White Genocide banner at Trump rally

Just wanted to run this by you and get some ideas.

Some friends and I are going to the Trump rally in Fairfield, CT today. One of them owns a massive Diversity=White Genocide banner and they wanted to go into the protestor section private university location so we can't just stand wherever with all the leftists and beaners and hold up the banner.

The idea is to get our memes into the heads of the people attending Trump's rally. But I wanted to get Holla Forums's thoughts on if this is a decent idea or not.

Also if anyone is going to the Fairfield rally you should post ITT.

Don 't pull a David Duke and alienate normalfags. The window is shifting, but we aren't at the point of dropping major red pills in public like this. Gotta take a page out of the lefty handbook and chip away until it is feasible. They didn't get to this point by shouting "Stalin did nothing wrong" and "Kill all white men" in the 50's.

Great Idea, OP

do it, but not at a trump rally

Nah, you should do it the other way around. "Preserve world diversity" or something like that which includes White people and European cultures.

Make the less informed think that Trump supporters are all 'evil white racists'.

Bad idea.

This. Just be patient, the time will come. Just slowly chip away with numerous but sublet redpills. Find common ground with people who aren't as far right as we are, then co-opt their views to bring them towards real truth.

Trump is already popular enough, and the media will continue it's "Trump is a Nazi" nonsense anyways. Why care about PR? Holla Forumsacks should do their best to redpill Trump supporters even further.

did you even read OP?
he is going to act like he is libtard protestor…

That's an easy way to get yourselves in the news.

No you total penis, that is not what we should do. That does nothing to shift the Overton window. Subtle redpills to normies is the way to go.

It doesn't matter. You're larping

Pretty easy to get on the news.

But I have a better idea, do that in a Shillary rally. Now that'd be fucking funny. Remember to carry a firearm. If you can't conceal carry, open carry. If you can't open carry, don't do it you're going to get attacked.

What window would that be?

You didn't think before making that post did you?

I dunno how this would go off in the protester section.

Generally the idea should be to not associate these type of things with Trump himself, as he's supposed to be le Civic Nationalist Wall Candidate, yet his policies implicitly favor whites due to not being bogged down by carrying nigs and spics through their tax money.

If it's in the protestor section, and if you get asked some funny questions you might as well play it off as Trump being too left or w/e. If you engage with the media and seem pro-Trump in any form, you can bet your bottom dollar that they'd use you like a two dollar whore for the next two weeks.

do whatever you want faggot. its a free country.

also, checked, since no other summercunt had the decency.

I really fucking disdain this meme.

You can >muh UN definition how much you want, but when normies think of "genocide" they don't think "voluntary demographic replacement".

It implies victimhood and powerlessness, both of which are untypical to the European spirit.
And whites will always be considered the group on the top (see: South Africa), nobody is going to pity us.

The Trump people are more succeptable to our ideas than anyone.

We'd be in the protestor section and probably not wearing our Trump gear I just bought a Buchanan 2000 and Wallace '68 pin so kinda mad about that.

This tbh. CT is not a swing state either. I don't even know why he's coming.

kill yourself

My main concern about the protestor section is that we're going to be the subject of a constant barrage of shit from the leftists. Screaming, spitting, and whining and possibly assault, we're trying to get more than the 4 of us in on it for that purpose.

Which is why I never used that slogan.


the real meme is:
diversity is a code word for anti-white.
some autistoc cunts hijacked it and added genocide in an attempt to make it sound scarier but in the end it reduced it's effectiveness


make that banner OP.

Well if you're going to do that, go right ahead.

Again, you are going to get attacked. Like assaulted attacked, and the cops won't help you either.


Kill yourself


If we don't talk to the media what're really the chances of this going big nationally?

If you want to make it easier to grok, less slogany, I'd say "Diversity means less white people."

While I agree that muh PR is retarded, don't wear your Trump gear. You gotta troll these fuckers. Try to see if you got some Obama or Shillary or Bernie gear, that'd be funny. Even if it's just a pin.


Do not use "white genocide" tier stuff at Trump rallies.

Normies aren't prepped yet for that kind of power level.

Not only do I hope you faggot larpers get your asses kicked, I hope it makes the news so I can webm your assured curb-stomping to the tune of Yakety Sax.

yes, goyi- I mean, fellow White Nationalist. this! while you're at it, you should bring banners that say 14/88 - Hitler Did Nothing Wrong, this will surely divi- I mean bring more of our fellow whites together! Everyone thinks Trump is a nazi already, well if the shoe fits, wear it!

I can't believe you fucking pussies.

You are literally SO CUCKED that you are afraid to go out in public and say "I have a right to exist."

This is why WN is failing, because of faggots who are too gay to even be real WN.

Everyone wants to wait until society gives them permission to be tribal and racist, well news flash, they will NEVER give you permission because society is comprised of 99% liberals and browns.

Either you develop some balls or WN dies.

Indianafag here. When I went to a rally in Indy back in April they didn't allow any external posters, flags, or banners into the stadium. One lady brought a small US flag with her and they confiscated it, took the pole off of it, and gave her the flag back and asked her to keep it in her bag. They supplied the bleachers with a variety of Trump posters, though.

CTR, plz. You have to go back.

his pecs look like big pouches with bananas in them.

Do it at a democrat rally or fuck off.

What kind of dumb shit is this even?

I'm not a shill, I'm a WN who is seriously sick and tired of chronic lack of balls on behalf of the WN movement.

You think Trump is getting ahead because he waited for peoples' permission to say "beaners need to go back, no more kebabs, #MAGA?"

It's always better to ask forgiveness than permission.

Just hold an anti-illegal immigration one, maybe one that includes crimes by illegals.

You're retarded. Trump still needs 20-30% of the non-white vote to win the election, so don't fucking ruin it for him, you dumb fucking cunt.

I'd skip it.

Do it somewhere else.

Make a banner that says 'America for Americans' or something.

No need to alienate Trump further from the normies. Hell if you wanted to do that, why not go the whole hog and make a banner that says 'Gas the kikes race war now' ?

But why do it at a trump rally you dumb piece of shit?

He is the one candidate capable of pushing the overton window to the right and slowly making people comfortable with nationalism.

What are you doing? Trying to hand the kike media a nice big buzzer to trigger the pavlovian conditioning of normies.

Why the fuck not do it at a hillary rally? Why the fuck not do it at any other place?

WHY THE FUCK would you do something that will obviously hurt the one candidate pushing us to the right?


A: A fucking shill and should kill yourself
B: A fucking moron and should kill yourself

No you dumbfuck OP.
For example:

Don't use things that are known only to a select few on the internet.
The old folks don't know the new jargon.

M8, you may not be a shill, but you're fucking retarded if you think Trump's platform is purely pro-White and not pro-American. There's a big fucking difference.

The fact that whites are now the minority means that going full retard and trying to turn a Trump Rally into a fucking "look at muh speshul patches and printed MS Paint flagz" convention will get you nothing but scorn and derision from everyone; not just the cucked MSM and liberal fodder, but the normies and the WN themselves who know how not to spill their fucking spaghetti at the drop of a hat.

Illegal immigrants must go, yes. Muslims entering the country need to be vetted, yes. But you're not going to win the populace with literal segregation right out of the gate. You need financial segregation first. Improving the economy is the first way to do that.

If you can't wrap your head around the fact there is more at stake than your orgasming over your American History X DVD, you need to read a fucking history book. Subversion of the system to generate white ideology back into the conscious works far more thoroughly than blasting a Skrewdriver tape and doing donuts in a Taco Bell parking lot with your Dad's Yugo, you stupid nigger.

The idea that being moderate and low energy somehow helps getting your point across to normalfags and prevents you from getting labeled an extremist, has been disproven time and time again.

good post m8, but now I kinda wanna go around blasting Skrewdriver while doing donuts

You have nothing but buzzwords.

Go and wave your dumb fucking banner, observe the media fallout, observe trump polls drop by 2-8% and help hillary win.

Amnesty for 12 million illegals is surely the first step towards a white future.


How did lefties make trannies acceptable? By running around in the 50s and telling everyone that being a genderqueer transnigger is acceptable? No. They always had far left activists but the actual leftists politicians were taking babysteps.

You just need to die. Put a fucking gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. Do it you tremendous fucking moron. KILL YOURSELF

Nothing in my post said anything about PR. I was address the way information is supplied, distributed and disseminated. Those thoughts and actions take time to produce, ingest, digest and redistribute.

The fact that you have nothing but dismissiveness for the intelligent white man tells me you don't belong to any sort of WN organization and you need to fuck off with your retard roleplaying.

The media is already calling Trump a (((insert jewish insult))) 24/7, theres no risk at this point.

I know, and I hate Trump because of that difference.

Pro white is the ONLY thing that matters.

I don't want Trump to just deport "illegals," I want him to deport ethnic Mestizos regardless of legal status.

The same applies to my view on any other nonwhite race.

The only reason I support Trump at all is because he might pave the way for someone who is actually good (i.e. Nazi).

Did you seriously just write an entire post that ended up being the "DUDE, WAIT FOR HITLER" meme?

And right now at least half of his voters are denying that.

You need to give normies plausible deniability. Once they can't say anymore that trump is not a racist they will be forced to drop support for him.

Plausible deniability is the keyword here and you're trying to turn off the giant chunk of voters that isn't explicitly WN.

The trump campaign has helped boost the membership of right wing groups massively, all the alt-right sites experience a massive boom and you want to squander the opportunity of at least 4 years of continued growth by having some purity spiral spergout at the rally of the candidate we support?




Go to fucking ironmarch if you want validation for your painfully dumb idea. And read a book you fucking imbecile. Rules for radicals is a great one. Learn the tactics of your enemy and use them against them.

You're such a moronic low-iq useful idiot and you don't even know it.


not actually going to help anything much, just another thing to scare the normies with about trump

The anti-Trump campaign is actually working now, spooking the horses more is bad. Important for Trump to get the few remaining persuadable people comfortable with him

Do it at a Shillary rally. Will still get the meme out, doesn't sabotage Trump

You're retarded if you do this.

Do it at a Democrat rally. If Trump comes up, you say you hate him because he supports *legal* immigrants.

"larping" is not a criticism either

I get the point you're trying to make but the media has already blown its wad talking about David Duke, the AFP, and the ANP all basically endorsing Trump. A banner that's not associated with the Trump campaign isn't going to hurt if those didn't.

Plus if the media does report on it, it only gets the message out there. There's nothing outright offensive about it.

I'm having second thoughts but my faggot friends still want to do this. I'll take some advice from this thread and insist they don't talk to the media at all.

No it's better to put somethng completely reatrd if you're in the protestors sections. Preferably with spelling mistakes. This could be good fun if you take the leftest protestors to an extreme, something like:

Male feminists for Hillary
I want a Woman Boss
I submit to female power
Men for powerful women etc.

Make it absolutely cringeworthy. Wear a dress or some shit everyone there should be embarrassed to be associated with you.

Maybe go totally communist

republics to the Gulag
Free Speech = Evil
Evil White males

etc Use your imagination.

I just hope you get knocked the fuck out before you can go through with your sabotage.

Punch them. Hard.

Going outside isn't a criticism. Pretending to be something you're not, is larping.

So, I'm confused. Either you're friends are dedicated WN's or they're faggots, so which is it? And if they're faggots, why would you come on Holla Forums and admit you have shit-taste in friends AND have second thoughts about it, thoroughly proving everyone in this thread is right about what a fucking shit-brained idea this is?

You need to learn self-respect, self-determination, self-reliance and self-control. Otherwise, you're "friends" will lead you into a fucking pit you could've avoided had you the sense to understand what this is really all about and not being edgy fucking teens.

the diversity is white genocide stuff is just kvetching

You have to use this tactic.

You have the main group take the "mainline" position.

Then you have a side group take the "extreme" position.

The side group will take all the slack, but the main group can take advantage of any public perception shift.

The left uses it all the time.

Make it

White Genocide =/= Diversity

That way it still appears that you might be in support of diversity, while also wanting to preserve your race, for the normies.

But main group need plausible deniability against the accusation they're working with the side group

OP would fuck that up.

Election at this point is down to a bunch of republican leaning and declared-republican undecideds.Validating "Trump supporters==racists" is not going to win them over.

Have to tailor messages to audiences.

Stupid faggot, you're the reason Trump might lose.

No, you fucking idiot.


Stupid kike, you’re the reason reported.

Holla Forums is so out of touch with reality some times.

Hugbox fag, I wabt Trump to win, but showing your autism won't help Trump.

Yep, reported again. Thanks for confirming I was right.


Good job.


Thanks for being an ultra nigger.


I want Trump to win, but only to pave the way for an American Hitler.

Do it OP. It's a win win. The lugenpresse can't cover the protestors without covering your sign. I do think it would be interesting to see if Trump would let you stay in the rally with your banner, but he's been taking enough heat lately.

What you need to do OP is take your sign, add the words "and that is a good thing" at the end. Then dress up as a Hillary supporter and go protest the trump rally.

Use the lefts tactics against them.

Do it outside the rally so if the media decides to use it trump can just say "he wasnt mine and I dont support him"

Don't listen to PR fags. The white genocide meme isnt even that difficult to take. People are social animals and will find something as acceptable to believe in (even if they dont believe in it themselves) of they see people demonstrating that belief.

please man, please do something to bring up white genocide, God I hope Trump starts talking about the statistics

Or use kike quotes so that you can’t ever be called anti-semitic.

The satan-dubs demand the false-flag.

Hello, CTR.

Being pro-American is synonymous with being pro-white, because no non-whites can ever be Americans, you civic cuckold faggot.

America is fundamentally and intrinsically linked to the white race. It's impossible for someone to be truly "pro-American" while not actually being pro-white

Stop trying to rationalise the death of the white race. Illegals need to go. Muslims need to go. Every single non-white needs to go. You can cry all you want about "muh 14/88ers!!!!" but the fact still remains that America is dying because the white race is dying, and the only way we will survive is if we completely reverse this demographic trend - be it through the ballot or armed conflict.

I want /r/The_Donald to leave.

This PR cuckery is so last year


If you have to moderate your position to appeal to more people, then you aren't gaining ground at all

Why not false flag if you're going to be with the protesters. Act cool until the news try to interview you. Then act stealthy but say shit like "The Era of the white man is over and I couldn't be happier!" only the most deluded Americunts watching CNN could hear that and not recognize a threat. Even better if you're live.

Sure is fucking Reddit in here. Go suck off "muh based minorities" elsewhere, you dirty anti-white


All of this.

Holy shit, you're a fucking try hard. Sperg somewhere else, Schlomo.

If Trump himself had listened to the army of faggots that propably told him the exact same thing, would he the nominee?

Top kek it's true.

That's a pretty good idea, but when the libs see what's on your sign you might get some trouble.

But otherwise, do it OP, get our fellow Trumpers on board.

We'll call it in

The French call it the "Great Replacement".

It's not cucked when you're intelligent enough to know that "white genocide" is a fucking stupid term for what's happening.

There are a multitude of reasons as to why these edgy terms like white genocide don't work. We all know, intuitively, what it's describing because we all talk about it and are red pilled about it, but if you seriously consider it, you know it's an obtuse way to explain what we're talking about here.

Now, take the fact that it's already obtuse for us and then think on how well that communicates our point and our message to normies… it doesn't. It confuses them at best and alienates them at worst.

Yes white culture and the white race is under attack, but it's not overt, it's not direct, and it's not GENOCIDE.

Yes chaim, I agree. We shouldn't be trying to make someone running for president look good. We should all show up to his rallies with swastika armbands and scream "Gas the kikes". That'll get him elected right?

Fuck off back to Reddit with you.

Shut up dammit.

Implications aren't an argument, summerfag. And neither is a baseless accusation because you don't know how to read.
Nice deflection, kid.

Feel free to squat this thread for no other reason than try to shoo people away instead of forming a coherent thought in that cum-filled brain of yours from being mindfucked by the Electric Jew.

Filtered. Get new material, CTR.

You need to ephasize that enforcing diversity in white country is genocide.

The globe is for diversity, not our countries.

Every time.

All of this.

Reddit confirmed. You're trying way too hard to fit, in you shitskin-loving cuck.

I've been here since the first exodus and It's easy to spot braindead retards like you pretending to be "one of le oldfags XDXD"

Every time what? A person posts in a thread first time?

Guess we need to be mainline republicans. It would be far better if you brought rainbow star of david flags. That will get normies on board. Oh and wear assless leather chaps and ball gags. Its all about numbers guys.

If your group interests are even obliquely harmed, even if someone creates the possibility that your group may be at slight risk of harm, that is a problem equivalent to genocide.

Kikes are smart enough to understand that, what's your excuse?

Don't forget - grab your guns and shoot up a few liberals too, while you're at it.
That's what radical muslims did for all the peaceful revolution ones.
85 sharia courts in the UK in 2014, now 1 happening every day in the EU and Brexit.


get it right faggot

however, "hitler did nothing wrong" appealed to my sense of humour. it also appeals to others.
when you influence people, you need their trust and you need to not behave like their enemy or spill your spaghetti all over the place.
you need some tact if you want to influence people of whatever.

He is right, you fucking retard.

We want everyone to immediately think "anti-white" when some dipshit says pro-diversity. Any normalfag can understand that inherently.

try to reach white parents.
when you inform them about a certain aspect of politics, which is power in numbers, you can convince them that the interests, including the security, of their children is at risk when the power in numbers of their demographic is in declining rapidly.
we're dealing with a population, however, that is on the verge of sacrificing their own children due to their white guilt complex.

You sound like a huge faggot.

Take it to the rally itself - there is nothing alienating about the concept of white genocide, and if you dont act like a sperg and just present it as a legitimate issue of demographics, it should be A-Okay.

Ive been to two Trump rallies, and I really doubt anyone would be put off if you don't act like a fool.

Can the White Race not think of better tactics?

For the first time ever we are winning. Why? Because for once we AREN'T showing all our cards. Because we aren't running in head first. Because we aren't calling ourselves White Nationalists. (Hell, we aren't even BEING White Nationalists. Save that for a time we can afford it.)

You think (((they))) got into the position they're in because they told us right off the bat they were going to try to make us extinct? No. They never admitted it. We figured it out by the time it was almost too late. They held their cards and realized it was a battle they weren't going to win in one generation.

Dinosaur-minded people like you had your time. Follow our lead now.

Nice argument.

Confirmed for not being at any rally, let alone one where you're going to stand amongst the enemy, where there is no sort of calm, rational discussion. Gargling mayonnaise away from here.

like the other anons are saying, it's probably better to start with something more palatable and agreed upon, ie
the leftist attacks on american exceptionalism, nationalism, and calls for shit like "make california mexico again already piss enough normies off to know that their beliefs are under attack.


How to spot a shill

OP instead you should do something subtle like "promote world diversity"

Just larp as a lefty.


It's okay to drop redpills but just don't be a fucking autist about it.

Dress well and be well spoken and well groomed. Don't look like you just got done fapping in your mom's basement.


The "Sam Hyde" satire is fucking WORKING.

OP you're a retard. At least wait until Trump is God Emperor of man kind before you bring a "nazi banner" to his rally.

I'm jumping in too

You're a paranoid faggot, they're right about the subtle redpills.


Hey if OP is still here I'd like to say a friend of mine told me he saw your sign.

He was the fellow with the beard and aviators driving a gold Ford Thunderbird, the 70's car.

Just wanted to say keep kicking ass guys.

This, going lukewarm or compromising will not get you any favors. You will be a nazi regardless.

this tbh goys, quantity over quality is going to save the h'uite race :DD

So the OP actually did it? OP needs to report back on the response.

Under-rated post. This should be our strategy.

Where did this stupid meme come from?

Did you not learn anything about PR cucks from gamercuck?


Exactly. "White Genocide" makes most people think of whites _doing_ the genocide.

"Diversity means Less White People" gets the message across, but could be catchier.

But don't do that at a Trump rally, either.>>7118528

Of course not, but he's already convinced most of the people receptive to that. Also, at that time he was playing against the cucks, which required different tactics.

Most people have already chosen a side, and it doesn't add up to enough for him to win.

Our enemies have undeniably used moderate groups which have lied about their true beliefs and it has worked great for them. Vanguardists are needed, but it's a tactic to be used in combination with other tactics, it's not the whole program.

screwed up reply to


The most direct one is the, "Mexico for the Mexicans, Asia for the Asians, and white countries FOR EVERYONE!" It gives a good visual and the scale of it all.

To summarize the lessons that can be learned from this thread, the only tactics we should use are ones that are effective at winning people to our side, and never use tactics that alienate MORE people than they attract.

There is a time and a place for GTKRWN1488RWDS and that time is in the future AFTER we claim more victories.

This. They can come later.


Yes, it's not like making a serious effort to moderate his message - to the point of outright lying about his plans when in government - was instrumental in Hitler being appointed chancellor and gaining power or anything.

Also Hitler was a total cuck for abandoning armed struggle and changing to parliamentary methods, when has tactical moderation ever worked?

Also it was totally the courage and boldness of the SA that advanced their movement, it had nothing to do with the support from moderates in the police and judiciary who went easy on them, and turned Hitler's prison stay for attempting to overthrow the government into an all-expenses-paid bookwriting retreat.

Ya know what would be a good banner to see start popping up at Trump rallies?

If you do it and Trump supporters ask you the meaning behind this. Don't try and instantly redpill them, what you gotta do is saying something like that the forced Multiculturalism in all white countries are making us into third world countries where we become a minority in our own countries and that's genocide under the UN definition. Don't name the Jew unless they ask into it, unless you wanna look like some autist and "scare" them away. Else it is a good idea to bring alt-right like banners to a Trump rally, if you go in with it, don't pussy out. Hehe good luck.


fucking kek'd hard.
but seriously, this post is on point.

Its exactly because of banners like OP that we are shifting the window. We need more of them.

Just do it. Nothing is too politically incorrect besides obvious alienation tactics. And by that I mean the line is at:
Stuff like what you are suggesting is a good way to go about it. Its not alienating. Its not calling out any specific group. Its just a blanket statement that doesn't alienate anyone.

"Deport illegals" is also very non-alienating. Because you're not pointing out "fuck mexicans" or anything of the sort. Saying that illegals should get deported is like saying "people should abide by the common law that protects the nation and its people".

Or in short: Great idea, I hope you did it since I am posting a day later. Just don't go full "kill spics and niggers", that comes later.

No, Baby Boomer, get lost. You had your chance when this stuff was starting and you failed. Move over for pro-whites.

this really needs to be done


Fine. You be autistic and flail your fists everywhere and the rest of us will save your worthless retard ass.