Hey look it's karlie kloss from kode with karlie!


Hey look it's karlie kloss from kode with karlie!

Remeber her?

cd code...
cd code

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks OP, that link nearly made me vomit from the whining and drivel.

But back to Holla Forums, even I can code better than that:
20 GOTO 10

Pic related is even better

Try finding the 3 mistakes in her code.

And in case any of you don't program here's the errors:
1. The second test is redundant, if a > b then obviously b < a so there is no need to be confusing and write both
2. There is no case for if the two integers are equal
3. It arbitrarily returns 5 at the end if somehow neither number was bigger than the other, which wouldn't be relevant if not for the above error. This error would go entirely undetected if it was tested with 5, 5 which makes it even worse.
And that doesn't even include the excessive amount of pointless comments.

She's right though. Her shit code is much easier to read. You can even spot the mistakes easier because of the comments.
Whereas the other comment is "what the fuck" so you only need a blog to try to understand what's going on.


Yea, work instead of attention whoring for writing entry level code that isn't even good.

I'm happy this person isn't in my social circle. I'd so her how much I believe in equality.

There is no such thing as excessive use of ^_^ XD


fucking kill me

The first one isn't an error though.

We made that.


That code was intended for graphics programmers and if you don't know of the fast inverse square root as a graphics programmer you've probably got bigger problems. Besides it's not a concept you could reasonably explain in comments anyways, at best you could just type out a link to an in depth explanation.

I've never been in that situation but that's what I would have done. I would have created a note somewhere about the details of the algorithm then linked to that note as part of the function documentation.

A link to a personal blog is worse, I've had to use archive.org to understand other people's code sometimes.

I was thinking along the lines of pointing towards "algorithms.txt" and a heading for "inverse square root" inside that file.

That's good form!

good job user. I bet you never have any bugs.

It's only a bug if someone can find it :^)

I might shoot myself in the foot here since I only just got up, but let's give it a shot.

That's way too many fucking comments first off. It's redundant to say your returning b if a is less than b because we can easily tell that. Excessive comments makes it harder to read.

No shit Sherlock. You don't need to comment the obvious.

Anyways, errors. Returning 5 is obviously wrong since that would be returned if A == B.

The else if. . . uh, what the fuck? You don't need the &&.

Infact, if a is not less than b, you could just have an else and return a because either a is equal to b, or it's greater than it. Infact, you could break this down to a ternary operator inside a macro and avoid function overhead all together.

By the way, the code on the left is from Quake 3 (Not Carmack's code, he's not sure who wrote it either). It is understandable that it's hard to read because this was a very obscure trick to do a fast square root, and even people who studied it have no clue how anyone managed to figure this out.

Unlike Karlie's broken code, Q_rsqrt was actually useful.

Didn't Carmack attribute it to Silicon Graphics? Figuring it out requires a very good understanding of how floating point numbers are stored. Someone from iirc KDE did a pretty good writeup of how they work, and it basically amounts to "it's all just integer math, split into different fields and shoved into a single int".

I'm not sure if Carmack did, I think he said it might have been Abrash, and Abrash said he wasn't sure either.

I can't remember how someone figure doubt that it was Silicon Graphics, but I remember that being the case.

Tabloids belong on archive.is.


Probably someone like Tran figured it out, after taking acid.

(someone accidentally made this reply into a thread, I'm pasting it here)

lets all format with karlie

Someone should replace one of those images to Goatse, like Jason Scott once did: archive.fo/Jei4K

Good bait.

>(a > b && b < a)

I'm more horrified that they're using notepad. Anything is better than notepad.

idk fam, edlin was not very good

>Figuring it out requires a very good understanding of how floating point numbers are stored the compiler and target platform since it's undefined behavior.

this is most likely fake. it's designed to trigger autistic neckbeards. though in the hipster Hacking community fast inverse square root is a current meme so who knows.

nontrivial algorithms typically have 12 page papers separate from the code.

archive.is requires a captcha to view and thus is objectively worse than just looking at the original site

Since when does it need a captcha?


That's all I read these days


for self alienation or entertainment?

I don't know about the other poster, but I often wonder if I'm the only person who regularly reads edgy reactionary right-wing propaganda despite basically not sharing any of their worldviews at all and actually being quite left-leaning. I wonder if it's morbid curiosity or some bizarre sense of self-flagellation, but I find those places utterly fascinating from a sociological perspective.

I'm now seeing entire mini-economies pop up built around peddling faux-outrage culture...I wonder if I could make money off these people too...

Normally my pet peeve is people not commenting their code and thinking its good to make code which is hard to follow like they are neo from the matrix or some shit.
But this bitch is just.... triggering me with her code I cant think of a better description.

Now I forgive all the people I slagged off for not commenting their code adequately.

I listened to the daily shoah once because the right wing is certainly more high energy, accepting and fun than the sad SJW left.

But they lost me with the Jewish conspiracy shit. You have to already know all these people and incidents to decipher what they are talking about.

Jewish conspiracy, as you call it, is real. Investigate a bit who is behid forces and ideas that are destroying the West right now.

Back to Holla Forums stormweenie


Your mind without Y chromosom.

i used to few years ago do that few years ago.
it gets less funny and more depressing as you realize they're not being sarcastic about it.

Kloss is dating a Jewish billionaire

h ttp://jewishbusinessnews.com/2017/01/16/joshua-kushner-not-just-jared-kushners-brother/

This picture is a joke made by /g/ posters.

I could tell this shit was stupid from a distance but finding out she was a model really drove it home.

It's like poetry, it rhymes!

It returns 5 in that case.


If you're attached to either ideology all of the propaganda is comical. Topic of border control comes up and you're either for or against it. Few promote a sensible middle ground because then you're riding the fence and we can't have that.


I don't even know anything about coding and this makes me disappointed

Because if your boyfriend's ex girlfriend didn't make him cheat on you with her doesn't necessarily mean he didn't cheat on you with her. I don't know, that image is retarded anyways.

Nigger, either you're for border control or against it. There's no fucking middle ground, it's like with the death penalty, either it's allowed or it is not.
If you're for it you can still allow foreigners in, it just means doing a few (or many) checks. If you're against you're an idiot.

let me pt that where it belongs

leddit nigger go back

does this do what she does?
intmax(int a, int b){ return a > b ? a: b;}

Nah, hers breaks the contract with the programmer defined by the function description.

int max(int a, int b) { return a > b ? a : b > a : b : 5;}

Add in about a dozen lines of unnecessary comments and you'll be as good of a programmer as Karlie.

I didn't know you could have ternary-inside-ternary like that.

Don't do it in anything except toy code. It's fucking annoying to read.

Also I fucked up.
int max(int a, int b) { return a > b ? a : b > a ? b : 5;}

no worries, I caught that

parens are a thing

int max(int a, int b) { return a > b ? a : a < b ? b : 5;}

Typical 'kewl tech girl'

It's very interesting from a certain type of view.

You have not accepted the final red-pill.

Back to freech, goonie.

I started learning C about a year ago, I had something that looked similar though without using a usermade function. I assume she is just using that line as practice for the opperand as she probably couldn't come up with a meaningful example. Before I learned about switchcase I just shoved as many elseif statements as I possibly could just as practice