it makes them more capable of destroying you.

So no sunlight = autistic retards.

Ever since I learned about this experiments success, years ago, I have wanted two things.

First is one of those foxes, because they are damn cute. Second is a renaissance of animal husbandry.

They've proven it's honestly just that damn easy. Why on Earth is nobody else replicating this with other animals? We could tame just about every fucking animal on Earth, and that sounds like some cool shit to me.

The anthropologist Peter Frost has written about this, he believes that Northern Europeans have become domesticated within the last thousand years.

Peter Frost also suggests that the Roman empire collapsed because the genes for violence and aggression were removed from the population, turning Romans into a bunch of weak Christcucks who could no longer defend themselves against barbarian invasions.

Chinese have been subjected to totalitarian centralized government the longest, so they are likely the most domesticated and docile population on the planet.

what if you decrease aggression

Asians aren't aggressive. Jews aren't aggressive. You think that makes either of them any less of a threat?

why the fuck are we wasting our resources domesticating a worthless race of humanity anyway? Stop it with this white-man's-burden cuckery. We don't need niggers one bit, and to waste our resources creating "domesticated" niggers who more than likely will turn against us at one point or another is beyond retarded.


One thing that's noteworthy is that the birth rate of average Romans started declining during the height of the empire while that of Christians rose because they opposed abortion and infanticide, which would contribute to genetic behavioural change because it meant the placid population began growing the fastest.

in the cucked sense. if you make them cucks

What does it mean if I noticed the catnip in the second picture first?


I'm pretty sure that I heard they destroyed all the animals already because they were worthless and useless. Originally, they only wanted to domesticate the animals for their fur, so it would be easier to have a steady source of fur, but the domestication process destroyed the color of the fur, rendering it worthless, and there was no interest in these animals as pets, so they were all put down. Decades of domestication wasted.

that you're a reincarnated cat?

Where did you hear that. Every source I have seen has said that they are sold as pets, but that there is an ass-load of paperwork involved if you want to import one.

Tbqh I think domesticated foxes are better than domesticated doges.

Anyway, niggers don't really societies, so there's way to domesticate themselves. I mean, they have tribes, but they're so often in conflict that they need a warrior class (not that they're very effective mind you).

so niggers who are both wild and stupid as all niggers are are that way because they are irredeemably part of their sub human race and will never be either human ie civilized nor intelligent. makes sense.

A fox would be infinitely better than a yippy taco bell dog.

Volkmar Weiss has written a good and troubling paper on a theory comparable to this one.

I hate bitchy dogs like that. I mean, if you're not into big dogs, fine, but you don't have to get a beaner dog.

I've unironically considered getting a shiba inu wouldn't name him doge though

In my experience with standard domesticated foxes (not the russian experiment ones) they can be very affectionate, but they have a habit of pissing one themselves when super happy/submissive. Some dogs do this, but foxes do it much more. They are also hyper or over-excitable all the time compared to most dogs. They also have that musk smell which gets everywhere.

A dog's body language also seems more inherently compatible as far as communication with humans go. So as things stand, I prefer a properly trained dog, myself. Particularly since their barking/guarding behavior is useful when they are properly trained.

Very interesting. I hope we can carry through more knowledge this time than we did last time. Maybe it won't take another 10,000 years to rebuild.

You think this might be the great filter? That every intelligent alien is trapped in an endless cycle of destruction and rebirth, only capable of outside communication for miniscule fracions of it's history.

Dogs have a history with humans that goes back to the Dawn of Man, foxes were mostly just sources of pelts for us.

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They are still working on the experiment, but they look like this now

Thousands of dollars but you can get one.

Actually, it's noted in the OP that they actually specifically lost their 'musky fox smell.'

Reported, have nice day!

This is the kind of shit we need to be aware of and control as a species. It blows my mind that we can go 240,000 miles to the moon but this shit is off limits.

Fuck can you imagine a domesticated tiger or baby elephant
Fuck yeah

Great thread op I do believe it's a good explanation for the generally kinder, and altruistic nature of white people

Also yes, the evolution and success of man and dog are inextricably linked. Not sure if their social cues informed ours but it's a cool idea, we do resemble wolves in our interactions more than we do horses or other domesticated animals.

Dogs are man's best friend pic related :)

I want a goddamn fox puppy now. Thanks.

Hell yeah, nigga. And we shouldn't stop at just tigers and gaylord animals like elephants. The sky's the limits here. Can you imagine how cool it'd be to have domesticated bears running around? Mankind would finally be able to fulfill its secret desire of recreational bear-riding and wrestling.

I don't know how the experiment and methodology would work on non-mammals, but I know that I, for one, am also dying to have a domesticated alligator/crocodile. This sort of shit deserves at least an attempt.

We Druid, ranger, beast master now!

Also, check um.

This. I also don't think people realize just how fucking big Africa is. It's almost the size of North America and Australia combined, and has a countless natural resources all ruled over by black savages. If we don't unfuck our shit up, the entire continent will become a Chinese colony, and it will be a real colony this time, with genocide and replacement of niggers there with chinks.

The problem is, niggers lack the necessary IQ to even begin ingraining civilization. They are beyond salvation. Domesticating them and bringing them up is pointless, they are a waste of resources.

Elephants are smarter and more empathic than blacks, so…

If this is done, it is to be done naturally as a consequence without undue influence or unconscionable conduct.

I prefer we ask "do you want to be ubermensch" method.
It's purely up to their free will.

I know some will say yes too. Most probably won't because of culture and those that say yes need to respect that and nurture the naturalised people.

Guys, this is interesting and smells like a good theory on the surface. But does it hold up when applied to humans?

What happened to these foxes is called "domestication syndrome." It happens to tons of domesticated animals, with dogs being the best example.

For a long time, researchers were puzzled by how all these traits appear together when an animal is domesticated, but now some think it has to do with neural crest cells:

TL;DR: neural crest cells are stem cells that form the precursor cells of many physical traits like the shape of the skull, facial features and melanoblasts. Neural crest cells ALSO are the precursors to some of the cells of the brain, including the adrenal glands.

Ultimately, what "domestication syndrome" really might be is essentially DEFORMITIES of the face, skeleton, melanin-producing cells and brain, caused by deficiencies of neural crest cells.

Those "deformities" result in reduced adrenal function (which makes an animal tamer and more sociable), reduced melanin (lighter and more varied colors) and various effects on the skeleton and face (smaller jaws and teeth, smaller and more floppy ears, etc.).

To US, these deformities don't appear as "deformities" at all. They make animals more approachable, more friendly and CUTER. So we like this effect. And we breed for it.

Now. Could this same thing happen in humans?

Theoretically. We're vertebrates, I think our neural crest cells should develop the same way.

I don't know what the chances are that anyone is going to look into this, though. It occurred to me that one thing to check might be to look into human disorders that are caused by neural crest cell deficiencies. There are a few' for example, Treacher Collins Syndrome. If things like Treacher Collins Syndrome are more common in whites and Asians, it might lend support to the idea there are racial differences in neural crest cell deficiencies overall.

But I can't find anything suggesting this is the case. Took a spin through PubMed and NCBI, nothing.

As a sidenote: the fox experiment had another side, where they took another group of foxes and bred them to be more aggressive alongside the domesticated group.

The end result of THOSE foxes is also dramatic. They look like something out of a horror game, and they're incredibly violent. They have to be tranquilized to be removed from their cages for any reason. If you put your hand against their cage, they will instantly and violently throw themselves at it in an attempt to bite you. They are 100% aggression, no other impulse.

So it can go the other way.

100% of the redpilled blacks I know are for this. They know it's the only way up for the nigger race. Otherwise, they're genetically obsolete.

This falls in line with most of what we believe about the genetic impacts of the world wars.

It also meshes nicely with the belief that war is a racket, perpetuated by the (((elite))) to thin out those portions of the population that resist domestication. Even if the actual goal was the establishment of banks and control structures, the side effect has certainly also been domestication. Throw a war at them and they kill themselves off.

The interesting angle to ponder is whether or not those people should be considered unfit, being so easily manipulated. That isn't to say anything about the strength of the industrialized propaganda machines targeting them… but it must be said that only men capable of resisting and psychologically fighting this media machine are truly fit to lead us going forward anyway.

I'm thinking about getting a cheeky coon, myself.

They're a good dog if you're a cat person.



reported for derailing and severe autism

seriously, go back to cuckchan faggot


OP is a faggot for not including the video of fox experiments.

This should be mandatory viewing on par with Yuri since this concept single handedly destroys any notion of whites lacking biological diversity. Whites are plenty diverse on our own and we don't need shitskin DNA at all.

In 1927, Takeji Furukawa, a professor at Tokyo Women's Teacher's School, published his paper "The Study of Temperament Through Blood Type" in the scholarly journal Psychological Research. The idea quickly took off with the Japanese public despite Furukawa's lack of credentials, and the militarist government of the time commissioned a study aimed at breeding ideal soldiers. The study used ten to twenty people for the investigation, thereby failing to meet the statistical requirements for generalizing the results to the wider population.

On the other hand, in 1934, Fisher announced the chi-square test, which is very popular at present, for the first time. Several scholars said that they found statistically significant differences analyzing Japanese works conducted at that time.

In another study, Furukawa compared the distribution of blood types among two ethnic groups: the Formosans in Taiwan and the Ainu of Hokkaidō. His motivation for the study appears to have come from a political incident: After the Japanese occupation of Taiwan following Japan's invasion of China in 1895, the inhabitants tenaciously resisted their occupiers. Insurgencies in 1930 and in 1931 resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Japanese settlers.

The purpose of Furukawa's studies was to "penetrate the essence of the racial traits of the Taiwanese, who recently revolted and behaved so cruelly". Based on a finding that 41.2% of a Taiwanese sample had type O blood, Furukawa assumed that the Taiwanese rebelliousness was genetically determined. The reasoning was supported by the fact that among the Ainu, whose temperament was characterized as submissive, only 23.8% had type O. In conclusion, Furukawa suggested that the Japanese should increase intermarriage with the Taiwanese to reduce the number of Taiwanese with type O blood.

IMO the Russian Domesticated Fox experiment proves that the Japanese were on to something but it was not the blood types

Fuck all naysayers, keep up gods work

I really want a Caucasian shepherd

Wasn't this already done through slavery?

Jews are surreptitiously aggressive.

Me too user


I'm pretty sure that's the plot of a book already

Who's to say that current pharma isn't already operating under similar guidelines? They'd spot a concurrent effort easily, since they're already tied up in the supply chain and keep tabs on scarcities.

theyd know the shell company and the contraceptive pharma were connected?

also, if big pharma is such a fucking spook

How come every other jackass with some extra student loan money or group buy from a nootropic forum can order whatever non-controlled non FDA approved substance from russian otc's to experimental phase 1 drugs???

Blacks have the highest percentage of blood type O, just so you know

Domestic cats (Felis sylvestris, depends on who you ask) are said to have self-domesticated from larger cats. Dunno exactly how large, what species, or if that's totally true, though. There's also special, very expensive breeds of cats like the F-series, so-called Savannah, cats, which are a cross between a serval and domestic cat.

Off-topic, but cats have been very helpful as pest-control. They don't things like grain or fruit stores, unlike dogs, because they have no attraction for carbs. Europeans used to use snakes and ferrets for that purpose. I don't know what the whole cat-killing witch hysteria phase was about. Some fags think cats may be responsible for the faggotisation of the West because toxoplasmosis. Their wholesale elimination may also be responsible for accelerating the spread of the plague. Who knows. Food for thought.

This… this is interesting.

What is free will? From what does it spring? Who or what has it and to what extent? I've ended up a biological determinist trying to answer this question.

I'm sure semite-fellating christcucks have a great magical answer for this

Bears can be semi-domesticated if raised from birth.

The real question is if russians can be domesticated.

There's a similar book about sterilizing contreceptives, except it ends up causing men to go extinct, and the Lesbocracy that results is a crumbling shithole with enforced lifespan limits (if you're low on the totem pole you get killed when you hit 30, scientists get longer) Enforced lesbian sex, and is run by a tyrannical feminist computer with the same issues SJWS have.
The entire thing is held up with sperm frozen in banks when men were still alive, and even though they're careful, they;re running out of sperm, until a man's cadaver is found in the arctic, with recoverale semen, unsterile and healthy. a fresh chance for humanity, until the computer finds out…

link is here:

tbh, i still wish the british had left the niggers alone
i'd be curious to see what the zulu could have done once they conquered most of south africa

That's what liberals have been trying to do this whole time, they just wont admit it.

appreciate what you're doing, but we need to have these threads once in a while.
Can't all be dim and grim reality, we'd lose our minds if it were so.

Polite sage, keep doing gods work user.

In at least 150ky, why the fuck couldn't they? Environmental pressures leading to strong changes require severe and prolonged measures. Niggers simply plucked food out of the ground or tree. They ran from animals that could fuck their shit up, and ganged up on those they couldn't face alone.

Niggers are cowards. They lack a sense of honour, responsibility, integrity, or societal stability (which requires future time orientation). They cannot fathom man-to-man confrontation, because they are the weakest bitch.

You're not thinking like a neuroscientist.
Long term adrenaline starvation can cause permanent damage to the body and epigenetic material.

The key factor of a truly "domesticated" animal is the ability to express joy.

Cows, dogs, cats, horses, humans, ravens, killer whales, they can all express what we call joy.
The key factor is that all these animals understand the need to fight back. To be able topple those above. Which requires imagination. Imagination that evolved from suspicion of the shadows. The ability to understand that senses can be bypassed by a predator.
In case you haven't noticed this can refer to any sort or threat, not just the one you were thinking when you read that.
If you want an intelligent lifeform, you need it to be naturally suspicious and creative.

This is also the reason for the "big bad white supremacist" meme. It's pretty much implanting a meme building on primal fears for a "superior predator of minorities".

This is why only whites can be "racist" according to lefties, because they actually believe whites to be superior.


Before that was glaciation and thousands of years of changing seasons and ice ages. That was the first period to select for altruism, future-time orientation and intellect. What you say is true, but without the other things it wouldn't have been possible.

I'm beginning to think that this is a way to make us dismiss all genuine vigilance call.
Same principle than making utterly retarded conspiracy theories so people associate them with real conspiracies.
I don't know how you call this phenomenon.

This would imply non-whites are brave warriors when reality would suggest the opposite.
Arabs, jews, gooks, and dindus are all cowering pussies unless they're surrounded by hundreds of their fellow shitskins.
This is an interesting analogy but nothing more.

It's /freech/'s new HILARIOUS maymay
Note the lack of brevity and lack of humor. It has all the trademarks of goon-comedy.

Basically, we could domesticate the niggers, but there's a problem.

In 20 generations they managed to get the number of domesticated foxes up to 35%, and as of last decade they were up to the 70s. Great, for foxes. But this experiment is predicated on the quick maturation of the animals, you can do one generation a year. Normal human average generation is at 30 yrs, but lets say for niggers they start breeding at 15. So, for 20 generations that's 300 years before you get them even 35% domesticated. For full domestication you might well need >800-1000 years.

A thousand years without one kike spouting 'One race, the human race!', introducing some race mixing and destroying fucking everything. But even if we get rid of the kikes first, we're still stuck with the possibility that our own race cucks up for a bit and decides

I just don't see it happening.

Chihuahuas have to go back

Two problems here:

First, the genetic distance between nigs and whites isn't as large as the distance between foxes and dogs. (They aren't even in the same family, right?)

Second, the fox experimenters had to do it from scratch, using only feral fox DNA as their substratum. We have plenty of domesticated human DNA already we can use to speed the process along.

At that point, why not just sterilize them?

I want to fuck one of these.

Why domesticate niggers in the first place? Whites are basically more evolved humans. Why spend time and energy evolving niggers into whites when we have whites? you don't even have a confirmation that they can be fixed.
In the past every homo-whatever was succeeded by the next homo-whatever and the previous homo's genes went extinct (for the most part). There is no reason why this should not be the case now.

I agree, but we should always have a toolbox full of solutions. You can't always get enough people to agree you need a solution at all, so you need to consider ways to appeal to the moderate when you get close to a solution. Also, even if we all agree "something must be done", the political tactics of choosing the right solution may vary, and the perfect solution may be much harder to decide on than a decent solution.

Dunno were you heard that but it's BS, it was a long term science experiment from the start (the soviet had very vast entire complexes and wide dedicated programs to science and animal science, that would never have been possible on private dime. This experiment was among the first in genetic experimentation by the then brand new Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics) meant to see the long term effect of domestication and guided evolution on a wild species (specifically that yes you could turn wolves into dogs, just by selective breeding and in a human lifetime, they used foxes because it was less dangerous and it would create an entirely new species so they couldn't be accused of cheating).

The rumors is that they culled the population in the 90's simply because it was the 90's and they lacked funds, that's also when they started selling them as pets. But today they say it never actually happened, just that it was going to happens hence the media articles at the time but that they got funds via the appeal they made, and didn't had to do it.
You can still buy some but the high price and the red tape is effective enough to ensure nobody does…



Pick both

That's not "wild animals," that's a single species. Here on Holla Forums of ALL PLACES you're trying to imply all species are the same? How long have you been here?

Canines make fantastic domestication opportunities, of which the fox is one, considering that they are, just like humans, predatory and social creatures. Niggers are too stupid to be open to education and civilization and "too intelligent" to be susceptible to domestication and control. They are extremely tribal (which is fine, as we all should be) but their lack of intelligence makes them extraordinarily stubborn and creates social stigmas AGAINST being anything other than what they currently are.

Us whites have a much greater capacity for intelligence and empathy, but while that is a great strength it is also, to an extent, a weakness; it's why you see so many white guilt faggots fall victim to the kikes' propaganda. You will never, ever see "black guilt" ever exist, even if the kikes pushed it hard tomorrow and forever after, because of aforementioned reasons.

Back on topic, I really want a fox. You can legally get one but it costs like a grand. I want to find a pup in the wild and raise it but i'd feel bad taking it from its home and mother.

tiny "dogs" aren't dogs. Those are animals that have been selectively, artificially bred so far into tiny weakness and stupidity that they're little more than overgrown rats. The closer a dog is to a wolf, its natural state, the better. The difference between a wolf and a chihuahua is the difference between a strong, independent man who fends for himself and his family and a small, whiny, weak liberal faggot who talks big but doesn't, and can't, do shit.

Fuck little dogs. If i can kick a field goal with it, it's not a dog.

nice meme

Lefty-pozzed show but they did have one fantastic character on it.

Poisoning the well.

I'm about to let you in on a secret only high level Hermetics such as myself know.

You are in control of evolution.

Think of meme magic. The subconscious spins the web of reality. You are, right now, processing things and creating traits that will be passed down to the next generations. Selective breeding, Darwinism etc still play a major role, because reality is the web itself and therefore has the biggest impact. It also has to do with what you believe is possible, but we have very little control of our minds, believe it or not. We can't seem to convince ourselves that we're capable of too much. For example, if you're really in control, you can meme yourself to be taller (I can vouch for this) or more in shape, but it will help if you actively do things to make yourself that way, such as stretching and exercising. Most people are completely unaffected because they lack any control of their subconscious (magic) so it doesn't have any affect, and only reality affects them.

If that makes no sense at all, I understand. It should sound crazy to those that haven't done in depth study of spirituality, meditations, and "magic." Go look up the people who have changed their eye color simply by believing (prayer is also an example of this, its a way of into the web/matrix)

Meh, not really entertaining. Try harder.

If you want entertainment in your life meme it yourself, don't count on me.

We have a literal meme running for president, based on a collective subconscious willing it into existence. If you want good memes in your life: luck, happiness, prosperity… ya gotta meme it.

I would prefer domesticated (pure) Injuns, tbh fam. Or (non-Negroid or mulattoed) Horners rather.

Whatever path one takes when domesticating them, I'd recommend that the one's that want to have domesticated offspring must agree to keep a lower population, and to make sure they are always below the league of Whites.

I would love a domesticated moose.

I suppose this is not too different from dog sledding.

K dud Im in on this, I believed myself to be healthy cause of something I overlooked, til the thought "this isnt right according to western medicine". Bad diseases, btw I also managed to figure out what emotions flare them up, and was able to get it from the flare up 100% status down to 10%(20% being normal)

Do too believe in what you say, knowing that whenever i went to work out my chest, the very first thing that was different thant he day before, was that my chest was bigger and more pumped up before I even worked out.
Just as described in that one study where athletes that imagined to do something had similar results and had the same areas of the brain grow as if they were really doing it.

However I dont wanan read trough a million sites of esoteric bullshit.
Care to link to the articles/sites/examples of those people with the changed eye color etc?

sounds like me

when I try to do something productive, I magically become procrastinate

Underrated post tbh

Interesting theory. Can you explain exactly what you mean by
What is this "damage"? Neotony? Excessive long-term adrenaline levels causes its own problems, actual damage like chronic inflammation.


I'd be up for it, but that's never going to happen. Not even the Chinese can genocide the 1.4 Billion Blacks that live in Africa. The truth of the matter is, it's theirs, and will remain theirs, all we can do is kill the ones in our own countries and keep any more from coming in. We can get our resources from other planets, asteroids, and moons once we create a reusable spacecraft that can travel the distance, which we should accomplish in no time in an all-white civilization.

fucking kek

Not really. There's still significant amount of "archaic" hominids found in living ones. I've read that Africans have a crazy mixture of so many old hominids like erectus and heidelbergensis, also pre-Homo genes; Denisovan is prominent in orientals (they've quite a snout, actually; the "flat-face" is because the snout juts out and forehead slopes back at the right angle to make it look "flat"'); neanderthal is prominent in kikes, some other semites, and some Caucasians (meaning hominids in the actual Caucasus, like Georgians and Armenians).

The "previous" hominid species are not extinct, only mixed. Don't trust the recreations that make them look like chimps. It's all too easy to manipulate body hair, muscle attachments, prominences, etc to create a more primitive-looking wax figure.

I'm not sure how much biology training the average person has. Recognising morphology is an acquired skill. You can learn to assess skull shapes of people (or "people") you see IRL. Also hands, nigger hands look more like ape hands in that they're straighter (hard to explain), they also cannot use them like whites. They also have a strange gait.

IMO, if we applied the same standards to our own genus as we do others, we would find that we're separate species. But that's not kosher, because we must promote more race-mixing and allow feral apes to destroy our resources and people to achieve pic related (quite a disgusting and infuriating read tbh fam). But jews must sit like effendi and eat, amirite goys?

These newly-domesticated animals, and their non-domesticated prey or predators, will still continue in the so-called evolutionary arms race in the wild. It's better to manage their ecosystems (which is quite simple…for Euro man, at least) than try to selectively breed all species into something that will be quickly undone. Not worth the time and effort. Keep the harmful ones at bay (like niggers and wolves). Wolves used to be scary shit for ancient Europeans, but we have (for better or worse) killed them off significantly. Now we need to take their place to prevent herbivores like deer from eating plants into extinction and thus killing their own species due to overforaging. In this context, yes herbivores become apex predators upon plants and they *will* destroy their food source by design.

At least we didn't turn almost an entire continent into a desert like abos by burning down forests. Or hunt our megafuana into extinction like prairieniggers. Only Europeans can manage ecology to serve us.

Nobody has changed their eye colour. The anthropomorphisation concept of apparent colour is related to eyes being the window to the soul. Watery eyes may give off more reflected light because water. Somber eyes may be perceived as darker. Your eye colour is strictly governed by genetics. Blue is the absence of pigment, the other pigments are green, black/brown, and yellow. There has likewise never been a case of someone with purple eyes.

Related fun fact: purple does not exist. It is how we process the occurence of red and blue light together. Violet, however, does exist as a real emitted spectrum. It is impossible to have purple eyes.

The only reason blacks are approaching a billion are because of Western aid. Aid given by kikes and backed by kikestianity, perhaps to create a bioweapon being unleashed upon Western nations at this moment. If we remove all sanitation, food, medicine, etc aid then their population will rapidly collapse to natural levels. They may have AKMs but they can't make their own bullets. Shit will fall fast, and for the best.

get out of my board

It doesn't just happen to a single species. See my post above re: "domestication syndrome."

Could you elaborate on this?

That's because they bred them with Siberian huskies.
I read this back in 2012 when they had a website up.

Foxes cannot interbreed with dogs. Not even the same genus.

Foxes are not dogs, you stupid nigger.

dogs have more chromosones than foxes
kinda like how you have more chromosones than the rest of us




I wonder what kind of stink it would make if somebody printed out and posted in public a flier with the text from your screenshot..

Mao killed tens of millions of his own people and the first Emperor of China buried a thousand scholars alive for slightly disagreeing with him. Have faith in China.




The fuck is the sauce?


Well that's a black pill if I ever saw it.
A universe full of stupid blacks, always dragging down those who can into space.

It's called Ukrainians.

What further evidence do people need that race traits have meaning?