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INB4 Jews, shitskins or bongs
nice hdi you stupid fucking seppo cunts.
typical Aussie doesn't know the difference between a didgeridoo and an internet browser
European flags disgust me guys. Range ban all non-american posters when?
about that, you clueless cunt, we're better in that regard as well
well at least we're better than england
Shouldn't you be fluffing your emu or something?
Flamethrowers are legal there for a reason.
What's it like to be at the bottom of a garbage bin?
kek [Insert 9/11 joke here]
the cunts in our big cities are good for something at least
This OC was very likely made in America, like all good things are.
That's disgusting.
At the very least, the internet on which it was posted was made in america.
last time i checked your country didnt invent the hills hoist
Nigger I don't even understand what you're saying anymore
Go back to shitting in the desert or whatever it is you do in your free time
wewlad. How many of those countries have their own space programs and allow citizens to own guns?
space programs are a sinkhole for taxpayers money, and any benefits you may get from it, we're just going to piggyback off of anyway. and u can own a gun here, u just need a reason other than muh self defense. use a knife like a real man ya pussy
thank you for confirming that your freedom hating country is shit
But you are American…
still more free than you
face it seppo, your pissweak and thats why you need to use a gun
Nigger part of being a man is using your fucking head
Using knives because you get fucked by the government isn't an excuse; more importantly its nigger-tier logic
USA! USA! We elect retards into public office! We are greatest!
the whole world is fucked when it comes to leadership imo, at least trump fucked up the globalists plan to take advantage of us.
I feel sorry for you.
Murica is BEST. Although, we do have shitty internet, Brazil tier internet. Still better than kangaroo land, though.
almost everything is better than kangarooland
!לעזאזל כן
no u
fixed it
Why are you jealous of our fun-owning freedom?
Come to America, Aussie. You can come live with us…in the birdcage. AHAHAHAHAHA. Remove ausfailian.
too obvious tbh
As much as I like this thread, you are posting on a board full of seditious traitor nazis.
Google Fiber my friend. Made in America as well.
America full of wiggers lol
From my office at 'merica…a spiel:
Despair Code:
Humans accessed eternal life technology thousands of years earlier than now.
Humans are getting instant regrowth of their missing body parts at their existing body. They are getting their old brains placed into the heads of young cloned bodies. Some of the clone bodies are only aged seven years; old humans looking like children.
Ancient humans, breakaway civilizations of humans are, "mind controlling" millions of humans by a muscle flexing technology. The machines are as close as at you. The machines are as far as miles. The mind control happens by electricity caused at your muscles or your brain.
Aliens (science freak experiments) are pets, slaves, workers, acquaintances, friends, "family", or comrades of the most ancient humans and breakaway civilization humans…and like how the richest surface humans of United States of America pamper their pet dogs with food which is better quality than most humans at the surface of Earth eat…some aliens have better quality technology than United States Armed Forces. Many of the humans, among the groups of humans who are dominating all the aliens, use the aliens as, "portable storage containers" which are, "smart", "interesting", "interactive" and, "self securing".
Humans can travel from Earth to Marse during only a few hours time. Humans are living at the moons of every planet gravitied of Sol. They have robots to make all their food, and their governments are comprised of all citizens representing at the legislature, courts, and harming operations (executive work; non-words work).
Fuck yeah
Top L
When will Americans finally realise they are the laughing stock of the world now?
This is why the rest of the world hates you
When Canada and Sweden stops taking that title.
Who cares? Do what we say or we'll bomb the shit out of you.