By nature, human beings never lived within the confines of the nuclear family...

By nature, human beings never lived within the confines of the nuclear family. The nuclear family served only the early industrialists and capitalists who needed men to work their machines and who had lured the population away from the land into the cities. This, then, required someone - the women - to look after children.

By nature, humans lived in extended families where every member, except for young children, had useful roles, all working within a large network of community.

It's the staunch capitalists who are pushing for the maintenance of this isolated family unit that caused millions of women to become hooked on laudanum or, today, Prozac to numb their loneliness and sense of futility.

An optimal society is where roles are shared and where every person is permitted to gain a sense of achievement. Children, too, need both female and male role models and enough contact time with men and women if they are to become mentally healthy adults.

As to the "gay agenda", have you ever wondered why so many men are gay today? Could it be because boys only ever get to interact with women (their mothers) and then female primary school teachers?

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ok and what's your point?

Yeah, let's all be communist niggers.

If you think the ideal set up is a 'nuclear family' where the man works and the woman stays at home, and if you think that's the natural set up we're meant to live in which has to never change, then it seems to me you're wrong, since that family structure developed only a little while ago in response to the demands of industry

extended families, while they will make a comeback due to the economy being shit and getting worse because they are great safety nets in time of need and, if done properly a way to greatly benefit all the members, kinda suck in many ways.
it's not strange for people to want to build their own families.

what is a hunter gatherer society? hint: the man works and the women cooks

OP anti-white faggot shill.
go be a homo somewhere else, nuclear family is best family.
anyone who disagrees deserves a different kind of nuclear.

Not really I prefer to live alone because half my family is very liberal and/or obnoxious.

You posted this retarded shit before that we should act like niggers and everyone should fuck your wife. No its not going to happen.

Living in a smaller, more tight knit community that resembles a pack indeed has advantages to it. I'd dare to say that until 100 years ago, most people, at least in rural areas, grew up with that concept. However, I still think the nuclear family can and should play a role within a pack.

What are you, racist?
She probably enjoys it more anyways.

old germanic clans all lived within the same compound/village. they were all the uncles/aunts/nephews/cousions/etc. when they needed to band together with other clans for war/raiding they did. nuclear families have always been key, are you implying that immediate family shouldnt live under the same roof but instead live among people they have no blood connection with?

I still think banning non-whites from our communities is more effective than entering a natality competition against muds and niggers.

I lived with my paternal grandparents as a child.
t. chink

>>>Holla Forums

The rest of the adolescents are waiting for you.

What these autistic cucks like OP don't get, is that things never go back to how they were. That's not human nature. But OP isn't exactly in tune with people or society or knows anything about history. He reads one thing then immediately comes here and shit posts thinking he's a fucking genius. If only things were this way… then his life wouldn't suck so bad. Day of the rope boy, you're looking like a nigger to me.

Kind of agree with the core of what you're saying. There is a lack of community but then again we don't live near those who are like us anymore. We can't have what you want unless things become homogeneous. I'm a dark horse though, so it's not like I care too much about social interaction with others but I know normalfags need it.

a kingdom is ruled by the sword
a wench is ruled by a backhand to the chin


Not quite, the men and women both take part in the division of labour and get to contribute to welfare of the tribe. Gathering is most of the work and women do most of the gathering.
You could say even in 'traditional' households women do work since cooking is work, but it's clearly a locked away, less-than-a-man occupation which is bad for women's health and I think is unnatural

I think conservatives have put too much emphasis on the 'nuclear family' and not enough on community. I don't know what the best policies are-probably less centralised government is one- but shifting the dialogue could help.
There's also too much focus on moving out of your old house as soon as possible with your new wife, sometimes only seeing them once a year. That too seems unnatural.
Women working is another issue. Family/community could help with that but I suppose mostly the battles finished with.
So you need more community, families closer together, less emphasis on home ownership.

I mean conservatives talk about reducing centralised government but that's usually more to prevent tyranny and dictatorship than to promote community


But yeah, we should work on getting tribes and clans going again… built around the nuclear family.

This is true. The nuclear family is a unique Western European genetic trait.

HBD chick has written about the evolution of the Western European nuclear family:

Since Western European women evolved to live in nuclear families at least 1000 years ago, it is mostly primitive tribal women who suffer from the transition to a Western European style nuclear family. This problem is just another side-effect of Western-European global dominance, many peoples unsuited to the Western European lifestyle are forced into it by cultural imperialism.

It is caused by an infectious disease.

Evolved this way at least a 1000 years ago

Are you sure it's evolution then? I don't see how people branched out so much if they only branched out a 1000 years ago. You know what I mean

You mean that era in history when white Europeans improved their own living conditions to the point where the average worker had leisure time, and the majority of his offspring didn't die in childhood? Oh is that a bad thing, you commie piece of shit?

Nonwhite third-worlders still do this. White societies have evolved beyond it and embraced the nuclear family and greater productivity. Compare the outcomes and kill yourself.

Bullshit. A sense of achievement is rightly earned through actual achievement. Feeling like you achieved something when you didn't is a net drain on society.

Also, everything said. Fuck you, communist scum.

Read the HBD chick post:

Evolution works faster than you imagine. Western Europeans have many interesting and distinctive genetic characteristics which only evolved in the last thousand years.

Me too, and it was good for me in so many ways,
t. Irish-Burger

I think you missed the point in the OP.

Yes, the man "works" and the wife "maintains"
The difference being that the wife's role in those hunter gatherer societies was way more involved.

Being a housewife is barely a job. But preparing meals, looking after children, and maintaining a household in pre-industrial society was full time work. It was hard work. And women contributed A LOT more than they do now with their washing machines, super markets, etc.

Today's modern woman is an idle woman. She only complains because she has time to.

Look at how whites live now. It's isolation. This notion of moving out of your parents house and leaving them behind so to speak.

Living near and with your extended family is great thing. Why pay for child care when grandma can chip in? Uncle John is around the corner to help little Timmy learn how to fix a car when dad is at work. Oh no, hard times. We got you fam literally.

We can try to recreate this in small rural towns. But in the suburbs it's all but lost. Today's whites would rather stick their parents in a retirement community until they die and then like vultures come around for the shekels in the will.

Of course that last example is mostly upper middle class whites. But you get the jist. This attitude we have towards our elders is toxic and isn't doing us any good. We would rather be slaves to debt so we can "be adults" on our own then to stick together as families and prosper together.

Another leftypol faggot meme.

let the weak be separated from the strong
do not tell gay men, hey you must have biological kids
let them do what they do
instead go to the healthy man and tell him, it is your duty to save the white race
the war is in the wombs of our white women

Is this faggot serious?

The Nuclear Family has been around in Europe since the rise of Christianity, do your research you stupid Faggot.

You do realise that the "extended-family-living" was basically you lived amongst your relatives.

It would be like your aunt looking after you while you were a child, etc.

Take this Commie bullshit to >>>Holla Forums.
Jews hate and are actively working to destroy the traditional family.

Now I know how people felt when the Marxists were preaching on their soap boxes during the Cold War.

This is a problem caused by the feminization of society, not the nuclear family. There used to be a number of males within education and community groups. They have been considerably diluted and reduced to a hen coop.

I got to say that really turns me on.
BREED, find a good white woman and knock her up immediately! It seems like alot of people on pol have a impregnation fetish, I wonder why.