How do I make a successful youtube video?

How do I make a successful youtube video?

Several ways
1. Become a Minecraft letsplayer
2. Review "Geek" Media
3.Do shitty edgy animations
4. Become a movie reviewer ripping off RLM, NC, Linkara or whatever.

Also, make some clickbait thumbnail that shows some sexual themes that will definitely guarantee views from the younger or depraved audience.

Have charisma. Since you post here we both know you have none. So give this dream up.

Touché anyway at the moment monetisation is dead on this platform.

no reason to. They killed making money on youtube.

1. WRITE LIKE THIS!! in your TITLE and make is SUPER DRAMATIC!

You forgot ironically reviewing "geek" media to mock the channels reviewing "geek" media while simultaneously putting out the same repetitive and asinine content as the very channels you mock. But it's okay because you're doing it ironically and making ad revenue on it ironically.

Make marvel youtube shit, like spiderman and xmen.


record yourself playing something you can monitize, and then talk over the video in a very loud and extroverted sounding manner.

see videogame dunky for other examples of this.

You forgot the easiest one. Be a grill and hint at being sympathetic to Holla Forums.

Post cuckoldry-related videos. It works well for Red Letter Media.




don't forget using multiple question marks at the end of everything even if it isn't a question.

It's so formulaic and easy, I really don't know why there aren't more chicks doing it. They don't even need to throw up a swastika, just jam a corner of a sunwheel somewhere in the frame. The only people that will get it will be the ones looking for it.

You don't even need to show sympathy to Nazism; just criticize feminism, and Holla Forumsacks will fill up the blanks and turn you into a natsoc poster girl and thirst over your (non-existent) beauty.
But if you want to ride their worshipping train, be sure to never show your boyfriend, if he's a mongrel or a nigger of some sort. They will tolerate a tall, blonde bf, though - it's a strange form of thirsty cuckoldry.

Probably because very few chicks even know about 4chins, 8chins and Holla Forums (except maybe as something mentioned on the news as "hacker spots" or some bullshit). When they start to notice that Holla Forumsacks will give free attention for the lowest common deniminator as long as she pulls a ShoeOnHead and acts "teehee this here is so dumb, guise!", it will become a trend.
Then we'll have to endure the media talking about "the new Alt-Right fad among girls on Youtube" or some bullshit clickbait like that. Damn.

Shit I forgot about him. Hopefully he gets around to it. I had some ideas to parody channel awesome and some other youtubers. I was wondering whether to solely make fun of the videos or include some story arc making fun of behind the scenes stuff at Channel Awesome.