My 14 year old sister is a dyke with a blonde hair blue eyed qt gf how do I set her straight and down the righteous...

My 14 year old sister is a dyke with a blonde hair blue eyed qt gf how do I set her straight and down the righteous Christian path?


Your sister is just pretending.

You can't

pics or it didn't happen

rape, record, post

leave her the fuck alone you autistic mongolian


woof woof

Make her a nun.

Dick the dyke out of her.

This. Mind your own business you creepy, rapey incestuous, homophobic manchild.

She deserves the wrath of god tbh

That's a funny way to spell sapphic bliss

I don't know about your sister, but the gf is just confused; if she doesn't look like a beardless truck driver with a height deficit she's not a real dyke.


At least they'll die happy in their bliss if it's any consolation

Go ask >>>/christian/. We're not exactly proper christians around here.

did someone say Bliss?

Use the power of your dick to convert them back to the proper side.
Both of them.Focus on your sister though the gf should be considered a bonus objective as it is likely you wont see her again
post results
You better not chicken out or you will forever remain a faggot

give chris chan your address and tell him there is a girl who is shy about liking him at your house

Define dyke. Girls have girlcrushes all the time but unless she actually wants to bone her gf she's probably not much of one.

don't be asshole
be happy for your sister for she found her own path

love this

Get outta here

OP give her the redpill

nice double trips

I never said anything about rape or incest

They both look like normal girls, no short dyed hair or other bullshit

She's explicitly stated they're girlfriends. Beyond that I don't know what they've done when they're alone.

You're not really giving us much to work with. No pics or details on personality. What's her relationship with you? What's the family/parental situation? Do you live with her and see her regularly? What's the girlfriend's background? You need to specify OP, or you're just going to get a bunch of dumb, short answers (unless that was your plan all along).

That girl is a guy man…

I want to defile christ-tan

You're going to hell user.


I don't know, faggot. What does your boyfriend have to say about her?

hell is a hoax created by jews

Sounds good. No warning signs there.

I'm not inclined to give much of a shit (especially since it's not my problem) but if you're determined to work out sexual identity issues with her, then you may as well ask her if she actually wants to have sex with her gf. Because if she doesn't, she's not sexually interested in her, which means she's not that gay and probably just having a girlcrush. And if she does want to fuck her gf, then you know she's gay (or bi).

If you're worried about her, just be friendly and open with her and learn to talk about personal shit and life problems with each other (both hers and yours), and that generally includes making it clear that you respect her ability to make her own choices in life (otherwise people start hiding shit from you if they don't want the trouble). The only real danger is that she might join a LGBT thing and then run into SJWs who want to teach her how to be a crazy SJW too, and that shit can happen entirely without you noticing it until it's too late to inject perspective into the issue.

For the most part though, as long as you two can talk to each other about personal shit and trust each other, you shouldn't have to worry about anything happening because she should let you know.

All you need to do is fuck the Pam Pam out of her, OK? All will be well.

Where do you live? I'm sure one of us will be nearby and willing to correct her.

fuck her OP its your only choice

Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.

give her the dick and post the pics here


If you want a serious answer just try and talk to her more, and let her know that you care about her. Then maybe do some shit with her and when she really starts to trust you redpill the shit out of her and make her admit she's just being stupid for attention.

Just get her used to the smell of cum, and cum on her pillow every night before she goes to bed. Worked for me with my sister. Now she doesn't like the smell of any one elses' cum, but mine.

I miss the australian flag in threads like this.

I thought it was a girl pretending to be a guy…

I love this guy.

Good tip