Reasonable sources on climate change?

So I get that climate change is used to scare people into supposed "sustainability" and "intersectionalism", i.e. global governance and control (pic related).

And I understand that lots of gross people profit from fake environmental concerns, like through "green alternatives" that are actually more polluting and harmful than what they replace.

I even understand that CO2 alarmism is pretty silly, that a greenhouse model is woefully simplistic, and that a volcanic eruption or large forest fire makes the gradual increases from fossil fuels look pretty insignificant.

However, climate DOES change and it seems like we're in a warming cycle. And spewing pollution into the air and water (I'm not including CO2 in what I mean by "pollution", by the way) is shitting in our own house.

Are there any reasonable sources on climate change, i.e. ones neither are pretending that ExxonMobile is a charitable organization nor trying to hit people with an inconvenient hockey stick?

Also, I don't think we should worry about climate change. Look at where it is going to affect. It will take hell holes with artificially inflated populations (thanks to Western largesse) and cast them into the flames (second pic related). Why is that bad, assuming we don't let them all come to our lands like asshats?


Other urls found in this thread:,_Benjamin_D.,28804,1663317_1663322_1669930,00.html,_Baron_Stern_of_Brentford

Not believing in Climate Change is like not believing in the Holocaust. Only kooks can't see how valid both are. :^)

How did (((they))) manage to make reasoned scrutiny on a subject absolutely reviled and alienating. How did (((they))) create bigotry from nothing.

Climate change is a Jewish hoax.

So, I totally get that there's a lot of bullshit with climate change. Sticking a CO2 meter on top of a Hawaiian volcano comes to mind. But, just because they're full of shit and using it as propaganda, doesn't mean there's no underlying truth.

For example, the Holocaust is total horse shit, but the Jews were definitely not welcome to stay in Germany.

I mean, do you believe in Ice Ages?

Humans can influence the environment to a degree, but we are still at the mercy of nature at the end of the day.

Also, CO2 is actually good for the environment as it allows for more plant growth, which leads to a stronger ecosystem.

Not really. In the 90s the trend was towards it getting colder, and so the people pushing this agenda was talking about global cooling. Then around 2000 the trend seemed to change towards warming, and so then it was global warming.

Now they just say "climate change" so as to not appear so ridiculous. Fuck these people. Fuck the retards who believe them.

The real truth is that when it comes to climate, we are at a level of that science where we are barely able to predict the climate of the next day with about 50% accuracy. So when the people in charge tell me we have to radically reform our entire way of life, giving them all sorts of powers to help us, because of the projected climate 50 years into the future… I call bullshit.

Oh, and notice no one is talking about real pollution. You don't have to buy climate quotas to dump mysterious polymer waste straight into the ocean. That would target megacorporations and their profit.

Only when it targets the plebs, and puts them more firmly in their owners grip, do we need "green alternatives."

Lol I honestly I have no idea on global warming, I just wanted to use that meme ;^)

Dear retard.

Remember when it was called global warming, but they ended up being wrong?

So they changed the name to something retarded and ambiguous like climate change?

CO2. Makes up 5% of all the forces which heat the atmosphere.
Water vapor makes up 90% of our global heating.
CO2 has a very small effect out of all the normals factors which cause heating.

CO2. Is released from the oceans when they heat up.
So when the planet freezes, CO2 drops.
This is why mass extinctions are associated with low co2.
When the planet heats up, CO2 is jumps.
This is b/c liquids lose gasses as they heat.
In other words, the tail doesn't wag the dog.

Likes want to push global warming b/c it will kill american and European jobs, devastate the economy, and make us dependant on tech giants like China.

More over, the likes plan on trading these taxed credits in the futures market.
See carbon emissions trading.

The more you know, the less liked you'll be.

Yeah, this makes sense to me.

I agree, especially about pollution and corporations. I know those are the talking points, as if climate change is something measured in the last 5 years, but there seems to be larger climate change cycles that we're somewhere in. I'm not totally sure where though.

Apparently, the middle ages were quite a bit warmer than things are now, for example, and, of course, the last Ice Age was recent enough to have heavily affected the development of modern civilizations.

My (perhaps incorrect) understanding is that the near east and Mediterranean countries were much more lush and cool during the rise of early civilizations. It's not exactly like someone would
choose Basra today as where to plant an agricultural megapolis.

Thanks. Looks like what I was looking for.

I remember as a kid reading some comic, I think it was a Donald Duck magazine… the story was about how some villain started charging people for breathing air. People had to go with oxygen masks and feed it with coins to breathe.

I remember thinking… wow, that's a really far out idea.

Good thing no one would ever fall for something like that.


Dear retard.

I'm not confused about any of that. I'm saying, take away the politics and paid off scientists (oops, I mean climate change researchers) – is there still no climate change? Where can I get objective evidence. Things DO seem to be getting hotter and drier here in the US. Maybe it's just a small blip, but I'm old enough to remember quite a different climate when I was growing up.

If u stupid wannabe geniuses wanna know what really heats the earth…
Lookup carbon 14 cycles and solar cycles.

That's fucking stupid. It'll never happen.

to a point

persistent high CO2 can fuck with the reproduction organs of a lot of grasses and some adverse effects on growth come to mind, such as tomatoes not bearing fruit.

hemp and soy love absurdly high, persistent CO2, plenty of horticulturalists fuck with atmo in a growhouse to get oversized fruit and harvest vegetables. that can cause some structural stress on the plants, particularly domesticated varieties.

not sure about the effects on the ecosystem as a whole. the only certainty I can provide is that a lot of plants will continue to grow in enclosed environments. I have no idea of the effect on soil and sea microorganisms, insect and higher life.

Is that Carbon-14?

There are none.
If you try to publish a study on climate change
a) only a small journal accepts
b) mainstream ones reject it
c) you lose your career and funding and credibility
check em

The question with climate change isn't if the climate is changing, it's whether humans are impacting this change. I'm of the opinion that yes, we do, but that it's overblown in the sense that we keep getting doomsdays scenarios like the 400PPM = hell on earth in less than 5 years type fearmongering. What does trouble me is that places are now starting to make questioning climate change science illegal. Reminds me of Holocaust denial laws frankly.

Yes, I know that carbon taxes are a huge step in the NWO direction but that's not to say that that invalidates the premise that greenhouse gas emissions are impacting the environment negatively. Saying that CO2 = better plant growth = more CO2 absorption only makes sense if the amount of CO2 absorption > CO2 emissions which has never been proven. The other problem is that CO2 isn't just absorbed by plants. The oceans are a major contributor to CO2 absorption and it's actually raising the pH of the oceans to a dangerous degree, that is unless you enjoy the thought of swimming in an ocean where the only thing that can survive is jellyfish (I'm being hyperbolic, but the idea is there).

No the earth is cooling and will cool for another 20 years.
Likely what you are experiencing is a drought.

Find a chart of solar cycles and carbon 14.
Carbon 14 is created when solar flares hit the ionosphere.
The more active the sun, the more carbon 14.

Tracking carbon 14 back thousands of years, you'll notice that temperature and carbon 14 are extremely correlated.

I am on phone now. Cannot link.
Maybe one day I will make a video about this esoteric info. Pce

Sure, but we have no idea how they work and why. So why even talk about them?

Until someone shows me some real projections that actually come true and some solid theories that can be tested, I just ignore the whole thing.

That doesn't mean our rulers should be allowed to pollute like they do without consequence right now. But no one talks about that. Not likely to change in the future either. Babby needs his gadgets to not rebel, and he won't rebel because of his gadgets.

But every bit of talk about how the plebs need more control is just obvious marxist shilling.

People are already fucking neurotic about it. Paying their taxes with little complaint… sorting and recycling their trash like morons, which is another scam.

Judge Dredd style dystopian megacities incoming.

Go here I posted a bunch of links to papers you can d/l that don't fit the (((official narrative)))

What you can do is look at the climate change major supporting studies themselves and point out why the data is bogus and why the calculations or the conclusions don't fit.
Many studies write

Where are we getting this idea that it's no longer global warming? It leveled off for a while in the 2000's but it looks like it's about to ramp up again.

Here's a good example of how they bias studies:

"In this population-based trial, participants were assigned to and taught about diets that emphasized different contents of carbohydrates, fat, and protein and were given reinforcement for 2 years through group and individual sessions. The principal finding is that the diets were equally successful in promoting clinically meaningful weight loss and the maintenance of weight loss over the course of 2 years. Satiety, hunger, satisfaction with the diet, and attendance at group sessions were similar for all diets."

But when you look at the actual data,

"So this study did not test various diets against one another; it tested essentially the same diet four times. And it found that pretending to be on a high/low protein/fat diet has very little effect on the outcome, which if written that way would never made it into Children's Highlights, let alone NEJM."

This blog is great for debunking all of the AGW propaganda and energy/environment alarmism. I fell for the "denying global warming is like flat earth theorists" meme for a long time unfortunately but this site has the data to BTFO their claims.

AGW is a pretext to establish global taxation (carbon credits), and therefore, global government. Carbon Credits are a way to make lucrative derivatives literally out of thin air, and there is substantial collusion between AGW proponents and the oil and gas industry, the Sierra Club has been in Big Oil's pocket for years. The narrative of "evil oil companies suppressing the truth of global warming to maintain profits" is the exact opposite of reality, Coal mining suffers most from emissions taxation, which gets rid of their competition, and having Carbon Credits means they can speculate on oil drilling and consumption that they have already cartelized and control fully, making Carbon Credits a vehicle for limitless profit.

Last time I write this.

Google for charts comparing either solar cycles or carbon 14 … To temperature.

Very esoteric knowledge, it will be hard to find. Good search terms will be required.

The most obvious example? Maunder minimum.
Solar flaring like dies out for 70 years.
Very rare in today's age.
About the same time?
Little ice age in Europe.

These are not coincidences.

Find the right charts. See the 1000 year cycles.
The truth will blow you away.
Again I will make a video one day and teach u all somecool shit.

If u want more.
Look up scale of mass human excitability by some Russian guy in 1800s.
Realized most human events and inventions happened during the active years of the 11 year solar cycle.

Also this blog is an excellent source for how data is continually manipulated to push the agenda.

Regulating the industry so no one dumps shit into the water and the air is fine as long as it's reasonable. But we all know what happens when a retarded government starts to "regulate" things.

It has nothing to do with global warming, just global government control.

That's a good question, but not the one I have. I'm literally just wanting to know how the climate is changing. I'm sure we have some (probably small) effect on it, but the climate has never been constant from the historical evidence. What's the trend now? Is it really getting hotter?

CO2 doesn't scare me at all. Run off from plastic plants does.

Ok, I'll check it out. Thank you.

I'm just wondering what things are going to look like in the next 50 years. If stuff does get hotter and drier, there are going to be some pretty serious issues, no 10' sea level increases needed. I don't even think we can do anything to stop it, but it does effect where to move, etc.

The problem with arguing the way you do is that for the common pleb you do pretty much the same as your oppsition… which is to dazzle them with loads of fancy words they don't really understand and ideas they can't really visualize.

Then it comes down to them choosing sides on faith, and that means daddy gubermint has the advantage over you "obscure user."

Better to just point out how their projections are so consistently wrong and how they cover it up. Make them look as ridiculous as they are. When people demand alternate belief structures, just laugh at them and say, who the fuck knows.

I like to conflate it with how useless meteorology is, which is a logical fallacy but a solid image morons can understand.

Don't we all. The only answer real science can provide us at this point in time, though, is "who the fuck knows."

Thanks for the links. Interesting stuff…

You may be right, but I'd really like to see charts like those but not against 100 year averages. I've heard from many sources that things were very cool recently, so it's hard to take a valley as the norm.

Kill yourself. Fuck your image. YOU’RE A PAID SHILL.
Kill yourself. Fuck your image. YOU’RE A PAID SHILL.
Kill yourself. Fuck your image. YOU’RE A PAID SHILL.
Kill yourself. Fuck your image. YOU’RE A PAID SHILL.
Kill yourself. Fuck your image. YOU’RE A PAID SHILL.
Kill yourself. Fuck your image. YOU’RE A PAID SHILL.
Kill yourself. Fuck your image. YOU’RE A PAID SHILL.
Kill yourself. Fuck your image. YOU’RE A PAID SHILL.
Kill yourself. Fuck your image. YOU’RE A PAID SHILL.

1) Demonstrate “climate change” is real.

No problem there! There is plenty of geological evidence that the Earth has been much warmer for most of its existence. The Jurassic period, for example, was quite a bit warmer than today. In fact, there have only been a few colder times in Earth’s history compared to today. And ‘climate’, in the strictest sense, changes daily.

2) Demonstrate that “climate change” is manmade.

This is tougher, since we already know for a fact that the Earth has been through far warmer periods before man ever showed up. Indeed, evidence is mounting that an increase in CO2 is causing less extreme weather, not more.

3) Demonstrate that any changes, regardless of origin, happening now are man-reversible.

Good luck with that.

4) Demonstrate that they can be reversed, primarily, by crippling the American economy in particular, while nations like China and India continue polluting the planet at record rates.

And that’s where you lose your audience.

Yes, climate changes. But there is absolutely no evidence that humans are having any impact on the climate whatsoever. In order to establish an actual human impact in a statistically significant way, you must show a modern trend that deviates from a baseline of appropriate duration. Because geologic processes spanning millions of years are responsible for tremendous amounts of variation in global temperatures, an appropriate baseline must necessarily include millions of years of data to account for this variation. Not only are we not in a period of “record high temperatures,” we are in one of the coldest periods in the past 65 million years.


There is absolutely no evidence that current temperatures are outside the trend of totally natural variation, and all attempts to make it appear that way are misleading you by truncating the data to a sample of statistically insignificant size. And then they apply their misleading, exponential curve-fits and smoothing effects for dramatic purposes.

The earth had had ice caps for maybe about half of the time over the past 500 million years. The picture shows rapid periods of melting and re-glaciation over periods of a few thousand years. There is nothing abnormal about current melting rates.


The sea level has been rising at a very steady and predictable rate over the past 8-10,000 years since the emergence from the last major glacial period with no deviation at all from this trend even as humans began industrializing. When environmentalists show you graphs going back 50-100 years of rising sea level data, they omit the fact that this is both on-trend and completely expected.


We have no actual data that indicates that climate is in any way behaving abnormally, much less due to human impact. The only thing we have is a hypothesis that CO2 affects climate in a meaningful way, which is what climatologists attempt to model. But those models make terrible predictions.

What's AGW?

Very interesting angle. "Beyond Petroleum" indeed…

What you're saying makes sense. I'll chec out those links; thanks.


If your hypothesis consistently churns out inaccurate predictions–no matter how many times you tweak the knobs and change little fudge-factors here and there–then your hypothesis is shit and must be discarded. Morons who believe in this garbage have no understanding of basic epistemology, let alone science–and that goes for the so-called “scientists” peddling this mystical bullshit.

CO2 is only hypothesized to have the impact on global climate that the alarmists claim. But this has failed to be demonstrated in two major (but related) ways. First, carbon dioxide levels are currently being measured at several hundred ppm higher than measured from ice core samples. Now, it must also be cautioned that you can’t necessarily compare these two sets of data because they represent two different methods of measurement, and have other potential biases. However, even assuming that its true that CO2 levels are much higher–and that they’re caused by human activity–current temperatures are not deviating from the normal historical trends in line with CO2.

A doubling of preindustrial CO2, absent any feedbacks, would result in a maximum forcing of +1.2 ºC. Everyone agrees on this point because it’s a simple computation given the physical characteristics of CO2 which is well mixed in the atmosphere.

Actual warming, again absent feedbacks, would likely be much less due to bandwidth overlap between CO2 and H2O, something that we understand but find difficult to model (H2O levels vary dramatically day to day and even hour to hour with regional weather).


The General Circulation Models, and the IPCC, predict 2-8 ºC of warming because AGW theory assumes a positive H2O feedback. They assume that if CO2 causes a little warming, the atmosphere will hold more water vapor which will lead to a lot of warming until a new equilibrium point is reached.

The warming predictions cover such a large range because everyone assumes a different average feedback rate. Again, modeling H2O in the atmosphere is extremely difficult because it varies so much with weather.

Every GCM based on this assumption has failed to model temperatures for the past 15 years. They are all trending too high. In the late 1990s, the modelers themselves stated that if they missed their predictions for more then a decade that would falsify AGW theory.

There is no data to suggest a positive H20 feedback either now or in Earth’s past. Indeed, we cannot model some periods in Earth’s history with an assumed positive H20 feedback. It would appear that Earth’s atmosphere is remarkably adept at dampening forcings from either direction and does not amplify them.

If there is no positive H20 feedback, we literally have nothing to worry about. The average climate change believer knows none of this. Politicians, citizens, activists, and surprisingly even a lot of scientists are literally ignorant of the theory and the math. In their mind, it’s simply “CO2 = bad” and “experts say we’re warming faster then ever.” The more you know.


Not only are current temperatures not outside the normal trend, we are in one of the coldest periods in the past 65 million years. Also, current temperatures (at the peak of the current 100ky cycle) are actually lower than past 100ky cycles, meaning that we are expected to either warm further just by way of natural variation or we are in an unusually cold peak period.

Second, climate models that use CO2 as a major driver for global temperatures are not producing accurate predictions for global temperatures. This is at least good initial evidence that the alarmist stance on the CO2/climate hypothesis is false. Notice that current temperatures are in no way deviating from normal trends. and that the two “scary red dots” are not observed data, but “predictions.” But, as we already know, the observed data is wildly lower than the predictions. These people are completely full of shit.

It is getting hotter. Water levels are rising. If you want examples, look at edge cases. The Maldives are extremely close to sea level and recently had a meeting of their parliament underwater to highlight that too much of their land is being taken by rising sea levels and will soon be uninhabitable.

I think the more pernicious problem is that soot is landing on large glaciers and if you remember your physics, black is just the absence of reflection so it is contributing to melting glaciers even faster.

Toxicology, as you mentioned, is a shit show as well.

All of that data is faked. The world is colder than it was in the 1930s.

I'm on le phone :(

I have to tell you, "very esoteric knowledge" sounds like /x/-tier bullshit. You may be on the level and right about everything, but most stuff on the fringe is neither.

Yeah that first picture. Have you ever seen a more disgusting image? Better world indeed. What a twisted and ugly soul who spewed forth that putrid filth, hidden beneath cheery childish colours.

Sounds like the correct answer to most of my questions.

oh no half an inch in TWENTY FUCKING YEARS they’re going to drown for sure
They’re growing, you cocksucking faggot.

I'm not a shill at all, you paranoid egomaniac.

All I'm interested in is (1) of those four questions. You might try reading a little more carefully and hitting the bong a little less.

O great Nostradamus… can you tell me my fortune please?

Will I meet my tall dark handome stranger soon!???

I get that solar activity has some influence on temperature and I can buy that it has some (weak) influences on human events. But the last few years have seen the warming pick back up, even though the sun is in kind of a funk.

The most reliable data only goes back 100 years or so. When you say "very cool recently", that's on what time scale?

No, you’re a shill.

it is a political movement, not a scientific one

I won't respond unless you can have a conversation without hurling epithets.

You may have seen this image. See what they’ve done? Everything on that list should be advocated for by all humans. Maintenance (stewardship, the Bible would say) of the environment ensures our continued survival, never mind its. Everything on that list is an environmentalist practice.

Notice something else. Nothing on that list has ANYTHING to do with the claims of global warming. So the commenter’s purposeful misattribution as a “hoax” is folly. The hoax doesn’t come from environmentalism. It comes from unsubstantiated claims that the Earth is warming (at all, much less to human action). Or that it’s cooling (which “every scientist agreed” in the 1970s… until it stopped).

This is all hegelian dialectic. You’ve let the kikes tell you what the bounds of discussion are

The image is faked. All the data is created by James Hansen.
Stop fucking doing this.

Just a shitty grab for some media attention. Don't put any stock into that.

But water levels are rising. And glaciers have nothing to do with sea ice.

They’ve been rising since the last ice age.

And glaciers have nothing to do with sea ice.

You mean created as in "out of thin air"? Hansen, shitbag though he is, isn't capable of a con job like that. I think that email leak from a few years ago would have revealed such a thing.

Yeah, OP, it's called Nibiru.

It's always a shock when I return to what used to be a decent board. You dumb goys only discuss the most inane surface level 'political' bullshit and have no idea about the endgame. Maybe it's because of so many brits on here? Well, that island is about to get wiped off the face of this planet with the next biblical flood and ocean level rise that is right around the corner. You chan drones aren't even ready for life in the brave new world that the Georgia Guidestones alludes to and good fucking riddance. I now don't blame the degenerate NWO for holing themselves up in underground cities just to get away from and let your kind die out while suffering the effects of chemtrail fallout. See you few worthwhile freethinkers and non-reactionaries on the other side.

Fuck, forgot the second part. Sea ice is also growing.

It happened, so of course he is. For fuck’s sake, look at the FTP server’s raw data file.

Way to out yourself as a shill.

Far out dude

True. But earlier you said they weren't rising. That's wrong.
Not what I asked about, and summertime Arctic sea ice is still flirting with record lows – though I understand the Antarctic sea ice does pretty well.

Help me out with a source then? Or should I fuck off and do my own digging?

Is climate change God's way of killing Africa? We just have to keep all the southrons from coming north and we can sit back in our hummers and let them burn. We also get new agricultural land in siberia and canada.

They’re not.
YOU’RE wrong. You don’t fucking comprehend anything about the science here.
Explicitly what you asked about.
Nowhere near true. 1976 is still lower than ANYTHING since.
Both do well.
“remove the blip”

AGW = Anthropogenic Global Warming

Furthermore, manmade CO2 only accounts for something like 10% of atmospheric CO2. So we account for roughly 0.5% of greenhouse gases. Well if you only want to look at CO2 (which is what the global warming ponzi sheme does)

And we also have effects on the water cycle! (Creating resorvoirs and manmade lakes, putting large amounts of water in pipes/tanks, factories dumping hot water into the environment, etc.). But for some "strange" reason, the (((climate experts))) never speculate on what effects we might have on the climate due to that.

For the record, I'm not really concerned about monitoring our effects on the water cycle. It's just more evidence that global warming is not about protecting the environment and is really just about making rich people richer

glad to see Garrison is red-pilled about climate change. I like how that comic puts the opposing problems (i.e. rainy and drought, winter cold and summer heat) right next to each other on the wheel to emphasize the fact that no matter which extreme happens, the (((experts))) will blame climate change.

When you think about it, they really believe CO2 is some intelligent, malevolent force that tries to screw over humans. If it wasn't malevolent, and it could really cause both droughts and floods, then it would just have a chaotic effect on the weather; sometimes it would cause increased rain in areas that already have too much, but sometimes it would cause increased rain in areas that need more rain.

Supposedly from around the 18th century. I don't have a source in front of me, but it's something I've seen in a number of places. I think I remember reading once that it had to do with a large volcanic eruption, but I don't recall for sure.

I'm truly not a shill. That first image is to lampoon the "better world" crap, btw. Utopia never works.

Fine, but what's the weather in 50 years? That's what I'm wondering :)

That's interesting regarding the data. I'm not concerned about global climate change. I'm concerned about pollution and over population, and people getting cooked due to climate change wouldn't exactly hurt those problems.

What? I've never heard anyone claim glaciers are unrelated to sea levels. Ever. Please explain.

How's your movie script coming along?

I second this motion.


Not too far out.

It's funny that many of you are absolutely ignorant about what happens along with the recurrent pole shifts on this globe. Unfortunately, for you, your enemies are not. They do have masterful disinfo campaigns, however, one of which is the entire climate change and global warming farce. Oh, yes, change is the word… Change into an nightmarish world of unimaginable catastrophe and 90% population reduction. Now let's go back to discussing politics, shall we?

Wait… 90% population reduction? That sounds marvelous, simply marvelous. Thanks for the good news.

Climate Change/Global Warming:

Davis Guggenheim(Ashkenazi Jew) – Director, An Inconvenient Truth

Jeffrey Skoll(Ashkenazi Jew) – Executive Producer, An Inconvenient Truth

Joseph J. Romm(Ashkenazi Jew) – Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress

Stephen H. Schneider(Ashkenazi Jew) – Professor of Environmental Biology and Global Change, Stanford University

Michael E. Mann(Ashkenazi Jew) – Professor of Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University

Gavin A. Schmidt(Ashkenazi Jew) – Climatologist, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Benjamin D. Santer(Ashkenazi Jew) – Climate Researcher, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,_Benjamin_D.

Carbon Taxes/Carbon Trading:

Todd D. Stern(Ashkenazi Jew) – Special Envoy for Climate Change, U.S. State Department

Richard L. Sandor(Ashkenazi Jew) – Chairman and Founder, Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX),28804,1663317_1663322_1669930,00.html

Nicholas H. Stern(Ashkenazi Jew) – Professor of Economics and Government, London School of Economics (LSE),_Baron_Stern_of_Brentford

Ignacy Sachs(Ashkenazi Jew) – Socioeconomist, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales

Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore the probability that most of the key individuals promoting anthropogenic climate change, carbon taxes, and carbon trading would be Jews is infinitesimally small.

* Jewish Population of the United States by State:

I'd like to posit to the denial folks this scenario:

If they push for climate change as true: carbon tax, NWO shit

If they push for climate change as false: Jews get to pollute with impunity, no regulations for destroying the goyim's environs

Jews already pollute with impunity. In fact they use CO2 as a distraction so people don't get as worked up about WORSE pollution

Right. And, what's worse is that the first scenario also allows for continued pollution. How many global warming scaremongers are trying to ban plastics, GMOs, petrochemicals, batteries, and solar cells? Let's fix burning oil by damming the rivers and putting giant wind turbines everywhere. How about no.

The correct answer to modern pollution is a move towards reduced technology dependence, but I've never heard the IPCC recommend that. Chinese solar cells don't exactly fit that bill.

Aren't the oceans getting absolutely fucked by not only overfishing, but from massive amounts of toxic shit and trash being dumped into them?

Even if the human-affected climate change stuff isn't real or is contestable, I think killing the oceans is a pretty big deal. The fish population has been at least cut in half by humans alone. And who knows what effects all the pollution that sinks in is having.

I'm investing in fresh water indices this decade. In 1-2 decades that shit will be scarce as fuck.

CO2 is not pollution, its part of the natural cycle of life.
Piling consumerist bullshit into giant landfills (at best) that serves no purpose other than lining the investors pockets, that is pollution.

Yes yes, you've watched 100 hours of videos of effeminate guys talking about the psyops from Sitchin, Dannekin and those other buffoons and now you're an expert on the nature of our universe.

And while guys like you are screaming about the far out notions you have accepted without any sort of evidence at all… the agenda plods on, a bit more repressive day by day. Niborus return or the apocalypse never happens… but that new little law is passed, and the next one, and the next.

A dystopy of magnificent proportions are being built with tiny and unnoticable pieces, while you retards are screaming about the return of Jesus or the heavens falling… the way your kind has been used for thousands of years.

The boy who cried wolf.

Ammonia is natural, doesn't mean we want it floating around in the area in huge quantities either. I hope you have a better argument than that.

Assuming the orthodox CO2/climate model, the environment does not care how many people are responsible for the CO2. It cares only for the raw amount of CO2.

That map exonerates China. That should be enough to tell you that this is all a scam.

what a load of bullshit.
No meaningful organism in the world is dependent or even tolerating ammonia.
CO2 is one of the most important aspects of earth biology, even tho it exists only in miniscule amounts.

And you have difficulties reading. I said that glaciers had to do with the sea ice charts you posted. You're either not trying or you know jack shit about geology.

Raw data certainly has to be processed and refined in order to remove known systematic biases but Prof. Wrigley sounds like he only cares if it creates the outcome he wants. That's pretty shady.

There haven't been any major eruptions since Pinatubo in the early 90's. And IIRC the cooldown from that only lasted about a year.

The health of glaciers are related to both precipitation and temperatures for the regions in which a given glacier is located. The health of sea ice depends on windiness, cloudiness, and temperature near the polar regions.

If OP's second image is any indication, let's hope it's true and get those engines running.

Great point.

Oh noes! The sky is falling!

When I was a boy, warmists in school said that New York would be under water by the time I grew up. They were wrong. Even though they are always completely wrong about everything, all the time, warmists never stop making up dumb predictions.

I'm talking about a long time ago – at least a couple hundred years. I'll find it…

This is what I'm talking about:

I think I'm conflating it with this:

That's a rather simplistic way of looking at it. Increased atmospheric CO2 does not mean it will get absorbed by plants in equal amounts. You must have also missed my earlier post where I pointed out that oceanic absorption of CO2 is undesirable as well. I hope you have more substance to your opinion than "plants like CO2 = CO2 is good for earf".

This channel has amazing videos if you're even remotely interested in the weather, as well as a few videos on shills using psyops

What's the goal? Who says it undesirable? It varies a fair bit just given elevation, who's concerned about that? The IPCC seems to think all effects of increase are bad. Smells bad, man.

This is why political comics are absolute shit, bloody hell.

What an idiotic spin. The actual question is "what if we wreck our economy for nothing and China and most others increase their pollution as much as we decrease it?", and other such questions.


Increased oceanic acidity means reefs are going to go (you can already see this in the GBR), and with that the oceanic ecosystem is upended. Higher oceanic pH plus higher temperatures equals a paradise for jellyfish but not much else. There's a giant uptick in oceanic jellyfish populations because of these trends, to the point where clouds of these pests (think of them as oceanic jews) are shutting down power plants because they are clogging up the water pumps of nuclear reactors.

I don't buy that that's from CO2. Are there explosions of jelly fish each time there's a large volcanic eruption? CO2 rises and levels are found throughout history, even in the most bullshit models. The CO2 fear is a red herring that allows controlling as much as possible with as few changes to corporate hegemony as possible.

It doesn't matter what you want to buy, it's the truth. Believe what you want.

How is it the truth? Because your high school environmental science textbook told you?

Prove that increased ocean acidity is caused by CO2 and that CO2 has caused a "giant uptick in oceanic jellyfish populations". I don't buy it. If you want to unblinkingly accept NPR and NYT stories that's up to you, but it sounds like a very far flung and practically unprovable theory to me.

Can't really say man. The corruption appears deep and the entire scientific community has been cycled into accepting it as fact due to the way grants are given these days.

Say you want to study elephants. It's your dream since you were a kid, you love elephants and just want to learn more about them and make documentaries about elephants. Well, you're not going to get funding for that. Just isn't going to happen.

However, if you ask for funding so you can research the effects of climate change on elephants, it should be a lot easier. Ever notice how all nature documentaries just do science for 99% of the episode and then dedicate the last minutes to a really tacked on rant about how climate change is wrecking whatever they just showed you?

That's our grant system.

This is poor science. The assumptions drawn from this little bit of [partial] observation are ridiculous. The article was clearly written from the beginning with a particular conclusion in mind; the authors say as much in their introduction.

For example, many of the samples were drawn from effectively the same area, skewing the results. The blue in this map shows the areas where decrease was found. Notice that Greenland and the western coast of South America each have decreases, but they each only have one sample! Compare that with the Eastern Asian samples. Totally skewed bullshit results.

Predetermined "anthropogenic impacts" on the ocean conclusions verified by a tiny, skewed sample. Excellent science, friend.

It’s cyclical. Not out of the ordinary.

Kill yourself, you fucking faggot.

Well the globe is certainly nowhere near as cold now as it was during those events.

That shit's pretty retarded user. Consider suicide.

Someone has never taken freshman chemistry.

Carbon dioxide does also absorb infrared and is irrefutably a greenhouse gas. Again, basic physical chemistry. How much that matters is what's up for debate.

Yep, isn't that the truth. These foundations, schools, and government departments literally debate whether to make "climate change denial" a crime. How likely are they to keep on a researcher who innocently finds problems with their "we need the UN desperately" agenda?

I just want to point out how obvious this pandering for global warming grant money is. "Scientists" indeed.

Top logic friendo. Worked in an ichthyology lab, I know plenty about what's going on.

Have you ever kept a salt watch aquarium with coral reefs? I have. Their susceptibility to subtle changes in pH is insane. I never implied that it's not party cyclical, but to imply that increased atmospheric CO2 doesn't increase oceanic pH is not up for debate. See:

Frankly, I think there's residual scientific skepticism that comes from the vestiges of cuckservatism. Why can't right leaning politics embrace science again? Embracing science means we can embrace racial realities and go full hog into space. I'm not saying that you have to agree on everything, but it seems like you folks are jaded from years of scientists being lefties generally and couple that with the grand funding disaster to create an anti-science paradigm that I view as harmful. Why be against nature?


Salt water**, autocorrect or freudian slip? You'll never know.

Exactly! I think we're just on the rebound of the Little Ice Age and the 20th century "averages" are rather bunk as a result. We don't really have an average or norm to compare against.

I'm not saying that those things aren't true in vitro, but the larger systems are a lot more complex and there are many sinks and buffers to them. Saying that more CO2 in the atmosphere irrefutably means more acidity in the ocean just seems unrealistically simplistic to me.

Nice link, although I wonder if there are just as many (((peer)))-reviewed papers supporting global warming (or whatever they call it these days). Of course, it's easy to surmise which side would have the ulterior motives.

Oh you worked in a fish lab? (Are you smarter if you say it in Greek? Are Greeks smarter when they say stuff in English?) That's amazing. I've caught steelhead and salmon many times before. It's pretty clear I'm an expert too.

Explain me professor how critique mine of paper is wrong. That was not science! "I walked around Las Vegas and sampled a bunch of women standing on the street corner at night. I've come to the conclusion that MGTOW is right, most women are whores."

People that can't concede points disgust me. It's a sign of weakness.

They did meta analyses of the AGW papers and something like ~98% of the papers worldwide support the hypothesis that AGW is real. If you're concerned about Jewish control on science, take a gander at the science coming out of China then since they don't have a PC/Jew filter.

We have a mental heavyweight over here.

I'll say it again… you'll never get anywhere trying to discuss science with a global warming fundamentalist. The only thing you do by engaging them in discussion is to give credence to their bullshit as if there is something to discuss.

Normalfags watch from the sidelines and think "oh, there must be some sort of real debate here since these people go at eachother so hard with their studies and shit." And then they decide to follow authority.

Global warming proponents are not people with a scientific mindset, and so you can never convince them. They are not like sane people, who see something and then tries to explain it without bias. They are people who have been told something, and then just accept whatever affirms their world view, discarding anything else and then try to shame you for not buying their crap. They are people with a religious mindset, and science is impossible for them to understand.

Everyone with a tiny bit of intelligence intact knows by now climate science is a huge fraud and an integral part of the marxist agenda. You all understand it's no point engaging an SJW on their premises. You must understand these people have the same kind of mind. Do you try to argue with a feminist by using the fine points of privilege theory? Do you try to out-bible a christcuck with bible passages? No, because you know it's no point to even try.

Just stick to the basics and make fun of them for being the retards they are. I reiterate: by engaging them you give them credence. Don't fall for it.

Holy shit. Leave science right now. The largest problem is science, besides payola, are people thinking that what happens in their study or sample is truly representative a world that is so much more fucking complex than exists in their textbooks. It's called human arrogance. Just because you replaced one religious book (the Bible) with another (Marine Biology, 4th edition), doesn't make it true.

You want proof that science has gone from COMMON FUCKING SENSE to an autistic religious cult, go read a scientific textbook from 50 years, 100 years, and 150 years ago. If you think you have the absolute truth, then why the fuck is your truth changing with whatever trendy theory gets your peers to publish it?


So, first it was Global Warming. Then it was Climate Change. Now it's Ocean Acidification.

At various times North Africa was the breadbasket for the ancient world, Ninevah was a swampy paradise, the Thames froze over every year and grapes grew in Nova Scotia.

Its not that I doubt that things change. Its just that I highly doubt that supranational bodies that want to be a world government are going to find useful or humane things to do with the taxes they seek to raise every time the natural world does something natural.

Still waiting for that rebuttal of your jellyfish source, redditor,

Frankly, I think there's residual scientific skepticism that comes from the vestiges of cuckservatism.

Shit happens whenever science intersects policy. The fact that the Left have whipped climate science into a convenient tool for Marxism and mass governance doesn't a priori invalidate it. Still, there's still reason to be skeptical of some of the stuff that's put out there by climate scientists. See

Right now I think there is some valid science behind AGW. I just don't think it's worth any policy changes. Hell, a warmer world is probably better for life anyway.

Well, we do: the baseline is the average temperature since reliable records started be kept ~150 years ago. Reconstruction can give some estimates of temperatures even further back.

But if you mean by norm "what is the ideal temperature we should be comparing things to" then I agree. What is the "best" global temperature for humans?

Ceteris paribus, if you increase the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere, more CO2 will dissolve in the oceans, making them more acidic. Basic chemistry. Complexity may amplify or diminish this effect but it probably won't change its sign.

I don't have any sort of sources, but I am going to school for natural resource engineering and have done a lot of sustainability educational work so I can give some insight. To be quite honest, I don't know if there is human contributed climate change or not, I could find dozens of studies in either direction. What I do know, is that many climate change "experts" have agreed that once the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air reaches somewhere around 350 PPM, the rate of temperature increase will start to contribute to raising CO2 levels in the air. This cyclical process will become irreversible at about 450 PPM CO2 in the air. This would supposedly be extremely detrimental to human life on Earth. Right now we are at about 400 PPM CO2 in the air.

Now if human caused climate change is not true, then not of this matters. On the other hand, if human caused climate change is real, to reverse this process we would basically need to immediately cease all use of fossil fuels world wide, and basically live in caves. This will never happen, so once again it doesn't matter.

So in conclusion, whether or not human caused climate change is real, it doesn't matter.

Ah, now I see. No wonder you don't know what a meta analysis entails. I suggest you look it up.

Also I don't know why you're so triggered by the common name for the study of fish. The suffix -ology is the suffix meaning 'study of'. It's common parlance so I guess I wasn't aware it triggered people who are in no way connected to science yet try to speak as if they know.

I'm not arguing in favor of carbon taxes or anything like that, that's clearly Jewish shit. I'm just speaking to what I view as the verity of unchecked pollution into the atmosphere leading to negative externalities in our environment. Global warming is happening, to what extent, the possibility of acceleration, and what impact humans have on it is the real question. Ocean acidification is what I'm interested in more as I live in the Gulf Coast and we've seen major upticks in red tide blooms due to climate change. That impacts my life very directly as I am unable to eat shellfish or go into the ocean for the duration of the bloom.

I mean we don't really know what "normal" climate is. Al Gore and friends like to tell us that everything happening is unprecedented, but I haven't seen any evidence of that outside of only very recent sample collections which have no long history to compare with.

I don't know enough about ocean acidity to argue meaningfully about the second point. I just instinctively shudder at simple deductive conclusions when dealing with a giant system like the ocean.

Is that 350 PPM by Muona Lua? I find these readings very suspect as they are on an active volcano.

Would it be detrimental to Canadians life?

Interesting perspective, regardless.

I am not familiar with that name, I learned about it from classes and textbooks. From the perspective of the proponents of the idea, I would assume it is detrimental do to loosening of permafrost and weather consequences caused by a higher sea level.

THAT'S your apologetics of the study? Really? I think Christianity is cancer, by the way. But so is the new priesthood of scientific experts. Especially those who only accept the opinions of the "ordained", instead of acknowledging that science is literally nothing other than human perception and reasoning. It's not your domain, it doesn't belong to the asshats at the IPCC, any more than God belongs solely to the RCC. Get over it.

I thought the red tide was from nitrogen run off (not that I don't agree it's a huge problem)?

They literally have their main CO2 measuring station on the top of a fucking active volcano. But don't worry, Goy, they "remove the background off gassing".

I should add that this is an educated guess, not an informed answer. Due to my indifference I don't care much to look into what would supposedly happen.

According the most recent IPCC report ALL of the effects would be negative and they would effect most of the world. The idea that ANY climate change (other than total annihilation) would be universally negative in its effects seems like the best single evidence of their absurd bias.

Doesn't mean there will be no negative effects, of course.

Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.
Roast in hell.

Then you’re as retarded as he is.

Except science takes understanding. You can't ask a guy on the street his opinion on nanobiology and pretend like his feelings on the science or his intuitions carry as much weight as people that have experience with the science. If you don't have a scientific background that's fine, but there's plenty of stuff in science that's not intuitive and goes against what your gut would tell you. That's why learning matters. Like I said, the science coming out of China is real bonafide science because they're trying to overtake the US and aren't letting any PC filters impede their progress, so look to them if you want unbiased reports. Their reports show the same shit.

Blooms are more likely / last longer with warmer water bodies.

Friends of Science is a O&G front group pushing back against AGW studies. I used to work for O&G and my company donated to them frequently.

You're right. On geological time scales climate is always changing. Near as we can tell it's been pretty stable on the time scale of human civilization. IPCC predicts another 3 °C of warming this century, which would be unprecedented on the time scale of civilization but is nothing on a geological time scale. Even if they are right, and I don't think they are, can humans adapt to that? I see no reason why not.

Looks pretty steady except for outgassing events. If there's a steady background, you still have the trend: up 80 ppm in 60 years.


All actual data predicts cooling, not warming.

For what this time? Pointing out that Friends of Science is owned by oil kikes pushing their agenda?

If you hadn’t already guessed, reported for kike shill.

It depends on whether or not the CO2 + H2O feedback beats the predicted solar quiescence. Either way, it doesn't fucking matter. The first world will have no problem adapting.

See above:

Christcucks are anti-science, who would have guessed?

Why would it matter if humans are causing it anyway? It's not like increased greenhouse gasses is out of the ordinary for Earth, so why should we worry about any human affect on that? It's not like we can reverse it now anyway

Reported for intl.
Reported for AGW paid shill.


Yes, I read that, and I'm already aware and agree with most of it. The fact normies think it's a simple as "CO2 = bad" pisses me off but that's how climate science enters into the arena of political action. I still think no matter what happens, it's not worth doing anything about, and I'd fight any leftist that uses it for a power grab.

It could impact our decisions about deforesting the globe. If we aren't curbing our consumption, maybe we could stop removing the biomass that could convert it out of the atmosphere.

I hope we put some more science into solar and other green science, it's sad Obama let our burgeoning solar industry die to China yet again. Free trade is a cancer to everything that we hold dear.

AGW ≠ environmentalism.
The world isn’t warming.
Asteroid mining is required to get renewables to replace anything. Put the money there.

Incorrect. the Extent of the sea ice has increased, however the overall volume has decreased. It only appears more because it's spread out

Here is a little summary from a Holla Forumsack who is mathematically and scientifically literate.

Earth climate depend on trillions of variables, and because of that can't be accurately predicted. The best we can do is overly simplified models.

We know from little bubbles of air trapped in ice in the south pole the composition of the air at any given time on earth.

We know from the ratio of isotope O18/O16 in sediments the temperature at any given time on earth (because this ratio vary with temperature)

When we plot the curves of CO2 concentration relative to time, and temperature relative to time we get nearly the same curve. When temperature was high , CO2 concentration was high, when temperature was low CO2 concentration was low.

Thanks to that, even if we can't predict climate, we have strong evidences that suggest temperature and CO2 concentration act the same way.

Present CO2 concentration is rising.

Believers: CO2 concentration and temperature are linked, if one goes up or down, the other follow. Since the CO2 concentration is rising, the temperature will rise.

non-believers: We remark that even if the 2 curves are nearly identical the CO2 curve lag a few hundreds years behind the temperature curve. It means CO2 concentration follow the temperature curve but not the other way around. Hence this artificial increase in CO2 will have only minor effects on the climates.

I'm a fan of asteroid mining, but that's not for energy generation. Most of the closest asteroids are primarily metal (\m/) so it's not really the panacea we're looking for for energy generation.

Extent lies:
Thickness lies:

It is when you’re mining for the rare earth metals required to build the infrastructure and circuits required for “green” technologies.
You’re too retarded to be allowed to post here.

Lack of metals isn't what's holding back green technologies, good try though. Not to mention the cost of grabbing asteroids is unproven, maybe it's more expensive than just exploring deep veins / arctic veins.

Of course it is. It is physically impossible to replace all “fossil” fuels with “green” energy using only the material reserves on Earth. Even mining ALL of them isn’t enough.

Got any other sources? Not saying you're wrong, but I'd like some corroboration from something more neutral

Those are the two opinions of the false dialectic, where you climate cultists have set the premises, yes.

Here's another opinion: All of that are fucking assumptions, and a good example of the shoddy science you neo-monks are taught in universities today.

Just contemplate the hubris and insanity of that sentence for a little while. Just see what we are up against here. The transformation of science from a rational tool to a dogmatic system of religion is pretty much complete as you can see.

Add to the insanity that only a handful of (((people))) actually have the resources (and is allowed to) gather this data, even assuming the insane notion you can tell something about any given time on earth from it.

And here's another opinion yet: you are a fucking tool and an idiot. Your dumbness is near something of epic proportions. Only the most mindless slug would buy your religion. Please put on your dunce cap and go stand in the corner.

Mathematically and scientifically literate indeed.

You're right, the solution to that is to create more efficient solar technologies. Efficiency hasn't even approached the level it needs to be at where it would be feasible. AFAIK the goal is solar cells that are made up of only 3 molecules, however that would work. In that model, we should be fine for a long time.

The sources are all right on the links. Don’t act like a fucking leftist.

I didn't say you were wrong, you nigger, I asked for other sources that aren't clearly biased in favour of a certain side. Surely you'd be able to provide something as simple as impartial research and not an article titled "NSDIC CAUGHT CHEATING YET AGAIN"

You're gonna have a bad time

Art-fag detected.You are just butt-blasted your degree is useless.
Just so you know I don't believe in global warming, but to not believing in the facts I listed is gaia tier religious bullshit.


Remember that "Global Warming" was replaced with "Climate Change" because we are entering a period of cooling on the Earth which contradicts all the "Experts" of the past 50 years telling us that we were creating "Another Venus".

Sun Activity has dropped so dramatically there are near 0 sun-spots / solar flares currently.
We are entering a period of drastically reduced solar activity and a "mini-ice age" is very likely.

The poster is a paid shill who concludes the post by asserting that Climate Change is a fact.
This is the point that the kike wishes to leave in your mind at the end of the (((OP))).

counter sage


The side known as
you fucking faggot. Holy fucking shit, just kill yourself.


Fucking rid yourself of this bullshit. Truth has no tolerance for anything but itself.

I think everyone with basic rationality can understand how incredibly stupid you are, and how you represent a religious world view on par with Islam. Even christcuck enlightenment thinkers had a better grasp on things than you nebula-picture-scientists.

I do hope science will prevail in the end and you fucks can go back to talking about Jesus, omens in hedgerows and other things more your speed.

Truth should be presented in an unbiased way so that the observer is left to discover what's real and what's not without external influence.
For asking for impartial sources? You're a fucking embarrassment.
I never said this, though. Now you're just making a strawman to justify your total speg meltdown. This is scientific information we're talking about here, not a political system or ideology, so your allusion to "both sides are partially right" is invalid. All I want is an impartial source that doesn't have the baggage of clearly being biased in favour of one side. Is that really so difficult?

This conclusion doesn't necessarily follow from the premises. Consider the possibility that an initial, non-CO2-related event causes just a small initial increase in temperature. As you know, CO2 is less soluble in warmer water, so some CO2 gets released from the oceans as a result. That CO2 then amplifies the initial warming, leading into a positive feedback cycle. I guess other feedbacks, like CH4 release from frozen soils, could also amplify the greenhouse effect.

The physical mechanism by which CO2 causes a greenhouse effect is well understood, by the way.

Can you tell me more about the physical mechanism behind this instability of air bubbles trapped in ice?

The irony is palpable.
You did. By implying that truth is neither biased nor intolerant, that’s exactly what you said.
Which is, by definition BIASED toward ITSELF.

There is no evidence for the other side. He can see their “evidence” on literally any news website, never mind “skeptical science” The disproof of all their bullshit comes STRAIGHT from NOAA and NASA’s own FTP servers and the aggregation of all data actually RECORDED.

No. Truth is, by definition, unbiased. Truth is unable to be prejudice in favour or against anything. Truth can, however, be presented in a misleading way, or other aspects of the truth can be omitted depending on someone's motivations. This is why I ask for sources that are not biased in favour of one side or another, but simply present the facts in an impartial way.
Stop adding bullshit that has nothing to do with this discussion. I never said or implied truth was "tolerant".
Funny you would say that, consideirng you don't even know what biased means.

Now stop sperging out like an autistic nigger.

If you tell me how many angels will fit on the head on a pin, you degenerate retard. How about you show some proof they are stable… a hard thing to do without any fucking data. Hence why I said your buffoonery is assumptions. And they are.

That's how belief works. You assume something to be true without any evidence to show for it. You think you are a scientist, having been trained by (((professors))) who co-opted your university a long time ago.

But you are a fucking monk.

Okay, leftypol. Get the fuck out.
So you want sources that don’t know the truth to tell you the truth. Kill yourself.
You said exactly that when you said that truth was “unbiased”. You don’t have a fucking clue what words mean.
The irony is palpable.

Daily reminder the Sahara desert was not created by climate change, but by nogs overgrazing livestock on untended land.

Africans can't comprehend basic cause and effect in agriculture. Most don't understand how fertilizer leads to increased profits. Among other things. This is why post-colonial black nations in Africa starve and need white farmers to feed them.

Truth is simply truth. Truth doesn't "favour" anything, because truth is unable to attribute any emotional weight to one thing over another. It just "is".

Thus, truth is unable to be biased, since bias is when someone is prejudice against or in favour of something else. Nature and truth can't be "prejudice".

I want sources with the raw facts that present in a way that isn't clearly meant to support one position over another. A set of data and an explanation is impartial, because it's not telling or prompting the read to think a certain way. You really aren't very intelligent.
But truth is unbiased. See above. Truth cannot be "intolerant" because Truth has now emotional dispositions. Likewise, it can't be tolerant of anything either. Truth simply exists as a fact regardless of people's individual biases.
Get new one-liners. This one's getting stale.

Daily reminder that Australia is a desert because abbos weren’t intelligent enough to figure out how to hunt anything in any way other than “burn the whole forest down”, and they did this for so long that they bled the soil nutrients out of an entire continent.

It favors itself, and therefore FAVORS A SIDE IN EVERY SINGLE ARGUMENT.
That’s not what ‘favor’ means. Is English not your first language or are you legitimately sub 70 IQ?
We’re done here. Reported for trolling. LEARN WHAT WORDS MEAN BEFORE YOU USE THEM.
No, it’s the truth, which is definitionally partial.
Every single person with whom you interact, every single day, is holding back from PHYSICALLY cringing at every single thing you say. The irony is that palpable.

It's the old lefty shell game.
Move goalposts.
Divert and distract.
Always demand one degree of proof greater than available.
Circular argumentation.
Ad hominem.

Now you're just being obtuse. Truth doesn't favour anything, because it doesn't have any emotions. Truth is simply truth. It has no emotional reservations, and thus cannot be called biased.
favour: an attitude of approval or liking.
How is "truth" capable of approving or liking something? Both these things rely on emotions.
Muh hugbox?
You don't even know what favour means.
I want a site that presents truth impartially. You're genuinely a nigger who's incapable of reading.
Truth is incapable of being biased or partial

But I'm not a lefty.

You had me fooled. Reading your posts more carefully it seems you're just a cuck.

Why? Because you advocate arguing in good faith with people who argue in bad faith, regardless of context. Accepting defeat by sacrificing tactics to principles is masochistic, user.

And masochism is degenerate.

These are interesting bits about the Sahara and Australia. Any relatively objective sources?


These are great graphs. I just wish they had a sauce link in them. I could post them to my normie friends otherwise.

If you have the sauce bookmarked I'd appreciate it. If not I'll hunt it down myself.

“Is the sun red or yellow?”
“The sun is yellow.”
This is you.
Confirmed for shill. Reported.
So you don’t want the truth. Got it. Reported.
Learn what words mean before you use them.

Will this do?

Global warming is a scam. Plain and simple.

Well obviously the Earth has a cycle between warming periods and cooling periods. The notion that they can distinguish "man-made" global warming from normal warming variation is the biggest load of shit ever suggested. Leftists are such ignorant faggots they believe whatever they're told to believe.

Thanks user.

Even if the bubbles are unstable, wouldn't diffusion only lead to a loss of temporal resolution in the concentration of gases, rather than a truly incorrect result?

You say in one part of your post that there are questions what impact humans have. Then in the last part of your post you get emotional and say its happening indeed and you are impacted by it. If "it" means climate change and IT is happening then you do think it is human caused and you just tried an emotional argument.

Unfortunately this is neither tumblr nor facebook and emotional arguments just increase the likelihood no one will give a fuck about what you say because they are a waste of time.

our sun is actually visible as white outside of our planets atmosphere


You said you are undecided then you brought up a personal anecdote implying you have not only already decided but you demand urgent action.
Please stop while you were ahead.

Thank you. That's a good link and hilarious how it's spun. "We've replaced lush forest wildlife with some desert snakes." "Good job adding diversity!"

hmm… kind of like with people.

I was explaining where the horizon of the argument is, not my position. Many deny that the earth is warming up at all, which is patently false, and I was laying out where the real battle is which is if it's anthropogenic and to what extent it is anthropogenic. Your reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired.

This thread has already had graphs showing that any ideas of the earth warming up are 5-20 years graphs that deny that 20k or 500k year cycles even exist. The only reading comprehension lacking here is yourself because you just implied that I said the things you claim many deny.
I don't waste my time with the likes of you, go back to 4chan.

Have you observed air bubbles in ice for millennia? Beyond diffusion, what potential unknown chemical and physical processes goes on in them?

The answer is, we don't fucking know. It's the probable explanation with our current data-set, but we also know that logic dictates the larger the un-tested sample the more uncertainty beyond the real data. Which is why it's pretty insane to start talking about thousands and thousands of years ago based on a small sample we have today. Regardless of probability. But this is a type of thinking that has infested modern science.

The problem here is a blurring between theory and natural law. Like that other moron who several times presented these things as "fact" and tried to shame anyone who disagreed like a fucking Imam.

Cool paper, here's some more info about it:

Wew you must have swallowed a disinfo pill somewhere, but feel free to believe what you want friendo.

Your philosophy seems to be something similar to "you don't know everything, therefore you can't make any inference based on what you know". Let's say we did find other processes, but also found that climate results were still valid when those other processes were taken into account. I suspect you would still be saying "oh yeah, but what if there's still another mysterious process you don't know about?? Checkmate, scientists!" I hope I'm wrong in that regard.

i dont believe anything chum, i observe the facts and apply reason

why are you suddenly defending climate change
did you forget to switch to your other VPN?
do you realize we have IDs in this thread?


Not at all. Theory has it's place. But it's quite different from natural law, and you can't build on it in the same way. Let me try to give some examples. I'm starting to get drunk over here, but I'll give it a go:

Like the law of thermodynamics, something predictable and testable. You can build predictable machines with it.

When you try doing the same with an untestable theory as foundation, well… you might be right, you might be wrong. A repeatedly testable theory is better, but this ain't it. Now, take that out into something as diffuse and untestable as climate prophecy and you've got a real shitshow on your hands. Especially when the only real implications of it are political ones. As I try to say, I accede it's even probable that your air bubble theories are correct… but in the end we don't know. The machines they build to predict the climate based on their theories fail consistently, an dthat should tell you something.

But this problem is going on all over the natural sciences. Take black holes, they are un-observable phenomena made to explain something we observe that doesn't work with relativity. Do they exist? Probably not. It's actually probable there is something subtle wrong with relativity.

In the old days enlightenment type scientists would keep that as an option, keep it open and use it for what it works for. Today you got peer hubris and grant money and politics and all sort of retardation steering the process. This was a change that happened sometime around the world wars, when the academic structure was completely reformed. Did you know that before that there was no peer review, and science was expected to be testable for the individual scientist? Just think about how big a change of attitude that is.


wah wah mods! the free speech ends where my feelings begin!


especially the evidence showing peer review is largely a scam

I haven't argued against climate change anywhere in this thread.


oh so you are just arguing for it even though the gist of this thread is that most of us here have seen the facts and we have come to the same conclusion "climate cult" is a scam made to transfer wealth, increase government power, and fuck scientific funding up

I just want off of oil to watch the oil states collapse. Fuck those sand niggers.

Please add to this list

every time an arbitrary scale is used to somehow conclude (using fantasy and falsified calculations) that humans are EVIL POLLUTERS AND MUST DIE.
So, basically it has cultist meaning.

1.a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies. instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers:
the physical fitness cult.
3.the object of such devotion.
4.a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
5.Sociology. a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.
6.a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.
7.the members of such a religion or sect.
8.any system for treating human sickness that originated by a person usually claiming to have sole insight into the nature of disease, and that employs methods regarded as unorthodox or unscientific.

Isn't that inherently limiting, though? For example, wouldn't that make complex, high energy physics forever inaccessible?

I can't even imagine how you can evaluate such probabilities.

That's right, I'm arguing against the false Holla Forums consensus on this specific topic.

Agreed. It can't happen fast enough.

Why don't you google 'beijing smog' if you're so sure that pollution just disappears into the aether?

It's beyond insane, it's downright subversive. It's a way of bringing human fallibility and corruption into science. Authority deciding what is valid science is the antithesis of science. It's fucking religion.

And notice how no new discoveries are forthcoming from the academies. There is progress, yes, but it's all just refinement of older discoveries. We have left the age of enlightenment and entered the age of INFORMATION. They are not fucking about when they are telling you this.

Science now is for lone individuals in their basements and hidden in megacorporation labs and intel dungeons.

Of course it's inherently limiting. That's what made real progress possible. We built a system of truth on blocks of truth. When you throw that out and start building yourself a stairway into nothing on who knows if it's right, you inevitably end up somewhere wrong.

We are still not far on that path, but that path has firmly been set. As time goes on university "science" will diverge more and more from reality, until it's a full blown religion.

And no, that wouldn't make high energy physics forever inaccesible. When I say individual scientist I include groups of course… in contrast to some situations now where you in some circumstances have 10 people with vested interests across the vest deciding the validity of science and rejecting ideas that challenge their own.

It would perhaps make high energy physics take much longer to develop, but still…

I don't see any fusion yet, even though the propaganda rags trumpet it being solved every 3 years.

one free response is all you shills get

I know you've been here less than a couple months, but you're trying too hard to fit in.

That wasn't obvious from what you were saying. With climate change, you have different groups making different measurements, and you certainly have more than 10 people analyzing the results.
I think I know where the vested interests lie…

That's because funding for it has gone down significantly since the 80s. Not only that, but a big chunk of that funding goes to ITER, which seems to be not very practical and economical compared to proposed alternatives.

Strawman. Humans are not blamed for solar flares.

Started when CFCs were introduced, and stopped growing when they were banned. Coincidence?

We know exactly what the chemicals that cause it are and where they come from.

Strawman. The people who literally think that are in the minority.

they only affect electronics (therefore a electronic engineering design problem). A human issue.
Because solid electronics could annihilate this 'threat'.
This last sentence indicates how some elite level governance/NGO/think tanks/NAVO etc view this problem.
Less humans → no man made environmental pollution.

At least the other guy tried to raise a point about fine atmospheric particles.
It could be lots of thinks that could be in the air in such a large place with its dense population.
could be:
Air (re)freshners
Spray cans for surface texturization/treatment
Industry emissions (or lack of regulation)
Car emissions (or lack of regulation)
Coal plants
'thermic recycling plants'
Human dust (dead skin particles etc)
Dust from sawing/grinding/breakage
[This list is not exclusive]
So the causes of that fog are at least a combination of several factors mentioned above.
The answer could be to ban left and right.
Or.. Just make huge air filters to collectively recycle it, just as we take care of garbage.

This is what people should be reading instead.
I regret making this thread. This has become a stupidly political issue with vested globalist interests on both sides (primarily the GW alarmists, but funny how the snake has no tail). I did see a few decent links to less politicized stuff. I still have no real idea what's going to happen in the next 50 years. But thanks for the all the fish.

So? Doesn't mean humans are responsible in any way.
Yes, and?

They don't need to be banned everywhere for the effect to be noticeable. Besides there are now alternative products like HFCs that don't destroy the ozone layer.

What do you mean? It still exist, but is thankfully less common thanks to regulations limiting SO2 and NOx emissions.

Those people are wrong to think that way.

When it comes to chinese smog, it's most likely the following:

A good idea, but remember we're talking about the chinese here.

I never bought into the climate change denial argument. Too riddled with logical fallacies and false information.
However, believing in man-made climate change doesn't mean you have to be a fucking liberal hippy faggot.
All global warming/climate change is is the earth's biosphere reacting to a species beyond it's carrying capacity (i.e. muslims, niggers, pooinlooians, and chinks)
rising sea levels, famines, storms, all of this will just reduce the population of third-world countries to a more manageable number, I see no reason to try and prevent it.
try and ask someone who believes in climate change WHY you should try to stop it. If they say it will kill millions of people in africa, you say good, I hate africa. If they say it will kill the polar bears, ask what in the flying fuck polar bears do for me.
believing in climate change doesn't mean you have to actively work against it.

No regrets.
Next 50 years?
-Trump becomes president
-Bitcoin cripples
-Birthrate declines (at least for now)
-Dollar is kill?
Bitcoin will do OK (1200$)
Soldiers of Odin is marked as a terrorist organization by islamic scholars
Further attempts by political islam to subdue national norms and values
No politcal succes, they take to the streets.
Trump starts the building of the wall.
'americans' and 'asian' and 'refugees' are cut off from their mainlands and go full retard
State cracks down on minorities (DUH)
Mohammeds cut cock goes takbir in a mayor city.
Stocks fail, bitcoin doing 5000$+
Science has finally concluded that mass migration promoted terrorism in a way that decreased public safety to 3rd world levels
Government personnel and people without a criminal record get drafted into the army to restore order.
Mass de-migration by tricking migrants on free boats to England (and spread it far and wide) that is will however not going there. There are now stranded in Egypt.
This announcement will be done by Sweden Netherlands, England, Spain, Portugal, Denmark and Germany

Trumps presidency is almost at an end. He will live to be over 85.
The boat departure is well on track, it/they will leave with over 650.000 refugees aboard, setting sail for England.
The rest goes to Egypt.
Repeat the video of 'the Island' to refugees over and over again. Constant outflux of refugees, their family, and after a while anyone who wants to leave this unholy place for free.
Purge becomes enstated
AI controls farming and production
Bitcoin is the way you buy favors from the machine AI. Who needs dollars?


they only affect electronics
A human issue.
So that makes it the responsibility of humans to solve. It is a man-made design problem bad engineering to not design equipment capable of handling the rigorous electromagnetic conditions of this planet. Obviously, this could be solved.

I do see one problem resulting from the current global warming, though: it's pushing undesirable fauna (from ticks and mosquitoes to niggers) to the north, where white people live.

I agree, although I don't know exactly what would be necessary.

yes, but it's also increasing the capacity for produce in previously low-yield areas, especially areas with longer growing seasons. Frankly the only possible outcome of climate change I consider "bad" is the extinction of the human race, which is laughably implausable. the high rate of extinction, unless it directly causes the end of humanity, seems kike a non-issue to me.

You aren't intelligent enough to understand any sources anyway.

That's because you have a low IQ and don't understand mathematics (just like most climate scientists fyi).


OP, Snowden has a book coming out in September. In it, he claims he'll have documents proving that the CIA invented 'climate change' in the 50's to hide the harmful effects of nuclear weapon testing.

They did it by buying off professors and paying think tanks. By releasing all sorts of bullshit papers they poisoned the entire field. So you have guys that have spent their whole careers based on bullshit they read in college and believed was real. It's like breast Cancer research that everyone worked on for like 40 years using the wrong genes haha. Google it. It was an epic fuck up. But this is classic US gov conspiracy shit.

Which is fuck all, retard. That is like looking at stock prices for an hour and attempting to predict what they will be twenty years down the line.

Weird. Don't nuclear weapon cause the opposite effect (cooling due to soot particles, see nuclear winter)? Wouldn't it have made more sense for the CIA to promote "global cooling" to shift potential blame away from nuclear weapons?

Snowden is a shill anyway, so anything he writes will likely be fake.

Remember, "Sage" goes in all fields.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
Stay Vigilant.

How do any of these result in paying jews?

I think all roads in that example pays jews. The Jewish ultimate goal is to have a global tax, similar to the common european citizen tax number they want to start giving out like SSNs are used in America. Jews want to hand out tax bills for how much pollution you use, carbon credits and the like.

All of this doesn't mean that global warming isn't happening if we look at it objectively however. I believe that it does, and I believe the science bears that out. Like I said before, you can completely disregard all Western pozzed up science and still come to that conclusion from looking at our Jap/Chink counterparts and their findings. No one bothers to address this as their opinions come from the cuckservative blog they've been reading for 10 years or from


stfu nigger.

your philosophy seems to be

faggot nigger.

The only people you should ever listen to on the topic of climate change are those that both acknowledge the ill effects c02 emissions have as a climate driver and that nuclear is the only sane alternative if we are to phase out fossil fuels within the foreseeable future.

Everyone else is either a petrodollar shill or a fucking clueless hippy with a grade-schoolers understanding of the problem and feasible solutions.

You are proof that the mods are paid shills.



Any number of things are happening at any given time you stupid fuck.




That's essentially the gist of the fucking global climate argument. Reducing molecular collisions (global temperatures). What a fucking retarded concept.

Human arrogance and hubris knows no bounds.

Actually I do hope there is a mass extinction event and billions die in a climate apocalypse. It would be fun to see these faggot ass "green", "renewable" hippies die in famines. I hope california goes first, and there is an earthquake that swallows Tesla's factory.

They assume the government is literally a fucking diety that can fix everything by levying a fucking tax.

Because that's all it takes. People paying a few fucking worthless fiat dollars to a bureaucracy to lead humanity to salvation. Paying taxes to jews, and austerity for the plebs will bring about salvation.

It's like those demented catholics and muzzies who whip themselves to show devotion to "god".

If climate science remained in the realm of fucking autistic sperglords like marine biology, and they only occasionally crawled down from their ivory towers to make BBC documentaries, I wouldn't have a fucking problem with it.

Climate science is now a fucking religion.

I don't give a shit about the "science".

Suck my flaccid dick.

I get that all the time. It’s hilarious. It’s actually pretty useful, as you can just use it to prove to anyone watching that the faggot has no argument whatsoever and thinks that having his feelings hurt stands in for an argument.


Mobilizing the Billions and Trillions for Climate Finance

"Over the next 15 years, the global economy will require an estimated $89 trillion in infrastructure investments across cities, energy, and land-use systems, and $4.1 trillion in incremental investment for the low-carbon transition to keep within the internationally agreed limit of a 2 degree Celsius temperature rise."

Mother Nature laughs at the Climate Change Cult.