Guess Who Else Joins The JLA Roster?



not fake,
remember,rebirth changed history somewhat
so this is the real lobo
orlando says so

Actually, reading through the article, it appears to be the real Lobo, and they might wind up exploring what the hell was up with Fake Lobo during the series.

That said, the writer is the guy who's currently doing Supergirl, which hasn't really been impressing me, so I'm still not feeling much hype.


This is a terrible 90's level lineup.

Or worse…Detroit level lineup.


…I don't see Gyspie in there.

The last time I know Lobo was in a team, he was a teenager and then a very skinny teenager.

And then he had a clone that ended up dying and then being cast to stone.

…Well, Gypsie is invisible.

Don't you remember Hereafter? It was one of the best Justice League episodes

I remember that episode. Vandal Savage being a good guy for once…and Superman looks good with an Aquaman beard.

The sad part is that it's a legitimate response.

I think that was the best part of the episode. The fact that, as it turns out, Vandal Savage is an all right guy

Actually it's a synergy-with-our-TV-shows kind of lineup. Why else would Vixen, Atom, Black Canary, Killer Frost, and the Ray be on the team?

Vandal had the benefit of mellowing out after wiping out all life on Earth and spending all that time alone.

He had a lot of time to read self-help books.

Well that explains the Atom armor. Though does this mean Killer Frost is a good guy now? Also is the guy on fire supposed to be Firestorm?

No, I think that The Ray.

oh ok then.

Articles are saying she'll turn good at the end of Justice League vs Suicide Squad, and that the ending of JLvSS will act as a setup to lead into JLA.

Why is Ice now a shaved-hair dyk –
never mind

Check this out.

It's Gypsy, Sue Storm, Invisible Boy, Martian Manhunter , Motoko Kusanagi and Space Ghost, and they're fighting The Gentleman Ghost, The Predator, The Dunwich Horror and Reptile.

You forgot about Big Boss, Batman, and a Ninja.


Looks like an orgy to me…

What an awful lineup. This is like that terrible period post Giffen/DeMatteis and pre-Morrison where the premiere superhero team of the DCU was made exclusively of characters like Nuklon, Icemaiden and Obsidian. Or the Robinson team where it was basically Infinity Inc., Congorilla, etc.

Or any of those shitty Avengers lineups from the '90s where most of the big members are gone.

That's not to say I want a team exclusively composed of the Big 7 but the JL should have, at a minimum, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, a Green Lantern (doesn't matter who) and Martian Manhunter. Then it can be filled out with whatever obscure/D-list characters you want. I get that the JLI teams were a bunch of no names but that was also sort of the point: it was made that way due to publishing necessity but in story it becomes a team of people you're supposed to view as no name lovable losers.

I'm especially annoyed by Vixen, a boring non-character who's never had an interesting story to her name or a personality trait ascribed to her who basically gets used because she's just about DC's most prominent black female heroine (and is still a C-lister anyway).

JLA and Avengers lineups are cyclical. You always start with the big names with their own books because that's what gets the numbers, but after a year of trying to co-ordinate between six other writers and what they're doing in their own books, who's dead, who's changed their costume, who's got new powers, even mad lib writers like Grant Morrison and Kurt Busiek start burning out, so they always switch to a b-team of characters that are either original or don't have their own books.

Unh… user… there's going to be two Justice League comics.

JUSTICE LEAGUE, written by Bryan Hitch and starring Superdad, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Simon Baz (Green Lantern) and Jessica Cruz (Green Lantern).

JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA, written by Steve Orlando and starring Batman, Black Canary, Vixen, Atom, Ray, Killer Frost and Lobo. The comic will also have more characters that will come and go.

how do they reconcile the justice league and jla? Are they 2 separate organizations.

This is why team books are completely pointless in this 'muh continuity' era.

You buy a Justice League comic, you want the original seven. In the very least you want Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, a Green Lantern and a Flash. But comic books now are so bogged down with continuity that rarely if ever can they maintain that line-up.

It was so much better in the old days when they didn't care about that shit

Why is Sue Storm now black? Why is Space Ghost some fat Asian? Oh and nice work on making the Predator a blonde haired white dude.

Take that shit back to tumblr

This news made my day!

I mean they could go the JLI route where that team has the JLI, JL Europe…and the comically hilarious, Justice League Antartica. Speaking of JLI, why can't they bring back the JLI?

Uhm…you got your eyes on? I see City Hunter Predator, Sue Storm not being a nigress..oh and Space Ghost is apparently interviewing Gypsie and MM.

I think they've done that a bunch of times.

I mean I know the one they planned to do after Generation Lost (which never came to be, thank you Barry) and the Nu52 version is good…but for some insane reason was canned. (Thank you, Barry)