My new cat

What should I do with my new cat?

Other urls found in this thread:

teach it to fuck dogs

Dress him in silly ways and post pictures on facebook

You can go in the school with him.

not funny

More background info needed. Looks fresh!

Yea just found him today, picked him up from a neighbor's yard

That sounds like fun

Fuck off normie

ur cat is kill

Shit i thought he was just tired, you don't think he'll wake up soon?


OP must be Ricky from Trailer Park Boys.

Make a movie with him


It's interesting how the hind legs are arranged. Perhaps already raped?


Most likely post-mortem, so who really cares?

Your cat looks dead.
Plan a funeral.
Wait, take it to the vet first, sometimes these guys are just pretending to be dead.

What is it? Jam?

Homegrown strawberry perhaps, no sugar added?


Thank you, my friend. Pluses exchanges of shock-content - your collection only increases.

Why the fuck is half of Holla Forums posting SRS pics these days?

wow man is this gore? i heard people used to be shocked by such pics like 20 years ago, it's nice to meet someone who is like 40 and still around, are you an oldfaggot? haha sounds silly , thats what they used to call you right?

take him to the vet, nao