Balkan Holla Forums3: glood gates opening

Enrichment coming to Western Europe: Prepare for the party

4000 migrants stuck in Serbia:

Second wave originating in Egypt 5 million on their way, 20 million to come:

Serbia army on full alert, Croatia on full alert, Slovenia on full alert, Austria building wall

Other urls found in this thread:

no shiptars and denbters allowed

Was the nigger music really necessary though

US American in Central America reporting in with news from the Western Front.

Here in Costa Rica, for the last year we've had six or seven Cubans who came to CR illegally stuck at the border with Nicaragua, who refused to let them pass through on their way to (where else) the United States.

A few months ago, we started getting literal sub-Saharan Africans and "Syrian" Muslim rapefugees who found out about the Cubans and joined them, thinking they could pressure Nicaragua with numbers and eventually get through. Nicaragua has had troops with AKs on the border the entire time to make the point that bad things will happen to these shitskins if they try to rush the border.

Well, Nicaragua refused to cave, and this last week, the Costa Rican government told everybody, regardless of national origin or rapefugee status:


All the Muslims and Africans are gone home now, and the Cubans have been flown back to Cuba.

Is someone following Croatian political scene?

I hear we're having tv debates.

Debate was few days ago, the shittiest debate ever

Any use in forwarding the names of our Soros allies to Bujanec?

Bujanec - Croatian Alex Jones. Idiot, but useful idiot. At least he's spreading right wing views

>tfw have to vote for Sinčić again or hdssb

Too bad he's on local tv.

Let's see if he responds :^)

Ne sećam se kaj se zbile v debate jer je bila tak zanimljiva da sem zaspal. Zakej nemame svog Trumpa?

Di si ti bio 2003-e?

In case of TCHF - yes

E European countries should take in migrants, disappear them, and keep taking the EU monies for supporting them. They could even transfer those monies to RWDS at the border. You gotta start thinking, people

Unfortunately, the wild 90's are over and you can't just "disappear" people anymore around these parts.

Nuke all our neighbors.

t. Bulgarian.

just nuke the albos and the greeks and we're fine

How much $$ does a gun cost in Balkan countries?

Andy Murray vs Argie in the tennis for the gold, playing right now on Big Black Cocks 1

It's quite good, but fuck the Argie crowsd, I hate them, they're acting like a bunch of sub-human filth, shouting, jerring whistling, jumping up and down, it's a fucking tennis match not a football game. Christ I hate Argies.



we're not like the anglos we have quality discussion and shit


There's some hell-fuckery incoming. Not sure (((western))) utopians realize that.

Although more than one million migrants and refugees are estimated to have passed through Serbia during the past two years, only 34 expressed a desire to remain during 2015. Fewer than half that number have sought refugee status so far during 2016.
At the gates of the EU

eat shit and die burger

or thats what it seems to mean atleast in the Treaty of Lisbon.
On 31th of March 2017 EU member states are suppost to integrate their interior ministries into the EU program.
just google "31.3. 2017 eu police"

Fucking Serbs…

Where is the quads?


I want to know about this please.

We could sell them for organs to the Albanians and still probably make a profit.

Please tell me stories about them? Be informative.

A, jebiga brate.

mfw I am eating a Dürüm Döner
while reading this thread.

On the second picture. Shame on you for making me want to eat that wrap.

That is crazy. Why do they hate the serbs so much?

Because they're mongrel half-turks and the Serbs attempted to remove them once before.

They pissed them off even more in exchange the serbs will remove them even more brutal. Didn't that ever cross their minds? :-/

Only question I have is will they shoah us for h8 speech like they are doing with krauts? I kind of doubt that our police forces will give a fuck about something like that or enforce it rigorously, but you never know.

Croatian police, at least where I live, bring out paddywagons to catch kids with firecrackers and fucking fail. So I seriously doubt it.

Yeah, thats why Im saying that. They dont even care about stopping burglars here (siska pa nadolje). Doubt they would give a fuck about online shit.

So do the victims shoot them and bury somewhere like the Aussies do?

There will probably be LWDS lead by Rujana Jeger and Matija Babic

Even though our gun laws are kinda similar to the better American states, not that many people own guns, legally at least, so burglars probably get the shit beaten out of them, sometimes by old ladies with rolling pins, sometimes gopnik level guys.

A friend of mine had a burglar break into his house… so of course he beat the shit out of him (unfortunately he didn't have enough time to get to his shotgun so instead he took a chair and started swinging). Good thing Croatia's police is complete shit even though our laws are cucked, if he lived in the United Kalifate he'd go to jail because he didn't respect the criminal's human rights and he'd get a weapons sweep called on him which would make him bereft of any assault chairs, forks and kitchen knives.

Pic related: it's you

Usualy they dont even catch them, they steal from yards and sheds (chainsaws, tools, bottled liquor…), if they catch them they beat the crap out of them of course.


Well you are lucky because in Australia it will send the victims to jail so that is why they had to kill them because dead people don't tell the tales. See the problems with shitty gun control laws?

Nice fucking song you got there OP, Jesus fucking Christ, no wonder people think we are subhuman filth.

You could have easily put Beogradski Sindikat Boj na Kosovu or something patriotic you fucking degenerate.

sage for the Turkish filth music and please consider suicide

You are gravely mistaken ausbro

Our gun laws are shit if you wanna get a pistol, dude. You pretty much have to get lucky to get a permit for a pistol and even then you'll get onto a (((list))).
Getting long guns, shotguns and anything else considered firearms for hunting is piss easy.

You could also speak with the guy who may or may not have ties with organized crime to get a piece

How so? The criminal's rights are protected like a baby in Australia. Many Aussies got the gun off the black market because it is easier to get one than legal guns.

Y'know, when all your neighbors don't want to kill you, it's pretty OK.

I'm a turbo poorfag, and most long rifles are much fucking cheaper than pistols, so I'd probably go with a shotgun or SKS to defend my home.

You should also mention how carry permits are basically nonexistent and those who carry pistols do so ilegally. Although you can get a pistol on a hunting permit in croatia, for commisaring wounded deer/boars/other hunters.

poverty, debt, land mines, organized crime….

Yeah, its a chill place between wars. Then things get shitty and your neighbour kills you because of your religin/blood.

Have they changed the law recently or is it just specific pistols because I couldn't get a pistol on my hunting permit and had to get a revolver illegaly.

lolno, they'll just continue dumping immigrants in Italy. In a very legal manner.
How do i know? I pretty much live on the border.

I think they did in 2010-12 or something, ill pull it up and check, I know most if not all of the hunters here own a pistol or 2.

Can I import you to my home?

Nah thanks m8, I fucking hate spiders.

Spiders isn't a problem here so there is nothing to worry. Why are you so afraid of the spiders?

I dont really know, but they disgust me on a primal level. Nothing needs 8 legs man.

So, now that I think about it, what exactly do I have to do to get a license for a "hunting" long gun? Police website says basic shit like get a form and fill it out etc.

Anything else I'm supposed to do? And is the fact that I live in a city going to cause problems with that?

Prijavi se u društvo, položi lječnički i lovački ispit (cirka 5k kuna) i onda ispunjavaš formulare tek. Lovački ispit se održava svaka dva mjeseca (mislim) i imaš predavanja ko i za vozačku.

Join a hunting lodge, pass the hunter's exam and you'll get the right to request a weapon's purchase form. The fact that you're a city slicker shouldn't be a problem at all, a friend from uni is a city slicker and his dad is a hunter.

Suddenly I have a urge to test your reaction to the spiders for lol. How cruel am I?

I am jokin' m8. :P

nuke gypsies
t. someone who doesn't live in Sofia


Are they good?

On a scale of 1 to 10, youre literally hitler. lel

you have to ask?


I would eat that like a pig. It's not a joke.


Oh please don't make me envy you.

Croatians are basically Catholic Serbs and you need to be spanked for deviating from the true ORTHODOX religion

Not this shit again. Deretić pls go.

not by 2017, but in the 20s and 30s a whole new generation of law enforcement personnel will be here. that means theyll be indoctrinated with bullshit taught to them, theyll beleive youre some extremist radical errorist, and that even saying something has a domino effect leading to riots and terrorism.
its not about now, or tommorow, its about the times of generations to come, as it is us who forge their fate.

we've got the tastiest and cheapest fast food out there, suck it burgers

niti ne ajga.
seriously, there sint a single word about the immigrants said here anymore (propagandist media)
we only had that refugee scare back then because "everyone did that" (we have a cucked govt with cucked news) and because that shithead Cmerar needed a reason to
buy a fence and hire contractors FROM HIS OWN COMPANY WITH STATE MONEY.

after he stuffed his pockets, he just sucked merkel dick and welcomed them in.

moral of the story: slovenia is still cucked, bash cmerar if you see him

communist food is best food

aside from the more difficult education, commie times sounded great in bulgaria
i wish they'd bring the draft back

on the other hand, getting your own residence was horrible during my parents' time
they had a house in a village, but the gubment seized the house for whatever reasons, and moved them to an apartment in the city

holy shit nigger, i was being facetious

well i know it wasn't perfect, but hey, it wasn't any worse than it is now

probably a kike, fuck off Holla Forums

aside from not being killed for wrongthing, that's not particularly different right now

Yeah mang, it was great. Although, I wish they would bring the draft back.

alright fuck me, communism was bad
but they really should bring the draft back

He is simply being humorous. Anyway it is understandably that it was better than today. I feel sorry for the balkans. I don't approve the wars inflicted upon them because the jews said so.

Not all sunshine and rainbows, batka. Some shit was better than nowadays, sure but it was real messed up on the inside.
My grandmother got involved with the Legioneer youth group and what was essentially the local branch of the Hitlerjugend when she was in school before the commies rolled around. Because of that my father was never able to join the party and thus had his higher education and employement prospects absolutely decimated. If he wasn't a REAL GODDO tier electrical engineer, he'd be lying face down in a gutter somewhere.

Fuck the commies. Worst of all 80 of all organized crime in the country today is under the control of former commie National Security agents. So these faggots are still biting us in the ass. The other 20% is CIA.



except that i'm not talking about the USSR

Same thing faggot

Kill yourself commie kike

it wasn't the same

The sad thing is the commies still exist.

Because commies go much deeper and older than the Soviet union. They've infiltrated academia around the world and have been manipulating gullible faggots for the better part of a century now.

The think tanks that begat communism were funded by the Germans in order to destabilize Russia in the early 20th century. They even gave Lenin safe passage through the Empire.


If they didn't give him a safe passage then the mess wouldn't have happen and milllions of our white people would been alive today.

I find my post to be incredibly depressing.


I know I could smell a kike

Bulgarian gommie times are a very grey subject. Stories and opinions from people who lived then vary greatly.

I know some who lived pretty good lives but despise the regime regardless and people who say that even tho it was pretty miserable it was in no way worse than the current state.

You also have to consider that Bulgaria's socialism was a special case in a way and was relatively much more liberal compared to other eastern bloc countries.

But hate it or not, you have to admit it did a very good job at keeping the turkroaches in place.

History is incredibly depressing, user.

things arent as black and white like the laces and boots.

jews led the bolshevik 1917, but when stalin purged the judeo-bolsheviks after lenins death they lost the grip on him and first pursuaded britain and france to let hitler build up strenght to counter stalin, and after that went to hell they just went cold war.

not to mention that monarchies were preferable to socialist states by britain and the us after the war ended, and who was run by the jew is made pretty clear in greece, trieste and elsewhere

Can't wait for the FOURTH REICH so the Russian commie shits can finally get hanged.

Кур за Русия и русофилите.

Кур за всички


have you even read it?
just because you stole a car from a volkswagen servis and are now driving it doesent mean you work for volkswagen


when did i say it works?
and why are yo trying so hard?

Are you being retarded on purpose?



who said any of those?
youre probably just one of those hard-core democrat party cunts around the balkans that will do everything to paint the past regeime as evil satanic hell dictatorship and the new regeime as prosporous good rainbow democracy EU NATO utopia

What are they doing with the rapefugees? They should sell them to the Albanians.

We need to stop jews making bad history for us.

start working.
with those soros leaks theres quite alot info on who to focus on.
there is a shitton of documents on croatia,
and many on serbia.
mostly about elections.
here are some links:

and these are the 2 threads about it (use them to orientate)

Even before Soros leaks I've redpilled quite a lot of people on Soros and a lot of them are now fully aware of the JQ (Soros is a really good introduction to kikery since he's so blatant and he doesn't make people go "lol u just a dumb conspiracy theorist" like Mossad and the Rothschilds do for example). Now with those leaks it's even way easier, hell even a mainstream news site reported on the Soros leaks and which parasitic organizations were financed by him.

Did it to piss people like you off )

They don't care

This is a list of Soros/Rotschild.funded organisations in Slovenia. Unsurprisingly they all want to ruin Slovenia. being a jew right now so here it is:

All Different – All Equal / Ministry of Education Sport SI
Amnesty International – Slovenian Section (AI-SI)
Anglunipe – Romani Information Center of Slovenia (RIC)
Bilten AI (AI-SI)
Bosnian Council International (BCI)
Caritas Slovenia – Slovenska karitas
Center Legebitra
CMEPIUS / Erasmus+ Education Program Slovenia (E+ SI)
EU Youth in Action Program Slovenia / Movit Na Mladina (Y-SI)
Helsinki Monitor of Slovenia for Human Rights (HMS)
Humanitas – Society for Human Rights & Supportive Action
Institute Circle – Zavod KROG
Institute for African Studies (IAŠ)
Institute for Ethnic Studies (INV / IES)
Institute on Gypsy Studies Ethnicity & Migration (IREM)
International Organisation for Migration – Slovenia (IOM)
Internationale Institute for Middle-East & Balkan Studies (IFIMES)
Intolerance Monitor (MI)
Klub Studentov Kranj / Art Center Inst. of Youth Culture (KSK)
Legal and Information Centre for NGOs (PIC)
Ljubljana Pride – Društvo Parada Ponosa (DPP)
Loesje – Slovenia
Movit Na Mladina / Erasmus+ Youth Program Slovenia (E+ SI)
National Youth Council Slovenia – Mladinski Svet Slovenje (MSS)
Peace Institute – Mirovni Institut (MI)
Pro et Contra – Ins. f. Culture of Dialogue – Za in Proti (ZIP)
Red Cross Slovenia – Rdeci Kriz Slovenia
Roma Union of Slovenia – Zveza Romov Slovenije
SALTO South-East Europe Resource Centre (SALTO)
SKUC – Drustvo Studentski Kulturni Centre (SKUC)
Slovene Philanthropy – Centre f. Psychos. Help to Refugees (SF)
Spletno Oko
Students’ Club Association Slovenia (SKIS)
The Exiles Project / KUD France Preseren (KUD)
Young Liberal Democrats – Mladi Liberalna Demokrati (MLD)
Youth Office Municipality of Ljubljana (MO)
Zavod Voluntariat – SCI Slovenia (SCI-SI)

Spread this shit , redpill normies
get to work user!

This general feels pretty comfy

No answer from him yet
Also got banned from forum haer and yudex for trying to spread the word.

Do you even know Rune? If you don't I suggest you shut your filthy sarma hole.

Yeah man, sure. Here in the balkans, when we're not murdering eachother we like to take it chill, montenegro is specialist @ comfy department

What do balkan bros think about the second wave? Do we let it pass to Western Europe or do we block/remove?
Mind, this doesn't partain to normal Bosnians (we're not talking about another Srebrenica).

Also. How do you feel about Bosna? Their normal population was ok, but now Saudis are exploiting and radicalising them on a large scale. I support normal Bosna, but their government can't seem to stop radicalisation, especially in the remote parts/ those bordering to Croatia. Is Croatian Secret Service doing anything about it? Specifically are they controling the border?

Miloševič' old allies celebrate his innocence:

you can get an AK47 in bosnia for about 40 50 euros

it is bad, but on the other hand its not THAT bad. the biggest treath is that the arabs are buying land and property in the suburbs of sarajevo on a massive scale. i couldnt see an arab in sarajevo 5 years ago, now they are everywhere.

For whatever it's worth, Croatian intelligence is alert according to the media. Bosna is up shit creek, though. I'm not saying there will be war (nothing I would wish for less), but status quo cannot be maintained forever and in case of a split, skirmishes would be hard to avoid.


Egypt is not a warzone, fuck that noise.

Also, nice


Really hope Bosna stops radicalisation funded by Saudi/Gulf/Emirats. They're trying to put your country bac in the middle ages. Saudis,Sunnis/Vehabije are nt your friends. They are taking your country hostage

I used to have a old, kind of shitty black market pistol and it cost me $1100 CAD. AKs here go for $2500+. The guy I got it from offered me an AK and an AR15 for 5K, but all I needed a gun for was to be able to defend myself and my family from feral Pakistanis since I was living in a shitty neighborhood and even going into the underground parking garage under my apartment felt unsafe.

Is this another attempt to force the oil price up again?


hey there Europa,
what's it like living in cities
filled with muslims and non-whites
and other apes who make life shitty
how is that?
Is it worth acting like a doormat, aristocrat?
hey there Europa,
you should worry about the migrants
from now on it's up to you
and you must make it through this crisis
yes it's you,
you're the ones who must defend the land
of your own clan
oh, Europe for Europeans
oh, Europe is all we have
oh, Europe for Europeans
oh, Europe is all we have
Europe is all we have
hey there Europa I know times are getting hard
but if you get your shit together
one day you and I could be among the stars
we'll have the life we knew we could, it's understood
hey there Europa, there's so much for me to say to you
If whites don't take back power,
then there's only one thing left for us to do
we'll erupt in chaos and start anew, I know it's true
oh, Europe for Europeans
oh, Europe is all we have
oh, Europe for Europeans
oh, Europe is all we have
we've all forgotten who we are,
we're conquerers with many scars
it's in our blood to battle for our kind
the populus is waking up,
but not before they've been blown up
it's hard for me to understand your mind
Europa, I can promise you
that by the time that this is through
that you will never ever be the same
guess who's to blame?
hey there Europa, please hold on just a bit longer
every day I learn so much about your past
and I grow fonder, yes I do
we'll soon make history for you
you'll know it's all because of you
hey there Europa, here's to you
this one's for you
oh, Europe for Europeans
oh, Europe is all we have
oh, Europe for Europeans
oh, Europe is all we have
Europe is all we have

bosnia is pretty ok,
the only prolem is that diaspora to northern countries is oftenly quite negatively wieved on around here (muh nationalism).
personnaly i find older generations of (balkan) immigrants mostly ok, tough the younger they get the more dislikable they become
but i know quite alot of good ones aswell,
the problem is more of a social one, since theyre a genuine subculture by now, and then theres alot of natives here who want to be like them

as for croatia, they wont do shit in bosnia unless merkel or washington tells them to.

with russian influence spreading in the region the radicalisation is only gonna increase.

Why do the saudi govt want to radicalise them for?

well they need a stronghold in the region.
most muslim bulwarks in europe are more turkish,
and saudis wont bow to retardogan for help.
they funded the jihadists 91-95 (85-today if you know CIA shit) since the muslim population there wasnt yet taken by turkish populists and had a power vacuum (croatia, slovenia had EU, serbia had russia and milošević…)

and since saudis fund ISIS and since ISIS needs to get to europe to survive and enforce saudi plans (the ones that cant be done just with money), bosnia would serve as a portal to the EU (serbia, greece, bulgaria, macedonia are an obsticle, but if you have a stronghold behind their lines…)

not to mention their power in the region would stop russian pipelines and other bussines ventures, something that if succesfull would doom the saudis in europe.

Are the Bosnians aware of Saudi exploitation?

Of course they are aware. The Saudis/sunnis are founding and actively spreading radical islam in Bosnia.

Historically Bosnia wasn't a radical muslim country, but the foreign (Saudi/Emirates/Sunni) militant islamists are trying to turn it into one

Okay what are they going to do with Saudi invaders or they just want to be enslaved by them?

Read this article:

How can you even acquire black market guns in Cuckada? I really would like to avoid doing business with niggers if I can.

Here is some more relevant information on the subject:

I am reading now.

They welcome money.Most of the radical and young ones condone vehabis ,isis ,mujahadeens. Bosniaks are new nation and they are changing their old (local)traditions for newer islamic ones. Older and more educated ones just stay clear of the islamic fundamentalism. They will just become more and more foreign to europe.

They are led by politicians that continue Alijas legacy of wanting pure islamic state.
Always expect shit on the balkans.

Reposting my findings on Serbia:


Globalism, EU, gypsies, LGBT and feminism don't surprise me in the slightest. I'm more angry about those kikes paying to demonize Arkan and Mladic. At this rate, you can expect EU accession referendum by 2017-2018

t. Pole who witnessed the same process since 2003

Also, don't trust the orthodox church. In Greece it's already co-opted


Kakva odvratna muzika, kakav odvratan spot, jebali ti hodza i rabin majku u guzicu debilnu.

Why would you admire a criminal whose troops only were effective when going against unarmed civilians?

Sure thing, if you have any questions afterwards, just shoot away

You know nothing about Mladic then.

Wait, what's this I hear about Mladic being released?

Thank, I am going to bed now so I will ask more questions later on m8.

t. Aussie.

Not just yet

i doubt you can without getting involved with gangs/mafias
you could try some gun club and look for more shady figures in it.

same here in upper balkans. theyll do anything to keep within the EU/NATO sphere
(theyre dead certain that allying with russia means back to titoland)

im not endorsing it, but i have to say that there theyre something like national icons of fight against jihadism/globalism/west/etc.
besides all sides did messed up shit.

you need a psychiatrist.
belgrade will succede from serbia before the west allows the demonising to stop.

I think I speak for the majority that this is as much Bosnian thread as any other Balkan nation
minus shiptars

No hate towards atheist Bosnians or traditional - moderate ones.

There'll always be bantz like shitposting serbian war songs, but that's not personal I'm sure any bosnianbros browsing the board understand this

why the hell would bosnians not be welcome here?
unless youre some jihadi fuck that just got out of syria then post and reply as much as you want.

as for serbian warsongs, theyre a running gag in every webm/jupol thread. but that doesent mean you cant post Bosanska artilerija in a webm format here.

the point of these boards is to share info and talk, for all balkan nations (except shitposters), not to have another cyber-yugowars

Damn fucking right. Just wanted to be absolutely clear about it. I've grown up with Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian friends and we've always gotten along just fine.

I can tell you that in Slovenia things are very tense. Government led by Miro Cerar is "preparing" for the second wave release by Turkey. By preparing, I mean they are renting tents over 500 m2 in size for the period of 3 (three!) years and sending the state controled RTV (Radiotelevision Slovenija) into a migrants welcome propaganda frenzy. This is fully suplemented by Soros funded NGO's.

Only problem is that: 90% of Slovenian people are against taking any migrants whatsoever and want to send military on the south border / build a wall.

A happening is in the air / imminent so keep an eye on this. Language speaking Anons see for themselves in comments:

Comments are moderated because fuck free speech lel it's 2016

also: pic of a leaked soroses OSF doc

Only downside is no comments in archived link. I wouldn't bother with google translate as it usually mangles it.

The stupid indecesive faggot is gonna be the death of us. He is fucking trying to destroy Slovenia, now I'm sure of it.

On the upside: Slovenia started the downfall of Yugoslavia. Maybe now we do the same for EU

nope, the downfall of yugoslavia was started by who else than the US and Soros, since it was a socialist state with a soveregin infrastructure and banikng system. CIA did it at first, but when Sorors and financial terrorism replaced coups and espionage, NED and IMF took over.
slovenia was just a pawn in the game.

besides the independence didnt do much in the long term. it got rid of most social programs, infrastructure was sold off to govt officials and foregeiners, and the control was just passed from the KPS to a bunch of its succesors and some new but equaly bad parties, all of which now serve EU/NATO interests.

The downfall of the EU will be just another phoenix project by soros, since he wants to federalise the EU. either we get out now, or become it.
but with such a goverment that isnt possible. not to mention that a coup/revolt is only an obtion until 31st of march 2017, when all EU police and interior ministries will be merged into a single collective EU bureau, that will send the french to supress us, the poles to supress the french, the spaniards to supress the poles, and our police forces to supress the spaniards

Sem prebral dopoldne, hvala za screencap.
Verjetno se zavedaš termina 27.8.16 na Trgu Republike. Mislim, da je to zadnja priložnost, da se stvari postavi na svoje mesto ter začne vlada poslušati državljane. Sicer bodo stvari postale zelo grde.

To any user lurking, who see this post: Please bomb this video with likes. It is the calling for a rally against illegal migrants in Slovenia, which can be a catalyst to a downfall of a government that is going against it's people.
Thank you.

You can't deny Slovenija was the catalyst.
sicer je tvoj post popolnoma natančen. upam, da se vidimo

Lots of East Asians involved in international drug trafficking on the west coast. The guy I got mine from was an acquaintance that I met on Craigslist. My girlfriend at the time would buy old designer chairs, reupholster them, and then sell them online. And, I met this guy one day on Craigslist. We became friends and over time he'd just talk about his business dealings. One day I just said "I need a gun", and he said, okay, no problem, come by my house. So, I went over to his house, and he washed the gun down for me and that was that.

Funny story, he was always banging hookers no condom, but the girls would ask him for paperwork from his doctor to prove that he didn't have diseases - because he'd insist that they not use a condom. I got $500 from him to make a fake medical record saying he passed an STI test.


How mongrelized is Bosnia?

Oh moj Boze, nedostaje mi to cudo.

Nema vise ni Zele Zeke, ni Kamenih Bombona, nicega.

Can hook you up with čunga lunga, just scored some at the local post office last week
fucked up the tattoo lel, it's been a few years
although, I'm more of a bazooka man myself

What does Slovenia think of Melania?

forgot picture of the slav-ess


Bump for the Balkans.

sami nebomo naredili nič, nažalost se vedno tako izkaže. spet bo treba čakati na kataklizem ki bo pretresel evropo, medtem pa bomo spet zgrabili priložnost, tako kot smo jo po vsaki vojni
(ampak je treba paziti komu damo prestol)

it was ofcourse, croatia wouldnt be secceding for another year or two.
but the funny thing is that slovenia was more of a strategic advantage to milošević in 1991 than anything.
he knew slovenes would be the first to leave and that they had no intention in fighting for his army.
same went for the croats, but croatia had serb-zones so they were on the JNA menu.
what he did was he made deals with Kučan on leaving slovenia to go, if they wont do any shit like attack back or sell weapones to croats and BiH.
by the time war started the Kučan-Milošević talks were already finished. why the war then?
first was that Milo wanted to show the croats they wont be leaving so easely (he wanted to drag them into a war he could justify)
but more importantly he had to move alot of troops to croatia without getting too much attention, and slovenia was a good pretext.

ofcourse the war lasts 10 days, just untill croatia trys to get ready for war, serbs get out of slovenia and start their offensive in croatia, Kučan becomes president, but things start going wrong when a college from DEMOS starts selling weapones to croats and BiH, as a part of the german and american plan.
thats where the real hate between janša and kučan started

Nothing bad about her really. She is an honest, no skeletons in the closet person, she will make a fine first lady.

Šarič says: Igrao sam ko zadnja pička

anyone wanna redo my OC?
my tablet is away right now, so i have trouble not getting this to look like shit


I watched that partially tonight in Australia.

Jebeni Hrvatski igrači su svi bili škovace, al moran priznat, srbi pucaju dobre trice. možda je to ta nigerska krv :^)

maybe you should focus on constantinople a few streets away before marching on the balkans

Interesting article in Soros involvement in the balkan, specifically Kosovo:


Syrians Alarmed by Bulgarian Media’s Anti-Refugee Rhetoric

"“A real Muslim thinks that Christians are his brothers and sisters and would never hurt them,” Nayuf said."



According to a recent study by the Sofia-based Media Democracy and the Centre for Political Modernisation, website owners see hate speech as a tool to increase traffic.

more toplel

who would have though

i remember when i was on a stream watching the Pulev vs Chisora fight
the chat was :
60% shitting on turks and gypsies
30% shitting on the nigger
5% shitposting
5% actually talking about the fight
good times

Are you still here?


what would be the balkans equivalent to tendies?



Post gud music lads.

That made my wee wee hard.


slavic feelings are rising


Da opice ameriške dobiju po pički!
Gremo Srbija

In Croatia we call them "pileći prstići"

That is a cool picture m8.


Гласувайте за Каракачанов, хуйец за сърби и македонци.



Sotono kaj ne vidiš da većina ne misli da je Soroš mala micica koja je nevina? Kaj misliš da on nema svoje plaćenike koji sranjeobjavljuju po forumima o tome kak nije napravil niš loše?


vadjenje korijena zla kada?

That place is a pure lefty shithole, though (vidya unrelated).

Razočaran nad Srbi. Igrali so kot pičke. King neggerbal ameri

kot prvo nemorejo zmagat ker imajo ameri na tisoče več potencialnih prvoligašev, kot drugo pa če bi zmagali bi spet dobili sankcije, ki bi jih pohlevno sprejeli in lepo naprej brskali po smeteh za hrano in volili vučiča

delet this
we wuz romans n greeks n shieet

Ja, vem. Ne morem se znebiti občutka, da je bilo tako prejšnje srečanje prodano (zadnja četrtina je bila zelo nazorna), kot to, da včeraj sploh niso šli na zmago. Kar si rekel drži ampak ena stvar katera ti ostane, je ponos. Kakor vem, so bili v tej generaciji Srbov otroci, ki so doživeli bombardiranje Beograda. Iz tega aspekta sem razočaran.

koji kakovi

Kakšno mnenje imaš glede trenutne geopolitične situacije?
B.) preplavi nas 500.000 migrantov, postanemo žep, izdajalski Cerar in Stranka Migrantskega Centra si manejo roke, Merkel in Soros organizirata veliko zabavo in odebelitev bančnih računov za Slovensko levico

Le magnifique pays d'origine d'Andreja fourrer par ces truies, horrible…

Spominjaj se po svom jeziku

Govori Slovensko, bageta

топ кек, потен кур за тия блядофили.

Mrš u pičku materinu


Already too late OP is an Albo.

Serbians and Croatians shouldn't mix, all that results is shemales and sluts.

enough with the shitposting, guys. let's ask some serious questions:

was tito an austrian jew (jeshua ambroz tito) or a polish-american jew (josif walter weiss)?

What the fuck are you on about?

are you even a real person?

Prove it, faggot.

if i had proof for anything, i wouldn't have asked, would i? have some introductory reading material of varying quality:


Half of those imply that Tito was a jewish puppet, which I somewhat doubt. Yes, he was a dumb commie that fucked everything up. But I seriously doubt that creating a rift between Yugoslavia and the Russian Bolsheviks, then threatening to kill Stalin, then putting Yugoslavia at a neutral place in world politics really helps the jew. Which, again, kinda makes me doubt the whole doppleganger bullshit.

The shit about ethnic cleansing and killing christians is true though.

Reinforce border fence with pigs’ heads

Tito was a Jesuit who shared a cup of babys blood with the Pope.

Proof that he died in Spain?

Image comparisons of the two Titos?

Explanation as for why the Yugoslavs weren't part of the Soviet Union?

aren't there stories about him coming back from moscow (tito-stalin split) a completely changed man? he supposedly acquired a strange sounding accent, suddenly became an avid piano player and horseback rider and generally abandonded all his previous peasant-like traits.

Based Hungary.


Verjetno niti živ nisi bil ko je Tito vodil Jugo. Shut your dirty pie hole

So why aintcha subhumans preparing for the HAPPENING

Regional wise

Only thing you need is gavrilović mesni narezak.

Ja sem već spremen. I naj me podčovekom zvati, ti si podčovek i to ti bum pokazal kad ti grkljan prerežem kak odojku za kolinje.

this. Alot of this and ammo. Slavs are naturaly adapt to war situations.

I-I-Ivane, zar si jos ziv?


goy = cattle = stoka = cattle = goy


Former Yugoslavia was full of cryptos on leading positions. First prime minister was Moša Pijade (Moishe Piade), interior minister Aleksander Ranković (Alex Rankau), president of SRS Kardelj (Kardaily) and so on… Tito was just their frontman.

Two tito story is BS.
tampon zone
America didnt want Italia border with Stalin

Tito wasnt a jew. He was pesant's son, but he was somehow intelegent from his mother, who was doughter of rich farmer from Slovenia. His mother was Subnordic, father Dinaric with a lot of Mongolian genome (like all true Croats and Slavs).
Hi was opportunistic pig and unscrupulus murderer. Probably because of his part Mongolian genome.
Yes, racemixing is bad idea.

Nigger what?

Also, should we tighten our presence on forum? I see one pepe avatar, we could make ourselves at home easily.

Zdigel sem se iz mrtvih. Sad kad bu bil novi rat z ovim kozojebima svatil sem da je opet vreme za mene da vmorim, i vreme za njih da vmernu. Polevali ih bumo svinjskom krvi i nabili ih bumo na kolce kak da smo Vlad Drakula.

Looks Mongolian to me and he was Croatian president…

geez o man

Iranians then.
Happy Crobro?

Arkan spent his entire life as a fucking criminal with protection from the Yugo commie state

He's not anyone to be admired

Post yfw a serb calls you fascist while he hails Mladic, Milosevic, and other war criminals.

kill yourselves

not balkan

Were these refugees or gypsies?


No. It's not Goths like Pavelić said, nor is it Slavs as people generally perceive although both had influence.

Споко, те винаги губят, дори и войната да е на тяхна страна. Доказано в историята.

I feel sorry for the slavs. I am curious as why they are called slavic for? :(>>7215630




what exactly don't you fucking understand?

Shills don't read, stupid.

Many Serbs head to the woods at this time of year to hunt roe deer, fox, wild boar and migrants, often stalking them through the night.

You must have been bullied hard in school

To be arrested if he visits

Šešelj: dolazim u Zagreb, dobio sam diplomatsku putovnicu

Da s nauš kej naredu

Pokad mi kurac tbh.

Kaj si pa ti že kdaj naredu? Objavu kakšno balkan/pol/ temo?

Nared svojo al pa odjebi nazaj na reddit, pizda blesava

problem je da so vse stalne stranke v parlamentu isti drek, ki delajo na isti princip.
nekaj časa je bil Krambergar, pa so ga likvidiral.
potem je Jelenčič začev preveč govort, pa so ga ukinil.
potem ni blo treba velik da so hervarde vn vrgl.
meje tukaj nebo ohranil noben drug kot prostovoljci. pa še te bo vlada preganjala,
ali pa jih bo kakšna stranka probala vključit pod sebe.
Naslednji mandat sploh ni pomemben, ker bo isti kurac kot ta in prejšnji in vsi ostali.
smo v banana republiki, in samo čakamo da se kaj zgodi, zgodi pa se samo slabo.


shit youre like one of those tinfoil nuts, except that Tito and his bunch are the lizardmen

Really makes you think.

Those are Bulgars you colossal retard

Seselj top retard of Serbia

how did you even find here?

To all of Sloveniabros, WARNING!

FB page "SLOVENIJA ZAVARUJ MEJE" has been confirmed for honey spot for doxing true slovenian patriots.
Main admin is not even Slovenian, but Romanian from Zagreb. Other admin is Jewess from Ljubljana, who lives in Stuttgart.
Be careful!

More info?

I don't want to dox people, and it is forbidden here, ok? Just beleive me what did I said.

you just claimed that one of the major slovenian right-wing pages is a honey pot, with no other explanation than "believe me guise". i know this is balkan/pol/ but you'll have to be a bit more specific.

Not really. If you have genuine concerns, just post.

not surprised that much really, as i said prettymuch any movement bigger than an airsoft club in slovenia is infiltrated and taken over by the goverment or one of the parties. SZM is obviously in SDS pocket and since SDS has such "good relations with foregein security organs", i doubt thet the group isnt full of SOVA and other faggots

Ok then. I just dont want to be reported and banned. What proof do you want? Maybe some pictures? With a Romanian looking footbaler from Brezice? Some pics with hooked nose piano player from "Germany" who doesnt understand a word of german? Just ask…

but. dont try SDS with me, sloanon, Holla Forumsacks are done with normie party shit, remember, you are on the Holla Forums now
you are listed naive or intl for now, try again

some not-goofy looking documents, articles, the kind of shit you get the owl on your ass?

i dont quite know what youre trying to say?

Can someone explain why Karadzic and Mladic had to hide in Serbia, like why would the Serb police even want to arrest them?

Because the cops do what the government tells them?

with Milos goverment gone (replaced by an EU and US backed one) the new govt would do as NATO wanted. and since serbia was still the scapegoat, you needed examples.
remember, even if the govt wasnt after them, serbia was full of agents and spies, and there was a mass media campaign sponsored by faggots like NED and G17

they didn't really hide, it's more like they were told to keep it low key since police won't be able to look away anymore once international law enforcement found out their location.

Proof or gtfo

Dokazi? Verjetno ne pričakuješ, da ti bomo verjeli na lepe oči/besedo.

Oh, are they? Did you realise that from the "migrant hunters" or "dinko valev" filenames? Did you even read the link you stupid motherfucker?

relax or i will eat your fucking head you filthy mongrel

For fuck's sake I know internet is slow in Bulgaria but read the link before you make an ass out of yourself.


Are you legit retarded or what.

An article about Serbs and you post an image of a Bulgarian, how does that make sense in your mind?

Are you? Pretending to be an illiterate fool, is that your game now, shill.? What exactly don't you understand? Come forward, we'll answer your questions

You're fucking with me now yes? Your stupid inbred inane blind ass can't make the connection between Dinko and Serbian hunters shooting migrants? Gentlemen, I rest my case. I have found the absolute IDIOT, one so idiotic, we may never witness such idiocy again. Look at his post. Look at his post and save it. I treasure such mo.ents

Are you literally retarded or are you going to explain what a Serbian shooting a migrant in Serbia has to do with a Bulgarian rounding up migrants in fucking Bulgaria, a completely different country and people?

This must be the niggest fucking thread on Holla Forums

Now that you're in it, yeah.

ebin xD

the waves of invaders have been increasing by millions each year, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Only in the last two years, 2015,2016 has it become obvious that central and eastern europa will have none of it. Before that it was unknown only because they didn't have the swarms heading for germany and swedecuckia going through their borders.

It is now obvious that many countries like france germany and sweden are cucked beyond repair and when they get fixed much of their native population that are traitors will be irreparable despite the invaders being deported.

i didn't know that, brother. sounds messed up.

well the west coast is completly cucked, and since austria is POLarising, the whole northwest will become a chokepoint, which means youll have millions waiting here to go trough italy and to france via the balkans, and a small amount trugh smuggler routs to austria (which will be choked up)

Mods Pizvo and KLCCLK rule with an iron fist there. They're comparable to the r//europe crowd and should be on any Croat's DOTR list.

You do realise Serbia borders Bulgaria, right? What an idiot you are.
