Venom Thread

Venom is apparently gonna be bad or anti-heroish again soon in Marvel NOW 2.0. Now we all know the shit hole Marvel has become. But will Venom still go strong in this era of shitty SJW pandering? Dunno. But the new design ain't half bad, imo. So let's discuss the best Marvel character ever in all it's glory over the years. As well as hopes for the new series to come.

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People still care about Venom? Why?

Who's writing? And he looks pretty 90s, which says a lot since Venom by default is a posterboy for the 90s.


Cuz it's a really cool concept with a neat backstory (before Bendis). Eddie Brock as the host made the character sympathetic and badass. Carnage, while not a deep character comparatively is also pretty cool. A badass nearly unkillable alien lifeform that tears people apart is awesome. Having Venom become more like Carnage in at least it's actions is really fucking cool.

reminder: not any user that's for sure

I care, user. I'd shower Venom in nothing but love and friendship if I could.

It's complicated, but when most people care about Venom, they actually care about Eddie and the symbiote. Brock!Venom is like a salvaged version of that Alan More run on Spawn, where his cape is a sentient being and Al had to learn to work with it. Flash!Venom is if you sanded down all of Spawn's spikes and made him an unironic cape hero. So when you are incredulous about Venom's popularity, I assume that's because you look at how bland he is in Guardians of the Galaxy.

I assume that it will still be Flash, since Eddie is embroiled in the Carnage story, and his darker turn will be caused by some unforeseen interaction with Mania and demons or something.

Speaking of symbiotes, do you think with Renew Your Vows we might see April Parker again?

Someone saved my OC… this is a first for me.

I doubt we'll be seeing any references to Spider-Girl, especially in a story that certainly isn't trying to be a remake of it.

Literally evil spiderman

Least it's not SpOck

post she-venom

Didn't they only make Venom a guy because someone at the time though that a woman wouldn't be seen as a threatening villain for Spidey? Someone who never stuck their dick in crazy, probably.

Nice pics user. Weren't there other symbiote characters and weren't 2 of them female?

There used to be several other symbiotes. In fact there's an entire race of them.


Agree, missed opportunity

I believe just She-Venom, Scream, Andrea Benton (Mania), Claire Dixon (Raze), Leslie Gesneria (Agony) and Tanis Nieves (Scorn)

here's some more She-Venom

Shit is that Mary Jane as she-venom? Nice story user.

Fuck, no. Venom should at the very least, be an anti-villain. What's wrong with an overly nationalistic government stooge that takes out heroes and villains for the fed's?

We don't need any more edgy good guys.

So they're basically the Zerg from Starcraft.

that's a nearly 360° vision cone

the one word you don't want to fuck up and she does it anyway

April's origin and story is also a bit dark, it might not fit with the warm tone RYV seems to be going for.

Pls, let's not give credence to this desperate attempt to scrape the bottom of the barrel while looking for a new direction for Venom's character.

Pretty apropos actually, considering the Zerg were retconned from an amoral genetically engineered plague that consumes and absorbs life for its own advancement to noble savages bettering themselves in ideological purity until they were corrupted by an evil god.
That's the kind of crap that happens when you don't understand that it's okay for people to like bad guys. You see that a bad guy has ground swell and you want to capitalize on that, but you're a hack without the talent of your predecessors. So when you go to make them the story focus, you also make sure to justify or excuse all their actions so people know it's okay to like them.

I sincerely hope this Venom thread is going to go better than the one I opened a while ago?

Do you think symbiotes prefer Terrans as hosts?

And what do you think about Topher Grace as Eddie Brock/Venom in Spider-Man 3? Utterly miscast, fitting, honestly tried to make the characters work but script and director didn't give him enough or just didn't care?

Topher was of course an odd casting choice (meant to be a dark Peter Parker that becomes Venom), but he could have at least done something if the script was any good. It also didn't help that sharing the movie with Sandman meant that the budget they should have been using to go wild with Venom effects just wasn't there, being wasted on a horrible CGI giant Sandman.

I figure they'll cast another small guy for Eddie when they get to him in the new movies, but hopefully go full CGI beefy Venom when he gets the symbiote. That and have him actually change his pronouns to "we" and refer to himself as Venom.


And 2 last ones I couldn't fit it.

Why is Venom so friggin awesome.

Because that's even edgier and dumber than an anti-hero. Flash was an okay host but his runs were shit. Especially the Space Knight one. Remender even murdered a perfectly competent character off-screen just to have Toxin in his story for no reason. Which ended up in Eddie's hands. Which gave him more power in his crusade to wipe out the symbiotes. Which was neat. But killing a character off-screen like that was lazy and disrespectful.

I don't think he's supposed to be Eddie but the current cast for Spider-man Homecoming has a scrawny hooknosed indian as Peter's bully. And Mary Jane played by a black girl with no talent. So don't hold your breath for a good live action Eddie. Much less a good live action Venom.

Oh god, Venom was tumblr all along.


well, he is a psychotic

I liked flash venom, but can see why others did not. Some of the comics were lazy in both writing and art (I took an afternoon to count wonky eyes. There were many). My only disappointment was I dropped it when he got the teenybop sidekick, so I ask did Flash ever find out Peter was Spiderman?

Isn't this shit stealing art from 40k to use as background?

The series BEFORE this one did. The first few issues blatantly stole 3D models. The rest of the series has different artists. This upcoming series is being worked on by different people.