I want to disappear from the internet. Become as untraceable as I can possibly be. How would I achieve this...

I want to disappear from the internet. Become as untraceable as I can possibly be. How would I achieve this? I already know about Tor, but I've seen enough to know that Windows 10 is one step away from keylogging me.

I don't have anything to hide, I'm just sick of hearing about how much every company and every website is spying on you, and how easy it is to trace your location online. I'm bloody sick of it. I like my privacy. But I also like Windows 10, and want to be able to play the games that only work on it and not Linux.

So how would I achieve this? I'm anxious to hear your answers. Hopefully there are others who want to hear them too.

Other urls found in this thread:


Remove botnet OS first

Use the catalog faggot

Well ya can't just go and delete Windows off your PC.

And what would that be?



Yes it is called kulling /system32

"Sides are at mach 1", v rotate.

Stop using the internet. You will become untraceable.

That's genius! How did I not see it before!?

Not so sure that'll work, buddy.

You can, usually. It's not even hard. Just install a Linux distro and tell it to use the whole disk during installation.

You cannot, you can stop using internet, but you cannot erase your data from servers, end of story.

install wishmaster


Give up your consumer narcissism.

Stop using the internet

If you want to use any windows operating system and stay anonymous do not connect it to the internet.
You can't do anything about it.

If you want to remain total anonymous while surfing the web use the tails distribution.

If you want not send corporations your data and still want to use a computer normally you need to:
-not use any non-free/libre software
note: this is mandatory
-Browser the web by blocking everything possible except css and images, or disable javascript.
note: browsing with the last said method you still reveal your ip.
note2: a vpn services cannot be trusted, but you can always use tor.
Note3: do not download with tor or install more addons in tor.
If you want to download anonymously specific software/protocols exist see this link:

By learning a lot
You need to learn how to compute.
-First step is to install gentoo.
-Second step is to make errors.
-Third step is to learn from these errors and not repeat them.
-Fourth step is to understand that any non-free/libre software is to be considered a trojan horse.
-Fitfh step is to understand with non-copyleft licenses (MIT, BSD for example) are bad in the long term and will led to the fall of the free software movement.

More knowledge to know:
-AMD still requires blobs to be functional even if the drivers are ""open sourced"" by AMD, it cannot be trusted.
-Nvidia doesn't make any free/libre drivers, only the "nouveau" community makes them for nvidia gpus.
-Only two gpu brands works with 100%free/libre software it nvidia and intel.
-Past 2009 AMD and Intel processors integrates Backdoors called PSP (for amd) ME (for intel).
-The FCC (in 2016) updated regulations that forces manufacturer to stop users from having free software/hardware wifi.
-Opensource is a buzzword and generally contain non-free/libre software, consider it has a trojan horse and be very careful, some legit project do use the term open source without being malicious.
See the FSF guide about Antifeatures in free software.

Last link is from the 33C3 it is about the actual state and use of data by corporations:

Good luck user and
Happy Hacking

This is a really good start, op. I hope it helps.

look it really works

Citation needed

You were off to a good start then you had to go full Stallman with your GPL rant. OP this post is a pretty good start, don't worry much with the copyleft drama though. As long as you have the entire source code and it doesn't contain some obscure piece that you can't inspect you're good. Understand that even an expert doesn't have time to troll through all the code and it's a group effort. Even in this user's beloved GPL software things have been found that shouldn't have ever been put their and directly conflicted with his beloved license.

The best strategy is to continue using all the accounts you've used for normalfag stuff. Don't out right delete them, just purge them off all old information that you can (and pray it isn't stored somewhere else) then continue posting normalfag stuff on it. Use an encrypted channel for all information you're worried about. Install a non-pozzed OS (limits you to Linux/BSD distros) combined with applications that follow the same philosophy of not fucking with the end user. Don't trust any machine, these faggots are worried about openly botnetted CPUs but that problem has existed for years. 99% of the hardware made in China comes botnetted from the factory and it has been that way for a long time. Older hardware is just as easy to exploit through known bugs.

Ditch the smartphone or continue to use it for just your normalfag stuff. Never send anything that can compromise you via SMS. Never assume the GPS isn't on, or the microphone for that matter. Don't allow cameras/microphones connected to the cell network/internet into your house. If you can't avoid that then at least keep them out of your bedroom and any place where you need to speak about compromising topics with people IRL.

You can't avoid the datamining so the best strategy is to employ extreme OPsec when needed and to fill the servers of the companies that datamine you with so much useless information that you confuse them. Even with good habits you'll be surprised how well it knows you and your habits.

One example of what I did when I purged my old stuff from the internet:

I had a faceberg account that I signed up for when it first came out and became available at my college. I had posts and things going back on that account for a long time. I wanted to purge it of everything.

What I ended up doing was using some plug-in for firefox that would automatically go through all my old posts/likes and delete them. It took days for this to finish and it missed a lot of things on the first time through. So I just kept re-running it and checking up on it. 5 days later I had a totally clean account.

Afterwards I was really careful about what devices I logged into that account from and what I posted on it. I share normalfag memes maybe twice a week, don't reply to much of anything, don't use the messenger, and have the account totally locked down. I make it look active enough that I don't seem like a total outcast.

Faceberg still has access to all that information and the Government too. However, my normalfag friends that like to snoop on people do not. Any company that I apply to does not, my current boss does not, I'm a ghost to them now.

he should have dumped that account and use a new one, right?

It doesn't matter the analytics behind this shit is eventually going to link them. I currently have 3 accounts on the website, two of which are under my real name. I'm certain all three are tied together.

What I did was a good compromise for my particular situation. I still have faceberg for family, I didn't have to dump the account and rebuild a social circle, and it looks normalfag enough that anyone snooping is just going to think I'm boring. I had to purge the account anyway might as well keep using it.

I've attempted deleting faceberg from my life several times now. I have to keep it for family social functions and side work. Those people will simply not go through the trouble of contacting me through any other means that isn't compromised anyway. I keep a Pidgin install active to receive messages. This was a good solution because it doesn't report back when I've read them and since it's always online no one can track my habits. As long as I stay on top options they constantly change and deleting my message history I don't consider it to compromise my OPsec. If anything it makes it better because I can throw a lot of bullshit at the software data mining me.

The only correct answer, but you also need to stop going outside, stop using a phone, and stop using a credit card.

You seriously think that "deleting" your shit on Facebook will actually delete it from their servers? It just removes it from users' view.

Just how patheticly shit are you?

I'm so bathetically shit that I don't even have a Facebook account which I would then need to delete my bathetic shit from.

That post is most likely referring to:

And their routers are great for flashing, so it's good they lost.

Holla Forums why don't people see the slavery we are all paying for the privilege of? I am not 100% safe, I doubt most anyone is, but Facebook? Seriously? I don't pretend to be very smart but holy shit I feel like a genius when someone tells me they still use it unironically.

Public education that trains plebeians to be good little consumers, mindlessly following orders from authority figures.

Read the fucking post I know they retain everything. I purged it so normalfags couldn't have a blue print to the last 10+ years of my life and I pollute facebooks analytics with bullshit. They can't even properly target ads to me no more (not that I can see them anyway).

I know

I made a mistake I can't take back so now I'm pissing in the ocean for fun.

i use fakebook to register shit like disqus accounts


...which are then all tied to your Facebook account (I doubt you create a new one for each website). You need to start thinking about compartmentalization. Signing up for a new email account takes 15 seconds with certain providers - in case the website doesn't accept temporary ones like mailinator or guerilla.

Good thing they don't have my fingerprints and DNA then. I'm not sure what your point is, they've been doing this openly since 2001. You can be invisible anymore. The only solution is to create a persona to blend in with the crowd of normalfags and do all your risky stuff over encrypted channels which you always assume are compromised too.

Let me know when you're willing to pick up a rifle and it'll change. I've been waiting on you all to get riled up for about 15 years now. Everyone just complains and does nothing about it.

'Cause I'm not going to be their poster boy for white terrorism.

You CAN'T be invisible

It's impossible though, because "the system" is everywhere, it is a global network within which we now function as its nodes. We are all its hostages, and most people have developed a Stockholm syndrome, siding with the system. But if you take out one part of the network, the system will just bypass it and rebuild itself instantly. That's the essence of network-like structures, as opposed to linear or hierarchical ones. I don't see any other way out except for the system to eventually collapse by itself.

to be able to make a fake persona you to click on latest news and such but like how do you make the script handle pic related

I like you user I'd stand with you.

I'm not convinced there is no way out just yet. We have a chance to effect change but if we wait much longer I fear it will slip away. I don't know how old you are but I'm a member of the last generation before the web took off. The ones in college now don't remember life before the web and social networks. We have to make a move soon before people like that out number us.

Block all kikebook related scripts and don't click on bullshit. It's pretty simple.

It depends how much convenince you're willing to give up. You can still be traced even if you use tor, it's just very very hard. Using windows or youtube or gmail you have no privacy. For mild security and convenience, use firefox, noncucked VPN, ublock, blender, and noscript.

If you're actually talking about really disapearing, you can't because everything can be traced given enough incentive.

It's still better than not deleting it.

This is a bad idea.

Not the user you replied to but why bad? I've often thought of hiring one of those spamming services to create 1000 fake profiles with my real name, all in different locations.


This isn't really related to this thread, but I'll ask it anyway. If I gave MATLAB installer root privileges over my computer, should I be worried about it installing shady shit like keyloggers, etc.

Would any of you trust MATLAB installer with root privileges over your Linux machine?

I'm on Arch, btw.

It is already. It literally says so in the terms of service.

have you coinsidereded rewrriting it in rust?

Have you considered suicide?

Not just Win10. One of the justifications for removing they start menu in Win8 was that they noticed that many users of Windows7 didn't use the start menu after the first few months, as reported by "anonymous" data gathered by analytics.

it's not an unreasonable question, but there's no easy answer

you can't stop your own ISP and phone company from keeping records of what you do online, so you can't have your "own" connection and stay anonymous. the only way to avoid that is to use public open hot spots... but...

you would need an OS (linux) that copies itself from a clean image every time it reboots. This OS would have no history except what you allowed.... a lot of websites require javascript and cookies to work at all now, so disabling that totally isn't really practical but if your PC started from a clean image every boot, the "new" javascript and cookies aint gonna matter, since they won't be there next time

there's some dates set into the OS image that you'd want to rotate to the current date every time too, since they reveal the age of the install. if you got hacked/malware, they would be able to see things not normally visible, so you'd want to make sure those things were clean and new too.

your internet card has a fixed MAC address that isn't 100% unique but there's not many others like it. you can buy or build a network card that is software-configurable. so then your mac address could be random every reboot....

with online forums you would want to use different usernames, that are all different than your real name, to prevent casual investigators from taking that route (many people like to use the same username on lots of different forums they visit)

email is a problem, since you don't want an ISP account, and most webmail services don't do true deleting.
and all the commonly-available chat programs log everything too.
so you'd probably want to write your own chat program to communicate with others directly, and they would need a copy of the same program too.

if your online interests are already known, people stalking you will use linguistics software to analyze your previous posts, and then they will also analyze all the new posters' posts to see if any of the new posters looks like you. when you post online, you tend to use the same style all the time, even tho you don't notice or think it's no big deal. but it is..... the linguistics software doesn't PROVE anything, but it rates things like punctuation use, word frequency and sentence structure, and with that it's quick and easy to tell how similar posts from two different "people" online are.

TL; dr:
to remain anonymous online, easiest is just to stay off the internet

the main problem with trying to "disappear" from the internet is the same problem with trying to disappear from modern society: it is that you must TOTALLY cut off all communication with all the people and interests of your past. that may sound easy, but it's not: it's how most "disappeared" people end up getting caught.

This can't be stressed enough. Forums will fuck you over every time as anyone that's been around has witnessed. Mix up usernames and posting style. Also, no matter what project you get wrapped up in never use your real name or change an account to your real name.

I got involved with a large software project many years ago. There are 20,000+ posts all tied to my real name now because when I got hired on they ask that I change it. It was a policy to make us look more professional. I knew it was stupid but went a long because I figured I'd always be proud of my work on that project. Then I got burned out, drunk, and bitter and the community kicked me out because I offended some SJWs. It wouldn't really be the end of the world if someone IRL stumbled upon all those posts but I was young then and things I believed in back then no longer apply. I'd hate to be judged based on some of that stuff.

the internet i mean. rewritte intternet in rust. rust is safe you will be safe.

I also created and worked on a project using my real name. The project is packaged in some distros and seems to be used by quite a few users because I randomly see people mentioning it across the web. Now the thing is that I didn't actually maintain the code for a couple of years now, and after seeing it packaged in distros and used by people I would really like to return to it because seeing it used gives me motivation.
But I simply can't bring myself to do that because it is tied to my name. Of course I could switch to a pseudonym now but I'm the sole developer so it would be too obvious. So I can only work on it locally and not release my changes to the users, but this gives me no motivation to work on it in the first place.

Awesome advice but compartmentalizing your online crumb trails resolves the whole "separate from society" thing. You have clearnet access, murkynet access (casual observers btfo), and darknet access. You can have some dummy trails too if you're making puppet accounts.
As well, for every forum or account or access point, you can put on a hat (literal or not) and take on a persona to bias all of your actions, and even use linguistic analysis software on yourself ((if you REALLY fucking need to be that anonymous holy shit)). Put on a bowl hat and go tough gentleman on some pig tailed oinkers.
Do VMs give spoofed MAC addresses? I hear Qubes OS has their network in a VM. Do you know of it?
Anyway, I would do a magic ritual before I would do something techy for anti-estab purposes kek

To be honest fam going invisible seems kind of easy, if you only need to do it once every month. If you had to do that every day, might as well get some new interests because the internet will be hell. Or otherwise require quite the dosh. You probably aren't doing anything serious if you need to go online every single day with that kind of setup and aren't willing to commit to it without second thoughts.
Living in the suburbs near a major city would help with finding hotspots without cams everywhere.

To be fair, Windows 7 is nowhere nearly as ridiculously botnet as 10. That's at least a start.

Everyone I ever want to reach has both an email address and phone (just landline + answering machine in some cases), so nobody has to run around kissing zuckerberg's ass just to talk.

Not true. Windows retroactively applied its "telemetry" logging techniques into windows 7, assuming you updated to a recent version.

You deserve to be spied upon.

"You" meaning (((lemmings)))

My problem is recently I've become aware of just how easy it is to get my home address and such and it's bothering me because I prefer to have privacy and I can't have piece of mind knowing that if my name appears in the newspaper (like it did recently for something work related) all someone needs to do is google my name + the region and they will have my home.

I started that kick when familytreenow.com was brought to my attention and now I'm slowly processing just how deep the idea of data mining and data brokering really goes. I've had a facebook but I rarely post on it although I do put up pictures from time to time (usually I"m not in them).

I can at least opt out of a good number of online databases but then I have the fear of "confirming the information" which someone brought up to me via a forum. And that still doesn't mean that my information won't get out there again if I change addresses; on top of the many new people searching sites that crop up in the future.

Privacy is something I appreciate, but I realize just how flimsy my understanding of privacy really is and just how much of a footprint I make. I've grown up with the internet since windows 95; and I considered myself a tech savvy person (or more accurately I am interested in computers and am willing to troubleshoot stuff to fix them rather than just buying a new rig). But I hate knowing that there can be any number of eyes on me and I'm considering trying to move to a country with better privacy laws because I don't think the US will ever change the direction it's going. But that's both impractical from my standpoint, and just jumping from one extreme to the other in my mind.

How does one reconcile the fact that your activities are being monitored and even if I do switch distros, and even if I do stop using services like Facebook/Steam/google. Some phone company can sell my info to some company and I'm back on another website?

I really am completely ignorant of how privacy is actually defined and maintained in current years.

Depending on how big it is, what about rewriting something similar from scratch under a pseudonym and not directly tying the two together?

Stop giving them information now.
That information will become old. People move, change jobs, get new friends, get new hobbies, and even if you do not they will not know that.

why people think you cannot have a second computer with obscure distros on it? much better than dual boot and you can keep on playing your Nintendo Games on the PC.

you could get a few of them from trift stores, make them run pupper linux and use some free trial vpn and voila, you can post BBC shilling on Holla Forums like crazy.

Do it for a bigger and blacker America OP.

Set up a LLC somewhere with better privacy laws and have it own/rent your place and pay utilities. Won't help with government databases though like drivers license because muh public records.

Get a high gain wifi antenna. Go for a parabolic one. Spoof your mac address. Use a firewall and configure it to block all phone home shit. Connect to wifi 20 miles away. Most games are going to nark on your operating system serial number and shit so gl stopping that while gaming on windows.

Won't someone please answer my question?

They are, in fact, mutually exclusive

What's that?

I'm happy your family isn't stupid user. My social circle uses facebook for all event invites then gets mad at you for not showing up. When you ask them why they simply didn't call/e-mail they give you a stupid look and say something like

I simply stopped going. Mostly because every Christmas instead of getting to sit around and drink with the adults like everyone else someone wants to shove a tablet/phone/laptop in my face and go

Last Christmas I finally put my foot down and said no, you fucking learn how to set it up on your own. Entire family hates me now but fuck 'em. The only person I'm doing tech support that day for is my Grandmother the rest should be able to fend for themselves by now.

The sole reason I keep facebook at the moment is getting alerts for tournaments at the local arcade. As soon as I convince the owner to start sending those out via SMS or putting them on their website (like they should have been doing years ago) I'm gone for good.

I realized this is a pretty stupid reason to hang on to it. I just deleted it for good, too bad I have to wait 2 weeks for it to actually be gone (but not really).

motherfucking test



1)install openwrt or some other router software that supports tor
2) consider installing SteamOS
3) consider installing DWS (DestroyWindowSpying)

if you want totally privacy you'll have to have 2 computers OR a cd of tails running when you want privacy, and you can use a vpn for while your gaming.

Install NordVPN (comes with double encryption)
Use DestroyWindowsSpying.exe
Consider using Tails when you want to be private

This post is going to be they typical windwews post we've seen since it was first released

The new windows update program has made it clear that they control their Os and you're borrowing it. I'm sure you can reduce the evasiveness slightly with these third party apps but unless you reject updating the OS completely they can probably just make the changes they need to keep control of their software.

If you're going to use windows that's fine but you're going to need to accept that it's not your OS, it's Microsoft and they can do what they wish with it.

1.buy a laptop compatible with a libre distro
2.spoof your mac address
3.use tor or i2p from public or hacked wifi
4.don't have a phone anywhere near you when you are computing
5.use common sense


doesn't your disappearing make you more interested? honestly i have done what you are about to do, and its called tor system wide over vpn and vpn on your router too. so doesn't your disappearing make you more interested?

camera can be remote activated to watch you
mic can be remote activated to listen to you and determine what you are typing from sound
G sensors can be remote activated to determine what you are typing
carrier signal to tower can rebroadcast low power RFE from your keyboard, monitor, cpu, wifi


fucking stupid faggot tl;dr

this is what you have to use for survival:

Am I doing it wrong?
$ grep refuse /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf
access-control: refuse
access-control: ::0/0 refuse
local-zone: "mozilla.com." refuse
local-zone: "mozilla.org." refuse
local-zone: "facebook.com." refuse
local-zone: "twitter.com." refuse
local-zone: "amazonaws.com." refuse
local-zone: "cloudfront.net." refuse
local-zone: "cloudflare.com." refuse

boot > tails > use > cloud > as > storage

Reading this thread, and also the recent leaks only confirming even more what we already know of government surveillance, I realized I really need to get my shit together. I suppose my biggest liability is my cellphone, I suppose stick to that for normalfag stuff and be aware what I'm talking about with it around and don't take it to places I absolutely don't want to be tracked in. As for normalfag stuff, while I don't have a Facebook, I should probably secure my email and think about my usernames/passwords I use everywhere, as well as how I present myself online. So for phones, would an older phone like some old Nokia brick be more secure, or even worse seeing as it's older? If possible, how can I secure the software on my phone? As for personal computers, I am wondering how much hardware is pozzed. Would a Chinkpad with a Core 2 Duo be less susceptible to surveillance than a more recent i7? What about AMD platforms? I have a lot of computers and a lot of options. I am thinking of just having one computer that I do everything private on. For OS, is using Tails the best thing like people here have been saying, or what about a libre OS like Trisquel? Would my wifi card, even if it works with libre OSes, be another liability? I really would just like to stick with my normal OS, Ubuntu , but I am not too attached so it doesn't matter.

So in summary, my inquiries are:

I understand that if I want to live a life connected to the internet I cannot be invisible, it is near impossible. I understand the feds can get into my technology if need be but I feel like it's just real important, even if all I do is browse imageboards, watch videos, and browse the occasional forum. Then again, I suppose even being interested in hiding myself from watchful eyes puts anyone on some watch list. I simply have a broad and general concern with deterring surveillance both with the government and corporations. (Many of which just hand shit over to the government anyway.) I feel that, in the same way as a land mine is meant to incapacitate and not kill a man, that having my personal computing secure is better than having an open field, and that wasting an infiltrator's time/effort might stop something bad from happening. And I know this might be silly, but I have always thought, even if I don't do anything wrong, in the back of my mind I am thinking, what if what is legal and okay to do today is made a crime in the future? Better late than never to get myself secure, I guess.

Forgive me this mass autism, but being secure with regards to computers has been nagging me for years. Thank you if you can give me some suggestions