It got fucking seized. By German FBI - BKA.
I was there, I had around 150-200 posts. DL'ed stuff. Uploaded some.
Wat do, anons?
It got fucking seized. By German FBI - BKA.
I was there, I had around 150-200 posts. DL'ed stuff. Uploaded some.
Wat do, anons?
Other urls found in this thread:
Umm, what is it?
You don't need to know :3
you dun goofed OP
Quit posting your shit threads then. Nobody is going to gaf if they don't know what it is.
I'm sure the actual thing is child porn because b
I was thinking german file hosting site or something.
"elysium tor" is the protip
If you were careful you should be o.k?
Prove it.
thought so I just googled that, how long till the secret service folk knock on my door?
Don't worry dude, I was panicking for a few days when kickass torrents got taken down because I downloaded "The Avengers" from there but nothing happened! No knocks on the door! Absolutely nothing!
OP, when did this happen?
it can take year or two
Is that true? Can you get arrested for having visited kiddie porn sites 2 years ago?
You mean they could be on my hypothetical ass right now
Doubt it, if you haven't been caught after a year or two you should be fine. Unless you paid for something and acted like a retard and did some traceable shit.
so just visiting a few sites, possibly barebacking because of drunk logic, isn't going to get me (who is simply speculating) caught?
it's possible, hypothetically speaking
most likely you are fine
try not be too stupid in the future
It's usually within 3-4 months. Over 6 months is usually a stale case unless they've already subpoenaed your information.
Sometimes they immediately subpoena your ISP and wait until something else comes up. They sometimes wait until their next big pedo roundup and arrest everyone at once (for good press and more funding)
You were using tor right? But you'll be fine unless the nsa want you. Usually your isp keeps a track of your browser history for up to two months.
Alright, thanks. I'll be careful, kaashoofd.
Good info. I also figured they arrest big groups of people at once, to keep the element of surprise.
Sometimes I didn't use TOR. Being blind drunk, I just HYPOTHETICALLY visited SUPPOSED cp sites.
They do when it's a ring that can warn each other, but a lot of big operations are just simple p2p roundups. The suspects aren't related to each other.
YOU DIDN'T USE TOR? wow I'm surprised you didn't get caught on this HYPOTHETICAL situation, usually people would get when HYPOTHETICALLY using cp sites without tor.
That's how it looks right now.
I KNOW. It's such a retarded HYPOLOLICOL thing to do.
Guess I'm lucky :DDDD hyponiggericolly speaking
I don't think you realise how many people download CP every year. It's millions. People do it for years with their bare IP before it catches up to them. Most countires can only afford to arrest a few thousand a year.
Next time use this, don't waste your time with TOR
Yeah, I kind of regret googling that.
I used to be super into the darknet drug scene, but nothing else. While I'm pretty disgusted with the pedo communities operating on tor, I've always wanted to learn more about how they operate and how extensive their presence really is.
Don't know how to research that kind of topic without actually visiting any of the sites and/or unintentionally putting myself at risk. Can't say I'm comfortable with typing in google search queries about anything related to that topic, so I guess I'll have to remain ignorant.
Hah. Ya got me.
I got interested and did some digging before, found something called Daisy destruction and then researched it a bit. Seriously what the fuck, having a kid suck your dick is one thing, raping and then butchering them is just fucking sick.
Really? bare IP for cp? Why would you even risk that?
hypothetically if you're ever in the hypothetical situation copy this guy, ingognito is much better than tor ecks dee
There was no "butchering" in DD you newfag.
I thought there was? It was a snuff CP film, right?
Tor has around 2 million dailys users. 3% of Tor traffic is for onions/hidden service. And within that 3% of hidden service traffic, 20% is for child abuse websites.
Do the math.
Obviously, you noobs have never heard of the venerable '7 proxies' method
It's snuff, so it's butchering.
Correct, this other guy isn't too familiar with it apparently, that or the information I got out of it was inaccurate. But snuff is butchering in my opinion.
People are stupid. PhotoDNA on Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter has already reported over million people this year. People regulary upload CP to those sites. It's easy to find if you know how.
Human stupidity doesn't surprise me anymore, it's kind of funny in its own special way though.
apologies for plebbit but it's the best I could find.
Finding CP on twitter is easy. Find a questionable age or young looking 18 year old post. Look at who favorited it. Look through the followers and you'll eventually find accounts that tweet it. And that's just the one's that were able to get past PhotoDNA.
The twitter pedos are stupid. You can find large scale rings of thousands of them who follow each other. Most with a suspicious avatar, private account and a kik in their bio.
You guys are such fucking dumbfucks I can't even. Have you ever watched it? Do you know how many vids the series consist of?
I know.
There are 4 vids. I have seen them, you can get them if you know where to look. Scully had 2 girls, correct, but the one that died wasn't even in the vids (she was 9, and Daisy was 18 months old).
What they were doing to her was bad, but it wasn't blood-brutal.
There were crocodile clips, she was hanging from a stick attached to the ceiling and was beaten repeatedly, she and her little underdeveloped vagina was smeared with ice cubes, she was hurt by hot wax dripping from a candle, she was pissed on. She was also forced to lick the perpetrator's pussy (Scully was a cameraman).
But she wasn't injured with a machete or knife or something. That's all bullshit. The infant didn't die. That's an urban legend spread by normies who have watched too much takedownman.
It was awful. The 1.5 year old girl screamed very much. It was kinda shocking, but it wasn't as bad as it is depicted by normies and moralfags.
That's all there is to it.
Germancucks are the worst
did you just admit browsing, owning and sharing child porn on a clear net website?
proxies aren't safe you nigger, enjoy the partyvan
Interesting.. can I ask what's your source for those numbers?
I just have a hard time believing cp sites have even 1/10th the presence as the darknet drug market does. These days, they're the biggest open secret in the drug scene, just look at the 140k subscribers on /r/darknetmarkets if you don't believe me. No one really gives a shit about policing anything related to it and there's massive amounts of money changing hands, so you know there's got to be extremely large amounts of traffic coming from the darknet marketplaces.
Now compare that to these seemingly poorly indexed pedo sites with almost zero presence on the clearnet that make little to no money. Maybe I'm underestimating the size and ingenuity of the online pedo community though.
the German eagle is so epic.
way more classy than the American one.
vpn and 7 proxies fag
a lot of metrics on Tor here.
you have to enable script in order to post here, guess what, you can use 1000 proxy, this wont help.
what are the 80% of users left doing?
The faggot who leaked the video to promote his site. Lux AKA Matthew David Graham.
damn, lame. that was a good one.
Thanks for the idea user.
1 million people use Facebook's hidden service a month. A lot of drug websites. Most big newspapers have an onion for anonymous tips now.
How do you determine where that traffic is going and if its related to cp though?
Seems like the analytics on that site is just for tor as a whole, don't see how you can quantify any of that data.
You can see traffic as a whole and traffic for onion services.
There have been a few studies that tried to track the amount of HSDir lookups for illegal sites, which turned out to be flawed because of automatic crawlers pinging certain websites.
The amount of traffic to CP onions is still unknown. Darknet Drug markets definitely get more traffic tho.
It's funny, The 2011 Anonymous operation against Lolita City led to one of the worst videos being released.
Lux browsed 4chan and found out about the darknet from the operation. He started his on site, met Peter Scully and leaked Daisy's Destruction.
lol this dude triggered so many hypocritical 'moral' pedos. he was probably the most hated person on the dark web.
wow, epping
that suburb has really turned into a shithole theser past few years
What if you use random dynamic IP(s) daily, or use VPN service? Is it possible for the ISP to trace all those IPs directly to you even if you do not do anything personal on the computer you use?
Never used this service that got raided, but just curious, I'm not too tech savvy.
also it's kind of funny how the article paints "user" as being anti pedo. I remember years ago on 4chan, I forget the year but it was when Snacks was still around, people posting cp was like a carnival event lol
>>>/creep/ not cp but
i heard Magic Kingdom got seized as well
not much time before xplay or boysvids4. 0
Your ISP keeps logs of who the dynamic IP was assigned to. Usually for about 6 months to a year. Police just ask, "who was assigned this IP at this date and time"
time to hide my back-up hdd in a lake and fill my main with zeros
Usually when Law Enforcement take over onions, they run the site for a few weeks with a 0day web browser exploit. Just using Tor isn't enough.
I guess they didn't bother keeping it open to trick users because they couldn't fool the "canary" thing
OK, here you go OP. Think about this logically for 2 seconds. The site was seized by GERMAN FBI. Not Interpol, though it is almost assured that the BKA will share what they find with Interpol. What that means is that unless you are in Germany you almost certainly have nothing to worry about unless you posted images that Interpol has not catalogued yet (new OC) or images that are related to active investigations. If you d/l a couple pics they are not interested in you, and if you are only posting a couple pics that everyone has already seen they are not interested in you because there are simply way too many people just fapping to pedo pics for them to bother with. They are after producers of pedo shit and mass distributors of pedo shit. Organizations. Rings. Not some drunkard in New Jersey fapping to pics of a kid that reminds him of his sister, sick as that may be. So you are probably ok unless you are a heavy trader or in Germany.
The other thing that should be kept in mind here is that one of the difficulties in combatting online pedo shit is that the standards are different in every country. What is acceptable in Russia is different than what is acceptable in the US. So a photo that would not be legal to post on a website in one country is perfectly legal to post on a website in another. Meaning that if you visit certain websites based in certain countries you can find lots of photos of naked children posted legally.
It is further complicated in the US because of the 1st amendment protecting artistic expression. You can find perfectly legal photos of naked children on US art photo websites. And while some of them venture into controversial territory because of their suggestive nature, because of the overall artistic context, these photos are considered to not be CP or exploitative, but rather are legally considered to be art. My point here is this: Unless you are looking for hardcore CP, there are literally tens of thousands of LEGAL places (even in the comparatively prudish US) to get photographs of naked children online. Photos which are legal to download, share, distribute, and have on your digital storage devices. So in reality, you don't need the darkweb or Tor at all if you want to jerk it to naked kids. You just need to know what clearweb sites to go to.
HCCP is another matter, and quite frankly if you surf the darkweb for it you are only going to find honeypots and other places that are being very carefully monitored. Tor will not help you in these circumstances, and in fact Tor makes it easier for you to be tracked in many cases. So here is the big secret you have all been waiting for: how hccp is done on the dark web. Most of it is not done on the dark web at all. The transactions are done over the phone by people who largely have prior knowledge of each other and have done business with each other before. The creator of the material informs the distributor that product is available, sample images are either viewed in person or sent via private courier on digital media, and a price is set. The payment (usually cash) is made and the product delivered, again either in person or via private courier. The distributor then informs his trusted regular customers that product is in. He sets up multiple hidden darkweb sites, and when a customer's payment comes in he uploads the product to one of them, sends the link to the customer and tells him he has X hours (dependent usually on how much heat they are feeling) to get the product before the site gets deleted. That is why these guys are so hard to nail down at the upper level. The customers and the distributors don't know each other in most cases, and contact is done through proxies or via 3rd party relays. Payment between customer and distributor is always in bitcoins. Often customers then become redistributors, and that is where most legal attention gets focused, because that is really the only in-road that LEOs have. But you can see that even if they make contact with a distributor, that distributor is not going to give them a large d/l window, and is going to be very careful with isolating himself from the site he sets up for new customers to d/l from. Especially if that new customer comes with references that are suspect.
Bottom line is that if you are fapping to naked pics of girls, odds are you are of no interest to anyone. If you are fapping to hccp, then you will be of interest. If you are dealing in cp of any sort then you will be of interest. If you are dealing in hccp then you will be actively pursued and at some point will be v&. And if you are relying on tor to protect you from anything, you are an idiot.
You losers, stop watching child porn and get out there and fuck some kids
Lol respect Lux you faggot, he was the real deal
MK seized? Wat?
Well thats quite disturbing. what does hccp mean?
lol pedos don't buy CP, it's traded for free. People who produce get access to higher tier forums and they trade amongst themselves, it usually leaks after a bust or a few years.
Producers like Falko who tried selling CP got angry at people leaking / pirating and stopped.
hardcore CP. Do you have any reading comprehension?
hc means hardcore. Hardcore means involving sex between two parties.
This. No one buys stuff. Even the shit traded in closed circles gets out after certain time.
I smonk'd alot of weed when I was 12
east asians and russians collect CP from around the web and sell it to idiots. They are the ones who spam chans. They also upload it to premium image/file hosts that pay out per view.
had a banner up past night
i immediately excited
Did you know the admin of a busted site was an Holla Forums shitposter. drunkmonk or crazymonk.. anyone know him?
you find that surprising?
Is that the recent sci-fi movie with Matt Damon?
World of Warcraft private server
no tl;dr?
What dont u understand
not sure if you're being serious or if you're just retarded.
No i didn't get seized yet, just tried. But we wont have too wait too long.
Creep is filled with 13+ year old roastie whores who aren't even showing anything nty.
I might not be smart enough for tor and crap but I still have standards.
tor just doesn't seem like a fun place.. I mean, I found a wiki once or something.. like wtf nigga how do I even find a website nigga much less an illegal one
Not really. Tor is safe if you don't fuck up. The silk road guy fucked up one day, and that's how they found him.
Of course it's tricky to not fuck up. That's the catch.
hahahaha withdrawl is a bitch you fucking loser
It really is easier to find shit here on the clearnet than it is on tor sometimes, especially if you have a clue for something specific
Hell, if you have the patience for digging through dead mega and rapidshare links you could find shit that's just been sitting out in the open for years
Though that really only applies to simple shit like attention whores doing stuff on streams while mom isn't looking, anything more you'd have to rely on those fucking spambots for, which I'm sure is a great way to get v&
They're just updating their servers is all.
Yeah… As soon as it gets back online, I'll be ready to log in! With JS on!
your fault for being
And you know this from direct experience? Because given what user wrote there it is pretty obvious that he does.
Pedophilia is actually the most humane sexual orientation.
It's a fact dude. Everyone who has at least some involvement with CP knows this.
how so?
You really believe that cp producers do not get paid? That they release the images just for fun? Or just for trade? Lel. Do you still put your teeth under your pillow when they fall out as well?
Yes, trade happens at one level, and at the lower levels the images get passed around freely. But that is not the level that the user was talking about. He was talking at the very top level. Between the guy who takes the photos/videos, and the first person/people he gives them to. That is a *financial* transaction, dumbass. People do not engage in that sort of risk on an ongoing basis for free. You are either naïve or stupid, I am not sure which.
You know, as they say it… Don't teach your father how to make children lol.
CP is made for fame and to get access to VIP circles (e.g. better materials). Nothing else. Anyone who buys CP is a dumbass, because he can get the same stuff for free.
The exchange medium in the vip sections are the private materials themselves. Not money.
98% of hardcore CP is from amateurs freely trading with other amateurs.
In the late 90's and early 2000's, there were a lot of softcore CP studios like LS and BD, which was only nude erotic posing.
You occasionally get modeling studios who do expensive "customs" and CP leaks from them. Also east asians camgirls who have children cam for money.
You still aren't understanding the distinction between the levels. What you are referring to, the "vip circles" is NOT the top level. That is high level *distribution*, NOT top-level production. The people who actually make the images and videos are NOT the people online distributing it. Until you can wrap your head around that basic fact, user's post will never make sense to you.
Correction: 98% of the hardcore CP freely available online has already been bought and paid for 9 months to 2 years previously, and has been in circulation among private collectors for that long before making it to the "freely available" level.
he's saying that the faggot who films it is not the faggot who puts it online and those two communicate with money. capisce?
In addition, there is stuff that *never* makes it to the "freely available" level.
That's what he's saying, but it doesn't work like that.
Oh no, some edgy kid from masterchan is here.
well then, you're the professional here.i'll take your word for it. i hope you get buried alive.
Jesus, Bart was a sick fuck. Tara's a massive whore now anyway, I recall someone found her legal nudes later on. Still, it's impressive that an 8yo can take a 12inch Vibrator to the hilt, so clearly he was training her right.
.. lol slut shaming a child rape victim
fucking clowns
By 2011, the active "Anonymous" movement (that actually got off their arses and did stuff) was no longer living on 4chan.
4chan is the birthplace of Anonymous, sure, but even when I first found 4chan (2007) it was really just mild pranksters doing things like skewing online poll results (Time Magazine person of the year LOL).
But yeah, there was certainly CP being thrown around 4chan in 2007. Barely a moralfag to be found anywhere.
If you remember WT Snacks then you were before my time, that's for sure.
Is it not "PTHC" anymore? Pre Teen Hard Core.
I thought HCCP might mean Hurt Core CP.
If a producer is recording himself fucking his little daughter to sell it on the internet he would already be fucking his daughter anyway even without profit. And the profit is insignificant, rarely getting lot more than 100$ per video.
fucking kek
Isn't that the site that has been up for years now? Is it true law enforcement doesn't give a shit about boys?
You are in Poland user…
As long as it wasn't baby porn nobody gives a fuck.
To jest wschodnia europa ty patologiczny.
I really want to see proof of CP on these mainstream sites like youtube and twitter I don't believe it.
Good thing Germans don't care about Poland.
Why are you asking for cp?
Why are you lying on the Internet?
reported, with your id
For what? Asking for proof of your dumb claim? Did I say "show me this CP" or "I would like to see PROOF" there is a difference you dumb yank also "with your id" what the fuck does that even mean you dumb american newfag?
I've never seen it.
Me to but you faggots keep saying that mainstream sites are full of CP.
I think its some fear mongering bullshit like 90s "teh pedos are coming in vans to our suburb".
There is no CP on clearnet let alone on fucking mainstream websites. Who would be that dumb.
You could find tons of ls and other modelling stuff on tumblr like 5 years ago with ease. So when they say cp I'm assuming they just mean softcore pics of naked kids or the shit you find on youtube were some kid is filming herself playing with dolls or w/e but isnt wearing panties.
They could also be talking about all the 12-16 year old grannies roastie whores who show their ass/tits on social media
I would not worry too much about it.
If they wanted to catch people using the site like the FBI did with Playpen, there would not be a warning telling you that the site has been seized.
That isn't CP. So faggot normies saying that shit are refering to like a house wife who uploads a innocent family bath video on facebook…
Thats as pathetic as considering creepshots porn.
That's disgusting! Keep nudity between pratents and children where it belongs - in the bedroom!
Lol, it doesn't work like that. If you're brave enough to produce shit, you're surely "brave" enough to share it.
holy fuck that's gold
what the fuck is it? re/b/oot?