Hassan Nasrallah agrees with Trump on "Obama founded ISIS"

Leader of Hezbollah (this is the good one that has Christians in it by the way) agrees with Trump.

Article text:

BEIRUT – Donald Trump has found at least one supporter for his allegation that the U.S. administration founded the Islamic State group.

The leader of Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group quoted Trump at a rally in the country’s south Saturday, saying the presidential candidate’s statements were based on facts.

Hassan Nasrallah says: “this is an American presidential candidate who is saying this. What he says is based on facts and documents.”

Trump this week described President Barack Obama as the “founder” of ISIS. Trump later said the claim was intended as sarcasm.

Nasrallah, who has sent thousands of his fighters to Syria to shore up President Bashar Assad’s forces, has long claimed that the U.S. helped create and fuel the rise of Islamic extremists to destabilize the Middle East.



bretty gud tbh

Other urls found in this thread:


Based Hezbollah. Why dont they do more PR though? I mean they are the more competent Arab fighters and they dont do stupid shit like Hamas does.
What gives?

They do a lot and even have their own tv station, among other things.

This is a good book on their history. The author is kind of a douche bag, but he plays it straight in this book.

Checked and Heiled.
I mean international PR. Are they just way too nationalistic and proud?

Looks like the MSM are trying to run with this



Bloomberg said this
Im sure you get what the implication they are making is…

They probably do it would just be on the Arabic portion of the web.


They are trying to make it look like Trump thinks Obama literally was a founder of ISIS, ie like he was with AK in hand in Raqqa or something.


A sandnig is a sandnig but Hezbollah is a more secular one and they havent attacked the west, so I dont give a shit about them as long as they stay in their area.

the jews whine about them constantly.

And? To people in the known, the fact remain that without King Nigger's arms shipments, FSA would have been crushed and therefore no ISIS.

tbh fam I would join the SAA or Hezbollah, hopefully to get some experience. Nobody is teaching anyone shit in the West.
Magpul Dynamics gimmicks wont help us win the war against kikes.
They probably wouldnt allow it though, because they are true nationalists

Im just saying that is the narrative the media is going with for this particular issue. Like when Trump had light-hearted banter with the mother of the crying baby at a rally and the media acted like he had her physically removed from the premises.

Oh please user. Let them.

I've been to Lebanon, including to Hezbollah-controlled areas. They are real human beans when in their own country.

The Hezbollah museum was really cool and the staff were warm and friendly. Hezbollah, Golden Dawn, and other organizations provide interesting examples on how to reach out to the people when the nominal government has failed them.

Matt Heimbach rightly pays close attention to these groups.

What's up, Matty? Can we call you Matty with a Massachussets accent?

massachussets is a shithole tbh

lol, he has a young kid, so I don't think he has much time for shilling these days.

I like him, but I don't go for all the Christian stuff.

lol I bet you live in Boston, nerd

All these (((groups))) in the middle east were formed to destabalize the middle east for a greater israel. Doesn't matter if they are nore secular or not. It just means their masters have better control of their dogs

Supporting any of the chaos in the middle east is becoming hillary 2.0

Literally the play by play of the obama administration

I don't, every northeast state is a kike-filled shithole lad

You high nigga?

I live there but its actually not? Did you go to New York once or something?

ye I visited jew pork on a school trip once, nothing but fucking kikes and niggers

Are you fucking retarded

Why are they repeating this.
Wouldn't someone who is on the spot know more who founded ISIS?
Dumbfuck convince more people that Trump who said he was joking.

they're just going to say Hezbollah is scary mean doody-heads and you cannot believe them

Can you even back up your claims with credible source?

You ought to visit New York the state, not the city. Beautiful country, and lots of whites. Granted, most of them are Appalachian, but they are white.

I know all about it because I have family living in the Southern Tier. A few aunts and uncles live around Binghamton, a couple of cousins in Pennsylvania. Been to see 'em a few times, helped my one cousin transport some of his homemade liquor out of state.



Ah yes, Hymietown.

Well I must say I am just AMAZED that this has not got a reddit sticky. We sat up alll night making them and such.

Why do you have a random pic of Samuel L Jackson on your computer?

thread theme

We need to do away with this notion that someone stops being white because they are not well-educated. I mean, if you have an actual high school diploma, that already gives you a leg up on blacks, right?

Long Islander reporting in.
Most of the island is very segregated and sometimes landowners refuse to give shelter to niggers. Everyone here hates Andjew Cuomo for his Anti-Gun legislation

I get it, their very poor, but you can find yourself a QT 3.14 Trump supporter out in the Forests.
Also, Appalachia has lots of guns and you can go innawoods

Naw man

Mayhaps you fine gendermen would want to care to post some pictures of repute beside your gathering

mine is better

That's what I'm saying! Plus, I love mountain folk cooking. Good food for working with.

the linerals don't know what that is


false flag?

what do you mean

the kikes created hezbollah?

muh nasheed bitch

Don't think so bud mine goes on about stomping out ISIS and telling the west to fuck off.

so you outed yourself as an arab

your opinion is irrelevant now
you need to go home

no they did not

No, he can't.

Links related, Israel is still butthurt to this day,

Kill yourself my man. Or come to Mass and I'll do it for you.

so you outed yourself as a kike
how about you leave this place now shlomo

Nein. I just like the fact that that one has been translated and has a message.

I smell the matzo burning bud.

as an arab there is no difference between you and a kike

you are a semite
you are the shlomo in brown

they are gonna attack him for this.

but it's not like it's not true.

if anything for the fact that the "moderate syrian rebels" turned out to be violent islamists i know it's redundant.

keep crying chain

filter this guys id
if you love
america and hate muslims

he's an arab and trying to infiltrate pol

Fuck off Jew

you are the jew
you are an arabic semite
theres no difference between you mohamed and chaim

fuck off Muslim Shill

on Holla Forums
types like this

i do

Off yourself nigger, filtered.

There are no good shitskins. Useful, not good.

go ahead Shlomo

they are out there fighting and dying against kikes and kike puppets, all you are doing is shitposting on imageboards, and you say they aren't good?
part of suspects you are a kike honestly

hello kike
thanks for Correcting the Record (TM)
or are you from the JIDF - אוֹטִיזְם division?
At any rate, kys schlomo.

Fuck off you faggot. You don't even understand how sage works. Kill yourself.

Have been to Lebanon and talked to people on the streets about some of these issues. Mostly Christian because my host did was very keen on keeping me out of muslim areas.

The Hezbollah is originally founded by Muslims but they started getting support from Christian because they had some victories against Israeli incursions when the government did nothing.

When Hezbollah gets a majority in parliament Israel and the West considers the government invalid. They only want good goy Christians or bat-shit insane Muslims in the Lebanese parliament.

At that time there were some UN peacekeepers there with their blue helmets. Mostly European. No Germans for (((historical))) reasons.

General populace told me the peacekeepers watch the Israelis fuck shit up in Lebanon and when the Lebanese push back they try to stop the Lebanese. Other than that, the blue helmets just loiter and buy cheap tax free cigarettes.

I got to wait for my flight back at the airport with one of the blue helmet officers from the Polish Army. Despite protest from PC wife, I asked the dude what was the purpose of their stay in Lebanon if there is no war going on.

He told me: "we are peacekeepers. If there is peace, we are doing our job."


You can't literally join Hezbollah, but there are a small number of Americans who fight alongside them against ISIS.


Ignore the snide Breitbart faggotry.

Pooland is 100% good goy, only a retard would think otherwise.

Anyway, do you also think Hezbollah is based?

Wrong, that's the black actor in the Matrix.

So how do you get there anyway? The usual airport, tavern/pub then ask?

I recommend this for anyone who hasn't heard it. Christian Lebanese singer with two songs honoring Hezbollah and their defense of their nation against Israeli aggression.

The first song in particular is very stirring.

All of these are real music. What kind of Muslim is Hezbollah?

probably go to Lebanon and then go to the pink area and ask around?

they are shia mostly

They do a shit ton where it matters. In the Levant. They have a huge apparatus of media, paramilitary, etc. Almost a state within a state.

shia are just as shiite


If you mean how do you fight alongside Hezbollah, I think that's one of those, "if you have to ask" questions. It would be better to start off looking for groups that the American govt is less hostile to and offering your support there.

Hezbollah are easily among the most feared guerilla fighters on the planet. It would be a remarkable experience to fight alongside them.

To go easy on you, you are probably mixing up Hezbollah with Hamas. Israel didn't really start Hamas either, but Israel was at times supportive of them many years ago as an alternative to the PLO.

Hezbollah is a very different entity from Hamas. Hamas are fundamentalist Sunni trash and not at all likable, even if you deeply sympathize with the plight of Palestinians, especially in Gaza.

Hezbollah are not Palestinian, but Lebanese. They are Shia and at one time they could be called fundamentalist, but they left most of the religious extremism behind years ago. Now they are simply a Lebanese political party with an outstanding military that arguably beat Israel twice.

Julian Assange's first interview for his RT show was with Hassan Nasrallah. Video related.

You're literally retarded m8.

I don't know if you have to fight alongside Kurds. I wouldn't want to either I wonder if there are any Christian defense groups in that part of the world that you could offer your services to.

Hezbollah seem based, yes.

Ofc I would prefer if they were not majority muslim but that is a consequence of the demographics of the country.

What you need to understand about Syria and Lebanon is that they can only make the country work with secular government, de facto segregation and strict laws and law enforcement. The leaders must also always keep an eye out for Muslims oppressing the Christians, since the Koran tells them to do that.

Christians and Muslims deal with each other when they need to and do not discuss religion. At the end of the day they they go back to their respective neighborhoods and keep to their kin. Christians are disgusted by Muslims and Muslims might take an opportunity to steal a Christian woman or child for sexual emergencies, which is halal.

Christians and Muslims in these countries cannot stand each other but they will unite to maintain the secular government that enables them to live their lives in relative peace.

BTW, Christians there are really based. I heard the the Lebanese Maronites were created to be good goyim, but I am not sure. Also, the pozzed Vatican Catholic Church works hard behind the curtains to convert the Orthodox Christians to their new one-world pozzed religion.

But Christians will quickly go to an apeshit rage murder fest if a muslim tries to touch one their churches, cemeteries or anything sacred. They are truly willing to die for keeping Christian. They will easily chose beheading if a muslim demands conversion (maybe not if they need to protect family or the elderly). The basic faggot pozzed Christian from a western nation would piss their pants and convert to islam in a heartbeat.

I would suggest going to Baalbek. I went there to visit the roman temple of jupiter (earlier, baal), and ended up having to leave early because I got caught in a mortar/AK-47 fight between Hezbollah clans and the Lebanese military.

This is older, but another great video for those who don't know much about Hezbollah. Vice does a very fair video about Hezbollah and their fight to protect Lebanon from ISIS.

Not to defend Islam, which is shit, but conflict in the Levant over religion has historically been surprisingly limited. Jews and Christians lived alongside Muslims for centuries with little conflict unless outsiders got involved.

Things began to deteriorate with the creation of Israel and the expulsion of 700k Palestinians, and of course with the Saudi salafist influence which has made Sunni Islam considerably worse in recent decades.

Even the most extreme Shia fundamentalism, as in contemporary Iran, is not as insane as Sunni wahhabi scum.

I agree with you, user. History shows that it is possible for Christians and Muslims to live in the same country under specific conditions.

The only people that always make life hard for everybody are the usual suspects.

Fuck off akbed

praise Allah


Fuck both of you. THIS is the thread theme.

Did you forget to link the video, user?

keep killing each-other.

There are white Christians living there you uncompassionate faggot.

In his last speech he said 2 israhell leaders referenced his historical speech about israhell being weaker than spider web and jewtinyaho I think said if you're looking for spider web you will find iron wall. In 2006 they wanted to reach an stadium in Lebanon and an israeli general to read and say we aren't a spider web but they failed to reach the stadium. Looks like his words hurt the zoinist soul. At 3:10 one of my favorite speeches of all time.

Aw, Moishe. Trying to get the Europeans and hwhite men to die for Israel again. You will be so mad to know that when the US of kikes balkanizes, you will be attacked from all side.

Based Hezbollah

How's the weather in Tel Aviv today?

No. The overwhelming majority of terrorism is from the Wahhabis and Sunnis.

Pretty catchy, actually.

Blatant lies. Trump doubled down every time he was asked about the comment.

Here is the video of him explaining how US Funded ISIS. Also bonus video youtu.be/IpIYHXHQOzA.

She's a cutie. Would it count as racemixing if I hooked up with a white Arab?


Probably. I'm pretty sure she is Lebanese.
She does at least have light hair, eyes, and skin.
I guess the Lebanese are off-White (Caucasian) genetically.

Some of the Christians in Syria and Lebanon are most def white with very little mixture over time. They did intermarry with Muslims out of principle. They are arab-speaking, but not arabian ethnically.

Did ==not== intermarry

There's a party in Lebanon called the Kateb Party that says that the Lebanese are a distinct identity from the Arabs, mainly that they are Christian and "Phoenician" or something like that.

hook nose


Nah man, its just that shias are my mortal enemy. Fake muslims m8
sunni ●

Notice how these two rat-faced kikes have the same semitic posting style?

Lots of genetic diversity. At least in the countries closer to Europe.

Maybe they are of genetic lines less impacted by historical Arab-Muslim invasions? That these are closer to what the people of 1-2000 yrs ago looked like in that part of the world?

I'm certainly no expert, but it's a fascinating subject to me.

Cap this and call me a fucking retard in 5 years
I garuntee you won't
if they dont kosherize the internet by then


shia are not real muslims



that literally means nothing
religious alliances are necessities not ideological and can turn cold over night

begone pest

You aren't the god to decide who is true muslim. All sunnies have military bases of us in their land and Qatar have Israeli bases. You're a joke.

haha what

Around the same time the "Caucasians" (some called them Aryan, I prefer Scythian) went to Europe, some of them went to Syria and Lebanon.

There is some mixture but not not a lot when it comes from Christians there. Christianity is certainly not cucked there, but they keep trying.

Those idiots in the oil countries might call themselves sunni but when you see them wallowing in women, alcohol, and ill gotten money they spit in the face of islam

Try 30,000+

You Christian Identity filth.

I couldn't embed, so I linked to the post on Holla Forums that had it. Or you can watch it here



What you think of battles after the death of prophet like aisha + moaoia vs ali ben abi talb? They fought each other there is no way both of them can be the good guys. I mostly see sunnies say we don't take sides. Sons of haron for example killed each other but you like them both it's hilarious. Also you destroyed Islamic history abolished mosques historical buildings etc. The history of abdulwhab where he kicked of his city and kicked of eastern region etc but he got some power somehow by British I think and spread his evil. Shia always excited through history and follow the house of prophet pry only to Allah etc. Ala3mal belniat and we only pry to allah you will be asked fo calling us kuffar.

Lebs aren't fucking white, you idiots. There are small pockets of "whiter" Middle Easteners left who have a smaller percentage of arab DNA, but they are most definitely not "white" in the traditional sense (i.e. a member of a European ethnicity)

All you >muh dik faggots need to shut your dirty racemixing mouths. A child born to leb/white parents will be just as identity less as one born to two white parents. It's the connection to our EUROPEAN roots that we draw our identity and strength from, not just the surface colour of our skin.


Not even sure to what extent the Lebanese are considered Arab. Lebanese, particularly the Christians, are about as close as you get to a white phenotype in the Middle East, other than some isolated tribes.


Those two look heavily semetic.

Taleb looks like a Southern Italian to me, and he is also a brilliant man. But, I can see where you're coming from.

Sethrida, OTOH, is a stunning brunette who wouldn't be out of place in Greece, Spain, Wales, etc.

There almost no real thin person in Lebanon or Syria because they eat so much olive oil. The thinner are a little chubby, like renaissance beauty standard. This picture is not of an albino girl.

Why are whites so frightened of becoming a minority in America?

Are minorities treated badly in your country?

Minorities are not treated badly on the contrary. The white majority is treated badly. Imagine when they are a minority.

Go back to leftypol, spook.

except for the fact that she's not Greek, Spanish, or Welsh. Fuck off, cosmopolitan.

Only Europeans have any place in Europe or non-European white countries. "White-looking" middle Easterners do not belong.

yeah i'm pretty sure gooks and muslims are really kind towards brown people

Dude, nobody is advocating for them to move anywhere. Chill out and take the black cock out of your ass.

Muslim invaders took millions of European women as slaves throughout the centuries of conquest. Has it occurred to you that this is where a lot of the "white" looks come from?

except you outright implied that she "wouldn't be out of place" despite the fact that she would, considering she's not part of any of those ethnicities.

Yes, that is where the prettier arabs come from. Euro girl Harem. Syria and Lebanon are a different matter. There are real Caucasians there.

Muh grillion slaves. Too bad it wasn't more. Westerners cuck suckers are traitors so I don't mind if you kick them or shit on them.

fuck off muzzie shitskin

Glad you know your ancestors were our slaves. Know your place slave race.



How dare I "outright imply" something!

Dude, it is like saying that aboriginal must be asian because blacks are only from africa.

Just saying they look white, not arguing they are Hwhite and should be accepted as citizens in Europe.

**majority of terrorism from Wahabis and Salafis.

Terrorism is awesome, faggot.

They definitely are not.

ehh, most euro slaves went to urban areas and such. very little impact on the genetics of the areas they went to. a trickle of genes dont do much

Which is why they are good. Muslims are trash-tier subhumans and their religion is the biggest dysgenics project in history.

Most people didn't live in Urban areas that many centuries ago, though

Nasrallah is not stupid. Everyone over there knows that Israel is purposefully causing maximum chaos in the middle east to keep its enemies at each other's throats, so they won't gang up and take Israel out. Israel uses the American military as its main weapon to cause this chaos at the moment, but it also funds groups like al Qaeda and ISIS through proxies and sometimes even directly, as with Al Qaeda groups in Syria.

Kill yourself

slaves did, generally

heritage and ethnicity are just spooks to these faggots




Sunni inbred mudshit triggered.


Seems bullshit to me.



Another buttmad kike or sunni shitskin.
Based Hezbollah triggering subhumans left and right.

That is just your autism, which is common enough on image boards.

If your interest is in whites, then it is in whites. Full stop. Don't be a faggot and start talking geography because you are autistic or too cowardly to talk about race. There are whites native to Siberia. There are non-whites who have been living in Europe for centuries, such as the Roma.

Phenotype is not the same as genotype, but it is a start.

If there are truly any "moderate Muslims" that exist, they would side with Mr Trump

It's actually the other way around. We ruled Syria for too long.

That region of the middle east is the ancient stomping ground of the indo-european race ie: Aryans.