Webm thread

Because the other one is a bit overloaded tbh.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice shit webm to start it off with.





You do not belong here. Also that opening is stellar you fucking loser.



Either that or he couldn't make it past the 20 second mark…

Nah, it's just trash. Just like Cry of the Cicadas or Lain. Overhyped trash. :3

dont hate the lane.


You do realize the amv is based off of vocals right? It's not based off of instrumentation… if only you could actually tell that…

>implying i care


japan cartoon name?




Not him, but that's just plain garbage. It's just awkwardly put together animations with flashing lights. Powerful stuff!!! not Honestly both of you have shit taste both in music and in AMVs. Want more music like you two? Just turn on the radio.



This amv(?) is pretty dank yet cool at the same time wtf.


This amv is so refreshing.

I need some sauce on that ASAP/

Fuck. This too.



anyone have that video of the crack whore trying to suck dick for like 2 dollars then gets mad and storms off

i'm not jewish fuck off

I think this is what you are looking for


niggers are nuts

Skip to 11:26 in the video I posted, its the same prostitute and she's propositioning the same way.

She shaved her head and that broken voice cleared up but I swear its the same chick


everyone say thank you



And You Thought There Is Never a Girl












wtf. that's some crazy shit right there.


i hope you die in the most horrible way

We need to secure the existence of season 2 for the future of flying lolis




/r/ing the webm of the british tranny who starts screaming at the guy by the bus

Source, please. I don't joke.


god damn sauce on the 2nd webm please



The U.K is a fucking joke.


sauce on the song from the 2nd webm?

Nevermind, I found it.


roki, huh?

ur stupid lol

this video pleases me

I haven't been this aroused since… tomorrow.


2 dollars is an reasonable price tbf


Sorry didn't mean to post this twice

Just look up the file name on youtube.

lot of white ppl in this prison


Dumping my folder


Is the limit still 8MB?







anyone have that webm of that dude going "hah, GAAAAY" but the gay part is ear rape? been looking for the longest time someone help me outplease







story behind 1? seen it before, but not common




all SFM is trash. liking it proves you are >15


















name of this shit? i don't watch anime because i'm not a weeb but this looks sick











Alrught, that's me done. Finding this folder sure was a nostalgia trip.

God i miss the old halfchan Holla Forums. How the shitty fall even lower.





This was not easy to find.

The early 2000s were truly a magical time.


did it died?

they snapped it's motherfucking neck, the whores

Yes, it survived. There was a bunch of news articles about it, to quell the underlying horror of these heartless heathens.

what is even going on

Looks like their cat was a dumbass and decided to fuck with the wiring in a lamp.



which wakfu is this from?

Dofus Movie

From OST of Nisekoi.

Thank you. When I lost this video for a long time, but you helped me find it.

Doesn't matter how many times I see this, i always cum like a fucking horse!

Empire of Corpses
I've never seen it, I saw it in an FYE and recognized the art style. Now I gotta see it, shit.

I don't get it. Did it break the bulb and cut itself all to shit? Did it somehow get electrocuted? The way the girls look at it when they get it loose, it's clearly dead. Just how the fuck?




bumping this shit thread

yeah im gonna need that sauce user!

Good fucking luck. It's been posted for years and no one has any sauces.

Besides, it just as well might be a little risky family movie.

AND I just took off my lamp shade from my lamp… thanks a lot guys!!!

What happened here?

where is this from?


ah… durrrrr

this was a hoax if the dailymail reported it. They just stood there and didn't even try to do anything, they are clearly actors. Yes the news is fake, if you don't know that you're a fucking idiot.









I meant from which anime it was from… anyway, it's Nichijou.

Fucking source!

i cri evertiem

you actually jerked off to this?

It's guy wearing really expensive fake tits. He's hiding the bottom seam with the black bra and the other seam is at the neck off-camera.




sauce on the song?

Popcorn funk by Monstaz.

Uh… who cares?


Jesus, at least install the video drivers.

shiy yes



second webm lmao, fucking two faced bitch


I always thought the cat got the cord from the lamp around its neck and then it choked out when they knocked the lamp over. It doesn't sound like the cat was just stuck. The way it was moving and screaming sounds like it was choking. I find it unlikely that it was just stuck and got away.

This was the most shities shities shities time wasting webm thread in the history of fucking 8 chan damn it.How u ppl found time to post this shit vids .

dumbass chink broke a lighter in his mouth next to an open flame

This webm thread sucks ass. Needs more 3d.






lol what is that, nitrocellulose?

what's the name of the song in the second one?


my favorite

Honestly what the fuck

confirmed sick faggot


Is that their actual suicide?

That last webm had me rolling on the floor laughing my ass off!

That will always be a favorite of mine

What the fuck happened here







Somehow this always brings smile out of me.
Have i become a women hater?


stop posting traps

What in the hell is this normie ass reddit bait?

Why so angry, kid?

Dude, lurk moar. This is them three years ago with an "on the fly" song while walking.
It was a popular webm here.

You wanna have some fun. Go to entrance of Ikea where they have the free nylon rope in boxes Hook it over one of those giant fans and see if any of the people going in or out intervene as you climb on the trashcan with a noose around you neck.

you're trying too hard

Moe Jazz Dreamer

That's it!

Fuck off, you Ikea shill, since i'm not a swedcuck i have no reason to kill myself.


first webm sauce pls

tf is this


I was there a week ago helping somebody, fuck me right


Oops I was trying to use a website to clip this but it just downloaded the whole thing.

The blonde is Heather from modelingdvds.com


press windows key +r
write in the window that comes up
cmd, tap enter
write the next in the black box

shutdown -a

thanks me later








macintosh plus vocal cover




Heil Hickey!

Song name by any chance, please?
If you give it and I don't reply for some reason, thank you in advance

Wow, that one called South Africa was crazy, any idea what was going on and possible source? Quite interested in it

Hey Gus

I had a college English class that's entire syllabus centered around Lain. It was actually a difficult class.

That sounds very interesting. Would you be able to tell us more about your experience?



he's pertty cure tbh, fam

You mean cute?


I found the South African one, thank you though.

Shit I forgot to embed.
It's too long to post. part of a series of South African police videos from the 90's.

Pretty cool vids my bro dude :DD
Watched all three. Really good video documentaries :)


This is the ingenuity that built stonehenge


why don't you give him a big kiss then

lol look how mad the girl in the back gets because the camera guy isn't paying any attention to her



no sauce on the anime tho.











wtf is this gay shit m9




fuck she is so hot

damn sexy twins


any more videos of them

Just another normal day on the 8.

I love you, Holla Forumsro!








freudian slip

Get fucking lost with your

some of them have sound and one of those posters wasnt me

is this better?




Child bearing hips. I want to impregnate her.

Also what song?

are these more good????

who is this mouthbreather?

an ex bug crushing fetishist.

She looks like she crushes puppies when petting them.
(That's a literary reference to the book of mice and men if you didn't get that, not sure if I pulled off that joke)

I'm not watching them but she looks like a redheaded evalion


fuk off looser???

i don't it

why won't you watch them?
she doesn't look anything like that rat toothed kike.

more dicks?




i only got the reference once you mentioned it

Now is 24 june of 2008,whats wrong?












How cringey is it that I use Levan Polka as my ring tone?

Lol, why was she trying to pull her face off? Also, how in the fuck did her eye get like that?

she was trying out for a movie, but lost the role to Nicholas Cage.

That's pretty hot tbh

OC: I made this.


shit user, haven't seen that gif in fucking years

confused millennials make me sad



Fun fact, he's wearing the paper bag because in russian chans it's the equivalent of chanology mask. American anons have guy fawkes mask, russian anons have paper bags.

They are truly europeans of blood and mind


Love the signature 'shaft head tilt'.



You gonna post sauce for that or you gonna be a dick?

i downloaded them in a zip from some beast forum, i have a bunch more videos but don't feel like making more webms out of them right now.

the girls name is "cannibal cupcake" if you wanna search for more

I'm feeling confused and so is my dick.

Thanks lads. Found one where she was crying because the dog accidentally her butthole. Well worth it.

both of those lads were me, but your welcomed.

new moonman track

what's the name of the song?

Seems relevant



If she wanted to destroy the scale, why didn't she just step on it?

share user? I could only find the original.


That girl is a girl pretending to be a guy pretending to be a girl though, and the MC's teacher at that


does anyone have this weebm where a guy starts talking about who to date from the 3 lolis and they became excited?

That's literally the entire song. The original is the same thing that's repeated for an hour on soundcloud soundcloud.com/ky-metal-slug-b

If you want more music like this, check out Nujabes or this playlist youtube.com/watch?v=HS8kchdwFPM&list=PLEAAC182966AE4A81




think this is Mekakucity Actors


So much better than the American version.


bump cause there's good shit in here

i really like this webm>>7136314
hey nigger how about you give the anime name

bumping til I pick through this shit. also forced to use small filesize because dynomia is a faggot and the captchas keep timing out


drugs are bad , .