Bethesda. See Fallout 4:
There's one racemixed couple. The younger, blacker son steals from the family and goes to join a band of raiders. The older, whiter son is more normal and runs the family's (shitty) business selling a whole 30 caps worth of garbage. The father pretends to be an alpha to his sons but is a bald, fat beta controlled by the mother.
There's another racemixed couple in a vault. Black male, white female. The black male is sleeping around with other women and the whole vault knows it.
You can force it by making your player character choices different races but that's you being a jew.
Gee, I wonder what group this sounds like…
A jew-run food canning plant where meat is placed into cans… but the majority of it is feral ghoul meat.
The jew is selling ground-up, heavily irradiated, people and passing off any complaints as being someone else's fault.
The only City left in the greater Boston area, and everyone's an asshole. From the rich fucks that live in luxury to the poor fucks who live on mattresses in the dirt by the water pool, everyone's an asshole that gives you shit for just existing. The police force either accuse you of being a synth or tell you to fuck off and not investigate a murder made in the middle of town.
There is one news reporter that is publishing the truth like a real journalist (something our real world counterparts could stand to learn), and what happens? The powers that be are trying to SHUT IT DOWN.
Contrast that with the small towns and settlements. Citizens there will complain from time to time but out in the country, there's no room to be a cunt.
If you destroy the (((Institute))), suddenly they become much more agreeable, and only the upper class and the (((mayor))) have a negative reaction to you.
An optional follower quest involves curing a likable Irish woman of her deadly addiction to chems, fixing her problems in the process. She rightfully gets angry with you if you take any drugs or offer to help others get them after curing her. The game further chooses to show you how much that sort of shit fucks you up and destroys you despite short-term benefits, which these fictional drugs actually have.
The only way to survive and thrive in any aspect of the game is through hard work. No shortcuts, welfare, or safety nets available. You lose? Your fault faggot, try harder.
unless you're a faggot and just use console commands to get everything while rubbing your hands
I think Holla Forumsish devs are considered the east, at least eastern europe.