Why do some people on this board accept Molyjew?

This is a video call to Molyjew from what sounds like a possible polack, although he's either hiding his power level or just a libertarian. Stef pretty much denies eugenics or any form of race superiority in this, despite acknowledging IQ differences.

How does he manage to look at the evidence at it's face and still deny it?

Other urls found in this thread:


video starts at 42 mins in for some reason even though I changed it to start at zero. Fuckin jewtube.

Because moly is a "stepping stone" o the redpill for libertarians. His views have also swung radically towards nationalism in the past few months and he is an example of how libertarians can be made into nationalists.

Love him or hate him he is a useful tool for our cause.

He's been warming up to the idea for a while. Mostly he doesn't want to dive in and say what he is thinking because doing so would be detrimental in redpilling normies.

But Moly could easily sink in that last redpill about race but yet for some reason all of his critical thinking goes out the window. He's useful yeah, but where would normies go for the next step? Most of them would just stick on Stef and not move on.

This basically.

And because he annoys leftypol to such a good degree.

I see what you're doing. Don't bother.

because hes a gateway or enabling redpiller, people often start on him (or higher up, say someone like bill whittle) and then work their way down the chain to TGSNT

besides, hes become substantially more based in recent months, try looking at some of his recent stuff and not things from 6months-2years ago

kk shill

Have you read his comment sections recently? People talk about race a lot on his channel. He also put out multiple videos comparing racial statistics.

The thing you young /Pollacks (from the gg days) have to understand about e-celebs is that while wholesale worship is stupid, e-celebs are out greatest tools for outreach. In their comment sections we mild and guide them to be closer to us and through them gain access to the viewership of thousands and millions. They are the portal through which we can guide the uninitiated. I am convinced the anti e-celeb drama that occurred during the evalion days were directed by shills and that their anti e-celeb efforts were effective at convincing gg /polacks because of their experience with e-celebs during that time.

In short, do not be a tool of an e-celeb, but instead make of them your tool.

You say that's happening, but I'd really like some sort of proof on that. Everyone says that about this, but to my knowledge most people don't move on. Has Stef even mentioned Holla Forums or Holla Forums? I know he's mentioned halfchan.

That video is old

Here have a newer video, dipshit

He doesn't have to mention Holla Forums. When his viewers look up the racial statistics he talks about they will be led here.

Are you retarded user?

I anecdotally know some blue pill guys I introduced to molyneux a few years ago who have vastly improved their views. They are not full /pol but they are no longer useful idiots of the Marxist agenda.

this video is from 8 months ago. He's definitely changed his mind in those last 8 months

He has.



He mentions this exact thing in the video linked in the OP, I'm talking about how he denies eugenics and white superiority.

He's against eugenics in form of government program. That's not because he can't predict the ideal outcome but because he's voluntarist.

In contrast to what? He acknowledges IQ, crime statistics, is against diversity. For the next step he'd have to go full statist. And he's already kind of there with support for Trump, but only as a tool to prolong whiteness - to which he sees as only capable of being AnCap with possible exception of chinks and kikes

nice greentext, your OP`s premise is a loaded question implying people who like his videos are wrong or not true Holla Forumsacks, courting the no true Scotsman.

you then water down the sensationalist bait title by going in detail about your beef with him not going full RWDS master race!

furthermore I will venture a guess you are not watching his videos that closely, for you have failed to notice his rather abrupt shift from libertarian to full on Nationalist, even himself did a short video talking about his shifting of views. Even race wise he got several videos discussing why dating people with cultural differences is not a good idea, or even how to take back out countries we need to produce more white kids.

tl;dr OP is the usual faggot that come bearing a preconceived conclusion and belittle anyone disagreeing with him, nitpick, or plain NO to to people rightfully calling him a shill.

if not a shill, a textbook useful idiot, which is worse, at least the shill is smarter for he knows what he does

lurk more, son

He's a great guy.
If you're a bernfag or a Hillary supporter, do you go to 8/pol/ and start adorning your house with Hitler portraits or do you listen to Alex Jones, then Molyneux, then go to /r/thedonald, then go to 4/pol/ then come here?

Also, it's pathetic how many people bash Evalion, Molyneux and Milo (who actually redpill people and fight against SJWs) while doing nothing except keyboard warriorism.



Holla Forums mostly replies to only these types of post, yeah the title is like that intentionally, so you got me there goyim

what does that have to do with my posts, i've explicitly said before in the thread i understood that, but how is it helpful if we aren't even able to measure where normalfags go after seeing stef, or that stef is ultimately quiet about the serious questions about race beyond simple race realism stuff

asking questions and trying to determine the value of something is nitpicky? if anyone sounds like a shill or useful idiot, it's you friend :^)

I find Molyjew to be excellent background noise. I do, however, ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LOVE his call-in shows where he shuts down a retard(Honest Conversation with a Drug User), some absolute degenerate spills their life story and he tells them they're pathetic (guy who's dating a hooker and bought her family a water buffalo), or unprompted starts off topic digging into a callers family history and making them cry or extremely uncomfortable (first caller in a resource based economy vid). He has some really eccentric fans who are very dumb who he outclasses intellectually by light years and the contrast is quite amusing

I actually liked Eva since she talked directly about Hitler, Jones is CIA shill, but Moly is alright

You can almost see the momen when he takes the redpill.

Reminder that Molyneux also bashes jews for hypocrisy.

if he acknowledges all of those things, why can't he go up to the next step? Doesn't it bother you it anyway that there's no voice at all for that next step of talking about eugenics and racial superiority?


He also has a conversation where a 34 year old married man with two children knocked up a 22 year old degenerate slut employee of his. The verbal scorn Stef unleashes on him is just music to my ears. Would highly recommend for any who haven't heard it

Pic related is a face he made when caller said he impregnated his mistress

I don't think we should lower our standards for the gay crowd, and e-celebs need to go.

Anarchists of any kind are cancer, too.

so when are you starting your videos?

You have a good point, but I still don't think we should lower our standards.

then go do your own channel.


No, but people need a way to take the redpill.
Shoving it down their throats doesn't work.
Imagine if someone came to you when you were bluepilled and said "actually, jews control the world and they want the goyim to be cattle so that Jews can stay out of work and be rich. Also, the holocaust never happened.".

Now imagine if someone told you "monopolies are bad, here's why. The major media companies are owned by just 6 companies - thus the media is an oligopoly. Their owners are of a certain nationality. Oh look, bankers are too" etc.

Same with Milo, Eva,, Moly.
That's the first step (and most important one).

I don't have the audience molyjew has, he already has the reach, all he has to do is say it.

he's already got most of his followers believing race realism, he could easily go in the next step

Because he's a voluntarist, I already said that. The issue is that you can't argue his position without going full Nietzsche. So from his perspective there is no reason to discard it, other than direct danger - which he at this point recognizes.

Yes, but that is up to us. I'm not sure what you're suggesting.

Some things are best discovered on your own, user.


If you're a fan of schadenfreude and disgust paired with righteous scorn, it's the absolute tits. Pic related is his face while telling him he "leapt off the planet of bad decisions."

(Alternatively just search Stefan Molyneux and Pregnant Mistress