How do you get rid of mouth ulcers?

How do you get rid of mouth ulcers?

Try to post without getting any digits at all

Normally i just wait 1-2 weeks and they go away themselves, fucking annoying though

Stop sucking dirty dick

there are tubes of stuff designed for killing ulcers
Alternatively you can improve your diet so you don't get them in the first place.


So there's no way to speed up the healing process? I've got one on my lower lip and that shit is annoying as fuck, it keeps burning as my hot coffee pours over it.

I guess you'd know

Safe for human consumption? I have it inside my mouth, obviously some of whatever I put in there is going to travel down my esophagus and into my stomach
What causes them?

I don't know about the USA, but in the UK we have things like bongela, which is a gel you apply directly to the ulcer that starve it out.
Mouth ulcers generally happen when you're "run down" and not eating properly. Just get more vegetables and fruit into your diet and it should (probably) help with prevention.

I just put salt on a toothbrush and brush it until it bleeds. That works for me. Hurts like hell though.

I've heard gurgling interferons cures mouth ulcers almost instantly


Stop sucking hobo cock.


I've done this before but I don't think it makes it heal any faster. The pain feels good, in some fucked up way, though.

That's for herpes. Mouth ulcers aren't herpes, are they?

Oral herpes

Drug stores at one time (not sure if they still do) sold a small pencil like device. It had a type of phosphorus on it, like the white shit on the tip of some matches.
Anyway you tough it around on the ulcer surface and it seared the little faggot to death. Hurt like a mo-fo but after it scabbed over it went away pretty fast. Like 2 or three days.
I didn't hurt near as much after the first treatment.
Go in and ask someone or just look around in the aisle for teeth stuff.


Oh and rinse with Hydrogen peroxide

I always gargle with this… works for me.

Alum powder, woks like a charm for me everytime. Pour some powder on the canker sore and leave it there for 1 minute. It will HURT LIKE HELL, but it works.

Cut them open with a knife and squeeze any juices out.

Stop gargling aids cum.

it is not ulcer. it is a herpy. everyone has it. you can send it to a genital from mouth. just wait for it and it will go away

Biotene mouthwash changed my life

That's silver nitrate. Works p good but hurts like a cunt.

Not him, but they can be dietary-related. Mine happen to be associated with gluten intolerance. They tended to happen to me when stressed out.

Be extra careful about any food allergies/intolerances, and make sure you're well nourished.

They only go away by healing though, because they're essentially a hole of broken cells. If you can find a way to accelerate healing, go for it.