I seriously hope you guys aren't buying any of this guy's books

I seriously hope you guys aren't buying any of this guy's books.

Well, post his work if it's so bad. What do I care about some random post with no context from some guy I've never heard of?

Holy shit, are OPs too retarded to make threads these days?

Not my fucking fault you've never read The Goon or are too lazy to download it.


Dark Horse Presents aside, I didn't buy a comic in almost a decade.

That aside, why do public figures that are not in the politics feel the need to broadcast their political views? They usually do it in most ignorant and aggregating way possible too. I am yet to see anyone who gained something from it that is worth alienating portion of their audience.

That's what I don't get, yeah yeah everyone is entitled to being an ass and what not but if you want people to buy your shit, maybe you shouldn't insult them for having different political views.

It really depends how much I disagree with his opinions.

He's a massive fucking cuck user.

You're better off bootlegging his shit.

Why put effort into starting nuanced discussions when you can just post low-hanging fruit and watch the (You)s roll in? If it ain't bait, it can wait!

Seriously though, Powell has a point. And OP goes on to prove him right anyway.

What is there to disagree with in Powell's statement?

Why do you hate freedom, pinko scum?



And then they wonder why sales drop like a brick.

I hope he grabbed those jug ears & went to town on those DSLs.

always with the communist iconography

I really like Hillbilly also he does not put this kind of shit in there, and he may have some dumb beliefs but his stuff is good


God almighty, that is one ugly woman

Fuck, not enough the genetics fucked up her head, but she must choose the ugliest hairstyle on Earth.

Worth noting Powell published Sugar's Pug Davis under Albatross Funnybooks years ago

What dumb opinion did he express?