Looks like Adult Swim and Toonami are both completely cucked

Looks like Adult Swim and Toonami are both completely cucked.

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I don't get it
Who's this faggot ?

Creative director of toonami and Adult Swim. He is also the guy that allowed that one animation about being against Holla Forums and GG.


You're right, he forgot "cuck".


He's right though

Such a thing happened? How did I not hear about it?

Toonami's return to TV was doomed from the start and adult swim is boring as shit now.

wait so this is the guy who decided we need more seasons of flcl? fuck him with a knife

wait they made more seasons of flcl? I thought it was only one season?

it is
this new shit doesn't mean anything, it's like dragon ball gt or the last season of yuyu hakusho
it never actually happened user, it was just a nightmare

They commisioned Gainax a new season

Seems appropriate for a cuck.

A person who has learned his morals circlejerking the current political correctness until it losses any depth.

People who criticize sub-cultures without trying to understand them.

People who only scratch the surface of understanding of any topic/sub culture and pose a higher knowledge until their morals crash with the depths of it.

Extremely exaggerated nicknames used to describe living stereotypes or people who only let to the public a flat representation of themselves.

No. Production I.G. recently got the rights to FLCL back from Gainax, so Adult Swim paid for more seasons.

I don't see a real problem with it unless the DeMarco is going to have a hand it it. IGPX proved he not a good writer.

they could get 100% of the old crew working on it and it'd still be a drastically different product because they're not in the same frame of mind that they were any more

If they're going to feminize it I prefer them making it about female puberty rather than cucking male.

Agree, real doods use "normalfag" or the most coll of them all "regulars"

How did World Peace get through this guy?

Which is why I hope they do something different. I want them to make their own separate stories with these new seasons, with only Haruko(and maybe Amaro) the only common bond between them.

If they could pull off two seasons of fucking around stylishly, I'll be satisfied.

He's been regulated to toonami duty, and if Loiter Squad taught us anything, it's that Lazzo's unhinged autism slams down with the force of a giant

the only carry overs should be the lore
no recurring characters whatsoever

No, you have to have Haruko. Her quest to capture Atomsk is what drives the plot.

I remember that one. Didn't know he was a writer for it?

what drives the plot is the conflict between atomsk and people who want to control or restrict his actions

All that did happened?
I was sure everything was a big sexuality allegory.
They even say nothing interesting or special happens there a couple of times.

In all honesty while I love the guy for being a big part of early CN and what made the network great, I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest he's past his prime.

He was a decent DJ back in the day but NuToonami's soundtrack isn't that cool and a lot of the anime picks are just bizarre. Who the fuck wanted PARASYTE?

I'm surprised they didn't throw "cuck" in there, too.

Only casual normie faggot niggers say cuck these days.

They should just give Japs bunch of money and let them do what they want. It worked out pretty good with Space Dandy.
Pany & Stocking would be a better choice if they really had to bring an old series back, and it would fit better with Adult Swim's other material.

To be honest, I find some of these idioms annoying.
Not a SJW I swear!

I still waiting for the GooberGloblin nu-PPG episode.

I just fucking hate Normie.

I don't know why, I just fucking hate it. Its like some shit a 12 year old would say.

Is called…

Probably because it was popularized by /r9k/.

Do you think newfags even remember what /r9k/ is without searching it?

Twitter is on its way out anyway, and social media does nothing but allow circle jerks and mob mentality.
Tumblr is good for porn if you have a specific fetish that's hard to find porn of
can confirm

whats he fetish here? isnt that just an orc lady?

Oh, it's someone saying something stupid on twitter again for edgelord points. I can't even pretend to be mildly annoyed about this.

It was unrelated


Looks like he is going full spergout mode. He is now talking about how he wants to stop anime from airing on CN due to bigots. This is a small part of his faggotry.

Wait so he's so obsessed with anons on the internet that he will prevent anime from going on CN? Jeez how petty is this guy?

Yes. He sperged out hard over people shitting on him and some tweets shitting on him being popular. He isn ow full on trying to get all of his SJWeeb friends to shit talk anyone.

Makes me happy I don't watch AS anymore.
He's probably part of the reason they insist on continually playing the garbage that is The Cleveland Show, simply because its a show about blacks.

Holy shit, they're going to turn FLCL into current year politically correct puberty aren't they?
If Naota turns into a tranny and is seen as normal I'm gonna kill someone.

Let's get #wewantNutshackonADultswim trending. It will trigger SJWs so badly.

wait SJW's get triggered by that?

good strategy

Couldn't we go to Crunchyroll for anime or just pirate it instead?

Looks fake, post an [archived] link

Read any nutshack review. They all bitch about homophobia and transphobia. Every last one of them.

Should I watch it? It looks absolutely godawful, but I feel like with as many times as I've watched the intro, I might as well.

Here you go.

If Toonami is cucked then is Steve Blum who voices Tom cucked as well?

I have seen almost the entire first season of the nutshack and I love it
everything is so bad that it's funny and they mock pinoy mannerisms so much especially with the tranny

Seriously? Because it makes fun of bad trannies and gay shit happening to Phil is treated as a joke/karma?

look at him backpedal hard

Try a little harder shill.

He has a say in what airs and doesn't ton


According to this tweet he's not gatekeeper and we're the morons with no reading comprehension.

No, just you.

Of course he'd fucking say he's not a gatekeeper. He wants to be all inclusive after all. To people like him, image is everything and the term gatekeeper has negative connotations with his crowd, especially since he's anti-GG. A huge part of the anti-GG narrative is that people who are pro-GG are gatekeepers.

the ironing


what if somebody (ie; me and others) developed a program that aired tv programs such as: Legends of the Galactic Heroes, Rockman.exe, Dragonball-GT, GITS, Cyborg 009 etc etc as well as may toons as such: Ed, Edd and Eddy, Samurai Jack, Megas XLR, PPG before the Cancer etc.

I mean it, I get about…3TB a month on my internet plan. I am very computer illiterate (I'm a builder by trade) and would happily, HAPPILY, create a channel for you lads if you'd like it. I'd stream it, edit it, all of that shit.

You've been my best friends, so, let me do something for because honestly? I love you lot. It may be because I've an entire bottle of whiskey but mates, you're the closest thing I've had to family and friends off site.

So! How's this, you lot tell us what to do and I'll set some shit up for our own channel, eh?
Ready for it in any way. Tell me what to do and I'll do it, out of pocket and all that innit?

Oh and "DON'T U WORRY ABOUT PRISON" already been for the same charges and I'll tell you what mate, it aint so bad.

Ready and waiting, aye? Always loved the rough and tumble, just need some brothers with me, eh? Better if your 1%, eh?

How did Sam Hyde get a show if this guy's in charge of Adult Swim? And what happened to Mike Lazzo?



The creative director of Toonami just told me to kill myself.

If you use one of the words he lists, REGARDLESS of context, you are "trash." What is "trash?" The word "trash," when applied to a human being, means "worthless." "Of no value." "No reason to be here." At best, it's a statement that no one would care if you kill yourself. At worst, it's a statement that the world would benefit if you killed yourself. I take words like trash, scum, garbage, etc. very seriously.

The creative director of Toonami just told everyone who uses words he doesn't like to KILL THEMSELVES, ironically using a word that I don't like.

I am filled with pure contempt for this man.

But hey, at least he's not Milo Yiannopoulos!

Steve Blum was chucked the moment he endorsed whorrasrseami

because only normalfags say it you fucking normalfag.

Well we already have one streamer on here. Another couldn't hurt

I'm talking about twitter "controversy" in general. Someone says something stupid, people get triggered and chimp out, but nothing actually happens and the entire incident is forgotten until it happens again in some eternal cycle of circlejerking and chimping out.

I think what he said was stupid, but it's blatantly obvious that it was made to piss off certain people because what else can you do under a 140 character limit?

This guy is in charge of Toonami which I think is disconnected from Adult Swim. But yeah it is pretty amazing Sam got a show on AS given this sort of person is working there. I imagine they just consider the jokes to all be getting done ironically similar to how Dave Chapelle basically did a minstrel show ironically.

Still I'm pretty glad I moved on to watching streaming services like Crunchyroll and Hulu rather than this bullshit on CN. I've felt like the channel was basically fucked for years when they'd fuck with how some of the anime was aired and didn't seem to care it might annoy some viewers. There's never been much sign that they cared about trying to make these shows palatable for people to watch and instead felt comfortable with it being a chore to figure out what they were airing and when.

Given the surrounding comments, it's more likely it was done to virtue signal. It's an insight into what all is going on at Toonami since this is a major figure there deciding how western audiences will be seeing anime.

It's like when you find out the reason for a lot of the censorship on twitter and facebook is because the people working at those places are liberal extremists that will defend pedophilia if the pedophiles have the right politics. It's not really worth chimping out over, but it is interesting nonetheless.

What about a chav/bosozoku streamer who fuckin' loves his mecha?

Sound good, eh?

As I said though, I'm a builder by trade but have a fuckload of shows on me hardrive/a fuck load of gig to spare.

Just give us a site to upload it to, eh?

toonami is just for nostalgiafags and weeaboos now

and adult swim might as well just be called the fox block on cn

i can only hope for trump's success in a week against these faggots.


Toonami is shit and Adult Swim hasn't been good in years.

So why does this matter again?

what animation

Only normalfags use the word normie
>>>/reddit/ will be more to your liking

you barely moved an inch

Isn't it ironic how you guys got as triggered as SJWs over one post? Honestly

Stop misusing that word

Less triggering and more virtue signaling on all sides.

Pick one and only one



Panty & Stocking could use a reboot, dump the ugly art style but keep the characters, personalities and overall plot.

The fact that you hold this opinion confirms without a doubt that the only faggoty jizz-sucker here is you user

The art style was the point. It's meant to look and feel like a western cartoon, which is why it would fit much better as something funded by Toonami. Especially because it ended on a cliffhanger. No one ever asked for another season of FLCL.


Implying it doesn't leans to the other extreme.

Careful, you'll summon Holla Forums.
Extremes come in waves. I think we'll have around a decade until we get the next extreme, after SJWs finally die out.

First The Mary Sue published a few anti-anime articles, then they announced Anime Feminist (which they promoted along with Kotaku or someone like that), now this guy is joining in too. It's a coordinated push and they're going to try to gain as much control as possible until the Olympics, which will be the best time to launch an all-out attack. Anime is going to be in for a very wild ride, but hopefully only in America.

Calm the fuck down.
This beasts couldn't coordinate shit even if all the jews were helping.
Japs would cancel the Olympics before being forced to obey shit.

In the "gamers are dead" incident, numerous gaming sites simultaneously launched articles (like within 12-48 hours of each other) all having the same talking point that "gamers" are "dead" and don't need to be the industry's audience anymore. It was a coordinated push. SJWs also have a hive mind and network with each other a lot, so they don't necessarily even need to coordinate things, at least not more than once or twice to get the ball rolling.

SJWs can't outright force Japan to do anything, but that does not mean they can't influence them.

Decide for yourself. I find it incredibly fucking obnoxious, but maybe you'll be able to get some enjoyment out of it, like did.

We saw how well that gamers are dead shit worked out though.
People who care about anime don't even watch Toonami. Maybe they watched Toonami when they were kids but that was the gateway for actively going after anime.
Toonami is pretty irrelevant on the big scheme of things.

Almost all game journalists and most developers and publishers are aligned with SJWs, so it worked out pretty well. And of course the whole thing goes far beyond just video games.

Toonami may have no power to act as a gatekeeper, but it's still significant that they are publically giving their support to SJWs and their anti-anime project.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a Nazi.

There's nothing wrong about supporting national socialist ideals, but racism by definition is retarded.
Not to mention that Stalin kicked Hitler's ass because his vision and objectives were totally skewed by personal boogeyman's to the point Stalin was afraid to kill Hitler just in case someone actually competent got in charge of the Nazi party.

I have nothing against nationalism, but its fucking stupid to use nationalism to promote a fascist dictatorship fueled by the racism of one man which is what the third Reich is known for.
Man Hitler really fuck it up at combining nationalism with racism.

civic nationalism = kosher non-nationalism

Racial differences are essential to culture building. median IQ more importantly

Are we gonna discuss Adult Swim and Toonami or are we gonna have a Holla Forums-Holla Forums fight again ?

Everyone engages in it, and it is a fact of life. It is natural, and neither good nor evil. You may not like nature sometimes, but it is quite effective overall.

Is anyone even watching Toonami anymore? I know nothing, not even JO JO, gets my interest up to watch it.

Both are attempted gatekeeping efforts at only pushing ideologically consistent media towards impressionable youth(kids and teens respectively).

ITT: Holla Forums finds a way.

You're more retarded than a nigger.

Look I did it again.

Was this like a regular thing? Weebs bullying him on twitter till he had a meltdown? What made the weebs want to bully him? The shows he picked for toonami?

Toonami hasn't aired in my country in fucking ages, same goes for Adult Swim
That time-slot is filled with re-runs of Autism Time and such


Stop using a good character like Bugs for your retardation. He deserves better than that.


Just because its natural it doesn't mean its right.
Judging someone by generalizing, or a group by speculation is literally lowest common denominator shit and not caring for content.
One thing is to protect your ideals and group morals and other thing is wanting to eliminate someone for not belonging to them.

I watched Toonami as a kid, but I never watched the new one because I don't have a TV anymore. I always thought it was shit, especially when they wanted to revive old shows again. Guess this confirms it. I hope it dies when TV dies after this election.

"right" or "wrong" are subjective to begin with. Who are you to determine what someone's perception of right or wrong is acceptable? You as a human generalize to begin with due to your limited capacity to understand reality to begin with. We aren't bred for that.

Kids, stoners, insomniacs, and people too dumb to google anime title+watch online. Adult Swim in general has very little to offer. Only good things that they had going for them in recent years have been World Peace and Venture Bros. There were also Metalpocalypse, Boondocks and few other pretty good shows not too long ago, but for every decent show you have half a dozen bad ones.

I don't think kids stay up at the point Adult Swim starts.

Unplugged is good.


Stay salty Anthony.

There's one better: Jake Rapp. Look him up sometime.

It pretty much does, fam, unless you don't believe in evolution. Our nature is adapted to necessity.

No, we've discussed this. Anthony Burch is still more of a cuck than Rapp could ever be, specifically because he was cucked out of the title of the biggest cuck.

Not necessarily, because it's Burch who gets all the "glory" of it, unlike Rapp.

Doesn't mean it's right or wrong. It just IS. Some cannot accept that for some reason.

People may have differing accuracy on their moral compasses, but that doesn't mean there's no objective morality.

There is, but you believing that you know it over someone else itself is your folly. The pursuit of it is worthy regardless.

Tree-hugging-fucking faggots. Get off my internet hate machine.


Great another shit thread courtesy of /a/ and Holla Forums. Thank you guys one can never get bored with you two around

The site'd be dead without them, and you'd know it.

Be thankful, and stay out of the way.

Your welcome.

Only tweens and fedoras believe in gray morality to have an excuse for their shitdoings.
It's true that morality is subjective, but definitely exists for everyone and everyone has their own set of black and white.
I admit I fuck it up there by saying natural doesn't mean right if applied to racism.
Racism, by definition criticizing anyone with no basis but race, is brainless.
Is also natural to let yourself be cucked by a male more alpha than you. Are you gonna let that happen?

Racism in imageboards is retarded.
It doesn't matter how much white power you sperg out, as far as I know you're a self hating black tranny.

Racism is love.
Racism is life.

Considering that you ignored my point to begin with, I'll address your strawman.

IDpol. You can do better than that or take it elsewhere user.
You lose the argument right there, and also where the strawman lies. Morality has yet to be determined if it's subjective OR objective, but what isn't in debate is our perception of such IS subjective. It also renders the rest of this statement moot(False dichotomy, ignoring a third option).
It isn't right or wrong, but another force applied to humanity. It's part of who we are.
And that "racism" you're talking about is a base survival mechanism, part of which is outgrouping anything different than you, due to how differences can and do lead to conflict.
People do that all the time, or they take the time to improve their station in life until they're at a stage they're comfortable with.

You double nigger.

if you don't let that happen doesn't that make you the alpha by definition ?

IDpol is retarded, but he likely doesn't know what that actually entails.

No if he can still fuck you up. And would fuck you up and your woman still goes with him.
The point is to face him, even if you're not the alpha or you end up dead, is for honor.

What I said is that is retarded to call yourself of a superior Aryan race if you're a faceless, voiceless user on an imageboard and you may as well be lying or self hating.

are you implying that the alpha and the beta know who is the alpha and who is the beta ?

So is fear, doesn't make you any less of a little bitch when you pussy out.

Of course they know, but we are not simple animals anymore, we don't obey pure instincts we can fight it, and yes it causes weird results but there's no perfect option ever, everything carries a consequence you may not like.

This guy gets it.

Some butthurt kike or nigger itt


See :
And then smack yourself. Do you even remember what you're stating?

Fear is natural, but what you do with it determines who you are. For some, it's fuel. Others? They wither from it.

You thinking fear inherently is bad demonstrates your lack of understanding of human nature.

Goddamn it, we summoned Holla Forums.

We are always here.

Fight what ? Animals always fight since is the only way to know who is at the pinnacle.
and humans fight for the same reason even if we can deduce who is the alpha and who is the beta by observing. Is our instinct, call it honor or whatever but we fight because even if we know the result we have this gut need to know who is the best by simple means

No one actually believes that, faggots. You only come for the threads about SJWs and then you fuck off elsewhere. The only time I ever see any of you fucks talk about actual comics/cartoons other than complaining about SJWs, it's to complain that there's too much cucking. That's why the only time you'll actually get shitposting like this is in threads like this. You can talk shit about Holla Forums anywhere else and you won't appear, because this is all you're here for and you didn't even show up at first, anyway.

Look newbie, I'll spell out the obvious for you: They like to pretend they're your boogieman in an effort to get you to dismiss those concerns via a convenient identity. In this case, Holla Forums strawmen in order to discredit attempts at criticizing awful comics(by making weak arguments and forcing yet more idpol onto what's supposed to be an anonymous imageboard).

Whatever you need to believe to get you through the day. It's an anonymous board, you don't know who anyone is until the subject comes up.

GOD why are all of you so dumb, die in a fire each one of you fuckers

You yourself do not appreciate said system by trying to separate yourself from said base instincts. They're there for a reason.

People are social creatures user. We're all animals, including those monkeys you just tried to deflect to.

Your explanation is fucked but if I'm reading this correctly and you honestly think SJW shills are here in this pathetic excuse for a board, pretending to be Nazis in an attempt to make us enjoy bad comics, then you're even more retarded than Holla Forums is.

Here's a primer that even newbies like you might get: youtube.com/watch?v=sS9olPA2BK0
Shills will push bullshit to make you like something, hate something else, or dilute actual discussion merely in order to promote an agenda. The point is artifice.


if I can't say nigger I am not free
if you disagree I know the perfect place for you

I just can't bring myself to care about this shit anymore. Let them rot in obscurity instead of giving them the one important thing; Relevance.

That would be great user.

It's all you got eh? While they aren't the same, the relevant groups are all social creatures.


spot the furry

Still fishing for that identity rather than addressing the argument. Sad really. Time for bed.

That made me smile, is the rest of the series worth watching?

what you want me to tell you ? i think you are pretty stupid for thinking that canidae and hominids are alike but in the most essential things. Which mind you don't include the fine parts of his social and sexual behavior

Didn't the SJWs just destroy Lazzo for what he said about female creators?

Which, I think, is probably telling of internal struggles within Adult Swim.

Lazzo and DeMarco used to be tight. Together with Akins they basically founded Adult Swim, Toonami, and half the other golden age shit in that vein. Their relationship goes back decades. For Lazzo to take a stance like this and get so aggressive about it means Akins must've gotten pozzed to shit and back somewhere down the line.

It must have been FAIRLY recent too. I remember back in 2011 right before Toonami got cancelled Akins was super involved in the community. He loved us and was willing to work with every shitty little fan blog related to his work and do it for free. So it must've been within the last five years.

Wait, lazzo went SJW recently? Didn't he just shit on them like a month ago?

I watched a few episodes because a stoner friend of mine always had this playing in the background when we were over at his house. It's alright.

I didn't realize /a/ is now responsible for what Holla Forums does.

That you lack reading comprehension is telling. The three groups described are social animals primarily. You're assuming I said that they're the same when they aren't, but they're all bound by nature's rules, including us.

Do you try really hard to be this retarded, or is it natural.

gee sherlock, how does that work?


define equal.

Did you know you can go to Holla Forums right now and shitpost with the rest of them?!

So naive.

Same dick size and identical jaw shape.

Or about how cartoon girls are ugly and can't never be true waifus like beautiful Anime babes.

Make it seems as if Anime gilrs were big black guys and cartoon girls like little hapa boys.

My childhood has been ruined

It was one animation of vivian being played by some fat neckbeard with a fedora who kept getting her killed in a game to show how creepy and bigoted GG and Holla Forums is. The girl, or a tranny I think, made it to show how much she hates GG and how violent everyone on Holla Forums is. She also went into explicit detail about how much she wants to kill vivian, a fictional character, as well. The animation was approved by a lot of higher ups at toonami and adult swim and they loved it for that apparently according to the animator.

I have never known a black guy who didn't say nigger every now and then…so is he saying black folk are trash?

You mean this one?


Yep. That is the one. The creator of that really hates vivian. A lot of the people at adult swim and CN are huge SJW faggots though.

Sounds like she's projecting a lot of her own inner anger.

Wonder how he's feeling about now?

Probably rioting with the rest of the dumb wastes of air.