Homosexuality: Finding the Cure

Hi, Holla Forums. I was reading some 1940s fascist literature earlier, and it really inspired me to make the world a better place. It occurs to me that these literal faggots keep showing up every day saying, "Oh hi guys. I'm gay. Can I b NatSoc? I'm real fashy as you can see. Check out my swastika tramp stamp.” It's a bit weird, but they seem to be asking in good faith. That's why I decided to go ahead and find a cure for homosexuality real quick.

We know that the cause isn't completely genetic for several reasons: A) Animals keep turning into fags. Evolution should have already bred it out in animals. B) Twin human beings have different sexual orientations. The fact that it exists in animals also demonstrates that it's not a choice (for non-Jews).

Modern theories point toward epigenetics. Some white scientists argue that homosexuality may be the result of a fetus' exposure to testosterone. If a male fetus gets too little testosterone, he grows up wanting to suck dicks. If a female fetus gets too little, she grows up wanting to lez out. So, to cure homosexuality, I've conceived a fool-proof blitzkrieg that will utterly devastate it:

1) Air: The first step is to drop some awareness bombs about androgen levels. Every Aryan mother should get tested for abnormal androgen levels during pregnancy (this can be done with a urine test). If those androgen levels are out of whack, she needs to consult with her doctor about getting them straight. Dietary changes have been shown to help. Perhaps in time there will be a ready-made pill for producing a healthy cisgender heterosexual baby that instinctively roman salutes Adolf Hitler.

2) Armor: If we are to help these entryist faggots, then we need a medical treatment to keep enemy cocks from piercing their ass-tanks – some kind of pill to alter their gene expression. All it will take is a Mengele-style doctor to find a few pro-NatSoc faggots, start giving them various chemical compounds, and repeatedly ask them, “Did that make you like chicks?” Current epigenetic theory will likely help narrow down the list of possible substances. The only reason this hasn't been done already is because (((they))) have no desire to get rid of faggotry.

3) Infantry: With the cure found, all that remains is to convince the non-NatSoc degenerates to take it. Obviously that will be very easy once we… Make America Great Again, but in the meantime, we can send in Christian missionaries into San Francisco with a large supply of the pills.

Once racially aware doctors start cutting past the PC bullshit, there's no telling what we could do! They might even find a cure for blackness some day!

Other urls found in this thread:


What if he only wants to fuck other guys though?

We already have a cure for that.

There are pills available for curing it. They need to be delivered at a high speed directly into the brain for maximum effect.

Your "fool proof blitzkrieg" needs some fine tuning before you unleash it.

Theory A makes enough sense - if you make sure all of the natural machinery is optimized for heterosexuality, there is no problem.

Theory B is where things start to break down. If you haven't addressed the issues of timing in Theory B, you're not going to fix the problem in part B. This is because the problem has changed from the level of genetics to neuroscience, which is more pulsatile and reinforcement based biology. In other words, you could give them chemicals all day and nothing would change if they even remotely get back into the same environment. It's why addictions are often so hard to kick when they've been longstanding.

Part C is clearly dependent on part B, which is unlikely to show solid results. Maybe if you change up part B to some kind of mental conditioning program you'd have better luck. Or what suggested.

haven't addressed the issues of timing in Theory A*


You're just one among the masses whom which hold opinions they don't have a cause to have.

Are yous saying that we need "Binaural Beats to Make You a Nazi"? That's the way I'm reading what you're saying, and I'm not disagreeing.

If it's unfalsified, then what's the problem?

What happened after orlando some gays are arming themselves.

It's better to prevent such kids from ever growing up in an unstable enviroment. Once they are faggots, it's pretty hard to convert them.

-single moms
-feminist indoctrination centres aka unis
-chemical and GMO poisoning

And *poof* 99% of reasons for faggot existing disappear.

Why would you say something so silly?

Some people are bisexual. This means they can/will produce offspring, yet still possess an attraction to the same sex. This means their offspring may have possess the same genes for not-straightness as the parent(s), which may or may not lead to that offspring being bisexual/homosexual. This guarantees that the genes stay in the population.

You could only expect gays to "die out" if everyone was completely straight or completely gay. That has never been the case.

The number of married guys with children, who fool around with other men on the side, might alarm you. Whatever genes makes that dad like a bit of cock from time to time just got passed down to all of his kids.

The irony is that people like you create the societal pressure for him to conform to a straight, wholesome life, to get married and produce children, which basically guarantees that the genes of gay men will continue on practically forever.


For example, your first argument

Is flat out wrong because there are no exclusively homosexual mammals other than man.

So, what you're saying is that we need to promote degeneracy because opposing degeneracy promotes degeneracy? It's a negative trait. Time spent fucking male animals would be better spent fucking female animals. Over millions of years, it would have died out, merchant.

I dunno. Giraffes are pretty gay. Google says that up to 94% of giraffe sex is gay. How do you know that there aren't exclusively gay giraffes?

Yes, it should have. Thus you need to re-examine your assumptions.

IE whatever causes homosexuality in males causes increased fertility in females, and vice versa.

Thus, faggots are a side effect of sexy ladies.

Seriously, why would anyone give a fuck about whether or not faggots exist? Just beat the shit out of them when they get outed so they stay in the closet and act right (ie they don't spread disease). As it is they are an asset to the economy, as they contribute to economic production without producing children who consume resources. This means more resources for your children and mine.

The main problem with modern homosexuality is the fact that it is so accepted and that they are coddled. Men love to fuck, and if women were the same way, humanity would probably be extinct by now due to endemic STD infections. The easiest way to keep the spread of disease to a minimum is, again, to beat the shit out of faggots who don't act right. If they advertise that they are available for sex, that increases the likelihood of disease spread, which increases the likelihood of diseases spreading into the straight population.

For the same reasons, sluts and straight men who have multiple partners should be shamed, excommunicated, and/or beaten.

Once disease becomes a non-issue due to advancing technology, we can re-examine the issue. At that point I would consider lifting the ban on multiple partners for straights, and maybe only beat the faggots when they really get out in the open with their faggotry (IE men in hoods curbstomp faggots at gay pride parades).

Traditional attitudes exist for a reason. We need to understand the reasons for those attitudes, and only abandon them when the reasons become moot.

Tell that to my beautiful but 100% lesbian goat that refuses to be bred but always sniffs around the other nannies when they are in heat, and mounts them. She's got a few more months to show that she is pregnant before she goes to the chopping block.

the cure is >>>/christ/

I'm not a Christian, but I can't deny those trips. There you have it, gays that want to be NatSoc. Kek has provided you with a path to making that happen.

You forgot get rid of jews***

I can't remember who, but I read about some spiritual teacher years ago who would cure his homos by sending them to older, smothering in femininity prostitutes that would sex the gay out of them. They were like those professional love prostitutes in Heinlein's Time Enough for Love or the old dolls in romantic Wild West novels. Anyhow, I can sort of see how it could work if the fag wanted to change his ways.

9mm lead pill

Christian. Still bisexual. I wouldn't ever have sex with another man unless my lust competely got the best of me, but there is pretty much no way I've found that will make me stop being attracted to other guys. Why do edgelords think I should be killed because I get aroused by penises sometimes?

This thread is not about killing anyone. It's about finding a scientific breakthrough… kind of. Not really. It was more of a shitpost, tbh.

Do you have a girlfriend or have sex with women at least every now and then? I have a theory that being sexually suppressed and only having your own dick to masturbate leads to more same sex attraction, because you're constantly fucking yourself, self love, self obsession, and guys are closer to what you are than girls, so therefore you develop an attraction to them because you've come to equate sexuality with the male form.

I'm a virgin.

back to rebbit with you faggot

Well, then my idea makes sense. You've only had yourself to express your sexuality, so you mirror it in other males too. You've got like your normal genetic attraction to females, and a twisted form of sexuality that's developed thanks to only fucking yourself and associating sexual pleasure to the male form. Do you find yourself mostly attracted to males that look similar to yourself?

No, not really. I'm most attracted to the ones who're a bit effeminate, not a lot of body hair, round jaws, stuff like that.

I have several questions for you: 1) Do you think that binaural beats, hypnosis, or other forms of emotional manipulation might change your orientation. 2) Would you be willing to gay seduce married Jewish men to help facilitate a cultural crisis in Israel?

But they got rid /r/european, and /r/The_Donald is full of civic nationalist cucks.

This is fascinating, and it is an interesting area of research. Hmm… there are possibilities here. What if you created like fapping material with a gay person's "type" of guy, then tried to ween him off onto a similar looking woman?

Then he's either an underachieving faggot taking the easy route, or has a compulsive need to be dominant towards other men. Both can be treated with therapy to separate it from their sexuality if not get rid of their hang-up altogether.

No, I think that's too complex. If they're still young, bi, and sexually suppressed or a virgin, I think all they need is some actual pussy to covert them. They need to get their dicks wet and be inside a woman. That's the most direct and tangible transformation they'll get. I'd even suggest visiting a profeasional Madame just for this ourpose. But if they're past a certain age or acted on their homo tendencies, I bet there's a point of no return, and no amount of healing pussy will bring them back.

See above. You can either get a gf somehow, or try and find a nice girl on backpage. I'm pretty sure live pussy and the presence of a woman is going to convert you. I don't have any moral hang ups about prostitution in this case and neither should you. You can either attempt to fix this derangement or take measures to cure it before it builds up even more.

I don't have enough money for that.

I dunno, my type is kind of similar for both of the sexes, I've tried the weening thing and it just made me think about men more, I have the least amount of gay feelings when I just accept it. The "Forbidden" angle just makes it more arousing for me I think.

You're not some non physical being that doesn't have sexual urges and can be a celibate monk all the time. That sexuality is either going to continue to be bottled up and corrupted into more fag love, or you can get some pussy and let the natural union of male and female heal your perversion.

what about constant exposure to xenoestrogens? mineral oil is a xenoestrogen that never leaves the body once it enters it, mineral oil is the main ingredient in baby oil…imagine that how "convenient"

I'm trying to find a gf but most of the women I know are whores and I have bad social skills as well.
I have too much pride to go to a prostitute and I don't think I would be comfortable enough with a total stranger for it to be very enjoyable.

Go back to the drawing board, and come back with an answer that doesn't involve kike tomfoolery.

Mate, if it's a choice between pride and increasingly becoming a homosexual, I don't think there's much question on what to do. Maybe just get a nice body massage from one of the ladies on backpage who seems all right, with the nice music and calm setting, and she jacks you off at the end after having her smooth hands and presence all over you. You need to try something if you want to fix yourself.

I've been at the same level of gay for years, it hasn't decreased my attraction to women at all.
I'm sure when I find a decent girl this will all go away, and if it doesn't I can have a secret gay fap every once in a blue moon.
I'm not particularly panicked.

Nothing stays stagnate. You might even change imperceptibly. You will continue to go more one way or the other: the way of nature and woman, or the way of sexual corruption. It's just like what the jew is doing on the mass scale: humanity will either go away from nature and our natural instincts, or jew will suceed in making a total mockery out of life.

I wouldn't let it go on for long at all. Good luck.

I meant to say "either humanity will go towards nature and natural instincts, or jew will succeed in making a total mockery of life."***

daily reminder turmeric increases testosterone and balances your endocrine system
as well as many other thing

I'm gonna need some evidence for this. I used to work for the herbal jew (((young living))) and saw through their sham.

Can't find the rat studies but turmeric is real, it also recharges your liver and cardiovascular health

"Anti-Catabolic Potential of Curcumin

Curcumin is widely known as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, but new scientific evidence shows that it may also be anti-catabolic, insulin sensitizing, and even androgenic.

Studies have shown that curcumin supplementation inhibits protein degradation after injury and in cases of cachexia (general wasting usually associated with chronic illnesses), suggesting that curcumin does indeed display anti-catabolic effects.

Additionally, curcumin supplementation following eccentric exercise led to reduced post-exercise inflammation and markers of muscle damage while also improving exercise recovery. It's even been shown to reduce muscle atrophy in the presence of deloading."

Behavorial conditioning. Like when they tell smokers to not only ease up on cigs, they also tell them to start chewing gum. The underlying behavior is an oral fixation, so they can't just stop everything cold turkey or the individual will have a 'void' in their daily routine that needs filling.

I'm not super familiar with binaural beats, but if there's evidence it aids in mental reconditioning and behavioral replacement, sure.

fuck off christcuck
you're not Aryan
nothing in any Aryan literature is against homosexuality
hating homosexual activity is a jewish trait
you're a retarded goy


There's a lot of concern over xenoestrogens for men and how it's leading to the rise of beta-males; something with testosterone, not quite sure. The estrogen receptor isn't highly expressed in men, so are there other concerns about what it's doing? I found a paper from 2006 that suggested that estrogen treatment actually lowered the estrogen receptor in males and testosterone increase ER-beta (which as far as I know, is the one when over-expressed leads to mental retardation).


"The majority of printing inks are based on mineral oils (MOs) which contain complex mixtures of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons. Consumer exposure to these oils occurs either through direct skin contacts or, more frequently, as a result of MO migration into the contents of food packaging that was made from recycled newspaper. Despite this ubiquitous and frequent exposure little is known about the potential toxicological effects, particularly with regard to the aromatic MO fractions. From a toxicological point of view the huge amount of alkylated and unsubstituted compounds therein is reason for concern as they can harbor genotoxicants as well as potential endocrine disruptors. The aim of this study was to assess both the genotoxic and estrogenic potential of MOs used in printing inks. Mineral oils with various aromatic hydrocarbon contents were tested using a battery of in vitro assays selected to address various endpoints such as estrogen-dependent cell proliferation, activation of estrogen receptor α or transcriptional induction of estrogenic target genes. In addition, the comet assay has been applied to test for genotoxicity. Out of 15 MOs tested, 10 were found to potentially act as xenoestrogens. For most of the oils the effects were clearly triggered by constituents of the aromatic hydrocarbon fraction. From 5 oils tested in the comet assay, 2 showed slight genotoxicity. Altogether it appears that MOs used in printing inks are potential endocrine disruptors and should thus be assessed carefully to what extent they might contribute to the total estrogenic burden in humans. "

and that is just baby oil…now add that together with thousands of other since birth in the food water medicine clothing printing ink EVERYTHING

show me the Aryan literature against homosexuality
show me where the god of the ARyans is opposed to homosexuality
only the Jewish god is against homosexuality

Ok I know this is supposed to be some type of ironic shitpost to make Holla Forums seem like fags but whatever I'll respond anyway.

First of all wtf does Aryan literature mean?

what a fucking cuck
you're not an Aryan if you don't follow the Aryan religion and if you're too retarded to even know what that means you can fuck off back to your Semitic Holy Bible

Okay here is Heinrich Himmler addressing a conference of SS officers.

is Heinrich Himmler God?

stop watching porn
receive fatherly love
stop taking drugs, get fit, and work full time
you can love a man, but confuse this for romance/sexual love when you're depressed enough


lol, Semitic as in Sons of Shem? An Aryan?

What book would be from the Aryan religion if not the Semitic Holy Bible?


I'd say this is the best solution.

How am I supposed to prove some vague concept of an aryan God's thoughts when you havent even stated your religion? Do you not care about respecting the beliefs and wishes of your aryan ancestors either?


there are no Aryan ancestors because Aryan does not mean white

I'm not getting too excited over that research. It also didn't address my question with regard to males being affected. MCF-7 and HeLa cells are female cancer derived. Now if the case to be made is that increased estrogen leads to female homosexuality, then yeah, this is on point.

Young Living is jewish? And even though YL is a pyramid scheme, essential oils still are very legitimate in a variety of applications. You just shouldn't buy from them due to their crazy mark up and over hype.

This topic is already settled, we know what causes human male faggotry, it is a parasitic brain infection spread by boy-rape. All faggots must be quarantined or exterminated.


Here are the main points of the gay-germ theory:

I. Homosexual behavior seems optimized for pathogen distribution. The huge sexual partner counts, extreme promiscuity, and waste product fetishism are ideal behaviors for rapid pathogen transmission.

II. The cycle of homosexual child sexual abuse is extremely apparent, a tiny proportion of the population is responsible for about 40% of child sexual abuse. This combined with the high rate of reported childhood abuse among those men who subsequently grow up to become homosexuals is strong evidence in favor of the gay germ theory.

III. Homosexuality has a high rate of co-morbidity with many other mental illnesses, this can be explained as a side-effect of the brain parasite.

IV. If homosexuality had a non-pathogenic cause, there would be no need for widespread homophobia to evolve. If some men voluntarily leave the reproductive market, this should allow the remaining men easier access to the females of the community. Objectively, a non-pathogenic homosexuality can be viewed as advantageous for the reproductive males. This does not happen in reality, almost every society treats homosexuals with violent revulsion. Homophobia is almost certainly an evolved response to a contagious pathogen threat.

V. Homosexuality has a very low twin concordance rate, ruling out any genetic explanations.

VI. Homosexuals appear to have a modified epigenome. The epigenome is a set of methylation markers on the outside of DNA which can control gene expression. Many infectious diseases are known to modify the host epigenome. The behavioral and phenotypical changes in homosexuals are likely induced by the modification of the epigenome in developing brain cells during childhood.

preference is based on negative and positive associations.
there is a causal relationship between mind and body. it is not exclusively one or the other that determines behavior.
inject negative and positive associations with those qualities that attract or dissuade people sexually.

You don't born with a dick up your ass and fags do it by choice. The west encourage these ideas so they will spread because people will think it's normal.

funny meme thread or just fbi?

I lean towards "gay germ" theory, but it's not nearly so open and shut as many think. I may write about this at length somewhere else (no one will read it here)… but GG and genetics are both stronger explanations than fetal environment, since fetal environment should cause nearly identical concordances for identical and fraternal twins, whereas in fact identical twins are higher (which fits with both the gay germ theory and any genetic theory).

But if (as seems very likely) the end result of whatever process causes homosexuality is strong neural feminization, and we can detect both behavioral and neurological evidence of the change before actual sexual preferences manifest, there is a strong case to be made for simply feminizing them (to the greatest extent possible) at or before puberty. Gays are degenerate, hermaphrodites are degenerate, transgenders are degenerate; but if the choice is between (a) a toxic, disgusting subculture… antibiotic-resistant diseases of every kind… the destruction of marriage, the family, and gender roles… a permanent and restless class of nihilists working to destroy us… (b) and, on the other hand, a tiny, invisible minority of infertile "girls" who have a XY chromosome but work hard to uphold strict standards of femininity in behavior, biology, and social role… then the answer is clear. -b- is far better.

+ Unnecessary Garrison / Virtujew Signaling
+ Making a revolutionary thread to discuss faggots on Holla Forums what has not been prompted by anything except the false tale of what is sitting on his nightstand.
+ Completely mechanical and unnatural "please let me fit in" one liners everywhere.

This thread is designed to clog up the catalog and keep beating dead horses.

The cure for homosexuality is strong fathers, male friends in childhood, and breast feeding.


And I forgot to include the image I came here to post