Banter is not bullying you moron, and bullying is not the only way to shame people.
It is shame we after. Shaming people into acting as they ought is the natural way for society to enforce good behaviour and discourage bad behaviour.
Bullying at early ages has been common throughout history and has achieved this. Bullying is not nice at a young age, but guess what if you didn't have your arse handed to you by some little dick you might never have started lifting. Of course these things can be learned from philosophical thinking and debates, but they are easily encouraged at young ages through basic human nature.
Bullying is the childish, cruel way of creating a culture of 'shame'. Again, shame is desirable. Shame weeds out negative traits and encourages positive traits. As adults we should not become 'bullies' as such, but we should enforce shame by calling people out.
As I mentioned many times bullying isn't nice, and not all forms of bullying are beneficial. With that said the 'war on bullying' that has gone on for a while now is certainly contributing to the rise of the 'nu-male'; unintelligent faggots with no muscle-mass, no spine and who are unhealthy both physically and spiritually. If these little faggots had just been called out as the little faggots that they are, like what happened only a short-while ago; they would be nowhere near as common. If they'd got mocked, beat up or shamed in some way they would have altered their behaviour. Seeing what they have now become, this is most certainly something desirable.
Bullying at our an adult's age is actually what liberals do. They mock, ostracise, attack and jeer at anyone with what they deem to be 'weak' attributes. The difference is that they call 'strength' as 'weakness', 'duty' as 'bondage', 'justice' as 'bigotry', 'good' as 'evil'. Children call a spade a spade. They will call a faggot a faggot. They will call a wimp a wimp. They will call a fool a fool.
Bullying encourages a lot of positive traits at a young age that helps to shape people for later life. Admittedly some bullying is just cruelty with no other purpose; and as I've now said countless times bullying is never 'nice'. We do not like it because its cruel, we do not like it because its nice; we like it only because it enforces a culture of shame, and shame is required to create the most stable and prosperous societies.
If there was an effective way to establish a culture of shame without bullying that would be great. Bullying however is a natural part of childhood, and we all know what happens when you try to mess with nature and reality; you get 'subjectivism'; the font of everything we hate.