Degeneracy Thread

So this is what qualifies as comedy to jews apparently.

Other urls found in this thread:

that better not be a children's movie.

Of course no it's rated R.

I found a genderfluid feminist jewish hedonist shilldogger on tinder, should I post screenshots?

Many people were paid to animate this. They dedicated many, many man hours to making that.

God have mercy on us all.


what a coincidence


all disguised as a kids film


This is a man right?


might as well

is he a poor tranny attempt or an unfashionable gay? i genuinely don't understand my generation.


you know what, I don't know

this does nothing to answer my question, all i know now is that he's gay and catches.

So…. You gonna fuck him and give him AIDS or troll him into suicide?

couldn't even if i wanted to, i'm not a nigger.

It is made for adults with the brains of children.

But even then i don't think they will like this.

Could you imagine being one of the animators for this movie?

I hope Larry Kasanoff sues Seth, it'll be an Oroborous of faggot proportions.

It ain't a kids film.
in fact no one is sure at just who this film is marketed towards.

I think "Troll him into suicide" is the universally agreed upon action here.

I bet he has a nazi fetish.



for shits

let's be perfectly fair here, who doesn't?

I got blocked, well that was a letdown

Should have led him along for awhile if you wanted some lulz. Can't be blatant about it.

You know that's not even fucking funny.

It's just grocery store items having an orgy, What's the fucking joke?

absurdity. i imagine it's funnier high.

Everything is funnier higher.
t. Seth Rogen, "comedic" scriptwriter, never sober.

Anyone have an archive of the last degeneracy thread?


have you ever noticed while debating lefties online they will always type like this; LMAOOOOOO 'HAHAHAHA'' XDDDD or just laugh in your face like they are so much more morally superior than you.

They do that IRL too.

Good think i never have debated one of them in real life. I wouldn't be able to handle their cuckness and low energy.

I don't give a shit about the degeneracy of that vid.

But I'm concerned by the fact that it was completely unfunny. It was like seeing a 3 yr old use toilet humour.





do you think tyt realizes why the only people who take them seriously are either mentally or physically 12?

Oh hey look at that, the above average level's deranged kike whose only trademark is being a DUDE WEED LMAO non-actor gets to go wild and make the type of movie he wants to see and it's full of sex in it's lowest and degraded form, blasphemy and drug worship.

This movie is in no way "mature". The themes discussed or portrayed are done in real life by people who should have matured, but are 99% of the time useless trash only after their highs, cummies and poisons. Trash wearing human skin.

It's a facade. They think if they can project an air of superiority, you will feel out of your depth and back off.
That and it makes them look appealing to observers.

Louie approves this movie

I am seething with rage.

It was over before we were born. The zeitgeist never recovered from the hippies


I was thinking about watching that movie actually.

Not anymore.

Why would you have?
Seeing Seth Rogans name on a movie is an instant no for me.


Even for an adult animation, thats too much it's not even funny what the fuck?

The trailer looked ok. Now it looks like trash, and I wasn't expecting much.

Gonna have to disagree with you there. For me, anything to do with animated, walking, talking, foodstuffs which arbitrarily spout vulgarities is automatically trash.

Really, 99.9% of what comes out of Hollywood is trash.

What is with the rogan crew and cussing?
I watched 5 terrible mins of a million ways to die in the west, then sarah silverman came on and started talking about her ass hole and i quit.

I dont understand the every other word cussing and the laziest of lazy jokes

I thought the premise was interesting, but yeah.

We're actually here on pol too. Real hippies are voting for trump.

dead heads were supposedly a special breed who followed the music but the drugs and hype crowd came in and ruined the reputation and also turned whats his name to heroine by sucking his life force out through idolization



You said it yourself: it's lazy.

These people aren't genuinely funny so they cut corners.

Sarah Silverman and Seth Rogan, though, are in a league all their own, though.

For me, that movie Food Fight ruined whatever potential movies about talking food might have somehow had.

tbh lad this is no cheap imitation of religious worship
even the Romans had a limit they wouldnt cross in their Dionysian orgies

Its a degeneracy thread user


Who could have guessed these raiding faggots came from there?

What the fuck did I just watch? Also

kek. But still what the fuck?

This movie is very,very Jewish.

The annoying orange wasn't a fucking warning sign for you?


I… dunno how to feel about this. I just wanted to go about my life without being attacked at random.
I kind of feel like I wandered into an alternate reality.

not even surprised tbh

I can't tell if this is shitty bait or if this nigger is for real.

fuck off mentally ill tranny.

Alright, you know the drill. TITS OR GTFO

Beastiality is degeneracy but so y'all won't get triggered I'll spoil it this time

Beastiality is degeneracy but so y'all won't get triggered I'll spoil it this time.

Here's your (you), keep on baiting.

kek, I'm sorry user but you know the rules here. And it's good to know the mods are doing something for once.

although your post could've used a (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

God damn it. I'd almost completely forgotten that existed.

Fuck. That might have been worse, too, actually.

Atleast those posters keep things interesting for awhile, it gets boring hearing about the election all the time. I'm already tired of winning

Critics are fucking worthless. Test audiences were given fucking booze because the producers knew you have to be drunk to think that shit is funny.

People at Channel Autism are calling this smart because of the anti-theist message, which makes sense since most of the folks on that site are atheists that get on their hands and knees to suck Islamic cock.

wheres this so called message?
in between the anal beads for the hot dog bun and the eating the ice cream asshole or somewhere around the gay nigger rape?
fuck up the shut christcuck tbh

I'm an atheist and I think this movie is fucking stupid and unfunny. Therefore, you are wrong.

Don't you have like 6 fucking threads about bible thumping which are active right now? Stop trying to derail other threads with your shitposting.

Those AIDS sponges that call themselves "Atheists" would call anything smart if it had a anti-christian message.
They really are fucking stupid sheep.

Autism the video


Believe what you want. Point is sometimes I feel like I fell into the twilight zone. I mean holy fucking shit. I talk to some of my lgbt friends and I swear to god it's like they're goddamn zombies or something.

Only if you'll join me.

Pic related.

All jokes, snark, degeneracy, and smart assed comments aside.
I once dated someone who said her PTSD was more valid than mine because I chose to be in an earthquake zone and see a bunch of corpses in rubble and shit. She had the audacity to tell me that my PTSD wasn't as valid as hers because I actually saw someone to get over the trauma and didn't let it hold me back or some shit.

People on the east coast were weird. I'm happy I'm back in the midwest where things are a bit more chill.

Oh so you're serious. Kill yourself.

dude i ain't a christian at all, i'm just calling it like i see it.
Atheists are the sheep they accuse Christians of being.

Yeah, reported.

because they are zombies
being eaten alive by the pozz and worshipping the commies and socialists because they dont want to pay for their own IVF or HAARDTS nah they'd rather have the taxpayer support that

both sides of the fence LARPer
you see a communist and think an atheist
i see the pope washing and kissing muslim nigger feet and i think christian
quit the D&C and post your jew worship on
where it wont bait newfags and derail another thread

You cunts even know what channel awesome is? It's the worst of both tumblr/Reddit humor mixed with atheism plus. Brad jones not only throw James Rolfe aka the angry video game nerd under the bus for refusing to watch Cisbusters. He also made a big deal out of walking out of a movie with facts about the Democratic Party being founded by the KKK.
FYI Doug Walker later did a anti-CISbusters review when it was safe after the rest of Channel awesome personally attacked james rolfes

Fellate a gun barrel or exhaust pipe

What in the fuck, man.
This atrocity shouldn't exist.

Reality sure is crazier than any fiction conceived by men.

Post that one faggot who doesn't have any testosterone and has to take shots for it.

Plus ever wonder how progressive liberal critics gives this movie full of racial stereotypes a free pass? It's because of the anti-religious themes. It literally the only thing critics are praising on rotten tomatoes. Which the movie atheist message underminds it's self because the food see humans as gods. And human did make the foo. Seth Rogen and the rest of Hollywood run by atheist Jews. Sausage party also sexual revolution propaganda. Hell the lolbertarians are fapping to this to. Considering how Bronies are overwhelmingly libertarians. They probably literally fap to this.

If you are talking about channel awesome.
You have to be more pacific. Half their talent later became trannies.

Nah, it's like this kid who looks like a girl and I'm pretty sure he's british. Sounds like a huge faggot.


is a dirty gross out comedy film about food so deep and complex it requires a full theme analysis?

Yeah pretty much. Seth Rogen is a Islamic immigration activist.

That Film Brian. The movie Cobra triggered him. because it's a 80s action movie that anti-criminal and criticized liberal anti-police media. Not even kidding. It anti-criminal bigotry.

Ya'know, when everything goes downhill, and a civil war breaks out.

Do you think they'll put bounties on people like Seth Rogan?

I mean shit, wouldn't there be a dedicated group of people just cleansing the hollywood hills?


Every glowing review spells out the themes for you. Even though the movie already spells out the themes to begin with.

top fucking Kek
anal beads is now intelligent and witty debate

Just end your life

child grooming is now intelligent

I guess if Adam Sandler wanted pixels to be a hit with critics. He just needed to slap on a out of place anti-theist message and on screen male anal rape.

Internet killed the video star.

Violence and rape is always the answer, faggot!



it's becoming more an more entwined with political correctness. Liberals are just screwed in the head. They don't understand that sometimes a boundary or wall is necessary.

So, when do we start disappearing these people ?

You did.

You moron.

You shouldn't transition.
until it can be done properly, because at that stage there is scientifically no distinction there

Some would say you shouldn't do it period, you should work with what you have.

Jews love playing their role as satan it seems.

What worst according meta critic and RT audiences. Even normies are getting pissed for being bait and switch. They wanted a crude fart and Dick joke comedy. Not having a political message shove down their throats. Still their fault to begin with.

I can't even begin to tell you how haram that video clip is that i just saw with my eyes. It's pretty much the most haram thing I've ever even heard of. And it's all well and good them saying 'oh well, it's an 18 or R certificate so kids won't see it'… Well why is it animated in a way that will make kids go and download pirate copies online. I bet those same people put it out there on torrent sites to make it easy for kids to watch. They want to pervert our kids so that once gays and trannies are normalized they can gradually move into a peado-sympathetic movement. These hollywood moguls need a steady stream of children to rape and it's starting to dry up.

wait a moment, so how many "sex" scenes the movie actually has? it couldn't be the one at the end of the movie

Why does it not satire other values then?
Because people have an imputed restriction of freedom.


Political correctness.
Jews really underestimate this site.

we have come a long way
its only natural we go further

I wish it was starting to dry up. There's no indication that there are less "child actors" going for Hollywood in the name of useless fame and bare metal.


I sorta want to know why that thing is wearing spoons, but I also know the answer could ruin my day.

That's definitely to target people who are shut ins.

I wonder who did that.


Second image tries to turn neets on sjw side. Its obvious as fuck.

Because you're a man you fucking idiot. That's what men do.

This concerns me. They're now vocal in this movement and they simply have no perception of self, yet enough perception of the way things are.

Truly a sign of indoctrination of the highest levels. Fucking hell.

It get's worse.

My sister does psych. They teach this to them on sources I've looked up and discovered were poorly implemented or completely defrauded.
And she said she noticed a high amount of women in that field, compared with the new direction she's taking with psychiatry.
They don't do it to treat people (unlike psychiatry), they do it to influence the perception of the mind (what can be seen, cannot be unseen).
Soon they'll teach that men are psychologically oppressing humanity or some bullshit way to destroy the patriarchy. Nature disagrees though, spiders never leave their webs and are destructive.

The prospect of liberation is a good one.

This degeneracy thread is too tame.


wtf have i just watched?


Course, if Jenkem or the mudshark try to pull that shit in their home countries they'll be lynched to death.

Angry Birds

- Traditional, conservative
- Has family values
- Teaches you to protect and defend your own
- Mocked and voted down

Sausage Party

- Degenerate as fuck

I wish a nuke would go off in Hollywood.

You fuckers think that's bad? You should have seen the commercials before the movie started.

- Skinny boy teenager comes home, walks by parents, goes up to bedroom, turns on modern degeneracy music on smartphone. As degenerate music plays, he puts on makeup and drag and goes full tranny mode. When the transformation is complete, he goes back downstairs past his parents and out the door. Some bullshit about music and combining your taste and being able to do it via some app. I seethed inside. Someone behind me said "Gay!"

-Middle aged chef guy calls another middle aged guy to see if he wants to hang out. Second guy is sitting right in front of his wife at home. Says that yeah he can hang out. Wife says I wanted to do something. Second guy IMMEDIATELY says "sorrydudecantgo, gotplans" without hesitation or talking to wife. Then a rapid fire exchange occurs where the woman is thinking aloud to herself going back and forth if she does or does not want to do something. Each time she says yay or nay to the idea to herself, the second guy is "yeah i can hang out. wait yes. wait no. wait yes. wait no" Completely pussy whipped and another fucking commercial trying to show men as idiots subservient to men.

I look over at my wife in the theatre and say "I hate commercials nowadays." Redpilled wife gives me a knowing look and goes "yuuuup."

the only saving grace was that during the movie, when the bagel-jew and lavash-arab seperate and go back to their respective foreign food section, the other islamic foods ask lavash how much the bagel stole from him

That's kike "humor" for you.

since when is angry birds mocked and voted down?


Do you guys realize that the worst degeneracy is always related to sex?

How sex is treated in a society defines if said society will flourish or die. Heterosexual monogamy and societal control over sexual release are the bedrock of Civilization.

The fight against degeneracy starts with ourselves.

Start testosterone injections, stop the faggot pills, cut off contact with your fellow faggots and accept the fact that you'll be an infertile man.

There's still hope. Not as much as Holla Forums would admit there is, but it is.

No matter how bad you're doing in life:
There's always a demented low-energy tranny at a 1000x worse state than you at which you can laugh at.

small things in life

seems like the degenerate have "ask me anything" on his page

ask away bois, its anonymous

Top lel, just found a comedy fountain. I can't understand how faggots like Common Cuck are triggered by this shit, this is like seeing an adopted puppy in a new home being insecure and clumsy and seeing things it will not understand in 100 years how they work.









The whole concept of these types of comics is pure narcissism. These freaks have nothing of value to say, they have no depth and no meaningful interpretation of their experiences. As far as degenerate trannies go, you could expect them to experience some shit that is at least somewhat worthy of a story in the most crass cases.

Yet these failures make non-stories and non-events in to 4-6 panels with barely any dialogue regularly. Their lives are boring non-events and it shows. They have no skills, they have no capabilities, all they have is an "identity" which means jack shit.

they're probably in on it thats why

All about dat love, goy.




Does anyone have the edited version of the last comic where she's actually a hideous, flabby man and the guy says something like "Get out of my house"?

Haven't you heard user, faggots are our natural eiltes.

I don't do that, but when I debate normalfags or try to redpill them, I always will say something like, "Don't you know about the USS Liberty attacks?" "Remember the Anti Immigration Act of 1924 or the Naturalization Act of 1790?" "Haven't you ever read such and such?" and so on. It seems to work, because then they think they're missing out on common knowledge and it allows them to ease more into controversial issues.

Is down for anyone else? Just from the writers, it appears to be the most jewish movie I've seen in a while.

Story by: (((Seth Rogen))), (((Evan Goldberg))), (((Jonah Hill))).

Screenplay by: (((Seth Rogen))), (((Evan Goldberg))), (((Ariel Shaffir))), Kyle Hunter.

Five years on chans, and somehow I'm still surprised every now and then.

Hitler, why didn't you kill them all?

pick one

Same with the Romans. It would have been easier for it to happen then because the population was still highly concentrated in a single region and their numbers were probably a hundredth of what they are today.

lads this copypasta is old
seen these ones a few times now

if you really want to point fingers blame Nebuchednezzar
he had the chance to slaughter them all when their numbers were at their lowest
instead he just treated them like all the others and lost it all for it

Found that sick shit, hop on Tor first.

What the fuck is this shit.

No, I more question why Hitler didn't exterminate them since he was one of the first leaders to really understand their true menace. To the Romans or Babylonians (and even most Europeans) jews must have seemed a petty joke in comparison to their power, but Hitler had real insights into their nature, saw what happened to Russia and what they stirred against Germany, and yet still didn't kill every one of the fucks he could. I'll never really get it.


TradGrace, just fuck off already. You were told to keep your dumbass mouth shut but you just can't. Everything's always about you. Fucking kill yourself already.

So much Fedoras, So little Time.



Nice, someone uploaded it again. It was taken down sometime at the start of 2016. It had some 100k views at the time.

Anyone care to answer?

the 1 million mutilated freaks
because a petition can get a book altered and burned

The trannies win if nobody reads books

My rage knows no limits, GAS THEM!


This thread is a tool of the Kikes to shut down higher level discourse and the betterment of the white race.

+ Degenerate Content
+ Vague Topic
+ Serves no point other than to trigger an emotional response from the user and which causes real Anons to slide threads of real value.

/r/altright is that way —-r–e–d–d–i–t–→


is this post (and exact copies in other threads) the new shill tactic?

No, I am attempting to educate newfags on how to detect slide threads and shit-content threads.

just show em you er mom as an example =^]

Notice how leftist cancer just always regurgitate the same shitty memes?
God damn, what a cancer.

Lad, it's only a few months old, there used to be much more, and just as nasty shit.

Input cuckold pregnancy or yng or vyng or castration into tribe's google search form. Make sure you use tor, and have mace to spray your own eyes with to get the imagery out, or a bottle of vodka…

Might makes right.

I read every letter through this whole thread, yet I still think about bettering the H'wite race.


Now let's not be hipocrites pals; Bestiality, polygamy, pornography(free or paid online prostitutes doing dirty and low acts), lesbians, threesomes, foursomes and others degenerate too. Not only homosexual or transvestites. If you're not willing to admit that and you practice and or support by watching and enjoying those things then you're being a pussy and a worse hypocrite and cynical degenerate too and you have no right to judge the others. Cheers.

Now let's not be hypocrites pals; Bestiality, orgies, pornography(free or paid online prostitutes doing dirty and low acts), lesbians, threesomes, foursomes and others are degenerate too. Not only homosexual or trannies. If you're not willing to admit that and you practice and or support by watching and enjoying those things then you're being a pussy and a worse hypocrite and cynical degenerate too and you have no right to judge the others. Cheers.

Although all of us have done it at some point so we're all getting AIDS and dying of cancer.


These comics take so many panels to get to the point. They're so wordy and cringy we might as well be reading Tranny B^U

who the fuck thought that would be funny?

Charlie Sheen gets cucked by a 4/10 catgirl : the Movie

same here most of the time, but I really liked Superbad

They're jews. You don't need to understand them - just to avoid them at all possible avenues.



I unironically go through this shut everyday. Literally the only actually refilled person on campus is this VenezuelIan guy who hates leftism to it'so very core.

I have my Tavor ready. Just give me the sign and I will fucking cleanse this place.

I'm done. these people need to die.

and yet they are allowed to adopt children.

trannies are worst than fags

What did you expect from DUDE FOOD LMAO: the movie by the DUDE WEED LMAO man who is (((Seth)))?

30 mil is low for an American animated film.

I want a holy crusade against that filth

How? How did you? How in the fuck did they not get attention? How the fuck did cops not found this?
(((American government))) trying to shut down torrent sites because "muh shekels goy", yet (((they))) still didn't found this.

I know. That's why I stopped watching it.


It's nihilistic jewish self hate really. But it has some amazing redpill potential with Frank's lecture on truth and reason being more important than comfortable lies.

wtf that post came out the wrong way thats for sure.

let me repost that

I think Hitlers problem was being to nice and civilized. He probably thought he could solve the jewish problem with just diplomacy. I bet Himmler beg him to get clearance to kill every jew on sight, but sadly he never got it.

We, however, know now that we cant show they enemy sympathy, because they will never have any for us. We know now that the only way to win is ultra violence.

In order to save the modern world, we have to become the most brutal, the most savage men that ever walked this earth.

This is why most rural sheriffs will let you murder a meth head with no questions asked.

It was always a Divide and Conquer-movement, which unfortunately seemed to have worked on some, making them mentally ill in the process.





Dude looks like Shane Dawson.

I skipped around cause I'll be damned if I'm going to watch an hour of these faggots but… the problem with these caliber of people is the amount of rationalizing and explaining to themselves why this shitty, aweful movie is good in any way. And that goes for any form of degeneracy, the sheer amount of convincing oneself,

And then proceed to trail off on tangents and more rationalizing for the next 35 minutes. Are we killing these type on dotr? I'd sure like it if we would.

Trips confirm for a faggot that actually paid money so he and his step sons mother could watch this trash.

Kill yourself.

Get out, jew.

Food fight didn't even have talking food, it was living/talking brand mascots.

Annoying Orange was at least to some extent kid-friendly enough to get put into childrens' television networks, where it was at worst making kids retarded instead of degenerate.

Kill yourself.

Kill yourself as well.

Should have killed >her then yourself, faggot.

You forgot your quotation marks.

Kill yourself tranny enabler.

Surely somebody has the original.

Don't try to project your degeneracy on others.

Kikebook I swear.

Phuck. I missed this. I could have sent this to my brother with a big "Congratulations!"

Mind you, his wife would probably punch me.

Trannies are more narcissistic than real women, which is why they never find meaningful relationships.
They are the most selfish, self-centered people on Earth.

Pick one

someone use paint to combine these two. I'm on Linux so photo editing isn't allowed.

Here you go


let me sum this shit tier movie up so people like can stfu about "christcucks" and how this movie isn't in anyway anti religion and there is no anti religious narrative on the degenerate left (lol)

plot premise is the food products have gods (humans) which gave them all rules which they believe will get them into paradise, but it turns out this these rules only get them into their "gods" stomachs
after much pointless bullshit they kill their gods (humans) and fuck each other aka the orgy scene

"Kill morality goys and fuck eachother likes the animals you are" says seth rogan

I sure as fuck am, I was forced to listen to these retards in highschool when they forced me into SE because of a false diagnoses of ADD kill them all

Please God, just strike this Earth with a space rock and end it all.

That said, this movie looks like it is aiming for the 14-30 crowd that they are currently subverting. Why the fuck do parents allow their kids to see this shit?

I used to have loads of these.


Back in my day gay uncles are called child molesters

I love how people actuallly say this when Jew Rogen even called this a atheist film

You and Me comics are golden. I don't know what's funnier. The edits or they caused the SJWs writer to have another mental breakdowns.

Come on man, you could at least have a PTR or an FAL for removing commie filth.


Lokk at this shit, tasteless music focusing on shock value, and a an infantile fascination with pleasures of the flesh like a hormone ridden normie suddenly given a few billion to blow.

this is our generation on tv and porn, look at it.

I was jesting and making fun of the retards that do user

Look you don't need god to have a moral code, but just look at all the autistic atheists out there and there moral codes (to be fair religion probably couldn't save most of those degenerates and reprobates either)

Parents stopped giving a fuck and a good amount of people will be tricked into thinking this is an ok movie because cartoons