ITT: characters who need more lewds
ITT: characters who need more lewds
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Pop Tart Nurse needs lewds.
You'll never be good enough to be on Freakazoid.
These two.
Still no "Red".
she literally has none
I hated this drawn so much.
She doesn't need lewds, she needs a punch to her shitty face.
Though, she had some strange, downright psychotic lesbian fixation on her rival.
DirtGirlWorld needs more lewds.
And less drugs.
I swear to god, when I accidently watched this, it was the creepiest shit I've ever seen.
And it's for friggin toddlers! What's wrong with TV?
Nanette Manure has fan art.
Don't tell anyone, but TV is making us dumber
/co likes tomboys, so they're all wearing boys' undies.
My Anaconda don't want none, OP.
Besides the right answer is Mimi.
Did Mimi ever dress as a boy in her show?
Oh Lawd, it actually works.
It was in one of the episodes. The bitchy girl bends over to pick something up and sees them.
Phoebe from Heavenly Nostrils. I'm not surprised there aren't many lewds of her, but she's just so perfect. It's a damn shame I'm unlikely to ever see a picture of her engaging in my fetishes unless I draw it myself.
Clarissa. Her comic practically begs for it.
Yes. Phoebe is just so perfect.
So, is Angela wearing y-fronts or boxers?
What fetishes would those even be?
They weren't shown. Her brothers are pretty big though, I doubt boxers would fit under her dress
I dunno. She being miserable about it kills my boner.
Desperation, ageplay and diapers, mainly. Honestly I'd settle for a bit of gentle, bondage with Phoebe enjoying being the sub.
This little Angle.
Teresa From pumpkin reports
That's what makes it hot. on the note of Heavenly Nostrils, I wish Sue would at least show up again if not get more porn
You wanted lewds?
Your lewd is the terrible.
Intentionally terrible.
You have to go back.
Is she an acute or obtuse angle?
Dunno, but she has an acute angina.
Bug from Future Worm.
[spoiler]this deer from open season[spoiler]
Hayley Kinaschuk is an exception to the rule 34.
All we have is a look at her panties.
This is a kikess.
jewesses can be cute
They can be pretty hot too if you put them in an oven.
OOOH BURN (the jews, that is)
Nancy needs more lewds.
That's actually pretty funny.
Great one.
Hi Stannis.
That's terrible.
Do you have any more?
Mike and Lu made me feel funny. I like it when a girl is showing her shoulder because of an oversized shirt collar.
There will never be enough Mike, Lou and Og
This seems like a fun thread. I hope this continues.
Maybe I should try and get back into that art thing.
Pretty cute. Which episode?
There's no lewds for the girl in "Peste et Crouton"
the holy grail….
Someone has it.
What if you took up a collection and offered um..
Nigger, do you know how hard people have searched for this comic? There were threads long before the exodus of people going to 2chan specifically asking around for this doujin and willing to pay for the upload.
Only a year or so ago was the cover uploaded.
So? Someone must have a time machine…
Been a while since I looked at these episodes.
Why do I understand some of the German now?
Ja I get it, you want mich to draw porn of dies.
It's the pilot episode, this explains the quality and model differences between the later episodes.
Could you link us the pilot?
Thanks. I just bought myself the DVD due to lack of online streams/downloads.
And even that wasn't easy, since it's not officially available anymore.
This franchise has gone to shit.
The only instance of Rule34 of bibi that I've seen.
You just wanted me to post some of the lewd Bibi I have, right?
All need lewds. NOW.
Pretty much every It Hurts!! character
I'd be surprised if MODOK had lewds.
looks hot.
fuck off
Some nice fanart of Bibi would be okay too.
Whoa. That's uncalled for. We were having a good time.
How cute. Asshole.
fuck off
Report and hide, guys.
"Home" needs lewds, but just the Tip
Probably alone on this.
best waifu.
Madame Marsupial
So, she's bigger on the inside, like a tardis.
Or a Guu.
Definitely Jenny Brown, I had a crush on her when P&F was popular.
A Jenny Simon drew.
Looks like this is a request thread now.
So, if Guu ate the Tardis,
and then Guu walked inside the Tardis,
would they disappear?
Good news, everyone!
That's some Auschwitz shit
Way too much pedo shit ITT
I never realise how much I want to see a lewd adaption of this that draws the characters away from the horrid art-style that the original show had.
Dude, collect all the stuff you can today/now because in the future some of it will it will be unicorns.
You have good taste, sir.
Isn't Ally supposed to be utterly disgusting, complete with awful body odor?
Well she is a rotting corpse so of course she smells bad.
Like Lenore?
1. Even before she got zombified everyone made fun of her for that
2. They're in hell now so I don't think much of that apocalypse shit counts anymore
exactly. it's ripe with potential
Annoyed people complain about Bibi when the is dozens of her.
How about these new 3D animated lolis who get zero attention?
her two Caucasian neighbor sisters Emmie and Alma
Her 9 year old cousin Tisha
Florence FUCKING.Nightingale because Doc is a witch and uses her stethoscope talisman to travel back in time when Florence was a loli
Amazing potential but basicay untouched because few give kids shows a chance even though it is adorable.
user, those faces are horrifying, jesus fuck.
Heil Hitler!
pretty good
Where's the first girl from?
Star Vs I think. Maybe Loud House?
That cartoon is creepy as fuck. Are those abducted children or something?
That's some top tier FAS
ugh, Holla Forumseddit…???
so people from detroit get her stuff… hurr durrr
I need two things:
So I can do some forced-orgasm fun with a female friend after we send each other pics of our lock combinations.
Where can I get these?
I think the icons is their excuse for redoing all the classic dc characters after dcuc ran it's course. If theyre smart, they are going to do the same thing with what hasbro did with the marvel legends deadpool and black series darth revan. Both of these characters had insane aftermarket prices, so they sold (or will sell) like crazy. Even the ugly cartoonish dc total heroes beyond sold really well because it was the closest thing to a decent 6inch articulated figure for under $80. Maybe theyre waiting for a series of shelfwarmers to stick him in for better sales or something.
Where r the male ejaculation
In Clarissa's case, I'd be happy just to have more regular comics of her
The "Childhood Ruined" girl needs more lewds.
Speaking of which, does anyone have the full chapter of pic related?
The artist never finished it afaik.
man, what an ungrateful little shit.
i dont see how redirecting me to another board makes me any more or less right.
Thats why you should be kind when you do it.
Just don't be an asshole or else no amount of pleasure will make up for the dicking.
I guess you already know of fuchur's stuff
That was nice. Little bitch deserves it for ruining childhoods. Now her own childhood is ruined. Mmmmm~
Bibi's mom needs more lewds.
This multiarmed cutie.
Where can the commercial with this girl be found?
She's the winner in "Unfair Science Fair" silly.
That's a Phineas and Ferb episode.
I always thought her tank top was cute.
Those extra arms could come in handy for lots
of things, like mountian climbing
Yes, I would like to see unnamed girl mountain climbing. Or tree climbing, that would do.
Considering the deep hatred Otaku have for modern western cartoons, I bet most people bought the few copies to burn it on a pile in honor of their waifu, it is lost forever.
Dr Octopus was like "Honey, do you see my blueprint? I can't find it anywhere"
That's adorable. Someone should draw that.
I have no answer for that,
but extra arms/tentacles can come in handy.
Well science does say our brains can easily handle an extra arm or 2.
I'd love an entire series based on theoretical supervillain daughters.
We'd have soooooo much Splatoon lewds if an anime existed…
But we already have so much if my Splatoon folder is to be believed.
I wouldn't mind lewds of the plant or the robot.