Why are atheists such a dumb shit ?
Why are atheists such a dumb shit ?
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Because of their logical inconsistencies. Id est, "I hate God, even though I don't believe he exists!"
Why would anyone hate something which doesn't exist? I think if an Atheist proclaims to hate god, he most likely hates the idea of a god, the concept.
God, you're so pathetic.
If the design is so intelligent, why are christians so stupid?
Because that's how retarded atheists are. Let's remember, most are pseudo-intellectuals mad they have to go to church.
Most normies are stupid. Most normies go to church on Sundays. Said stupid normies think they're Christians despite their evil works and no desire to reform. Ergo, these stupid normies are counted as Christians.
You must lead an interesting life. Tell me more.
I'm not really a Christian tbh, I'm a pagan worshipper of an extremely obscure Alpine love goddess. I actually hate modern Christianity for its insipidity and its pro-Semitism. And I think atheists are just as retarded.
you're a hipster who wants someone to cuck his gf and who belongs on reddit
I think that Christianity is, and that's the reason why we have
Can you prove that God doesn't exist ?
Nice buzzword ad-hom, my dude.
Lol, you are retarded
Can you prove that God exists?
Proving the existence of God doesn't matter to religion's overall purpose in society. Even if you don't believe in God literally, the purpose and moral lessons of religion can still be learned and faithfully believed.
Too often do people view their religious texts as a history textbook instead of a moral guide by which to live one's life. Religion isn't about what really did or didn't happen. It's supposed to teach us important lessons about life, not unlike the wives tales we were told as children.
yeah alright but they tell you
[sinister orchestral music swells in the background]
so basically fuck that tbh. I don't need your threats. also, religious zealotry is the reason ISIS exists. so, for all the good it supposedly does, it also does a world of bad. also, you can relay your silly fables and moral stories without evangelizing a deity and centering those stories around him. also, the government shouldn't give subsidies or tax exemptions to fucking churches because the religion is effectively an industry that brings in huge sums of money. also the priests and other prominent figures shouldn't be able to afford private fucking jets and luxury vehicles and a private mansion when they're supposedly taking in money, in the name of god, and for the betterment of the people who support the church. also it's fine if you want to practice your religion, but laws and regulations that effect non religious people should not be created with religious reasoning or sensibility and by religious people in government office.
religion is anti-freedom
religion is a money laundering operation
religion is a method of population control
religion a shit tbh famalamadingdong
Everything you have said is not a criticism that can be applied to religion, as an idea, but rather to the corrupted church. Yuri (the guy in the webm I posted) even talks about this sort of subversion and corruption of the church to become a perverted form of what it once was. The "you'll go to hell if you do this" speech is necessary to keep degeneracy on the part of dumb normalfags in check, unfortunately, so I consider it more of a necessary evil that the intelligent church-goers can look past. Even then, looking at it from a symbolic point of view, that sin is degeneracy and hell a doomed/dying/dead society, it does ring some bells of truth.
All of that being said, you have not responded to the idea that religion is a moral code, and instead focused on an aspect of religious institution that wasn't even brought up. It is apparent that you have been programmed to respond to the idea of "religion" with this generic rhetoric. You don't sound like a stupid person, you sound like me about 4 or 5 years ago, you just need to let go of the rhetoric and see the truth for what it is.
yeah but the religious institution is what facilitates the corruption because it uses magic tales of some non-existent entity to control how people behave. that is a prime target for corrupt individuals. also, it's human nature to be tempted by power to abuse said power for one's own personal gain.
the problem with that is that the term 'degeneracy' is too vague to be of any use. what constitutes degeneracy? oh yeah, that's right; anything that you don't like, and without actual reasoning. those in control could say
because they know that another "God" means less control for them, which means less money, which means less power. in this instance, those in power could say "worshiping a false god is a degenerate act" even though the people who engage in the worship of another deity are likely behaving in a very similar way to how the people of their religion act. therefore, it's not the behavior itself that is 'degenerate', the supposed evil arises from how any given behavior is framed it's framed.
morality is not objective. you can't prove it. for every action, there is going to be an interpretation of that action. if I kill a man, and you witness this, you may call me a sinner who works in tandem with demons. if I kill a man, and the scenario is contextualized (i.e. he was an armed thief that broke into my home and tried to assault me) then your perception of that even will be different as a direct result of the new pieces of information. some vegans say that it's immoral to slaughter and eat animals, on the basis that they're sentient and intelligent beings that can feel pain and have a natural sense of self preservation, yet there is an entire industry born around this practice, and human kind has naturally evolved to consume flesh. are vegans or their detractors right or wrong? there is no right or wrong, there is only shades of differing perspective.
Hi Holla Forums!
Have you ever talked with a rusky math guy?
That's you faggot.
You fucking shit.