IDs are for the weak minded. By which I mean Dysnomia...

IDs are for the weak minded. By which I mean Dysnomia. He can literally think of no other way to amuse himself with this board, apart from turning flags and IDs on and off, putting nigger dick wallpaper up, or wriggling mushroom gifs in the corner of the site. That is the complete furthest extent of his imagination and intellect.

I agree Jan Kees, Dysomnigger needs to be hanged. Though massive lelz were had because of his asshurt against me

It is worse than that, because he still wonders why the board is such shit! He thinks it is all the users, and doesn't even realize that it is him that is driving everyone away.

I never really have anything against you. PermaB& is just how I give VPN users a hard time.

Who was the asshurt one?
Dysnigger or dysniggera sounds way better to the ear.

I prefer Dysnarrhea, myself.
And I am not sure how you figure permabans give VPN users a hard time. It isn't like the bans actually do anything. I suppose over the next 10-15 years you might succeed in banning a large portion of the VPN IP ranges, making it harder for them to ban evade, but you and I both know that 8ch will not be around in 10 years. So I really don't see how your bans manage to accomplish anything at all.

He's playing 6D chess.

I am playing 397D chess in zero gravity.

Do I need Javascript for this?

No, just install Gentoo.

Your both fake and dumb. Now do some exercise so you won't look so much like an overgrown child anymore.