✨ mongoaudit is a CLI tool for auditing MongoDB servers...

✨ mongoaudit is a CLI tool for auditing MongoDB servers, detecting poor security settings and performing automated penetration testing. ✨

Yep, that's material design on a console line interface. 😏


Other urls found in this thread:


It looks better than the regular white on toxic blue ncurses interface, I'll give it that.

Why all of the emoji cancer everywhere?

numale betacuck webdev cancer

What is numale? ☺️

hahah holy shit, did they open source this? that's amazing

From a really quick look at the source it seems they use the Python library urwid.

This is horrible. Looking up the name, they're trying to fucking post it everywhere (got like 3 reddit posts on the front page of google with the exact same text as this post here, what fucking cancer). Even Reddit doesn't like it, and they suck the shit out of every new trendy CLI shit they find: reddit.com/r/programming/comments/5tl9dd/mongoaudit_a_beautiful_cli_tool_written_in_python/

Stop posting your shit everywhere OP. It's a shit project. You don't need a website, emojis, and trendy shit everywhere for what is 250 lines of Python logic with 600 lines of UI code.

I'll say that again, if you strip away the UI, this is literally 250 lines of Python. You're a retarded shit, OP, and your project fucking sucks.

I think this thread is just copy/pasted from there, and not made by the actual developers, but I've reached out to them to include them in the conversation.

Forgot the image.

Basically it's a male that has chosen to be weak.

Listen op I don't care about the CLI, I don't personally use mongoDB I always thought that it was shit.

Most of us don't want emoji.
Why ?
Because for one: understanding combination of ASCII is simple and you shouldn't ass wipe users.
Second: because it's a useless waist of resources that most certainly will bring problems one day.
Modern day computers and software are fucking MASSIVE.
So massive that no one can in a lifetime explorer the vast amount of free software code available.
Do not reinvent the wheel.
Don't create new lazy languages like Mozilla did instead of improving the ones that are already in there.
Improve already existing good tools.
The only reason to reinvent the wheel is to allow students to better themselves.


c and c++ are both irredeemable shit. thank god mozilla made rust.
you can neither improve c nor c++. they both are, by design, completely unsafe
kill yourself

How else am I supposed to discuss Emojicode?
🏁 🍇 👴 Let’s print the first 15 fibonaccis. 🍮 a 0 🍮 b 1 🔂 i ⏩ 0 15 🍇 🍦 r ➕ a b 🍮 a b 🍮 b r 😀 🔡 r 10 🍉🍉

I can't really tell what's going on in the OP pic but the colors look nice. Although with a CLI tool (more like TUI?) it seems like a waste to make such a big banner.

I really don't get this fad though. It just looks like new Androids. I think Android 2 looked okay (it's a phone, with no keys too, it's not like expectations are high), but Android 4 and up looks pretty boring to me. On the phone it's tolerable because there's usually few elements on screen, but on a desktop software it's awful and makes it really hard to parse a complex UI visually, without mousing over everything to see what lights up.



what a cuck



