Why is leftypol using Anarcho Capitalism when it seems right wing?

Not ironic shitposting here, it really could go either way. The capitalism is technically right wing right? Also is anarchy a left wing thing or a right wing???

Honestly there is a grey area here just shoot some answers up into here.

Other urls found in this thread:


There is nothing "right wing" about these libertine autistic ideologies.

Ancap is left wing. Capitalism and liberalism are both left wing.

because it isn't. you lefty faggots need to go back.

How much wealth has to be redistributed before the system is right wing?

Dont forget to sage. Dont give that piece of shit over at /liberty/ what it wants. Same for the /politics/ human garbage too.

All of it. Farthest right wing the king owns everything.

Anarchists need to die.

capitalism isn't right or left.

it's just one of the words that people use to describe the trade system of a modern society which is too big for bartering.

At first I thought this was a legit question from someone who is just retarded.

Then I saw the namefaggotry.

You already made one thread, stay in that one you faggot.

Oh shit you are right.
Unironic real life MEME WIZARD EPYC WYN is back.

Every time I see this image I hear of this song playing.


Sounds an awful lot like the farthest left wing.

Usually, anarchism is a left-wing philosophy. It is associated with movements that were cropping up in Europe. The term "libertarian" originally meant anarchist in Europe. Later, it was appropriated by Americans to mean an ideology of limited government [taking in anarchist criticism of big government]. The anarchist leftists can also be called "libertarian socialists." You can see it as an objection to the socialists like Karl Marx who were big government socialists. In fact, Karl Marx's biggest critics and enemies back in the day were not capitalists but anarchists. So, left-wing anarchism is an ideology that believes in no state as well as an economy where workers own the means of production. Attempts were made during the Spanish Civil war to create this world as fascists attempted to destroy it.

Right wing anarchism came much later with people like Murray Rothbard. I do not particularly know of it in detail. Anarcho-capitalism however is associated with the right wing because it is what you wind up with when you apply the logic of American libertarians [who are for small government] all the way to their logical extremes. No state with a capitalist economy is what the anarcho-capitalists aim for. I am not so sure why leftists would begin to embrace anarcho-capitalism unless they are moving over to the right wing.

As far as capitalism is concerned, it is neither left nor right. It can be either/or. Capitalism is an economic system rather than an ideology. But, ideologies can incorporate capitalism into themselves. American liberalism is left-wing and capitalist. American conservative is right-wing and capitalist. When compared to Stalin however, everything looks right wing so be weary of this strange left/right dichotomy because it is kind of arbitrary.

Ancap can join their brethens in Afrika, the last anarchist hold out in the world.

Kek smiles upon FPBP

Just with more coincidence.


Anarchists fail to understand that Anarchism is like dynamite used on a blocked passage. You use it once to remove some kind of blockage and then that's it, it's done with. They think it can be a permanent solution and that's where they fail. No one can be an "Anarchist" anymore than a person can be a stick of dynamite.

Checked, good point.

Hey just saying, Wikipedia agrees with me.


Anarcho Capitalism listed as a kind of right-wing anarchism.

Checkmate pollacks.

Holla Forums automatically assumes that everyone who isn't a tanky faggot is le fascist bigot.

Let's be honest. The problem there wasn't the free market, it was niggers. Niggers are de facto marginal producers.

Don't think I can't see your shitty meme faggot.

Go "farm loosh" elsewhere.

I am syphoning yours btw, I can do that

When lefties say anarchism, what they mean is anarcho-communism rather than voluntarism.

I feel like Holla Forums doesn't understand how Anarcho Capitalism works.

Can any of you actually explain what it is?

Mainly because I also am rather confused on the definition since I have so far been listening to Holla Forums for the definition.

Neetsocs are butthurt because they sound like commies compared to us ancap master race :^)

Plenty of Ancaps of high respect that were friends with Rothbard (Lew Rockwell, Walter Block) are in favor of the god emperor. Ancaps aren't lefty at all.

Who cares?

Left wing and right wing are a false dichotomy.

We have transcended the value in left/right paradigms.

We Nationalism/Globalism now.