Can I blogpost for a bit? I really need to get something off my chest

Can I blogpost for a bit? I really need to get something off my chest.

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Only if you are a girl, and the thing you need to get off your chest is your shirt and bra so that you can post tits with timestamp. Otherwise fuck off to reddit

I am here for you. Speak to me, my son.


Let it out user. It's not healthy to keep it in.

Are you a woman? You sound like a woman.


or some sort of faggot.

Does it matter…?

inb4 post your tits, you inbred douche bags

What's up user?

I don't know if I have any real friends, Anons.

I had friends in High School and stuff, but I never did anything with them outside of school. And I didn't really do any deep stuff with them. I've had deeper talks about philosophy and the like on Holla Forums of all places then with actual, breathing people. It's a bit better at university, but I still can't help but feel there's something missing. I have friends, sort of, but not any close confidant. I certainly can't reveal my full power level. And no matter where I look, I can't find anyone with the same interests.

This comes across as real shallow, I'm sure. I mean, there's a lot of people on here who probably don't even have much human contact at all. But then, there's also a lot who don't really want to. I appreciate having sort-of-friends, I really do. But I just wish I had someone that I had a more absolute, complete closeness too. And not in the sense of the gay community, or marriage (that's a separate matter, albeit a bit close), but just an absolute friendship.

Like, right now, I'm posting on Holla Forums, about this. Because I can't go to any actual person I know about this, outside of family. And that's just two people, because the rest of them are druggies, mormons, or dead. Not to mention that living where I live, I feel like I'm desynchronized about 5 years from time with the rest of the people around me. Nothing seems to make sense. Hell, I can't even talk to people who aren't either religious or military.

I guess my question is: Is it worth worrying about? Or should I just put it aside and focus on what I can do without a "companion" there with me?

Post your boi pussy faggot.

Talk to me. I am a trained professional Psycho the rapist.

Oh, and just as an addendum:

I also can't seem to find a proper "community" either. Like in high school - you know how there's those "groups" that flock together? I never had a group. The "weird" kids sort of liked games and anime and stuff, but it was always entry-tier bullshit and they were just too weird. And the normal kids didn't like any of the shit I liked, so I couldn't really fit in with that crowd.

If it wasn't for the religious community at university I'd have nothing here, either.

You should shoot up the school.

See, that's the thing. I knew the guy who was like that, and pretty much everyone figured he was going to be a shooter. Talked about guns and shit all of the time, nobody liked him, he didn't like anyone. Well, I didn't like him, but I didn't hate him. He thought I did, I think, but it was just projection. I never really hated anyone. I actually really love people. I want them to do well.

It's just that, as much as I love them, I don't like them? They're not very smart, they have bad taste, they're responsible for nearly all of their own suffering and that of others. It's completely irrational to have any love for them, but I do anyways.

And the worst part is, most other people that pick up that same irrationality seem to fall to leftism and other philosophies that have proven to be failures. Meanwhile I'm left feeling like the only sane man in world where everyone is either tearing at each other or completely oblivious.

Hmmm… well I'd suggest you getting a pet, and not some fish either an animal you can actually pet, touch, and interact in a more deep emotional level.

Also, you could always find friends by joining a gym or some club in your area.

Ahh, at least you have religion. That's something to keep you sane. Don't worry about it user. I'm in quite a similar situation, not a single person I feel close to. There isn't much you can really do about besides just bearing with it. I try to fill the void with alcohol but the main problem with doing so is that here in UK the alcohol is bloody expensive unlike in my home country. I really want to tell you it's gonna be fine user, i really do, but honestly, I can't. I can't because I've been in this state for years and the only difference I noticed is that I got used to it so it isn't as painful, but, in moments like this, when it's 1:30am, I'm tipsy and you mention it it really does come back. My only suggestion is to power through this whole thing, focus on raising your own value throguh learning and what not and you may be lucky enough to get into places that actually fit you if you're lucky. Good luck user.

Tell us what sort of things that you're into. there has to be some qt's out there that have similar interests
I never did anything with my friends out of high school, hell I didn't even like my friends in high school.

This is just like reading what i'm going through right now

Just go through the motions man.

I've had every pet from dogs to chickens to snakes. If you count short spurts I've handled birds of prey and deer. Animals are nice, but it's definitely not the same.

Powering through has been the name. I'm aiming at a commission after graduation, and from there, getting enough of a name behind myself to launch a political career or something and do some good in the world. I mean, I'd love to be a great hero or something, but that sort of thing feels like it's reserved for people who had much more interesting backgrounds.

Fantasy literature before, but I've been reading more non-fiction lately. Tabletop RPGs are a personal favorite, and I managed to get a group together, but I feel like I'm the only one who really cares. I like video games in most genres, but I'm admittedly pretty bad at the multiplayer ones I do find fun (arena shooters and the like). Not that it matters, since nobody I knows likes playing those sort of games.

Anime, VNs, and the like are of course there as well. It's not too hard to find people into anime, but the rest is a bit trickier. And even once you find an anime fan, there's a huge matter in taste. I'd rather a LOTGH or a Lain than a Naruto or DBZ, you know?

Getting that far into politics is done either by family connections or sheer luck. Remember to have a backup plan, just in case.

There's your answer. Become a mormon

i feel sorry for you man. i have a friend. he knows everything about me, and i do the same, we talk everyday. funny enough, we have 100% different tastes in everything. he hates my music, my vidya and i sort of hate everything he likes. despite that, we share a lot of things. we haven't fought or angrily argued in years. despite the differences, we stick to each other. he's a chad, 6ft tall, handsome, outgoing and a social sort of guy, and i'm exactly the opposite of that…well speak of the devil, he just texted me. i don't how one would go about to build this kind of friendship, but this friend of mine is my childhood friend. so i don't know how you'd go about starting one this late, but don't give up. just don't be a little bitch and don't lie.

I know user, I know.

I hear what you're saying, have you tried going to the gym and getting /fit/ . I've been going and it helps you feel better and look better.

I can't live a lie in that cult.

I have a plan of sorts. It's going to depend on how events play out in the last 60 years. I've been studying history pretty intently my whole life since that's what my mom did, and if my timing is at all accurate, I should be at the right age to make a power play at the same time as the US is undergoing its peak degree of political instability. Judging by history, someone is going to emerge as a strong leader out of that time, and "step up" to correct things. I'm just figuring that if I get lucky, I can either be there as that happens, or at the very least identify the person who will take on that role.

I mean, I'd love to be the great hero myself, but I'm more concerned with things happening than being the one doing it. I'd accept a person to look up to just as much as an equal.

I used to know two guys like that. They were pretty much as different as you could be in shit like politics and religion, but they had known each other for years and were pretty much impossible to separate. They were alright.

I'm working on running more than lifting, but yeah, I try to workout as much as I can. I've missed about three days now, though, it being summer and all. I'll need to go out tomorrow morning again or I'll start a bad trend.

Well, as long as the thing you/"that one strong leader" achieve are good, I wish you good luck in pursuing that path and great successes along the way. For now I'm going to go to sleep, alcohol is slowly starting to loose it's effect and the sad reality is starting to come back to me so I'd rather fall asleep before I sober up completely. I wanted to say talk to you some other time but the last time i posted was about exactly a year ago so I don't think it will happen.


post tits with timestamp, i know you're a girl OP what other faggot would post something this gay?

t. fedora

Are you me? Jesus you're so relatable it's painful. I don't really have any real friends either. My "friends" are only happy when I fail, a bunch of gossiping busybodies. They only call when they need something or their current significant other leaves them.

I recently got a call from my best friend. Well I use to consider that person my bestie. We haven't spoken in months. Just called to ask me for loan, and I almost said yes simple because I missed her.

Try making friends online. I have so many gaming friends. Every time I log in, I get a invite. It's nice talking to strangers because you can make a fool of yourself or just be yourself, unleash your concealed power level.

Can you give us a state so we can potentially look out for when the time comes?

Opposite actually. Mormons aren't true Christians. I'd be committing a sin I could never ask forgiveness for if I pretended to be one of them, even if it was only with my tongue.

I've made friends online before. It's been deep in some ways. In others, it really hurts not to have that flesh and blood connection.

I don't know. I can't do my home state, so I'll probably go with my birth state. If Arizona isn't infested by illegals and turned into a liberal voting pool by then, I would probably pick that.

Birds of feather

Honestly, the closest I even come to human interaction is doing a lab report with a lab partner. I don't even talk to my professors…
I have 0 friends and I'm not worried. You shouldn't either, just make sure you have social skills so you can actually communicate with people when it's needed.

And get shot like Kennedy if you dont follow your master.

You know that you are talking with non marxists with some studies when the "tips fedora" is used to name antichristians, because this is what fedoras are, they dont give a fuck about anything else.

Perhaps, you are right… Do you want to be friends, , , & ?

Lets despair together!

Curious, if you dare…. How does your post make you feel? Are you so close to ejaculation knowing that you sure did show a broken man what it is like to be defeated? Did you cum all over your monitor in excitement knowing that you have added the a normal conversation by simply posting a simple picture without any addition copy or context? This must be your first job bruv. I feel sorry for you as you agree with the mainstream consent while you slowly die amongst the culturalism you, yourself have been apart. You will die among the the metaphor of basic cultural miscegenation of the global village and would never wake up until it is too late or until you are so fucked up that your children are whores and your wife is a piece of shit, or that of a shared existence. People such as yourself are so gone because you refuse to take a stand. You merely sit on the fences throwing banana peels in one or another direction. You do not have the balls to take a side and yet you mock from the sidelines as your people die. You may not see it today, but it will be evident in your children's generation. I shall call you…. Steve. For now.

blogpost friendly circle jerk ;^)

I remember after high school everything slowed down in general; or at least my life did. I had become so used to the 13 year cycle of get up- dress- leave-bullshit-return-sleep-repeat, that I was not prepared for the real world. Hell, 25-35% of my life was gone, and for nothing really.
I use the internet as a source of conversation, and it was through that [esp. facebook groups and meetup groups], that I found a few external links to the localized world, however weird it was. Outside of people, which are few and far between out here, I do various hobbies like brewing, art, etc.

same here wanna be friends?


Then you're going to have to explain why they weren't around in the era of Christ, why they didn't learn from the Son directly like the one true church.

Oh, feels thread? Looks like I'm late again.

post more ichi.

Sounds like you need a change of scenery.

I've just the one sadface. Is he your husbando or something?

No I just need more images in my matsufolder

Man, I wish I could give you a good answer. Some hope. Maybe I can, a little. I had friends in high school – guys I hung out with outside of school, some of whom I could talk with seriously. I'm still in touch with a couple of them. But it's hard, and it doesn't get easier. If you look, you'll find the occasional person you can really connect with. And it's worth it. But you'll probably never have a group of friends who you gel with like that. It's hard. At the risk of sounding elitist, some of us just aren't like most people. Our kind are few and far between.

I'm the guy - yeah sure, wanna add me on something outside of here? Kinda difficult to keep in touch on a anonymous image board.


i've created a discord

What a fine example of the loving caring sharing friendly group of fine individuals, that make up your beloved "Image Board Culture". You must feel so proud.