What happened guys?

Holla Forums used to be cool, now we have id's and hate on pedos. No more conversations or anything constructive, just anime and traps. I miss old halfchan Holla Forums where I could talk to like minded people. You guys are all fags

Other urls found in this thread:


Pedos bring the quality of Holla Forums down

What do you want to talk about OP? my attention span is very short, so I go between fapping and shitposting in the blink of an eye.

You're cock is so hard for pedo hating thats the only part of my post you registered? Fucking leafs

All anyone does anymore is shit post.

so you think Holla Forums was shit ever since it began. and the perfect Holla Forums is modern day 4chan

leafs gunna leaf


Jim happened. Now fuck off to Reddit.

shouldn't you be helping a rapefugee fuck your wife and daughter?

Go to 4chan. Thats what happens when you can't handle anything you don't personally like. Why are you here and not 4chan.
4chan gets a lot more traffic.

well luckily for him dys has downs and Jim is taking fbi cock. I just miss the dialogue of Holla Forums, I feel like we never talk anymore.

is that his mom?

Well, maybe my daughter.

I like to think so

Yeah we ruined it pretty good.

Hot. Lick his feet, you cunt.

take it down a notch bud


All of you bring the quality of Holla Forums down.

wanna see my collection of odd tits?

We can't promise that, in fact, everyone will sperg out for a few hours once you do so. Holla Forums will only stop being shit once you start actually banning obvious newfags from reddit and 4cuck. Otherwise, enjoy Holla Forums going straight down the pooper because of your incompetence, faggot.

why so harsh, personally I think we need more word filters and to ban anyone who uses the letter J.

Well at least you half understand. I could mail someone a bar of gold and they would find something to bitch about

There was a reason we came here and not 7chan.

Most definitely.

dont sage my thread you fucking faggot

lets begin, shall we

we will also be doing random matrix quotes.

I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.

good start

good lord

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

I don't think present day pedos are the same as pedos back then.

fun fact, my only photos of any black women are in this folder

Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead… only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Spoon boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human. My impulse is to shit post and wear dresses.

What is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

ye sure post some tiddy.

do you actually fap to this shit?

Morpheus: Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

fuck no are you crazy? I just collect images bro



part of the ship, part of the crew

You're doing Gods work, user.

Got any of the rarer puffy banana torpedoes?

Agreed, so help me out fam :^)

o yea sorry for using sage on your thread OP

thanks, have a slut


Morpheus: Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

I have the color yellow, be more specific

Thank you good sir, have one yourself.

sorry for the gay ass meme text, to lazy to crop atm.

Agent Smith: Never send a human to do a machine's job.


not a huge 2d guy but god damn that bitch from frozen

Morpheus: I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.


whats your type? I'll see if I've got something nice

How 'n da heck is that baby gonna suck on dem tits…

i dunno

If I could have my own, custom made woman she would be a petite brown girl. Fucking love em. Pic related.

ah sorry I don't do niggers, strictly white/eastern Asian.

No biggie, not a lot of people do because of the fat, loud, nigger stereotype that kills it for the good ones, but my lord, a mousey, cute little black girl is all I need. I like Azns too though.

I'd never mud up my genes regardless of how well she could learn human mannerisms

Well, I didn't specify nigger, I said brown girls. I like Indian and middle eastern women too.

if it aint white it aint rite. But to each their own, nigger lover

Well Asians are yerrow, silly.

honorary Aryans, and really just japs. Chinks and gooks are a no

forgot a photo

Fair enough, whatever floats your boat. I'm not quite gay enough to care what you stick your dick in.

you are the cancer killing chans right now

Did you grow up in the golden era too?

damn those are some ugly tits.

what type of music do you guys like?

no im a 50-something old balding man who hates faggots fucking up his filipino pintograph website run on the dried cum of teenage ladyboys.

i have t shirts older than you dysocuck.

I think some of the shit he pulls is pretty funny

Sounds like you need a nap, old timer.

boom, roasted

his cuck ass always listens to my suggestions and that's what keeps Holla Forums "interesting". hell, i know this fag more than any of you. i even have therealmoonman sucking my balls and listening to me. i dont even have his fatass on discord discord is for fatasses, gaymer cancer, and tech retards .

dyso. fuck up the board css. you will get +4 threads about it.

i thought her foot was a dick. fuggg

proveeeeeee it

from the thumbnail, i thought the one on the right had a huge dong.

she can be anything you want her to be user

i dont have to prove anything to you. prove.

stop sperg'n my thread up

anything but mine;_;

damn dude, right in the feels.

Apologies for bringing the mood down, its just late and im lonely

no thanks. take your cuckchan pics back to your containment website, summerfag.

careful with all that edge friendo

me too man

Here's to us then. Perhaps one day soon this shitty feeling will pass, like the sun shining bright after a dark storm.

yeah me 3

till then, lots of booze and okay porn

I'd drink to you guys but I"m already drunk and I donn't want to puke.

Jennifer is a babe.

damn we lost flags, I kinda liked them


flgags were cool


i mean id pork her regardless but i dont want her to yap on about capitalism being bad

she probably doesn't speak English so that'd be a plus

cant tell if that would be a plus or a minus either way ill just ram my cock down her throat so she shuts the fuck up

Are you trying to turn me on? Because I bought porn tonight for the first time in years.

that'd do the trick

I put it out there for anyone in need. Like a bird feeder sorta


what music you guys listening to? Just put on some slayer myself

Pedos are cancer tbh. You want a thread to talk about shit, go ahead and make one instead of whining about how there are no threads for it.

muh dik
you're doing god's work here user. cheers.

patrician taste. Im listening to The Who-Baba O' Reilly now.

are you retarded?

I just saw these guys

I'll give it a go, always looking for new shit to play at work.

If you're into heavy metal, I highly recommend Pantera

I enjoy most music barring a majority of country.

Then i guess ill shill some Ska as well

enjoyable music video, why is everything new so fucking gay?

Just heard some Peaches while leaving a bar.

The kitchen I manage is neighboring a bar, you'd think I would get laid but I don't.

They get better too.
tfw no qt 3.14 gf to hold and listen to ska or heavy metal withlike Vince McMahon said:"life sucks and then you die"

Take more breaks from the kitchen and flirt with the customers.

Easier said than done sadly, hardly even have time to hit on waitresses.

that was pretty fun

smh tbh fam

Got a waitress to call me Sir today, shes probably 7 years older than me.


was she on her knees begging for you to rape her mouth pussy?
also ill just keep shitposting any tunes i can come up with

She was begging me for chips, so I guess so kinda

keep forgetting photos, thanks for the tunes btw

no prob. and thank you for the pics.

my pleasure

I feel like this music wouldn't be half as enjoyable without the video

technically our pleasure :^)

not really, madness is fun to listen to both with and without the videos. Ill probably cycle to other ska bands soon.

This is what I'm listening to right now

bit heavy for this late at night.

i love the tiny sax in this one, next post ill cycle to another ska band called The Specials.

dare i say, i think she's perfect

definitely a cute one

this song should be the thread theme tbh

it has been fun


this girl looks pretty fuckn young eh

/leftpol/ heppened.

I hate comunists mora than I hate cristians.

im sure someone is going to squint hard and pretend its jailbait

maybe itll help if its 3rd world?

be honest, would you a brown grill?


shit, forgot to mention the band name
Bad Manners

I can see the title even when its embedded. It's funny that you started playing this sort of music. I was thinking to myself earlier that I needed something similar in my playlist. Couldn't find anything suitable at the time.

This looks like LS, illegal!

I mean, i understand your point of view (that i also agree with) but what about thicc latinas?

How brown exactly?

I know one, wouldn't consider it even though I know for a fact I could if I wanted to.

Those aren't for a baby, those are gods gift to daddy.

penis tits are a possibility

Indian type 2

Im glad you like it. I dont see alot of people on 8ch talk about Ska so ill shill for it whenever i can.

Understandable. I would never date or breed with a thicc latina, but if i had the chance to fuck one for fun i would totally go for it.

well how brown are you willing to go? Thicc latinas? mixed girls? indians? muslims? african?

I don't want to shit where I eat for such little reward. She's easily the ugliest waitress and if I'm going to risk it I'd rather get a better one. But who am I kidding, I wont get shit

dont let your memes be dreams

Would fug: light skinned latinas, southeast asians, maybe a good looking mudslime Would not fug: indians, dark latinas, niggers, any mixed race nigger

If I don't get my hopes up I wont get crushed

alright guys I'm dead tired, thanks for hanging out with me. Maybe Holla Forums isn't as shit as I thought. Thanks for showing me ska, ill keep checking these bands out.

not bad

audentes Fortuna iuvat
or alternatively
Qui audet adipiscitur

You've been a true pal, may our paths cross again one day.

I'll keep that in mind, thanks.


Ill leave you with one final Bad Manners song.

Those don't really do all that much for me, gotta be thick and preferably puffy - and the original picture there has to be about as thick and puffy as they come - seriously, they're fucking hentai tier. Please do prove me wrong on that point though, I'm sure my dick will thank you.

On a side note, if we're still doing it, this is what I'm listening to at the moment.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

Some big nips in this thread

The nips can never be big enough



Wow! Image Board Culture is alive, well and THRIVING! Let's just take this thread as a prime example!



Whiners bring the quality of Holla Forums down.
Dysnomia brings the quality of the board down.
The quality of Holla Forums is destined to continue to spiral downward until literally nobody can tolerate it anymore and it becomes endchan.
There is no escape from it because Jim abandoned everything 8ch stood for, kicked out the vols and BOs supporting board autonomy, and turned the whole site into his personal datamining pig farm, so stop fucking talking like there is some sort of future for Holla Forums "if we just all got together and did thing X". There isn't. It is past the point of no return. It is over, and there isn't a goddamn thing anyone can do about it.

Narcissists flooded in and pushed their extremely corrosive and combative worldviews onto us innocents. Still, they gaslight, and employ psychological terror in their divide and conquer tactics. We need Jesus.

Pedos are just a sub category of repetition. Repetition is what kills imageboard culture.
Eventually anons get bored of the same thing. OC is important.

You should see the place when I'm not around, it's perfect, like a utopia!

at least try not to make it so obvious that you're a butthurt pedo.

still using that text formatting?

Yes, there was a reason we came here and not 7chan. That reason was rendered invalid by Jim when he got rid of board autonomy and legit privacy/anonymity. You don't seem to have a problem with that, yet you bring up the reason we came here instead of 7chan as if you think it was because 8 is a bigger number or something.
YOUR actions are doing more to drive users away than pedos ever did. YOUR actions are driving more people away than shitposters and 4channers and redshit faggotry and /polacks do. YOU are the single biggest cancer this board has, because rather than treating your users with respect and demanding that they treat each other the same way, you encourage them to treat each other like shit by demonstrating at every opportunity that you have no respect for them, for the board, the site, or even yourself. You are seemingly content to fiddle with stupid site features just to get reactions out of people for your own personal amusement, and are too much of a giant pussy to take on the responsibility of actually running a board effectively by making the hard decisions that need to be made in order to keep it from drowning in its own shit. You fucking couldn't run a campground latrine effectively, let alone a chan board, and you goddamn well know it.
So fucking can the fake "if I remove IDs will you play nice?" bullshit. That is not how life works, you tit. Man up and run this site properly or step down and let someone else do it. Otherwise sit back and enjoy watching it continue its death swirl knowing that you will be forever etched into internet history as the guy who killed Holla Forums.

Yeah, I know…user was banned for this post. Big fucking deal, I am already switching my VPN anyway, you turd.

At least try to be logical.
Just because I am not anti-pedo does not logically mean that I am a pedo.

I always double space because it is proper grammar and what Jesus would want. He wept, you know.

You talk a lot of shit about how dysnomia is wrong but you don't say exactly what it is he's doing to cause any of that.

You talk a lot of shit about how to properly run a board but you don't give any examples.

You talk a lot of shit.

I was talking to someone else, btw. Not you. But rest assured little pup that I have already mentioned those things to Dysnomia, and he knows exactly what I think he is doing wrong. Now butt the fuck out.

Not an argument

Nope, not an argument.
STFU before you hurt yourself.


Never change, Holla Forums.

What exactly is it about "you are not a part of this conversation" that you do not understand? Is English not your native language? Fuck off already.

The part where I can't butt into a random discussion on a random thread on the random board of an anonymous imageboard.

If you don't like the fact that I'm here and replying to your posts you can just pull the (ethernet) plug.

You do know that there are people spamming pedo shit in the hopes of getting mods to ban any kind of 'offensive' threads, right?

Obvious ploy is obvious. They don't want any kind of redpilling. Social engineering at its finest.

who's that? She looks familiar! Monroe?



OP, you need to let go and move on.
Leave imageboards and Holla Forums behind or adapt to the new ways of how things go. Whatever we had, it is gone and it cannot be recreated. Nothing remains but memories. We all saw it falling apart and it was ridiculous to believe that we could've changed anything to keep it as it was. We should've enjoyed it while it lasted instead of trying to hold on to it.
Allow yourself to grief and accept the death of what our Holla Forums was. Stop bargaining and deluding yourself further. It's ok to be sad.

why are you faggots shitting up my beautiful thread?

Sexy bum bums willies nipples poo poo wee wee vagoo and boobies - tee hee!

I am going to have to go with the trips here. I'm not in to traps or anime or pedo shit, but I was never bothered by them being here either. It is easy enough not to click on something you don't want to get into, and there were always tons of other things that were more to my liking (OC). But once Dysnomia started fucking around with the board just to screw with people, the quality OC posts that I enjoyed so much tapered off. As he continued they became more and more rare, and now they no longer exist at all.

Too bad it is ending in such a horrible shitfest really, but nothing lasts forever.

it's easy to blame jim and dysturdia for the demise of Holla Forums, but they aren't the userbase. they don't fill the catalogue with snivelling, repetition and boredom: users do.
the datamining meme is ridiculous. the few thousand users on 8ch have no valuable data and if they did, it's hard to get. what jim has done is to exploit 8ch, particularly Holla Forums as social influencers in his ongoing fake news campaign. (i'd love to learn who pays, btw.)
where dys failed -from the very beginning- was by wanting to model Holla Forums into his idea of good. this is a very female approach to things and only causes ire.
moderation on a board like Holla Forums should be discreet hammer wielders, not ever present nannies like the current crop. dysnomia should relinquish the board. omlet should see a doctor. jim will get his comeuppance.


Was it ever explained why his mom was looking at his boner or why he had a boner and she wanted to look???????// wtf I mean shes a MILF for sure but wtf.

I blame Jim and Dysnomia

t. dysnomia

ayo hol up

i've been here since 2014 and all of that shit was gone WAYYYY before dysnomia

Then make some OC yourself you huge fucking pansy

You obviously weren't here when lowcard filled the entire board with 100x100px emojis….

boo fuckin who :)

This guy gets it.

Holla Forums was never good, I just wanted it to be bad like it was in 2005. XD

But… isn't this "Image Board Culture"?

How much of a newfag are you, really?

Like I had a feeling from the start, but you blur the degree further towards 2019 summerfag every day…