I genuinely wonder what Holla Forums thinks about Trump fucking up as good as all of his promises...

I genuinely wonder what Holla Forums thinks about Trump fucking up as good as all of his promises. I'd be baffled by the amount of support he had during the campaign, were it not that more than 70% of Americans are quite literally, very stupid and very ignorant.

So, Trumpeteers? Where are you and what have you got to say about pic related?

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Holla Forums thinks you're a very poor shill. Now fuck off and ask for a better script.

It hurts, doesn't it.

This isn't how you use bait user, do you need a gyde?


Politics is just a meme on imageboards.

Life is a meme.



the world is full of idiots. three got together and wrote this paper

Only retards really bought into any of his promises. Trump was pretty much just a meme tbh.